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<br /> �Tq0$THF.�t WITH qA tho improver�cnu raw ot�:rca�ee crtt�rA on Ihc propeny,�nd oll cascmeNe,epputt<nancta.. -. .
<br /> - u�d fixroro�iww a h4�eaper a pan oF ihs prop�ny, All reptecemen�e ond additlau chall elso bo mvercd by thie Securlly;. --
<br /> ' Inswqient. Ai1nt�Mforcgoinglsrokrttd�oinihi�&curi�ylnuiunxntas�ho"Propertyl'
<br /> HORROWFat COVBNAt�f1'9 th��Boirower b IowNlty selsed ot ttw esmro hercby convoyed end h�f tta rlght tni$i�nt(: � .
<br /> ' and eonvey u10 Pto�e+ty and Na��M Propeny le unencumbeted,except torencumbrancd�of ruord. Darower warrantf a�td�:
<br /> ' willdefrnddrnerillytho�Idaa�hoPropenyogilmt�llcl+imeanddemand�.sub$c�roonyencumbranaeoFaco:d,
<br /> TIIIS SECURPfY INS77tU61BNT combinee unifohn mvenm�a for nailonil usa md non•uNfam rnvenanla with
<br /> IImIk4 varl��ais by juds4lulon ro consdwte n unifomt a:cndty Inswmcnt covcdng rcs1 Qropeny. ._
<br /> UNIFORMCOVBNANf3. Borwwcr�ndl.enQercovenmtu�dogreeu,followa:
<br /> � t. 19Ymen1 of Prindpd�nd Initreslt Prrp�ymeM�nd 4�Ie Ch�r�te. Bortower shall prompify pay when due iha
<br /> princip�I of ond Imerest on tM debt evidenced by tho Note end any prcpayment and lao chargea due un&r 0e Ngte.
<br /> — 2. F1nde for 7►xa�od Insunnea SubJwt�o appI IcaDla law or in e wdtten walver by I.ender,Bort4wp�sAnll pay to
<br /> � Lender on the day monthiy paymemB er..due under tho Nac,un01�hc Notc I�paid in full,a sum("NnAu"f,ti1C,41),yq�dy
<br /> - taxe�nnd asxssmenn which may ottain pflodty over thb Securtty(nswment w e Ilen on�ha-PropFny�N)�Y4ailg:la�tuhqiA,
<br /> p�yments or ground rcnu on the Pcoperty, if eny; (c)yearly hazud or propeny insuranFa.p{nmhlm�;,(rj},yquiy.QpoA�� -------
<br /> - Insmance prcmiume, if eny;(c) ywdy mongagc Insurencc prcmlums,it eny; end(p any-snmx pAyaAia 6ycyBdrrt7w,ct,m.- --.
<br /> . Lender,in eccordance with tha Frovisions of paragroph 8,in Iieu ot�he aynient of mottQn�e i�ira�mne¢prominmF._ 'LAew
<br /> . Rems ere calied"Cscrow Ilems.' Lender may,et eny time,collal end hoPd FUnds in en amounl.not to.oxsoeA-�6p.maaSmnm
<br /> emount a Iendcr for a kdcrally related mongagc Iwn may requlre for Botrowcrb escrow aoconnt•undar.a�n.Podr.tal�Rr:ni
<br /> Cstete&ttlementRoceduma Au of 1974 a�emended from�ime ro�ime,12 U.S.C.p 2601 rr-aeq�(7Rf5PA")„unlusa ana�Lnr
<br /> law that appllea to ihe f�nde sets n Iesscr amoum. tf so,lender may.¢t eny�imo,wliecl and.Anld�FLndc In.omamnnnp�mdn,
<br />..-__..._._.i-_ cxcced �ha Icsscr emount. I.cnAcr may estlmato �he emount of FLnde dua on tho buis oEcunnnfidntn and�mamnnhlu
<br /> - esiimates of ex�cndimres of Poiuro G'scrow lieme os dhenviu in accordance wiN eppIicn6la law. -
<br /> 'Ihe Mnds shall ba held In en institution wGou depasits arc insured by a fcdcrel egency,Inrxnimr.nmli�y,or emi�y
<br />;;a_�3�j (IncluAing Lender,if l.eaAcr la such en insiitution)w in eny I'cderal Home Loan Oank. l.enAer sbalLepp�y�bo CLnda u�pay
<br /> the Cscrow Itenu. Lender may no�charge Dortower Por holding and epplyin6�Ae I�nds,nnm�nlly ennlgcinQ�hv e:v.ro�v
<br />___x�,-�;1��, eccount, or vedfyfng the Cscrow iteme, uNess Lender paye Bartowcr imeres�on �he I'unds onA npptir.a6lu h�w�scrmUx
<br />� � + _�.1�I Lender�o make sueh e charge. Howe.er,Lender may rcquim Qorto�ver to pay e onc-timo chargo Por an.b�dr.penden�.mzl
<br />-;_�,-.�J:;T'� esute taa rcponing servke uscd by Lender in wnna�ion wl�h�his loan,unicss epplicabtc law provides mherxk:. Unlr,ss an
<br />" �� agreement i�made or appiicable law requircs Iniercs�ro bo p�id,Lender shall no�he required to pay Borm�v.cr nny Imerest or
<br />_-�i;:�{sQ eamings on iho Mnds. Dorrower and tandcr may egrec in writing,howevcr,�ha�intcroct shall bc paid omthe Fnnda Lendcr
<br />-���-'�rA;�r�t shall g(ve to Uortower,withom chuge,nn nnnual attountlng of Ne I'und�,showing eredite nnd�deb(tr to.eho Nnda end�ho
<br />:-„�i�'"�-�� ': purpose fa which rach debit w�he Ponds was mada 7Le Mnds ant pledged w edditlonnl�secnd�y Por nll�sums wcumd 6y
<br />-`:°z..,:`.;: -' thiaSecnrirylns�mmcm.
<br /> ° If�tR Raiw hei� :�I.a,i:er e.::d t6:amc::nta �r.:iited tc � !_!d by appli�eblc !e�r. Le.^.Acr!hr.11•arcn�nt M . .. . ._._,
<br /> BoROwcr for the ezcess 7imds in eccordanee with the requiremcnts of applicable law. If Ihc emount of�Um Nnds held Gy
<br /> -��,�- - Len�'er nt any qme ie no�sufficient�o pay�he Cscrow Items when due,Lender may so no�ity Qovower in wd�in�,end,in
<br /> �e��:���%,-� snch ease Bortower ahall pay to Lender ihe emount necessary to make up the deficieney. Barcower sholl mnke up dm ---___
<br /> Acficicncy in uo morc Ihan Iwclvc momhly paymenis,¢I Lcndrr3 wlc discrction. c.,• __"�-
<br /> Upon paymcm tn full ot ell sume saurcd by�his Securiry 6�suumen6 Lender sM1all promp�ly rcfund ro[3ortower any i+wtcs
<br /> Ponds held by Lender. If,under paregraph 21.Lender shall ecyuirt or sell�he Property,I.endcr,prior ro the acq�daition or ' -� -� ��-
<br /> : � sele of tho Propeny,ahall npply eny f•Lnds heid by Lender a� the Nme of ncquisition or sale as a crcdit against ihe sums �-.'.' ' .
<br /> � securcd by�his Saurity Insuumem. �"�="
<br /> t?r%,";I 3. Appllcallon of Pnyments. Unless applicable lew provides othernise,all paymeNS rectived by Lender under 1,,. "f. .. :__
<br /> � ,: I paragraphe I end 2 shall be epplied:firs4�o any prcpaymem c hnrges due un dw t he Note secon d,to nmoums payeb le under -i--: + _
<br /> , � paragraph 2;�hird,Io intercsi due:(ounh,w prine�pal due;end Ins6 io any late charges due under the Note. �'}+ ��.:�.�
<br /> - 4. Charges; Ltenc 6orto�ver shall pay all �aacs,essessmcnu,chnrgea, Mes and imposi�ions anributebie m ihe - - c•.�:
<br /> � , Propetty which m9y nunin pdori�y over this Securi�y InsWmeN,and leasehold paymems or ground rcms,i(xny. 6ortower !�- ;� �" �
<br /> : '. a I shall pay�hcu obligations in ihe manncr providcd in pamgraph 2,or i!no�paid in�hm manner,Oovower shn1l pay�hem on r< _ ' � -
<br /> -� �ti�, ' Iifne dlreclly�odhc person owed paymcnl. 6ortowcr shnll promptly fumish lo Lender all no�ices of emounls�o oc paid unacr y ( :'t ,.:
<br /> S� �'+�r. �his paMgreph. If 6ortower makes ihese paymeNS dimctly,6ono�ver shail prompily Pomish ro Lender rcceip�s evidencing _ i
<br /> 5;����srt,! �hep�ymenu. �'�
<br /> �t�! � Uortower shall premp�iy dischnrge nny hen wh�ci�has pnonty over�his Sewriry Insuumem uni�Borco�czr.(a)agrezs q :ji � �
<br /> �` �ti4' � in writing to Ihe paymeN of�he obligaiion xecund by the lien in n m;mner accep�nble to Lender,(h)coNCS�s in good(aith the �,�� �•
<br /> 3���" lien b or defends a amsi enforcemem o(the lien in,le al roceedin s which in the Lendery o m�on o ra�e io rcrent�he
<br /> ,._.;�i��.I Y. 8 � R P S D � P� P •r -
<br /> - .s r.'s�'- � enforcemem ot�hc Iien:or(c)secnres from i�e holdet of�hc licn an ngrccment satisfac�ory to Lender subordina�ing�i�e lien '�
<br /> '}H�i-��" � lo tliis Securit Inswment. If Lender de�ennines Ihal en an of�he Ro rt Is sub ect�o n lien which ma altaln norit �` �.�q�:
<br /> ,:.���,�,. Y Y P P� Y J Y P� Y
<br />:�-i••��.�.�. over this Securiry Insirumem,Lendcr may give Oorrowcr a no�ice idcmifying the lien. Bortower shal l saiisfy ihe lien or�ake _
<br /> ���"����:-,�"� one or more of�he ac�lons uf fonh above witl�in 10 days o(�he giving of notice. -
<br />' � -` 5. Hazerd or Proper�y Insurence. Oo�rower shall keep the improvemems now exiuing or hercafter erected on ihe °` � -
<br />- - f.�:,`-.:i.: u.-�:r`i.
<br />. Propetty Insured against loas by fire,hmards inciuded wi�hin�he�emi"ex�ended coverage"and eny o�her huards,inciuding
<br /> Ooods or tlooding. (or which Lender rcquires insurance. This insunnce shall M maiNained in �he amounts and for Ihe �,�. -�- -�.�': �
<br /> - . fbrm J078 9.50 rpuxr S oJb puRn) ..
<br /> _...' - t i - .
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