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<br /> ' RYye �qinta 6nnk� 2015 N. Broaduell tavenue� P.O. Uox 1507, GYand ieleNd, N6
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<br /> Borty-eive 4t�ou�nd Nine Hu�A c+nd no/100-----
<br /> pppuy(lJ,g•ga5�900.pp )• This deb�la evideqced 6y Bortowerk now dale4 the somo date a�this Secudty
<br /> laurument ("NOI�").which provides for momhiy paymems, wifi thc tull deb6 If not paid earller, due end p,�yeblc on
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<br /> power of salo,�ho following described propeny located in
<br /> Hall County.Nc6r�ka:
<br /> Lote RHa tiu[k3red Fourteen (214) and 'lvo Hw�dred FiEteen (215) in west La�+n� an
<br /> pddition to the City o£ Grancl Ieland� Hall Ooimty, Nebraska.
<br /> . r..
<br />.. which has thc address ot 1426 GCand Is;���Avenue Gxand Isl�y�
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