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_ .:. :- . .-_ . :. ,._ __ <br /> v� ... . <br /> . . <br />- . , .-',. ` <br /> a;tr�ulw x reoraty Ia�w�.nee sorcorver�hdl ktep�he �mprovan�, now sx7�pTn�Q�cr��'fliif'e�rict�e�,�en�ae . <br /> propenY,{rw(Kd Hdmt•!oN by 1Ir�.hirarda Irk�uded wi�hin the urm'extaidad corenje'�rkt anyyolhnt tyi�, (�I��AIa ' <br /> flbod�a tloodityrfur whkh iM�4sr�equitalneunuka 7hU lruunv�ce ih�ll bq nulnulnW{n the inwui�a lirr!fof Ih0 <br /> �hn•l:hWer..rarylra.?ta imuruico caMupruvIdin�the inwnnce►MII be cholen 69�orfbwer wbJtc("lo'(;�iker'�pptilv4 � • <br /> _ which d�all�ot be u�rrawn�bty withheid;if HoNower foib to nuln�aln wvertjo dfSCrlbal abovc;I�e�ld�r7n�9;�i:l.endtr'1 - <br /> opti6n,ob}�ii Cor•rrlge to praati Lerlder'�.�ilhb In the ktrpinY in ncCOtEutce�y91N qn�rwph 9. • • <br /> All htisurti�cp pollela wM ttntwals sholl 6e ac6lq+�ble tu Ltidtt aid�h�ll Inc1U�e a ciadud moH�a�tc ttWSS, I,tnOe► <br /> oh�ll fiive the rigAt to tptd the po)kia aM renew�lf,.If[.ender nqulrc�,Borrowcr�h41 pronip{ly�ve So t.ender dl rottlyl�al <br /> _ � pxid pre�nluma end r<newat na� tla even�of lo�+.Bormwcr sh�ll gtvo prompt w�lce to ihe Insururra curier a�d Lendsr� . . . <br /> , . -- - <br /> I.ender may mdce ProoY of toss ifnot m�de{�roroq�Y.bY qorcower. ' <br /> Unitss I.erKlu erd Bortower aherwlse sgree In wridng,insuroncc prACetds shnl!be opplied W rosiorollonoi ttpei�o�Ahn �� � �' . <br /> Propeny damaged,if the ratoratlon or rcp�ir i�economically Raslble and l�enAer•e eaurity la not Icasened:lF iha ttstorollnnat: <br /> � repair is not econonilcnlly Ra+i61e or I.cnder'e sxurity would 6o Ieumcd;thn insur�nce proacds sAnl!be app�fed to eAasGmn: <br /> saurcd by thls Sauriry Inswmae�, whether ot noe thcn.fito;wU1u ony.excess patA.w Borrowcr. IP�BorNwcr,e�npdoiu �hE <br /> Propsrty,ot doca not answcr wi�hin 30 days a no�tx fmnt,�uAUr U�ht IGrs Wsurance tarrlcr.has offetzd to ac�ua n dnLti�t6rn <br /> - . I.enAw m�y eollect tfio lnsurAnc�Proaed�. t.ender may:�s::Qui. ' ! ta ap,ztr,c+t restorp LL�Ntreny,oe:ta:�AY',4uma, <br /> securcd by this Secvrtty tns[rum�;nt,whether or not then da6.'f'he 34dagp�rSCd wiU kegio when li�a n4dCe'i.s g[ved.•.-�:.��: ..-': - <br /> UNes.i l.enbcr and Bortowcr othcrW(c:ngru In wAtlng, ttny e�piiC,[ion of��pc�cqds ro priucipalshnlR:o,r:t'exGt1�F�`� <br /> postpoiie'the due of�he nwn�M1ly pxyments rcferted ro tn paragr�phs°1 end 2�or�cLnnae the emount of�6u pp�(vlbnu:Ft�- <br /> under paregnph 217he Properry ie ucquittd by I.e�ber,Bozrower's dgqt fo qqy(nfiocu�epolicita end pcaxeds ttauldng:(rom• <br /> datiwge to the Pmputy priot�o the acqblsiuon ahall paxv to Lender to N�extent of t{�a sums secured by thla Securfly Instniment� <br /> - Imn�dlatctyprlariothaacqu(sition. <br /> 6.OavpxncY.Preservatloa,h7nintenance aad P�Ywcctbn of tNe Prupecty�Fucrea�er's I.dan Appikatian;,l.ezsehold�. <br /> 8u:.aow@r shnll occupy,establish,and use the Properry s+L'�eaawer's pdnclpal reelAeaa v.iihln slxty dnyq�at4ir Uio execvtton ot <br /> Or��uriry Instrumem and sha11 continue to accupy�Le FSq,"erty eti 13orrower's pGtactcal residence fao eG L7ext me year atter <br /> �ho date ot oaupanry,unie;s Lender o�henvise agrees in Rriring, which conunt shd!oa Do unmarnnnbly.wAhi�eid,cr unless —`- <br /> ._, extenuating circumstances exist �vh�ch are beyond Dortower's control. Sortowet s.haU not des�my� damngc or imp�ir the <br /> -� Propeny, ellow�he l�ropeny ta dUcdomte, or commit wawe on tho Propeny. Eurroaer shall bo in defauit If any forfeiture <br /> - ne�ion or proceeding, whGher clvil or criminat, is begun¢ha�Sn Lender's good faiihRtignxm couid rcsuit in forFeimre of the <br /> --� Propeny or othetwise matei'�nlfy impair the lien created Dy ahis Secudty Instrument tt l,ender's securiry intercst.6ortower may =_ <br /> =- cure auch a Aefnull and reiastate,ac proqided in parsgrap9 I8,by causing�he acti«a or procading ro ho dismissed with e ruling . —__-_ <br /> -_ that, in Lendu's detemiinntion, preclucks torfeiwre p(the 6or.ouvr's Intercat in tho �roperty or other matednl -� <br /> - :^pafar�.r ^';::e 7:;.�t w:x' by th:�&ec ^�;]:s:^_:::ere cr'.m.^.�r' sxc.�.� +.^��::s!. �r.c•r._. :hnl4 JN 4^_ i�n..r��i� �r -,...- -.-_. <br /> -"_� Bortower,dudng tho loan applicaiion process,gave maredelly talae or inncwrate information or stotemenls to Lcnder(or failed - -�_ <br /> to provlde Lender wf�h any mnterial Infomiation)in conneccion wi�h�he loan evidenced by the Nore,fncludinp,but not Ilmited - - <br /> �o,rcpresentetlons concerning Itorrower's occupancy of�ho Propeny os e pdncipal rosidance.If�hia Secudty Indmment is on e <br /> — Ieaschold, Oortun�er sM1all comply wf�h ull �he provisions of thc loan:. If Ifortower ecquices tee Utle �o the Propeny, �he <br /> _ Ica:chold ond Uic ko Utle shall not mergc unless Lender agrces to thc mcraor in writ[ng. <br /> �_ 7.Prolectlon ot I.ender's Righta in lhe Property.If Dorrower feitx to perfomt�he eovenants nnd egrecments wntained In <br /> Ihis Stturity Inslmment, or�hcre le e Icgal pracccding tha�may slgni0camly a(fxt Lender's dghts In�he Property (such as e -- <br /> - pr000cding!n bankruptcy,probatq for wndemnaAon or forkimrc or ro enforce laws or regulaHons). �hca Lendcr may do and ���- <br />_° p�y for what.vcr fe necessary to protcct tlic value of thc Propeny ond Lcnder's rights In thc Propeny. Lendcr'a ectione may -� <br />