_ l._ . .^�.��'^^�m��' . .l .i .• . � V€�
<br /> �. � � ��. ,� e . i
<br /> . _.: ;n. �,i�lt . : �„_ , "., � • - "' . . „' . :' w � !f. ..n .
<br /> ,. ��..e+��w�l,� ,
<br /> 1'OSi87'6IER WI17I�II tfie ImprovemaM�now or heraRRac frccled at the Propr+ty,�nd A1t a+ ,
<br /> fhipua pow'oi �eraflet� py! of ilie property,,AII replsoen�i uM «IOiHau �hxll aDU ba covdkd bY tld► SenYeitY
<br /> laN�ma�},NII of Ibe forc{olna I�rckrrod!u in thic 5avrity Inarymeal`iu U�e,`YropMy� .� - . ' `.`
<br /> . „HOpROWHR�OVBNANT9 QNt Bo{fowsr�a li+vfully�eixQ o(the etlele hereby xnJtyqi uid Iw tM ri�ht to{fant ar1, –'T
<br /> ro'nyey'the Property�+rd�A�t the Propeny In.unancumGr{ed.exapt for encumbnnc�f ot rewrd. Bo�rowtr iv�rtaiva«td wlU
<br /> dpfaid�q�er�lly the tit1410 the PropenY y{MinN allFlaiqiF.���a,wbJat ta eny enS�mbru�a�oCraord..
<br /> TN(5•SGCUR�TY INSTRUMBNi'Soni6llws uNfurm covenu�r;tor n�tiond uso wh;d nbn•uniform covrn�nu wl�b 11miu+d
<br /> —. vui�tlaubY)url�dlqlon�o constitiitep unlform iocudiy ins��zxnt rnverin;rc�l propeny. . . . , .
<br /> UN1�Aj1M COYBNANi'9.Bodower erd l.ender covcwn uid�grce u folluwe: , ' ' '
<br /> I�:P�yme�t otl41ndW1�adiMereeq Prcp�Yment u�}l.ate Ctar�a� Bortowgr�l{ProniGl�Y MY w6en due 0b ---
<br /> princi�n.P iuid interest on tha debt evidenced Dy tho NM4'ud mY P!W�Y�nt�nd lote c7u�rga due under Uw Kda .', •• '•
<br /> 2:I+Upd+toe T�xa wnd JaaurritC. SubJcU lo opplic:,blo!aw or w a written wptver by Le+x�sr.Borcowet shatl�p�Y,to
<br /> lsndor on tlp diry momAty,paynionte are duo undcr tlx Noro;'until tho Note 1�pald fn Poll:a sum(!Fundsry fae p)ytad�t lruca
<br /> uid assetsm[nn wh1�M1��+W ettnin prtority ovcr thla Secu�ity fnstrument av a Iien on tha Proppny;(b)YFN�Y lauhad paymenta
<br /> or ground ren;s oA.tha PropFrty,itany;(c)yculy hu.ard or propetty Insunnce prcmiums;(d)yeady 11ood tnsunna prc(niunn. -
<br /> It any;(e�yeuty rrtnngago insurance prcmlunu, it¢ny;and(4 eny sums psyeblo by Bortowet lo I.eMler,In accordsr.ce Wid� .
<br /> tla pravisionsaip�mgrdph•8,in Itw of thc payment of martgngo insurence premtums.7LfSZ Items are callcd.'L'scrow ktems.'
<br /> 4uMer may,aPany�tlmo,collect nnd hold Aunds In en amoun�not to exoeod tha rtwaimwu amount a�ender for�futcraliy- .
<br /> rcibted rtang�ge loam m�y requlre for Borrowcr's escrow eccount undcr tho fedcrel Real Fsteto Se1Uen�ent Proceduas Aq of .-
<br /> 197A as emcnded from tBno ro Ume. IY U.S.C.Scction 2b01 er seq. ('RESPA'),uniess nnahu lew thxt sppflcs to the Punds
<br /> u1s a lesser amount.If so, Lender may, at eny Nmc, mllece and hold Funds in an amount not to excrxd IAe iaser anwuN, - � .
<br /> Lender may urimet¢tho amount of�unds due on tho bnsla of curtant dala enA reasonnbla uNmucs oi expendiwros of Poiure
<br /> Hscrow[ronis or o�hcrwise in accordarxv with applicabla Isw. ��
<br /> 'ILe'/�unAe shnll be hcld in nn instituqon whose deposiu are Insurcd by u kderel egcnry, Instrvmenlality, or tntlry
<br /> (including I.endu,if I.ender is sucli en institu�ion)or in any Pederel Homc Lonn Bank.Lcndcr shall appiy tha Fuads to pay the
<br /> Fscrow Iteme.Le+�der may not ohargo Borrower for holding and epplying�Ae Fumt+,annually enalyzing tpe exrow eccounl,or
<br /> verifying tho Pscrow ficnu,unlas Lender paye Dorto�ver interest on the Fnnds nnd epplicablo law pertnits I.ender ro nwke such
<br /> a thnrge.Howerer, LeMer may require Bortower�u pay e anrtimo cherge for en indepe�xlent real estata tax repon(np servico
<br /> uscd by Lender in connxHon with this lonn, unless applfcable law provides oihenviu. Unies� en agmnxm fs made or
<br /> epplicabla law requircs interest to bo paid, Lcndcr shall not bc required�o pay 6orzowcr eny Intcrcst or camings on thc Funds.
<br /> Borrower and I.endcr mey egrec in wrliing, however,tlia� intcrrst shall bo paid on Uio Pande. I.endcr shall givc to Rortower,
<br /> w(ihom ehntge,an nnnuel ueeounting of the Punds, showing eredits and debits to Uio Pund�and tho purposo tor which each
<br /> deblt ro tha Funda was piado.7tie Funds em plcdged as adAitional secudty Por aU wms saurcd 6y�hb Sccud�y Instrument. ��°
<br /> if tF.e Fucd�held 6y LenAer ezcood Iho entounU pertniRCd to be hcid by uppilcablo lew,Lender shall eccoum to Rorrower _ - �-- �- � --�
<br /> for tha excexa FLnds in eccordance wi�A�he requtremente of epplicnblo la�v.If the emoum of iha Runds held by Lender e�eny
<br /> Umo ts not sufOcient�o pay�ho Escro�v Iiems�vhen due,Lender m�y so notify Bortower in writlng,end,in such cuse Bortower
<br /> shnll pay�o Lendcr the emount neMSSary �o mxke up tho deficiency. Uorrower shall meke up the deliciency in no moro then
<br /> twelve momhly paymems,nt I.eMer's sole discrc�ian.
<br /> Upon-paymcnt in (ull of all sume sceured by thfa Sceuri�v Inswmem, Lcnder shnll promptly refund to Dorrower eny
<br /> Mnds held by Lender.If,under parogroplt 21,I.ender shall acqufre or sell Iha Propeny.Lender, prfor�o Iho ecquisi�lon or salo °�i
<br /> of�he Propeny,ahWl npply any�und.hcid by Lender al the time ot ncquisi�ion or salo w n credit egatnst lM1e sunu secured by r��'
<br /> �his Secudry Instmment. G�_:,,�-R,,:
<br /> 3.Apylicaflon of Paymenta.Unless applfcable lew provides otherwise,all payments rccefved by Lender under pnragtephs .���;ttr'_.
<br /> 1 end 2 shall he epplied: (rs�, to any prepayment charges due under�ho Note; second, �o anwunla payable under paregraph 2; -�",:� --
<br /> thlyd,w imeres�due:founh,to principal dae:and laz6 lo eny la�e charges due under Ihe Nole. Y�,.�-�`='-=-
<br /> 4,Chergec:Llem.Borrower shall pny oll�axes,n.tussmems,charges, fina nnd impcultions u�uibutable to the Propeny �
<br /> which m�y euain prioriq�nvcr�his Security Insirumcm, and Ieasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Bovowcr sh�ll pay �u~�'��I'-' "°'"'°'`:
<br /> these obli nllons in�he manncr rovided In arn rn h 2,nr{f not �fd in thai manner, Qorrower ahall a �hem on time dittcli " °"'--
<br /> S P P B P P� PY Y _��.��;`����.��..--
<br /> to the penon otved payment. 13orto�ver ahall prnmpity furNsh m Lender nll no�ices of amounis�o be paid under ihfa paragreph. � +,%sr,—°=�—
<br /> If 6arro�ver makes�hese paymems direc0y, �ono�ver shall promp�ly fumish�o Lender reccipts evidencing�he paymente. s-c,.�'�
<br /> �! �-' -. . ��:_....
<br /> [iorrower shall promptly diu6arge nny Iien which hu prioriry over�his Securi�y Inswment unless Qorro«�er.(a)ugrps in �` n �����
<br /> writing m the p�ymeM of the obliga�ion secured by tl�c licn in a manner acmptablc�a Lcnder.(b)mmcs�s in good fafih the licn - �in�.� .°--4•-
<br /> by, or defends egalns� enforcemenl of�he lien in, legal prooeedings �ehich in the L.ender's opinian opemte �o prcvem the '���''1�•�. ,•�'..'."` -�
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from�he hoider of�hc lien an agreement>:��isfaciop�m Lender subordina�ing�hc lien w r:�'�}�`���'t^"":.-.
<br /> :.',:; �, �i�:--.::.��: -
<br /> Ihls Securily InsWmenl. If LenAcf delermines tha�nny pan nf IhC Prnpeny is xubjM In a lien which may atlain priorily over �:.,.'. - :� %� �.�� �"�.
<br /> : '-r� �'.::..�t�
<br /> thts Saurity hulmmcn6 Lender may givc Iiorcmrer a nnlice idcntifyinc�he lien. Ik�rm�rer shall srtisfy Ihe lien or takc ane or ,c �-� .�.f; �:i
<br /> morc af�hc ac�ions acl forth alw��c wi�hin 10 Jays o(�hc Eiving af nmicc. ; :: .�.,•t`.
<br /> .c: ' a,t,_':. .
<br /> '::���r.:,-.. .
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