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r F, . . . ._ . .--•�--�---'-'�— ._.-,_ :.—, - . <br /> <b.�. / � <br /> J bl . - . c .� , .. . -,`.,. <br /> ::.�xYi�ilAil . ..� . . - - � .r . . - . .. .. :� ,�. <br /> ._ . . .�. J . . .. <br /> 93, 1 s. <br /> s..wpua qe h�pktr Iraw+rc! 8qrcow�et tluG kap the�l,now airclaa/�aUl��encNe�on�.n,is,` j` <br /> lYopMY�nturoA•�idmt fim Nrardi Inciuded within�la tam'exknded covsn{e'ud any aAer Lar+rdr�.InFi4di�� <br /> iloodi or��oding.fa whlch l�srder requirea WurNCe,'fhN Inwnu�as+`a�l be mdnWned In Ila uiwueu ud for We pFdadN. �� <br /> ' tMt,j�erAer rWyiret.7Te imururce pttip'providlha the IMUnace�hdl be cla�en by 8ortowet wbJpct lo lmdec'��ppppvuRi {! <br /> whtch slu�l na ba unreuonably witMdd:If BFunwet 61I�to mdduin roverue d�scribed abovc, Ixnder nuy,�I ERnA�tr'a: i�' <br /> � opcion.ob1�In mvengo ro prdwt Lendet'�tlgAts in tho Ptoperty fd�ocordtrwe wlin pn�nph 7• rs <br /> �111rtsurwico poticks and rcnswds s1H116e�ccepqblG tu Lertdt+uld shtll includo a stW dacd nwrtgage cWusc:t�enAnor - <br /> ; sh�l1 have�Ae right to latd the polkfd�nd ra�wd�.Il l.e+da rcqulra,BoSrox2r c1uJ1 proripiy�IVO to E�twter�IL rtcciqn eEi <br /> a, <br /> __ _ __.._. pr�M p�emiums end renewal nalces:In Ihe evrn�of losa,Bortowcr sh�ll give pronipt tKKice to�he Insutwce carrlu ant{1.enACt.. --�-. ' <br /> Lender mq mJ;e prooFof loss if na m9da Hortnwerr ' � <br /> Unlas t.e�der end Borrower aherwiso rgtpe in wriqng,imur�Me proaed�stwll be�ppticd to restonUon ocrepale.ofNrt. <br /> PnpenY dartu8cd.if�ha rescora�ion or Yepi(r b economically ftuibic aid Lcnder's ucuri�y i�not tessened.If tha restan�ieatx. <br /> rcpatr In not ecoiromiraily feuibio or l.eoder'e�afliy wnutd t�lessened,�he Insurcnce procmJn shalt be�pplkd to Wr,suma <br /> ' � saurW by thi�Sccu�ity fnswmrnt, w6eWeror not then due,witA uny aocs�pald to Hortowet. IEBortower ahonrlAria-�fiii �_ <br /> Pivpeny,or uaa na azswer wt4h(n 30 doys a nodee from Lender�tu!the lasuru�ce curier Iw�otkrtd to selUa a cta)n�,thdo-. —. <br /> , .,;; ,i�iwier may cnilxt �he incunnca praad�. Lender may use�he procads to rep�ir or ra�oro the Propeny a to.ppy:•sunrn <br /> sp�vted by thls Security instrvmen4 whdLci w not then duo.71a 30-0ay perlod will begin when�he wUtt Is givcrt. <br /> � UNas Luder ond Bo�roa�er oNeewis:agra in wridng, any eppHcadon of procada �o princip�l shali not cxu:nd�cr. <br /> , :��:ist�ono tho due da�e of t6c monthty paym�afs rcfertM to in paragrophs I and 2 or change�he anrount ot thc paymr.ntg.I1: <br /> . - � tircd,i�aragroph 21 the PropFCly i9 acquircd 6y l.ender.Cortowu's rigAt to my inwranm poticles end proceai9 ttsuitaa frma� <br /> . : '�4.�aaga�o thu Propeny prioc to the ecquisition shall pass to Lender to eAe extem of We suma sewrcd by�L)s Scaidqr Iasuument� - <br /> - - '_���w,;n;diate(y,p'ry'mitothcYcqais3don. ---� <br /> • • ' 6.Octop�huey,Preservation,llfafntenance and Protcctlon of t1a Flroperiy�Bortoxer's Loan Appl3�ititrtr,Lea�eDnb9n. <br /> - � .�,C16rtower sAoll occupy,u�ablish,end use�he Propeny as Bortower's principal rcsidence wi�hin sixty days aRcr.t`,:eucution ot. <br /> - t�is Securiry Instrunxnt end shall conOnue to ocwpy the Propeny a+I3orrower'e princiQal rraidence(or at t�as�ene ycoi-e1G:� <br /> -tbe date ot oavpancy,unlea�l.eoder oiherwlx agrces in writing, which consent shall not ba unreasombly wiiMcid:or velfiss <br /> extenuating circumstances exist whtch er: beyond [iorrower'e control. Dortower shall no� destroy, damage or Impplt.o5r. <br /> Propcny, ¢Iiow tho Propcny a detedorat:.nv commlt wasic on tho Property. Bortower shall te in defaull it ony [orfctnum- <br /> ection or procoeding,whether civil or crini�.l, is begun�hat in Lender e good faith Judgment ooutd result in forkiare o(t5�- <br /> Pmporty or aherwlae mnmdelly Impuir d,x tli:n created by this Security Instrument o�Lender's secudty Inurest.Borrower.may <br /> curc such e dofault and reinFlatr,aa FroriSd In pafagraph I8,by causing Ihe ecUan er procccding to be disnilssed wtih�a�util�a . <br />- -- thnt. In LenderS good taith de4rsutest8wi.ffrceludes fortelture of the Oortower's intereat In�hc Propeny c�aher man:dal. <br /> _.,.°--- --.- i�pa:�sr,t'.,,,`.•� tl:a.r^::d by tt°s.�.�.er�/ o:4r,�:':::=urla; !^tsral. �rr�er sh�l! ���•h. ��n���ute�t6. ,- - . . <br /> = Bottower,dwi:t�[he loan applieation paroeas,gave materially false w G�:curate informntion or stat�mcn�a to ler�',:r(6afai6t�f <br /> - - ro provldo Lender wi�h uny nwrerial Infanur.iaU in m»n��tiion wltA e..'�Iwn evidenccd by�he Note,incluJiog,tcA.not IublG,d� <br /> - or,mpresentations rnnceming Qorrower's ttcupaney of cha['ropeny as e pdncipal residenee.If thla Secud[y{�na�ent ie ae a <br /> - <br />