.' '�' - , . . _ ' '; .,„ _.�..,._....,_,_,_.-__ . ..._ ..�_ �. .
<br /> ' �' ' t' `_ (i / �_-{r . ��.. �' � •!�!� ��i►l.lR711-�. ..
<br /> � '4'�6i'HHR Wt1'H�II Ure en �Srir�a�lla,ueaW m i�eprbperty.r64�tCa�+el�u����
<br /> •' flAwra aow a t�aftsr �pn ,th L^.i''•!�1 " .. , t rW +dQlttww �Ii�w ee'coraee by thk , . .;
<br /> �nx,wueM.���otue r«aolN�f mt�}t�`th��l.sa�u�Suqymrnt u lfa•PropOnY;• .. :'�r
<br /> AORRUWLR 4'�1'�1�jd1MT$1}�h��f,vwe►ia►+wr�u���(tdjOf tha e.;t.t�(xtibY wnveyed�rd tw i?a�I{ht ro�r�n1�nd �
<br /> — carivcy lh3 t'rope[ty��PM1 6�htlUli Y la 6iiroccm6erN sz.spt.foe qicumbtNKYa ot rccord. lbrmwdt wu'nM��nd wfll , ,•
<br /> deftnd iena�l�Y�hn'Ikln la th4 �i�{+1rot pll'ddrra u�d dsnutd�;'subJect to�ny e�ctimManch of moni.. . .. .
<br /> , .. rNiS SECURrPN,1N0'1'R1�147'mmDJha unlform inxcr�ids toe ruQawl�uu�nd non-unlfortn c6venan�e wl�h Ilmliad
<br /> vulNlutMbY14�1�dkllon�pconqllqtR.u:Uh1(Rtm�ea�tl�Yi!�tft{UVhriCCOVe�(ryrcalp�peny. , ' ,,.. �
<br /> UN�F4IRM COYfiNAN78:L'art4!trkr Alid�pq�t�(f TJVCMfI[�nd tgtt0 a91o11Qx'a:
<br /> _ ;1t N,�r+liM 0!Pt1�AC1�17a+Nd�frtt4M1�11roCP74��'ud lale C�:.�ortawu.shill P��W�Y P,�Y�whtn�duo 11b - - —
<br /> pr[nct �[pE�tu](Merietont�eda4epvWw�le,ZdDy;Uln.No�qand�nyprcprymuNaaplMpchugadueundetitroNae. � .�_
<br /> "�:1�ke:�toe Troca ied ifm�r.r�r.c.,SUhJr,et.f!��ppl�e+blo IAw or to a wrliten•walvu by 4erid=r,Bortnxxr,slull•paY.to.
<br /> Len4r on the day munthty paymemn are daa Un�tg►itus NaE.umll ihe Nao Is pild In tu11,n sum(1FuMsry Pon(�)Y Y tua+
<br /> � uid usessmenn wi�lch mny oualA p�lor7yy:qaFt�hti Stcu�Ity IpsErvmrnt u a Ilen pn the Propcny:@)Yearty Iq:�yii�eMt —
<br /> • agnwndremeonNrt4rop¢nycitenY4(C?fFVilyBwrdorptopenylnsuntt�prcmiumti;(A)YtarlY(lu?dlnwranoeprcrcdumf..
<br /> ItanYG (e)Yculy.mnrtgogc inrur�nceprtmjumr,lf cny;erd(0 ony aumv p�yrobto by Horroxrr,to Lenkr,ln kcordaace.irlth�
<br /> �Ae provLslonA of pncsar�p�C 8:irt liquof I�e paymeet of mong�ge insumnce premfum�.71KSe Ittmt aro ulted',EscmvrGemt•'
<br /> Lenlc��mny,ot anp tlmc,rnttect�end Apl�Funds in en amMjiih no�to exoced the maxlmum�anwunt a Itnder for.p.fedadly
<br /> - rclucd marigpge lo�n may.ra0.4f[e-f�7c�E'afspwCr'�escrorv•occonnt undcr�hc hduxl,Rea1 Rsute SUdcnxn{ProaduXa Ap�of� ..
<br /> 1974 as enunded fwm�imc to�tmo..li 0.S'.Q:Secilnm�2G01 et xq.('RI35PA'),wtess aa��Aer law tt�eppllt�to ths OuMs
<br /> . au a Itsur mioJnt. IP so, LenrWr,mny� aG any�-�Intn�-¢altr.ce end hold Punds in m anwuN-mt:to exacd'the Iaser.�nquM�
<br /> _ (cnder may estimate�La onwuneof:FLnda dna.en.ihm4nsie af.cvrtcm dou ard rcawnzbte estl�tts of exprnditures oFPoturc _ _
<br /> Escrow Itemn or aherwlm tn accardnnce wiQi u4pl:exD6t 1ow� -
<br /> 7'he FLnds shnll ba hald�Ia•anJquB!�tSon wfwse daposfc� uro inzurcd by a kdcral �cncy, InstNmenulity, or enttty .
<br /> (including Leader,Ii Lendar is sucR An Irstlmtlon)or In eny Federal Ifome Lo3n Banfc.Ix+�der shall apply the F�nds to pay�he -
<br /> P.scrow Itemr.4cnder may nM cAnrge_Borrower tor holding end epplying�M1e tL�ds,annually�ulyzing the escrow aawunt,or
<br /> vedCying�ha Fscrowdnims,unless Lcrder pays Bortowcr Ir.tam.s�on the FuMs and eppllrable law pcmilt�L.endet lo nUko wch
<br /> a cMrgc.Howevcr,tander m�y rapqier.Bonowcr�o pay u cnr.�t)me chargc(or m Indepandent rcal catate uue rcponing xrvico
<br /> used�by-lknAanln.canncstiart.wllA���4Is loan, untesa eppltcabto law provldes oeAerwlsc. Unles� an ogroenxm Is nude or
<br /> epplicablc lew rrqylrca Intrtn:n w h¢pild,Lendcr ahall not be requfrcd ro ryy Bortovrcr eny Intuut or camings on the Futde.
<br /> Borrower end LenMtc mny epmein•wriHng, how�ver,that Imerat shall be pald on thc�wd�. Lcndcr sM1sll givc to fiortowcr,
<br /> - wiJ�out chnrga,e��•annnaL'accauntinQ of the Punda, showin3 credlu and debits lo the Funds end the pcapose Por ahlch eath
<br /> _ _ debin unQic Funda uros iitnAa.Thn Nndc nre D�edged ns nddltional secudty for ell sums securcd by�his Securi�y Inst�ument.
<br /> [Qlhk Nnds hcld by L.endur eRCCed�he amounts permlucd�o bc hetd by eppflcable law.Lcndcr shall attroum to Bortower � ' � �� �- -- � �� - -
<br /> for din�cacess FLndn in�nmqrdunce�vlth thc requlrements of eppllcable law.If the anwum of[he Punds held by Lu`Cu et eny _
<br /> tlme is not sutfaien6tn_ppY�dte E.urow flems when due,Lender may so r.otify Dortox�er in oTiting,end,In such ase Bortowet
<br /> sho16 p:1y nr I.endar�Im emount necessary to make up ihe defictency. Iturron�r shall ntice up tAe deficlency In no moro than
<br /> -- lwclve manUily poymcntn,a6Lrndcr's solc dlscrctlon.
<br /> — Upca puyment in�(ulU afi all�sums ucurcd by �his Smrity Incuument. Lender shall promp�ly refund lo Iiolrower any
<br /> -- FLnds hcld by Lcnder.If,undur pnmpr�ph 21.Lcnder shall acquire or sell�Ae Properly.Lenler.prior to�he acpulsitlon or wle
<br /> of ihe Propeny,shnll uppty any Funds held by l.ender et�he tink of ecqnlsitlon or sate us n credfi ngalnct lhe sumv secured by �
<br />. — thls Security Insimment. r�a�_�.,� �
<br />_T',j 3.Appllcatlon of Wyments.Unlev applirnble law pravides oihenvise,aIl paynunn rcceh�ed by l.cnder urder paragrepha .�:k-�°"-
<br />'.ttd 1 and 2 shn14 be epplied:firs�,to eny prepaynxnt charges dua under the No�e;second, to amoun�s payable under pvagreph 2: �'�^=�-
<br /> --'� thlyd,m interest duo; founh,w pdncipal duc;end las4 to ony Ime aharges duc under the Note. �`""r'^=�
<br /> ,_,� 4.Cha es;Llens. [torrowcr shall all taxes,asscssmeme,char es.fines end Im sidons ettributablc a the Pro n F'�%;>�"`-
<br /> �G P�Y B P� P� Y �....�
<br />---= whlch nuy aualn priurity over�his Securi�y InsmtmenL ard Ieuehold papnents ar ground rems, if uny. �ortower shall pay �r�r"'t_`'�"�°
<br /> -= thcm obli�nqorts in ihe manncr prmidttl in paragraph 2.m if nnt�raid in tha�m:mncr.Oorron�er shall pay them on�imc dircc�ly p, �-----
<br /> lo Ihe person owed pnyment.Borrower shall promptly(unilsh to LenJer nll noiices of amonnu�o be paid under�his pzmgraph. »�s�u:.��F.
<br />��--i'� I(13ortower maka�hese paymeme din�ctly, 6ortower slntl pmmpd��Pornich to Lender rcceipu evidencing�he paynxnts. �-:i�`'��:,,�
<br /> Dorto�ver shall promptly dischnrge nny lien which haz priori�y over�his Securi�y Insuumem unleu iSorrower.(a)ogrees in � � u��;-�
<br /> _�� wri�ing�o the payment of the obligaiion securcd by�he licn in u manner aa�ep�a6le to Lender.1b)mmests in good felth the Ife� _. , ��.r .
<br /> by, or defends agains� cnforccmem of�hc lien in, legal proccedings whirh in �hc Lcndeis opinian op.reM to prcvenl 1he +� '� _FM
<br /> �.�;�� rnforeement of�he lien:or(c)securcs Gum�he holder nf�he lien an ngreeuxm+atisfactory to Lender+u6ordinatine�he licn ro ' r; - :r
<br /> this Sewriry Insuument. If Lender detem�ina}�h:n any pan nf�Ce Prnpeny ic aubjec� io a lirn �ehich nw�y ouain priority over �� ., .. .
<br />,:,5:� .. �ig, -.,
<br />°:i,
<br /> Ihls SecUriry•Inslrumenl.Lender ntay gi��e Iinrmw�cr a nnlice id.mifyinp Ihe licn. Iiorrourr shall satisfy Ihe licn or�akr onC or
<br /> more of Ihe aclionc set forth above wilhin 10 Ja�.nf Ihe giring of notice. - �'
<br /> ;r.t -
<br /> - Form30Ye 9/30 -,"::�'.�", `..
<br /> eye)UG
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