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<br /> ��i condemnation or ahcr taking aP ony pan ui Ihe!'mpeny.or ior convcynnr.e in lieu oF condcmnauon.w�e hereoy ass��neu anu
<br /> � rhull bc puid to Lcndcr.
<br /> _ — In �ho cvent of u tatul �uking of�he PropcKy, �hc procecds rchull bc npplied u� the xumx �cured by this Security
<br /> In�trumcnl,whether ar nat then duc, whh any eace�++pAid to porrower. In thc event of n puniul taking af the Propeny in
<br /> -- -- wltich thc fntr markc,K value of thc Ih'aperiy immcdiutcly bcfarc thc tuking is equa!tn ar greu�er then the mm�unt nf ihe RumR �
<br /> _ -- xccurcd by thia Sccurity InRlrumenl immedfutcly hefnre the taking,unless Bormwcr and Lendcr othenvise ugtee in wriling.
<br /> • -=a the xumx�ecured by thix S�curiry Ins�niment shall ix;reduced by the Amount af the proceeds muldplied by the following
<br /> -s-- =_-' fi•,u;dan: (ul thc total amount of the�suma serured immediately befor+e the taking,divided by lb)the fair market velue of the
<br /> --- PmpeAy immediutely befarc the laking. Any balunce ahull be paid �o Borrower. In the event of u purtiul taking of the
<br /> `�==------=--�°'--°`-� Property in which the fntr market vulue af�he Property immedfntely hefore the tc+king is less thnn�he amount of the auma �
<br /> hecured immediately before the toking, unless Borrower und I.ender atherwise agree in wri�ing or unleva appllcable luw
<br /> - � athenvise provides,�he praceeds shull be Applied�o the sums secured by this Secu�iry(nstniment wheiher or not the nums ure
<br /> - _� then due.
<br /> ��_;� If the Property is abandoned by Borrower.or if,ufter notice by Lender to Borrower thu[the candemnor offers to muke
<br /> _ __ ;;�,�, �-- a�nwurd or setUe u claim for damages,BoRawer fuils to respond to Lendcr within 30 duys after the dute ihe noticc is given,
<br /> - �_°""`�• � Lendar is authorfzed to collect und upply the proceeds, n�its option,either ta restarution or repair of the PropeAy or to thc
<br /> --�=..,.- - '�- sums r+ecured by this Sccurity Instrumcnt,whe�her or nut then due.
<br /> —��,�„
<br /> - - -- Unless Lender und Borrower otherwise u�ree in w�iting,any application ot'proceedc ro principal shall not extend or
<br /> '- -- "�'�'"'"'��i'•: po�tpone the due dute of the manthly puymem.r•refermd to in paragruphs I und 2 or change the amount of tiuch payments.
<br /> �°�°�� �' 1 L Borrower Nat Released; Forbearonce By Lender Not a Waiver. Extensian of thc time for payment or
<br /> �=-��`` modification of amortization of the sum4 secured by this Security Inr�lrument gmnted by Lender to any successor in interest
<br /> •°���.T��_ . oF Borrower shull not operute to releuse the liubility of the originul Borrower or BoRawer4 successors in interest. Lender
<br /> .=.�ju� � shall not be required to commence proceedings aguinst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for puyment or -
<br /> _a�.s :: --
<br /> _�.t,�,��,- othenvis;e modify umoni�ation of the gums secured by this Security Instrument by renson of any demand mode by the originu
<br /> � ���*�` Borrower or Borrower's xuccessorx in interes�. Any forbeurance by l.ender in exercising any right or remedy shall n�x b�u °
<br /> „�� S wuive�of or preclude thc exereise of uny right or remedy.
<br /> - "'�`'����� 12. Successore and Assigns Bound;Joiot and Severel LiabiUty;Casigne�s. The covens+ms und ugreemenis of this
<br /> -'�'�4i"'`-�=`-'"°' Security Instrument shall bind und benefit Ihe successorn und ucsigns of Lender und Borrawer,subjcct ro the provisions of �
<br /> �-'��•':.,.r�r�?, parugraph 17. Borrower's cuvenaMS and ugreements shull be joint und severul. Any Borrower who co-signx tbis Security -
<br />,r`_•��.:�� Instniment but dre5 nrn execute the Note: (n)is co-signing this Securiry Instrunxnt only to mortguge,grunt und convey thut �.
<br /> .�:�.#��;;; � .:,{�• �� Borrower c interest in the Propeny under the tcrmx of Ihis Security In�tniment: (b1 ix not pertionully obliguted lo pay Ihc sums _
<br /> ___ i h,;: secured by this Security Instrument;und(c)ugrees thul Lcnder und any other Borrower muy agrec to extend,modify,forbeur
<br /> '-�'�-4'f�-.�� or make wty s�ecommodationa with regard to �he tenn+of this Secu�ity Inx�rument or the Nrne wl�hout �hut Borrower c
<br />'�`'.'�; � , �
<br /> .�'t�..;:� ; con�ent.
<br /> - •!''`•• '� !3. Loan Charges. If the loun secured hy �his Securiry Instrument is subject to u luw which sets muximum loan
<br /> ..�. :_•. .
<br /> •��,. ...;:' � chnrges,und thut law is tinully interpreted sa thut the interest or other loan chorges collec�ed or to he collected in connection
<br /> �-_�''='`-"'�'�_� with thP I�on Px�eed the�,ermitted limits, �hen: iul any such lonn chnrne shall be reduced yy Ihe amount necexsury lo reduce _
<br /> ��� .�j��`''.`;' , _;r� the churge�o the permiued limir, nnd(b)uny sumz ulreudy collected from Borruwer which exceeded per►niued limilc will be
<br />;�`,� � ^ , nefunded to Borrower. Lender muy choose to mnke Ihix refund by reducing thc prirkipal uwed under Ihe Note or by making n
<br />-���� direct payment to Rc,rrower. If a refund reduces principul,�he rcduction will be treuted ux u p�nial prepuyment without uny
<br /> �''���;«F:�r � j p�epayment charge under the Note.
<br /> ` ,� ° � 14. Notlees. Any ootice to Borrower provided for in this Sec:urity In.tnnnent sholl be given by delivering it ur by
<br /> '^�' '�� `���� .t ^ mailing it by first cluss muil unlesx applicublc luw rryuirc�usc of unother method.Thc noticc shall I�r Jirectcd lo the Property �
<br /> .�!'",:,,°' .
<br />�"" Addrcss or uny olher uddress Bortower dcsignutex by noticr to Lender. Any nntice to Lender xhull he given by fir�t clus�
<br /> � "'' � mail to Lcndcr'.s uddress stuted herein or uny othcr uddresti Lender�k�i�nn�e�by noticc�o Rorrowrc Any no�ice pmvided for _
<br />':•., . y'�'' -•�..:+�i' ; i� this Security Inswment shull be Jeemed to huve heen given to Borrower��r Lcnder when given as provided in this _
<br />_-�:����•� �r..,� . , pnragrnph.
<br />.�;,;_z�, �� 3., °� '" 15. Governing I.aw: Severabilily. Thiz Security In,wment .hull bc govcrned by federrl luw und thc luw of thc
<br /> " ��, , jurisdiction in which the Pr�ipeny is Icxuted. ln�he event thu�uny provitiion or rluutie ot'thiti Security Intitrununt��r thc Note °
<br />�.`�•r confliet�wi�h applics►hle luw,,uch conFlict xhull not aPfrrt��Iher provi�ions of�hi+Security In,mmienl or ihe No�e which cun �
<br /> ,�I�..,. .
<br />_::���_.+��_a-: ' . - _
<br /> :_,.,_�. •;��,. .,,, bc given effect withou�thr conflic�ing prmision. To thix enJ thc provi.inns of ihis Scrurity In.trumem und the Nae ure
<br /> _;_`�. ��' declured to hc xeverable. _
<br />`�-,?t�:`��,� �.'. �� 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr yhnll Ix givcn onc runfurmcd copy of thc Nutr und ol'�hi,Scrurity Imlrument. _
<br />-`�`ti`� � l7. 7Yansfer oP Ihe Propertv or a Iieneficfal Interest in Borrower. If'all or any part of Ihe Pm�xny or uny intcrcst in �_
<br /> _��'• •:.K' •� . � it is sold cx trunsfcrrcd(or if u l�nriicial intcitst in Bormwcr i,sold ur tr.�n+lerr�d und Borrowrr i. nrn u nutural penonl _
<br /> ��� �=�;'�•,''.� without Lender;prior wriuen c��nsen�,Lrnder may,a� ils opiion,rcyuirr immcdiate pu)�m�m in full��I'all sum.�ccurcd by `.
<br /> = k ���°�'�" ' thix Security Inslrument. Howevcr.lhiti option�hull not Ix rxerci.eJ hy LcnJer it'rxrrri�e ir prohibitcd by f'cdcrrl luw u�of �-
<br /> - thc dutc of this Security Imtrumcm. L�
<br /> �-`' •°� ' [f Lendrr exercises this uptiim.Lendcr shull give Burcower nuticr uf urceleratiun. The n��ticc+hall pmvide u periacl of
<br /> "!��` not less thun:�0 duyx iiom thc dutc�hc notice i.Jclivrrcd or muilyd within��•hich liurro�vcr mu+�p:iy ull+ums.rcureJ by Ihi� �.
<br /> � Sccurity lnxtrun�ent. If Dorrower faik to pay thcx sum. prior io thr cxpiru�i��n uf�hi. peri�xl. Lrnder muy imokc nny �_
<br /> ' "' ' remedies perrniued by thi,Srcurily Im�runxnt wi�hou�funher n�i�ic�•ur Jemand�m Burcuwrr.
<br /> . ` „ IS. Borrnwer'c Ri�ht to Reinstete. If F3orn►wcr mccls ccrtain condi�inn.. Hcinuarr•hall huvc lhr right tu havr �
<br /> , enforeemrnt of thix Security Imtrumem di.cominucd at anp timr prior tu thc carlier ul': u�l S d:�y,��,r tiurh uth�r�ri�xi uti
<br /> . .r �
<br /> •• � Smglc h:mdy•-Fut�nle�1ueiF►cddle Jfue C\IFOR�11\ti'fltfllM:V'1'-•t•ndonn c'u�.oam. 4iW1 ipu.e�•J.y n�wixr�i _
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