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<br /> � !!!_ i pedods that Lender requires. The insurance ccurler providing the insurance shall be cho.cen by Borrower aub�ect to 4enuera `
<br /> -- approvul which chall not be unreavonphly withheld. If 8orrower fuils to maintuin coverage desc�ibed above.Leader mny,at
<br /> _ - ' Lenderti optian.obtain coverage to protect Lenderh rightR in the Property in accardaocc with paragraph 7.
<br /> AU inaurance policiea und renEwuls Rhall be accepu�ble lo L.endor at�d Rholl Mclude a standurd mongaqe clauxe. L.ender
<br /> ` ` -= - shall heve the right to hald ihn pulicias und retticwal5. If Lc�tidcr rcquircs. 8arra�ver yhull prumptly$ive�o I,�raler all reaeipt� �_ _
<br /> -- of paid premiuma And�newnl nodccx. In the event of losx,Borrower xhall �ive prompt notice to�he Incurance crurfer wnd
<br /> c_
<br /> -- =°- L.ender. Lendar may makc praof of Ima if not muda prompUy by Borrawer.
<br /> - - - � Unicxs l.ender und Barrower othenvlse Agrcc in writing,insurance prcxeeda xhall be upplied to rcytamtian or rcpair of
<br /> tha Property damwged,if the res�orutian or repair is ea►nomicully fcuxible und Lcnder4 ssecur�ty ix nut lesscned. If ihe
<br /> ;�~ neriturulk�n ur repoii i�;nat ecunumicully feu�+ible or Lender� security would be le��rned, the inzurance pmceedc xholl Ix: E„_
<br /> upplied to the sumx secured by this S�curity Inxlrument, whether or nat�h�n due, with cu�y exce�+s puid to Born�wer. If
<br /> .,� BaROwer abundons thc Propeny,or does nnt un4wcr within 30 duyx a naticc from l.endcr that the insuruncc currfer ha�
<br /> of'f'ered ta isenle a cluim,then Lender may collect the inxuruncc proceeds. Lender muy use the proceeds to repoir or regtor�e
<br /> '�'� the Property or to pay suma secuced by�his 9ccurfly Inatrument,whether or not then due. The 30-dey period wlll tx�in when
<br /> ----`•..� the nodee is given. ---
<br /> - + Unleas Lender a�d Borrower othervvise agree in writing, nny upplication of praceeds la principnl shall not extend or
<br /> '"-�� postpone the due date of the monthly payments referrc�l ta in paragraphs I and 2 or chunge the amount of the paymems. If
<br /> - under paragraph 21 the Property is ucquired 6y lxnder, Borrawer+right�o any insurunce policies and pracecds resuWng _
<br /> --_-,� .�� from damAge to the Property prior to the acquisidon shall pasw to Lender ta the extent uf the sums secured by this Security _
<br /> __ Instrument immediately prior to the ucquisitfon.
<br /> ---=== 6. Occupancy. Preservallon. Maintenance and Protectton of lhe Propertyt Borrower's Loaa Applicat(on;
<br /> ----'�_:;� l.easeholda. Borrower shall occupy,estublish,und use the Property+�s Borrower ti principnl residence within sixty days afler
<br /> --- the execution of ihis Secu�lry inatrument and shull continue�o accupy the Property as Borrower w principal residence for at -
<br /> �:
<br /> - �:.
<br /> -��T�
<br /> --- - � lenxt ane year after the dute of occupuncy, unless Lender othenvise agrees in writing, which consent shall not
<br /> ---
<br />_. . �-- .. _ __ . -
<br /> ��«,.�. unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuuting circumstancea exitit which are beyond Hortower g control. BoROwer sh�ll nut �
<br /> --—:`-'--�°'�' destroy,damage or impair ihe Properly,ullow the Propeny�o deteriorate,or commit wuste on the Propeny. Borrower shal!
<br /> - "�'" '���• � be in default if any Porfeiture nction or praceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun ihut in Lender i good fuith judgment
<br /> ---��°-t::.:`�_ � could result in forf'eiture of the Property or otherwise mnteriully impAir the lien crcu�ed by this Securlty lostrument or _
<br /> __-s- : �i��;:`�� l.ender's�ecurfty interest. Borrower muy cure such a deFault ond reinstute,ac provided in parugruph Ili,by causing the nclian
<br /> --- � � or proceedin�to be dismissed with u ruling tho4 in Lender's good faiih determina�ion,pnecludes farfeiture of the Borrower�
<br /> ���^.�`^, inlerest in the Propeny or other material impnimient of the lien creuted by thiti Security Instrument or Lender'.s security _
<br /> r�.;•,».
<br /> - -��r• • - intereat. Horrower shnll ulso 6e in Jefuult if Borrower, during the loun opplirution prc�cexs, guve muterially fulsc ar _
<br /> •r,mK�;�r;�'.:1., —�
<br /> --- R•��� inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or fuiled to provide l.encier wi�h uny muteriul inFormn�ion)in canneclian with
<br /> �"�o°�`'�° •�" the lonn evidenced by Ihe Note, including, but not limited to, reprcsemutionx concerning Borrower� occupuncy af�hc
<br /> �`��;„,•'� '• . Nroperty us a principul rc�idence. If thix Security Instn�ment is on u Icuxehold,Bnrrower xhull romply wi�h uU the provisions
<br /> _.���,�:,���: of the lear,e. If Borrowcr acyuires fee title to the Propeny,the leusehold und the fe�title shall not merge unless Lender ugrees
<br /> --=�, -=
<br />