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��� . �� ' )`�'•• . . I'' r .'. ( �n . <br /> y.��� .:_:_ .-.. .W,:< - <br /> �.'` 4 _.�._ �.�.��. --- _ -- - <br /> vn,� • <br /> , 93- 1oss8c <br /> petlad�16�t l:ender redLirca: 'f1�e insunuioo wrtier provlding tha insuronco shall be chaun by Boirower subJut a Lenderb <br /> ' �pprovotwM1lch sh+11 noI he unrcasonabty wiihh�ld. ItBortowcr feils to mainialn coverage descdbed a6ove,Lender may,qt <br /> 4endetb o�ilon,oDlsln covemge to protu�l.ender§dghts In ihe Pro�erty In eceord�nce with paragrapA 7. . <br /> t AII I(ISY(MCC�OIICIC9 PfIA(211CWOL9 6IIflII DL flCCCptebic�o LcnAcr and�hnll Inciudo e etandard mongege clauxc. I.cn6er <br /> s6il1 ha�ro tl�a rl6ht to hold�ho policies and rcnewals. If Lender rtqulme,fiortowcr shall pmmptly givx to L.ender nll recefpu <br /> � oEpa�d prem#ums end rcnewal notices. In�he event o[Ioss,portower:hall give prompt no�loo ro the inauranw carrier end = <br /> - Lender. [.tA�er tnay make proof of tose if not made promptiy by Aortowcr. � <br />- �� , Up1eU Lsnder n�d UorrowCr othc�wisc ngrce in wdtlng,insurencn procecde shall bo epplied�o rcsrora�(on or repair of ._ _._ <br /> -- Ihe Pro�ny dan�aS�� �f tho rcstoradon or rtpair ie econom(enlly feasibie and Lenderk secudiy is not lessened. tf lhe = <br /> restomt on or rcpalr is not eeonomicaliy feasi6le er Lender�s secudry would be iessened,the Insnrance pfebe¢ds�st��R 82 . - <br /> = applled to the sums securcd by�his ScariSy [nsinvnent, whe�her ur m-tt Wen duc, whh eny CxCess p.1id tJ BoROwec If ._ <br /> � �porto�yer abandons the Property,or dces«ot enswer within 30 days n ncyke from Lender tha� ttie inruance cxrriu has <br /> _ btterEd to eettle e clnim,thcn Lc�cr may coltat thc insurancc proceeds. Lende�may usc�he promedn tu my�ir vr mstc�re . . <br /> th¢HrFv:rty ono pay sums securcd by�his Secufiy Insuumzm,whe�her or not�hen due. 'Ihe 30-0ay period wiil begin when — - <br />--- . -_ lhc frotlCc Ia givea . -- <br /> Uniess Lender and Dortowcr othchvise ngrce in wANng,any appIirnNon of praceds to principal sliall not eatend or <br /> - -- postpone�ho due date of�he monthly paymenp rcfemd w in parogrephs 1 and 2 or change ths nmount of ihe paymeNs. ff <br /> --� under paregmph 21 the Propen�Is ucquircd by l.ender. Oonower�s dght ro any insur.�nce policies end proceeds rcsul�ing <br /> from damagc�o tho Property pr or�o�hc ncqulsi�fon shall pu�io l.cndcr ro thc cx�em of ilw wms sccurcd by ihis Sccuriry <br /> Ins�mment Immcdluciy�prior m�hc aci ulsl�lon. <br /> 6. (kcuponcy, Prcservallon, �tuintenance an0 1'ralecllon of Ihe Properl�� NorrowerA I.onn Appllcallont <br /> I.eauholda� Dnrrower shall t�ccupy,estnFlish,onA use�ho 1'mpeny a�liorrowerw princ pal reslAcnce wiihin sixiy daye n�er <br /> -`"�' "-�-° �he oxccmlan ot�his 9and�y Inxmimem nnd sh�ll rnmim�c m occupy ihe Propcny a.OnvmrerF principal rcsidcnce fnr m =-'-- ` <br /> Ieasi mio yenr n0er �he Aa�o of ixcupmcy, unles. I.enJer mhenrl+e ngrcea In wrliing. which consem Fhnll no� I�e ���-. <br /> unnnaona6ly whhhcid,ar unlc��czlenuating clrcumslancc.cxisl�vhkh nrc Ixyond itnmiwcr�canlrol. Rortowcr xhall nm -"= <br /> -_-= deslroy,damnge or Impair iho Ihnpcny,ollow ihc Propctly�o Jeteriora�a or mmml�a�a�ic un ihe Prnper1y. 6ortou�er xhnll °?'���". �. <br /> be In defnull if nny forfciwrc ncilon or proceeding,wl�clher civll m crindnal,iR hegun�hm in l.enderk sood fni�h judgmem :-af'?*: �� <br /> _,_!�r� wnld rcsul� in fndc{mro of�hc Pmpcny ar ahcrwixc matcrially Impalr thc licn cnaMA by �his Securi�y Inswnwm or �-4 ;�-- <br /> —'-'— LenderY necurlly Intercsi. Dorrower may wre such n defauh nnd ninaiate,m pmvided In paragreph IR,by tnuxing�he nc�ton �.��t �-,- <br />