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� ,�. r� yi'J cx. �=w.� . <br /> �ti,��w.� , „ . , ' <br /> ,�s � q �.�.�f ` ". <br /> . �TOA87HBR Wl'fH a1 the imProvur�entc noW or htrci�u crauA on�he ptOlMnY �nd�il e�Kmu�a� nrnwMe�. , <br /> GI �ppu <br /> �tixlwes now ot Maaikr w put oP trye prope�ty. All rtPiMemente uid adU�jryrth;ph�11 ats6 be coverod by thlr Saud�y <br /> rniiNmgnt,AlloftixforeiolnAi�«krhdtaln�hl�Saudtyln�wmentuthe"Ytt�.iq�." <br /> � BORR0IY�R COYkNAJ97'8 t1u►Boaown is��wfully wlsed o(the c:taia hbroby conreye4 and ha Ihe rlght to gruu <br /> end convey Ua Propeny u�d uut Q�e PropeaY la unEncumbercd�excep�for encumbfru�m of cecord. Borcowcr wart�nte�nd <br /> w1U dcfrnd gener�l�Y Ihe tlile ta Ua PcopenY�dxinu tll dams and dem�nds,subJca to eny encumbrences of raord: �• <br /> 7M9 8ECURITY IfiS7RlIMBNT combina unifa(m covemm� Por nadonal use �nd non•unifo�m covznanta wlth <br /> — °'� 1lnilted vuiationa by Judsaleqon to FopsUroa a uNPomi secudty instrumene covuing real property. _ <br /> UNI RMCOV[iNAN7S. Bolto%ef��dLendercovenantundagreeastallowa: <br /> �, �iy���otprin�lp�1 and Ie�t�re�i�prep�yme„{�nd L*ts CNe�ra� Bortowbr shald p/M�pay pay when due tho <br /> ptincip�1 of and interest on tha debt ovk¢+.r.ed by the Note and any prcpaymem and tato charges�ifa under the Noto. <br /> 2. Fqndi tor 7Mxa�1 insurnnM. SubJat to appIicable law or w e wfiten welver by[.enrL:r,Boaowcr shall pay to <br /> Lepder on tho day momhCy paymenn em due under U�o Note,auUl tAo Note is patd in tull,e sum('IUnds")(or:(a)yearly � <br /> trzch md.assessmenu vrhich m3y eAeln priority ovu thG Sccud�y Insuument as e tkn on the ProQerty:@)yeariY kaschold .-' _ ` <br /> ' -paymeuie 2e-groupd rcnu,.on ttw PropenXS I(anY: (c)-.Y��Y hatard}rr.tY 'ssuance prs=�ums: (��yertty tl,00d <br /> • insnrnncD�..mmldms.-�If:apY:Qc)Yusl�mv{$age Irsu.mnw$ AR�:A71�(�iCtY$C%'1•`9 Q.y}IIb�6 EY_t1dROF'CI IO <br /> . . Lcndc�,�lt�acoo;tismcv.tYi'i1�d1�^?rovix�ans ai�a,q.;�a�h&in 9ian n°.vh:�'m`.nt'dt itwrtgvSe i�sucnce premzsms. �3u3e <br /> - � � it�.m+ate ca11tA'�'setuw lteinv.' �.esde+m, any�hm:,eo1li1 deA b. Ivrds ir�on amount r,ot to exceed[b:m�rimum <br /> e.�'novnt e lendcr for a kd;rolty relatcd mottgage LrVA�say rcqu(ro ft+t Ooifawcrk eacrow aaount undu tt�fsderil Rea1 <br /> Avtate Settlement.Prou�6uts Aq ot 19TS aa amer.d+A frcmtiav:ta tlmr.,l2 U.9.R:¢�E0!er se .('REiSPA"),cnh:a�auoU�r.r <br /> law�hat appliw to R.e Pond�seu a Iusuen:nunt. [f sw LCnAet may,u ony tlme,coltea and ho�d Pund.�in m emoune not ta <br />��-�----�---� excad the laser ema�o6 Lendu may esGn�ata the emount of Ponda duo on Iho basis of curceN duln end reasonaDte <br /> csthnotw of cxpendilurcs ot fuwro Eiscrow Itcros oroihcrwlw in accordanco wiih eppIlcabto�aw. `--"`-- -- <br /> 'ftw Wnd� shall bo heid in an insptmlon whow dcposl�a aro Insurcd by a fcdcrol agency. Inswmcmali�y,or cntity <br /> (Inciuding Lender,if I.endcr I�such un InstlmtloN or In any i'edcrai Ilomo t.o�n tiank. I.cndcr ihall opply�he I•lmd�m pay _ <br /> tho Qxrow liem�. Lcndcr may no�chargo Bortowcr for ho�ding and upplying iho INnds,nnnunlly nnoiy�ing Uw cscrow <br /> accoum,or vedfying�ho Curnw heme, unles� I.ender pnye Borcower Intcre+�on tlw IhmA� and oppllenblo Iaw pcmilu _ <br /> Lender�o m+ke tiuch o chorgo. Ilowavcr,Lcndcr may rcqulrc Rorrowcr�o pay a onailmc chargo for nn Independcm renl _- <br /> ¢stuo�ax reponln�ncrviw used by I.cndsr In cnnnceNon wlth thN loan,unlcs�np Iicnhlo low provlAce rthcrwim. Unlec�an � <br /> agrcenxnt 1�mada or opplhablc Inw rcq�drcs Imcrcu tu bo pald,l.cm1cr sball noi Pp requircd to pay Bortmvcr ony Imcrc�t or �yo:__.. <br /> euninge on tta(hmds. Oorrowcr nnd LcnJcr mny agrca in wri�ing,howcvcr,thal intcrcu shall be paid on�hc fLndy. l.cndcr va <br /> _�_� �hall g6•o to Dortox•cr,wiihom chnrgc.m annual accountlng ot)hc fUnd�,showing crcdite nnd dcbiu to thc Punds ond iF.c �r±�_ <br /> - - puryoso for whkh cach debi�lo�he F4r.dv wo.+made. 7Le F'unds are pledged m addhlonnl securlty for dl sums suured Gy �:�� <br /> ..�`�� Ihl�Secur{tylnsuumcN. �.-� : <br /> --:___= i(�he FunS; t,oh: y �r:,tr :xa:d 4r. :.�9 �.m=4'�d te M IN!�! by nnniicn6le law, l.ender shal! accnunt to INN,`r.;:.. � . .. .. <br /> pmower Por tho excess Rxxlti In eccordv�e wi:h Qr,aqrtrrments ot applicable lava If the amount ot th.c F1mda held by ry,,�:A+- � � <br /> ��'� I;erdtr at my tlme Is mt sulficiem lop.�y tEe Fiticran q+rrn when duc,l.ender mny so notity Oorrower iu wcirag.and,in f� ._ __ <br /> ���., acch tau Dortower shall pay to Lender the aRnunl.rsmssary w make up�he deficfency. tiorcower slnl�r::iAx up the XI r* -:�- <br /> -�� defidencyinnomore�han�weivomomhlypaym.enu.ntLerderksolediscretion. 1 - * <br /> �' `-;r Uponp�yment(n PoII of all sums secumd by this Security[nswment,Lender shall promptly refund to Borto�ver any �� _" -- <br /> � ` fWndi held by Lender. lf,urr7cr pamgraph 21.Le� sA�ll ecquire or scll the Rropeny, Lender.prior to da:ecquisi�lon or � : ,._ � ;. <br /> ' -'�� sa5:ot the Propeny,slull apply eny FLnds held by Lcir3:r at the �imc af ecqoisiaon or salc a+ e crcdit nguns�rhe surtu . ` _. <br /> �� y.. : xeccred by�Ns Seturity Imtmmene. <br /> <,�� f- 3. AYP14catlon oS Hjymtnts. UrS:ss applicable le��� provides othenvise, all paymems receired by Ler.der under �`.�_S �"�.� <br /> `r,t �d�is paragrephs 1 arA 2 shall be ayplied:fiTSt,to¢�y prcpayment charges due under ihe Nae,seeond,w amounu p�yable under j+- r ,y�t _: <br /> �'1 v�,St � paragmph?:�hird,ro Inttrest d:e founh to{rinctpal dnt;xnd Itri,�o any Inte charges duo under the Ncee. S:�:�{ <br /> _ �fr q, Zy�xrges; Uens. Bortower xhall pay ell texes, ncussmems, chargs, fincs nnd impusiuons nttributablc to the '�}!t '�' ? : <br /> + ,�� propeny which may eaaia{.+riodty over this Sewrity instmreen6 nnd Iensehold p�yments or ground rents,if any. 13ortower Y `Y � �` � <br /> � -- shal!pay ilKSe obllgatlons In�hc manner provided in puxgroph 2,or if not paid in thal manner,Rortowcr shall pay them on �'��,', � <br /> n �_�f. �irr.e d3tectly an�he person owed paymem. Dono�rer shall promptty Pornish w Lender all noiices of nmounis to be p�id under 11f'7-'+ '�A ,�' <br /> thli pvegmph If Dorrmver makes�hese paymems directly.Dortowxr shall pmmptly tumish to Lender receip�s e�•Idencing ��'��',,,:; �, - <br /> �t'_ ,3rr <br /> ' � -t4�, thepa�nems. i).s.�' ^ _: <br /> ' �'- - � 6ortower shall promp�ly discharge eny Ilen�vhich hss prioriiy over�his Securiry Insuumem unless Uorrower.(a)agrecs „ � ,: <br /> � ..:. in writing w the paynxM of�he obligetion seeured by the lien in a manner accepiahle�o Lender.N)contes�s in good Tai�h�he �-_;, i�; �: <br /> i, - �"�� lien by,or defends egxinst enforcement of�he lien in,legal praeedings which in the Lenders opinion operate to prevem ihe �'1� , ._ <br /> �,�_r}ea;>� enfmcear�nt of tl�e lien:or(c)secures fran the holder ot the lien nn egreement m�isfnciory to Lender subordina�ing the Iien ili��;;c _, <br />-�-`�tVi;f(''''� to IAis Security Inslrument. if Lender de�emiines thal eny pan of the Propeny is subject ta a lien which may enain priori�y �5�,:"i'�+�yt'�;;�:._: <br />'::.,:.1 ..fY:l' ,l�li..:1,:., <br /> .-�7�,.,, ovcr this 5aurity Inswnxnt.Lender mey givc Uorrowcr o no�icc identifying ihe licn. Dorro�vcr shall satisfy the lien or�ake �,�y.�;:.,,.'3::. <br />���;)�>:"_.;•;. one or more of�he actions sei fonh above�vi�hin 10 days of U�c giving of notice. 'P��'!'' � _ <br /> r� �, � 5. lleu�rd or Properly Insurunm. Bortowcr shall keep�he improvements now existing or hercafter ercctcd on�he �1 . <br /> _ � ���-! Property insnrcd ogeins�loss by firc,hazards inclnded wiehin ihe�emi'extended cocerage"and any other haznrds,induding <br /> -�;�� :t Ooods or Omding, for�vhich Lender requires insur;mce. This insurance shall be maimeined in the amoums nnd for �he <br /> ;ii.'L1 <br />- %��y'v.j'( FarmJ018 4I90 (M«1^/bryrRn) , . . <br /> �_y <br /> y',I4Y <br />. �_'I,}� � <br /> f �1.:. <br /> :l'. <br /> . , , <br /> "- �%_• __�--��•- . '-- : T::"i:"�::� � . . .. <br /> ..._'_ _ _._ _ <br /> . . .::. -. ...-_.�.._..__..,-�n-�--�„�_'�t,.:_". ....: _ .. 'r . . <br /> �.t.:� _ . . 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