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<br /> __ -- �pp8cwble iww mwy rpecify for reincwtemenq beioro eala of�hc Property pursuant to any power ot�le conwined in thix
<br /> � Secudly Inswment;or(b)entry of�Judament entorcinA 1hi�Security lmuument. 'ili�ra conditiau ara tNat Bamwer: (�)
<br /> -- paya Lender nll eums which Ihen wnuld he due under Ihl�Secutity Inatrumcnt end tho Noto Ar if nc► acceleralion h�d
<br /> _ '� occumed;(b)curc,�wny defwlt of any wher cavenanta or rgrcement�;(c)paya all expenres incurred ip eniorclnQ�hir Securi�y
<br /> =--a-� Inrtrumen� includin�.but not limitod to,rea�anable a�tomayx' feee: and (d) tokea such action as Lender m�y reaumpbly
<br /> - -_--- requf�e to aasuro that the Iten of this 3ecudty Inetrumcnt,Lender�x dghtx in Ilw Property end Bamwer's obliQation w pay tho
<br /> - -- xuma securcd by ihis Security [nsuument �hall continue unchan�ed. Upan rcinatatement by B�rrower. this Secudty
<br /> - In�trument aod the obli�atlons cocurcd hereby shall r+emain fully efTective ps if no accaleration had acurtod. Howaver.�hir -
<br /> '' riQltt w roinsWtc shall not epply ln the cwso of accelcraUon under paregraph 17.
<br /> _ -- 19. Sak of Notei��uQe of L�wn Ser�'ker. Thc Note or a punial intemst in the Nata (togcther with thia Secudty
<br /> -- lnauumenq may bc sold one or marc times wUhout prfor notice ta aorrowe�. A s,�llc may rc.rult in a chAnge in thc endty
<br /> ----°_ (known as the 'Loan Servfcer')that collects monthly paymenls due under the Note and thia Secur�ty Insuument. Thera also
<br /> - _=�:� may be one or,more chwnges af Ihe Loan Servicer unreleted to u salo of�hc Note. [f therc ia u change of thc Lou�Servicer.
<br /> _—____�_,__�-,�� Borrower wlll bo given wrftten notice of�he change in accoMance with puregrnph 14 abovo and applicable Iww. The nodce
<br /> will slate the name and addresa of tfic new Loan Servicer end the Address to which paymentc ehould be made. The nodce will
<br /> _-=.�t,';r� alco contain eny other informaUon rcquired by epplicable law.
<br /> - ?A. Hazardous 3ub�taaces. Borrower ehall not cause or permit the presence.use.disposal.s�orage,or release of any
<br /> �� Hazardous Substunces on or in the Property. Borrower shall nat do.nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecdng the
<br /> �"°� Property�hat is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardoua Subslw�ces lhat are gencrally reco�nized to be appropdate to normal
<br /> --���� rcsidentiel uses and ta maintenance of the Praperty.
<br /> ----� --��;;,;;'�'� Borrower s6a11 promptly givc Lcnder written notice of any investigetlon,clalm.demand,law4uk�r other act�on by any
<br /> -- -^— •�-`��,, govemmental or regulatory agency or prfvate party involving the Property and any Haza�dous Substance or Environmenta!
<br /> - Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. !f Bormwer Icams, or is nWified by aay govcmmental or t+egulatory
<br /> °`-�'°,�,:�;�`�.,;��.,�� authority,that any removel or other remediAdon of any Hazardous Subslance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower
<br /> ,.�_�...
<br /> �*�?����s:- shall promptly take all necessary remedial acdons in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> - --==='—=�''•'' As used in ihis paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazetdous substances by
<br /> _:.-,� , o..
<br /> -- �.�', � Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toaic pet�oleum praducts,toaic
<br /> - =�� • pesticides and herbfcides,volatile solvenis.meterials containing asbestos or formaldebyde, and radioactive materials. As
<br /> -W� •.: C;',. � used in lhis paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal laws aad laws of 1he jurisdiction wherc the Property ia locatei!
<br /> u�=. �' � ' • that relate ta health.safety or enviranmental protection.
<br /> ""`—'"'ffi"-�--';`� ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l,ender further covenant and ngree as follows:
<br /> ='��'�:�:.�►�_., 21. Accelerption; Remedles. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior lo acceleration following Borrower's
<br /> - � - --y;�,�, brench of any covennnt or agreement in thia Security Inat�ument Ibut not prior to acceleratiea uader perwQraph 17
<br />_ -�A���,��,ii>°` unless Appticabte iaw provides otherwise). 'i7�e notice shaif�pecify: f+�)iiie dei�oli:ib1 tiie acilots requtrc�io cure tlse
<br /> � -°-- dePAUlt;(c)a dpte�not less thwn 30 days firom the date the notice is given b Sorrower.by wl�lch the defouit mnst be
<br /> ""�'�' ��'y._.W,;:;i.n ' cured;and(d)that Pailure to cure tbe defAUlt on or beiore the date apeclfied In the natice may nsull in�ccelerntlon of
<br /> -��e � � .'�. v: the xums secured by this 3ecurity Inatrument and Rnle of Ihe Property. The noUce shall furtl�er in�orm Borrower o�
<br /> ��o�: ', .
<br /> n
<br /> _,��l •� Ihe right to reinsWte after Accelerotion and the rfght lo bring a court actlon to Assert the non•existeoce of A default or
<br /> ---�� ;�; -" � � pny other dePense ot Borrower to Acceleratbn and xale. If the detqult Is not cured on or be�ae the dote xpecifled in
<br /> • �1_.�:•�...�
<br /> ���-- the notice�l.ender nt its opttun may require ima'+ediate paymeM in ibll of All sums r�ecured by fbis Security lastrument
<br />=�j� '��• '� without further demwnd pnd may invoke the power of xnle und any other remedies permitled by applkpble law.
<br /> - :;.� � � Lender ahall be entilled lo collect all expenses incurred in pursuinR the reme�lie!i provided M this pwraQraph 21.
<br /> '_.�'� fncluding,but not Iimited to�reasonable attorneys'fees end coslx�f title evidence.
<br /> _ -f�.��4�o,��s�• ' If the power oP sate is invoked.'I�uslee sholl record a nWice uP dePaull in each cuunty ip wbkh Any part of the
<br /> .:rr7=a �.
<br />�;_,;��r . �� Property Is Iceated And shAll mall copies of suc6 noNce in Ihe mpnner presc�ibed by opplkable law lu Borrower and to
<br /> �.:_�� r - t h e M h e r p e r s o n s p r e s c r i b e d b y a p p l i c A b l e I w w A i t e r t h e t i m e r e q u i r e d b y�p p l i c A b l e l o w.7 F u s t e e R h all give public
<br /> `'�:�: ' � '� notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by Applkable lew 'I�uatee.without dea�and on Borrower. -
<br /> �..:..� �•• shall sell the PropeMy At public Auction to the dighest bidder at the time and place und under Ihe terms desigaated in
<br /> 'F�'L �'`���-'-�. the notke of sple in ane or more parcels and in any order 7lrustee determinea 7Yustee may poslpone sale of All or pny
<br /> .�::��;.
<br /> _; ;,:• ••�;�" . percel of the Property by publfc announcement ot the time�nd pluce of any previouslv scheduled sale. Lender or i�s
<br />-�'�"�• t%�`" - desiQnee may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> '' •����': ,., Upon receipt of payment of the prke bid,'IYuatee shall deliver to the purchaser'I�ustce's deed conveying the
<br />°� �%�' ' =�'�:' . > Property. The recitals in fhe 7lrustee's deed shall be primo facie evidence of'Ihe truth of the 4latements made Iherefn.
<br /> +:n�� � ��`;�: �� '[lrustee aholl apply the proceeds oP the sak in tqe following order: la)tu ull custs und expensesof exercising the power
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