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r _ _ ___ __ <br /> 6-- _....._ .. �.a.+l. ._ ..-r ,*, " µ �•. � , .. ..- -. . <br /> ..�� �.� � •"' ..r.�..�"'�."�', � - _.._ -_— <br /> .._� �_. . , _; ._ -- � <br /> �1 h � ~ _ <br /> �;,i• - - -..� � � ��� 1 '`��v� <br /> .�a,��c--- — - ' i.V .. _ _.. <br /> � <br /> *Ifil,�i_ <br /> _-�I candemnation or othcr lukina of any purt uf ihe Propcdy,or far canvcyance in Ucu of condemnation,are hercby w�i�ned wid <br /> � xhall bc puid to L,ender. <br /> In the cvent af n totul takinR of' the Property,�hc prcxecdx xhall he upplicd �o tlic Kum++ rxcured by this Security <br /> l�� Ins�rumenl,wheiher ar not then due,with ony ezce�cx paid�u HoROwer. In�he evenc of u�mniul wking uf Uw Pi�rty in <br /> ,;�� which Ihe fair market value of the Pr�perly immediuceiy befun:tlic lul�ing l,cqual ta or grcutcr ihun the umuunt of the xums <br /> accured by thia Security Inatrument immediutely befora Ihe tuking,unless Bom�wcr and Lender rnherwi�se ugree in writing, ` <br /> '' �:�„• the sumw r:ecured by Ihis Securlly inxtrument xhall be reduced by�h�umount uf tlK �nu�:r��f� n�ultiplicd by�he follov�ing <br /> __ -- - <br /> -_•.. `' fractioq: (a)Ihe tatal umount ot'thc sumx xecurcd immeJiutcly Ix:furc Ihc tukin6.divided by(b)the fuir market valuc of 1 .� <br /> Propcny immedintely Fxfor. the tuking. Any buluncc shol! be puid to Borrawcr. in�he event ot u purtiul wking of the <br /> `'�,`. _�N�,, Pra�rty in whkh the fuir market vnlue of'the PrapeAy immediately heforc thc taking iK Iess than thc am��unt of thc suma <br /> �� othervvise ro�dio�t�l`hhefo��t��hull he unI lied t�the umw se urcd�by thi Securi y InF rumeM whetherlor na i�hecaums'are <br /> �;:�. p P PP <br /> ����:,,;;.�;• � lhendue. <br /> _ ___ _ If the Property i�+ubandaned by Borrawe�,or if,after natice by Lender to Bnrrower that ihe condemnar afferc to make <br /> " � -��-"�^s,.., an awurd ar reule a clnim tior damagex.Borrower fuils to rexpunJ�o Lender within 30 days after the date Ihe nntice i«given, �_ <br /> ____ _ Lender is uuthorized�o callect und upply ihe praceedti,at itx option.either to rextorotian ar repuir af the PropeRy or to the <br /> '�_��_�,��., �. sums secured by thix Security Instrument,whether ar not then due. <br /> �..:�� Unless Lender and Barower athenvfse ugrcc in writing. ony npplicution of pracceds to principal shall not extend or <br /> �-;,���,.•` pos�pone the due datc of the manthly ps�yments reFerred to in puragmphx 1 und 2 or chunge the umuunt of such pnymenls. <br /> - s�-� � ll. Borrower Not Releaged; Forbearnnce By Lender Not a Walver. Exlensian of the time for peyment or <br /> ==�=r��. � modific�tion of umortization of the sum�secured by�hix Security Instn�ment grunted by Lender to any guccessor in interext <br />- . -.------- J�'='°''"-�� of Borrower shnll not operate to relca.e the liabllity oY the originul Borrower or Boirrower's 4uccesso�in interesl.I.ender <br /> �� ;ar <br /> -�; � ahull not be reyuired to commence praceedin�s aguinxt eny �:uccexxor in intereat or refuse to extenJ tim� ur paymcnt ov ` <br /> --��.;,,:. othenvise madify amortizution af the xums aecurcd by this Security Instrumem by reuson of nny demund made by the originel <br />_-��� <<�•�-`"�"� ' Borcawer or Borcower's successon in interest. Any forbcurance by Lender in exerci4ing uny right or remedy.r•hall nc►t be u <br /> -� _� • * � wuiver of or preclude the exercise of uny right or rcmedy. • <br /> ._--;�; , 12. Succes.gors and Assigns eound;Joiot and Several Llabilit;+:C'o•sig�e�. The covenanls und ugreements of this <br /> _:�� . ` Securit Instn�ment shull bind und benefit the successorti und ussigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisions of <br /> Y r <br />-- � .. parngraph 17. Borrowerk covenunts ond ugreement�shull be joint And several. Any Borrower who ca•signw�his Securiry <br /> �-� • Instrumenl twt does not execute the Note: (u) is co-xigning this Security Instrument only to morlgu�e,grnnt t�nd convey thut <br /> �V `• � -�;?•�,�' Barrower's imerest in the Property undcr the termx of thi�:Security Instrumenr, (b)is not personally abliguted to puy Ihe sumti <br />�`''���'" �• sccured by this Security Inslrument:and(c)u�rees that Lender und any other Borrower muy ugree to extcnd,rnodify,forbenr � <br />:_�° ' ' -- <br /> �n� � , or make uny accommodations with regurd to the terms of thix Security Instrument or U�e Note without that Borrower's <br /> n <br /> •� consent. <br /> '..�A.•`---_�. <br />_�=.P=.�-��;: ------_.; f3. Loan Charges. !f thc loan secured by this Sect+rity lmtnimem is xub,ject to a luw which sets muximum loan <br />'=�• - �� � ° churgex,and thw luw is finully interpreted�a thm the intercxt or other loun chur�es collected or ro he collected in connection <br /> •:. y �; .. <br />_ ` � .�c;. with the loan exceed the pennu�ed limi�x,then: lu)uny such laun churge,hull be rcJuced by the umount necexsury ta reducc <br /> _^:;, �i+w ;, �5" �he churge to ti�permitted limit;nnd(b1:�ny,ums ulreudy colkcted from Borrower which exceeded�xrmiacd limitx will be <br />�=�::� •,,,, mfunded to Borrower. Lender muy rhixi.�lo muke this refund by rcducing�he principul oweJ under�he Notr��r liy m+ikin@ u <br /> • •=� • ? Jircct puyment to Borc��wcr. If u nl'und redu�c+principul,thr reduction will Ik tr�u�cd uw u puniul p�paymcnt widx�ut uny <br />-_". �,t,,,a�',�,�� prcpuymen�churgc unJcr�hc Notr. <br /> 4f1�:.+�..�,,_.. 14. Noticeti. Any noticc ai Hi�rrow�r pruvidcJ liir in �hi.5rcuriiy In.lrumcnt ,hull Ix gfvrn by drlivcring it ��r by <br />- a�:� _ <br /> muiling it My lirr�rlu,.muil unlc+.opplicubk luw r�qufrr,u.r ul'un��lhcr me�h�Kl.'I'hc iHnice+hall lx Jiaw�ed�n Ux n��xny _ <br /> '-- . ;` AddR..or uny othcr uddre+� Hurruw�r dr,i�tn;�tr. Ny nuNr� tu l.cndur. Anv noiicr w Lcndrr.I�ull Ix�;ivrn hy lir,� rlu.ti <br /> ;,.i..�, y� �� " ntui)to LcnJrr:uddr�.,,U��cd hercin ar�my ulhrr addrc�.l.rndrr�k.iµoinr.(�y nuiir.•Io Ii��RUwrr. Any nuiicc providcd li►r _ . <br /> _ .;�� � bi �hi, kcurily In.lrumrnl *hull Ix �lerimd �u harve Ixeu �ivrn N► Nnrruwrr ar I.rndcr wh�n �tivesi m pravided in ihi� <br /> �,�_•�, purugruph. <br />-_ . ,�,; IS. (:ove�ninR I.uw: tieverubilltv. 1'hi�tircuri�y In.tromcnt +h�dl Ix guvcrneJ ny frdcnd I,i�v unJ ibc luw�►i'�hr � <br /> , .,:� jurisdic�ion in whirh ih�Pru�xrly i.I�xmcd. lu ihr.vem ihui�my pruvi.i�►n ur rl��u,r of thi,ti�•curiry In��runxnt�x thc Noie � <br /> . �:.,�;~" : „n . a►n0ict�wi�h upplicuMc law.wnc��►nllict.hull na�al'Irrt��thrr provi,ion,ol�bi,ticcuriry In.�runKm ur�hr Nu�r which cun <br />�- ' be given efl'eci withou� the contlirtin�s pnwi�ian. Ti�thiy rnd�he��nwi.fom�+I ihi. tircuriry In.trumrnt unJ Nk Nntc urt <br />;�:�f� ..; <br /> ,;s;. a � declur�J to be.cvcrablc. <br /> - � • e�-,.. 16. Borruwer's Copy. Hurrowcr+hull tx givcu nn�runlimmJ cupy�if�hr N���r und uf�hi�Security Im�n�ment. <br /> _�w:s �C,�+�:� 17. 7YansPer uP the Properly or o Beneiiciol Interexl in B�MroH•er. II'ull�►r uny pun ul'Ihc Pro�xrly ar uny intcrcxt in � <br />.�,=' � "' � it i,sold or trimsfencd(or if u Ixncticiul inten�t in Borruw�r i„oIJ ur Irun.frrrcd und Bnrrowcr is ni�t u nuwrul�xnonl <br />__-�, .' �r~'`.��•.. without Lendcr:prior written c�iment.LcnJrr mc�y.ut i�+optiun,rryuire imnuJiutr paymcnt in full��f ull tiums+ccuroJ by <br />.,.L�,�'I' — <br /> ,.;.�� ���, :, Ihi+Securi�y Imtrunxnt. Huwevcr.thi.optiun shull not he exen�ixd by I.endcr if exerci�c i�pnihibitcd by tcdcrul luw us ot ` <br />_' ����1..,�• . ...�..�� � the dute oP thix Security In�trumrnt. <br />_- If Lender exercisc+thix�►pti�m.Lcndrr shall�ivc Horcower notice ol'•rcccicrn�iun. TIk nuiirc�hall pravid�u�xri�xi ot' <br /> �.'� � r, not less than 30 duys t'r��m thr Jute�he no�icr i.iklivercd or mailrJ wilhin which Hurrower mur�pay ull+umti ucured by Ihic _ <br /> . � Securiry Instrument. If Borruwrr Iliils �o puy ihr,c .um, prior io thc rxpiriui�,n ��f�hi. �xrii�d. Lcnder nwy inv�ikr uny = <br /> ' ,. .. remedic��xrniiucJ by thiti Securily In.irunknt withum 1'unhrr nolirr i�r demaud�m Hurruwrr. _ <br /> .. l8. Borrower's Ripht to Reinxtate. II'Burmwcr mret� ccrlain cunditium, Burru�ver shall huvc �hc righl lo havc � <br /> • enl'orcenxnt of this Scrurity Instrumcnt di,cnminurd ut any timr prior���ihc r:irlirr of: �cu S dny�lur.urh othcr�xri�xl:�. <br /> tiinpl.I�.und� -Fimnle�1uc/Freddic\1uc l'%1FIIR\I I\ti'I'RI'�1h:\1'..Undonu C���rnant. 4/�10 �p��t�•���/n�K�ir.1 � <br /> r <br /> ' . 1 � <br /> .. ., � � � <br /> ,` , , <br /> , • � <br /> . . _ . . . ,,,,a�-•...-......__ . • <br /> - -- - - . . ....r_... ,,..i�...:...._��:.,.dr <br /> S• � <br /> � ` � , • +1 <br /> . � 1 <br /> .�.. �� � . . .. _ . . __. _ ._�. <br />