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�- l. ''� . _ ._ ._ _ <br /> . ! ._: ` �� � V� - . � . .. - ._,��� <br /> �.u• �� '�....�.� ..� _ _ . .� �.��� „ _ <br /> � . , �eubTtan{bllp,equlvalea!nrongusa Insnrence cnverago la nnt eve InA�o.Florrowcr shall pay�o I.cnder cach montl�a sum equat to W <br /> u <br /> ont•twttf(h of,tho yu�rlY UphBege fnsuronw premium beinp p��bGq fSarcowcr whcn il�o Insumncc wvcmgo IapsM or ceasgd�o d. <br /> bo IneffaL Lrnder will xccpt,uw and rctain thcso paymRntnos n.inp rescrvo in Iicu of mongago insumnco. Loss rrscrvi <br /> p�ynxm�nmy no langer bo rcquirtd,m�hc op�lun of.l.cnduh IP.mmt�aga Insumncc mvcmgo(in Ihc onwunt and tor tlio perlod� <br /> , tlut t,crdcr rcqulra)p�uvidai by an Insurr upprovcd Iiy:Lendnr npa n.bccomes ovollnble nnd le ab�aincd. Dorrowcr s6a11 pay <br /> Ihl�prcmlum rcqnind to mxlntain nwrigpgc Insuren�c In.offcd.nnln.pryvldo n lose rescrvc,umil Ihc requircnunt for mongngc <br /> — Insuranco cn�a In aceoNance xith any wdnen pgrccmcnt bctwmn Rnmiwqr anA[.cndcr or nppllca6lc law. <br /> � 9.InspeNlon.4etrJer or Re egeN may make rpxmnqla¢ntdac np iaand inapectlona of ihe Propcny. Lender�hall siru <br /> Oorrox�cr nolicc at the timo oPor pdor ro un laapmion spccifyinp reav�nn+ilu canr�tnr�hc tns�-tion. _ <br /> 10.Condemnytlou. 'fhe procenfe ot nny mvanl ar clnim fqr damnpoe, dia�n ar consequcntial, In ronncctlnn wlih nny <br /> condcmnatlon or othcr mking of eny pan of thc Propeny,or fur amvoyuncc In,Ifau�nEconAcmn.ulon, ero hnre6y auiEncd nnd <br /> shall Gu pald to Lendcr. i__ <br /> --' In�ho evem of a�otai tuking of tho Pmpeny,�ho procecJs shnll bo npp�i��I tu�he num.+ecnrwvl6y�hi,Sccurity In>uuincnL ^' - � <br /> whedier or nol thcn due, wl�h any exccss palA�o Borowcr. In tho event uf a panial mkinB�c Propcny in whicL.tlip.fulr <br /> marke�valuo of�he Propeny Immedia�cly I�etorc�ha�akinp ie eqimt tn or gnmtcr�han the umnum nf the sums Faund 6yfhle <br /> Secudty Insuument immcdimcly betorc the taking,unlcss Oarrower end Lendcr atl�enrise uSrce in wrf�ing,tlio sums xcur��l6y <br /> — �his Sccud�y (nstrumcro shall bc rcduccd 6y d�o emount ot tho procecds mul�f�lled M1y thc folbwfng fmcilnm (u) dm mlal <br /> emount of�hc sums sccurcd immcdiatcly bcton�ho iakh�p,divided 6y(b)�hc Iair markc� �•uluc of thc Propcuy immrAlntaly — <br /> betore the taking. Any balance shall Ae palA to Qnnower. In tho event of a panial takin� uf ihu Propeny In whloh,�bp fnfc <br /> � �--- nnrket value ot�ho Propeny Immcdla[ely 6eG�re�he aking is Icss�hun iha mnnum af ihe nun�.+eccurcd immai6rtnly 6efi�ru�ha ----------- <br /> teking,unlcss Bortower nnd l.endcr othcrwixe npn,w in writing ar unlass nppiieahlo Inw othcrnise providcs, �ho pmcecdti ebnlF <br /> be upPIled ro ihe sunu accured by�hie Sceurity In�trument whe�hcr or nm Uia sums arc�hcn dne. — <br /> If lhc Propeny fa abandoncd 6y Oorro�vcr,or if,alicr nmlcc by Lcndur io IIorrowcr ihN thc condcmnnr alTurs lo mnku an _c <br /> eward or scllle a claim for dartugcs, �ortowcr rc-pand m LenAer�vithln 30 d�rys aller�hc dme �he nmicc Is given. _ <br /> (.endet Is eutAorized lo mllcct and appiy�ho procecAs,a� ts aption,eit6er m restnradan nr rcpalr of the Propcny or ta�ho nmis =-__ <br /> secured by Ihis Security Insuumen4 whethor or nnl�hen c ae. <br /> ._.._ Unlcss Lcndcr artd Bortowcr olhcrniu agrec in wri�i�, any applica�fon nf proacdz tu principal shnil nn� cxmnd or �aN . <br /> - - � {nsipone Ihe duc date of Ihc monthly paymen�x refemd to inp�rayraphs I und 2 or clmnpc thc omnum of such paymems. �r"�•;�..,�;,�;' - <br /> 11.BorroKer Not Released;For6cnrance By Lcadcr Rat n 14alvcr.G�m�sion of ihc timc for paymem or mrvJificx�ion 'q(;�;. <br /> of emonira�fon of�he sums secured by tlds Security Instrument grane«I by I.enAer�u any xucassor in inreres�ot f3arrower shnll Fc"�j:-a.-..,_—. <br /> no�o ratc to rcicasc ihc liabilii of Um ori innl I3orrmvcr ar[iorcon�cr's sncces>an in imcrex�. Lcndcr shull not 6c rc nired m M��3'j���`=`�- � <br /> Pc Y D 9 s �:A;.:.-.. _ <br /> mmmenm prm�alings againu any in imeres�or mfux tu eamnA�ime for paymem or o�henvise modify amnnivn�inn _?�?�!y�-° <br /> -= of thc svms stturcd by Nis SCCUfily IIISWII1C111 IlY rcaxon nf any demnnd mnde by thc nriginal 6orro�rcr o� Darrowcri y;�a�.. - <br /> succc.ssors in imcrest. Any furbcamnce hy Lendcr in exercising any righi or rcmedy xlmll na M a�vaiver af or prc.ludo the !�:-`•�=- <br /> esercise of any right or remcdy. �r, {'- <br /> ` 17. Suceetwre end AsslgnS Oound�JoLrt end Several I.lablliryi Co•sidners. The cnrenvns anA ngrecmems uf ihl�: ,' <br /> 't';� Smvity InstnnxN shall bind ond benefii the suecesmrs nnd avigas af Isndur and [iivromer, sn6ject m �he provisinnh of 1E n~ <br /> -- p�ragmph 17. Bortowcr's covenama and agrccmems shnll M joint and uveral. Any Uarro�vcr whn rn•signs �his Security (;j'�,.- -.—: <br /> <�? Instrumenl bm does not execuie the Note: (a) is ro•signing this S�rurity Insvumem only �u mnn�oga gram anA com•cy thnt �� _.- <br /> -..-.- - Oorrower's Imercs�In tfie Propeny under ihc tcmix uf thiw S�turi�y InswmenC tb)iv not pcnonally ohliyaieJ�o p;ry�hc smns <br /> ~ suurCd by Ihis Securily InslmmenL•nnd(c)egrces Ihat l.endcr and nny ulhcr B�reu��et nmy ngmc lu exlunJ, mndify,forDCar or �-- <br /> r +� nuke any uccommodatiom��ith regard w�he terms uf this Srcud�y Instrumem or the Nu�e�vi�hnm�hm t3orrower's cansem. ��;� -��,_ <br />. jpi� 13.Loan Chergcs. If�he loan saurcd hy�his Se�vdty Ins�rmmm is eubjcti to a laiv which u�+maximum luan cbar4acs. i' f"1 :�_ <br />�;;i� and that la�r is finally inleryrcted so Iha1 the inter�at nr o�her loan chzr,ex colleclM nr to 6e collecteJ in connec�iun with the i ,j�.�,,,;;�__; <br /> Iwn eamed the permiued limns,�hen: (a)any sach lonn charge shA11 M nniuced by ihe ainoam nttes>�ry m reJuce ihe chnrge {�}�+•��r=_• <br /> -�Y �n Ihe pennilled Ihnit:and @1 any wms alttady coller�ed from 6om�ner x�hirh rzended pemiiued limux will 6e rcfnnded lo 's!t r,��F,•-_. <br /> .��� Borrower. Lender may choose w make this nfund by rcducinp Ih.principnl o��eJ unJer �he N�ne nr hy m;�AinS a direc� ,�_;.':,.���t�,_; <br />..,,{.,. paYmeni lo I3orm�ccr. ft a rcfunJ rcdnc.s principaL dic nduc�iun �vill M tr.a�cA a. u panial prcpaymcm withnm any i . <br /> J!� prepayment charge under Ihe Note. � .:�,�. <br /> -,� l4.Nollees.Any no�ice io purrower prorideJ for in�hi.Securny Innduinem.hnll he given by Jdivering i�or 6y m��iliug <br />�.=`.:'r-; i�by first class mail unless applicahlc lu�v rcquirea u.c of nnmhcr nuihnd. Thc nmie.cludl bc dinc�cd m�hc Pro�xny Addivss �•.�.. �•=�_y.�:�:: <br /> or uny o�her addrcss 6orm�rer designaics by no�iee m I_cndcr. Any nn�ice tn 4nder .Indl bc gieen by fin� cL�a mnil w !� •� '�= `�- <br /> ���. Lcnder's address s�a�ed hcrein nr any oiher uddrcs. Lendcr dnigmnes hy nmice �o IA+rm�rcr. Any notirc rnn•iJcd fnr in this �-. - <br /> _: i. S::urity'Inswnxnt shall bc dcemcrl!n 6:nc bcen gi�rn tn Unrrmvcr nr Irndcr n•hcn gircn a.proviJcJ in Ih�.p.migmph. i� `� � <br /> 15.Go��emhig I.ew{ Sererxbllily. Thi. Securiiy Inewment .,h:di lu gorerneJ by ledcral luw anJ ihe law nf the . 9 �-�. <br /> >CJ�� jurisdiclion in whirh�he Property i�L�cx1eJ. In�Ire crem �h:n any pnnuiun ar clnux ul d�in ticrm�q� In.�rumenl nr�he Natc �' i�.: <br /> - mn0ie�<wi�h upplicaAle Inw,cnrli rnntlia dudl not affeit nlher pro�S.ion�af Ihin&�urilr In.vumrnl nr�he Nme which enn br ' _: <br /> F�J� given effce�withom�he conflic�ing pro�isinn. To thi..nd�he prov�.�on:uf thiti Stcurity Irouument anJ�he(�me are dceL•�rtd f�1�; '-'�,.. <br /> -1 In be serenbic. s�,�j'(i� �� <br /> ._ �r�� I6.Qorrotirer's Copy.Borro�crr,hall he gi�en onc cnninmicd mp� af�hr Nmc and nf d�i.Sccuri�y huiruntcnL ��,�..:-.,�.- :.-_ <br />:;,�+<; 17.Trn�sfer of Ihe Properly or a Bene0clul Inten�7 h�&a•ruaer. If all ur�ny p:m of ihr Propcny nr any intwc.� in it rr<��,,,<<;L;::- <br /> ;�tt'. is wld or lrartcfCtred(or i(a ltincfici:d�m.rcsl in�orrmcrr i.v�W or iranskrnA and Rarro��cr�.mv a naWr.d persnN wi�hom �T - <br /> � Lender's prior �vrillen cnaxm. LenJer mxy. ;n it. option. Nquur �mmcdial� paunem in full uf all •um� ,ecurcJ by thi. -' <br />�:`�fi' Sccuril Inxwmrnl.Howc•�cr.Ihis n uun�h:dl nm bc cxcrciwd 1>y Lcndrr if excraix i. 6 (ltll'teI I:1\\'81 O�IM1l'tlJlt ScS;"`.�� ��� - <br /> ..,:T.-.. Y P� 1 >" �.s�s..,-;"•li":'; <br /> - of ihis Security Inswmcm. ;.�; > <br /> If Lcn7er exeniscs ihi.op�inn.Lender shall gi�c Borro��er non�c af aitcl�•raiion. 7Le nnli.c.hall prociJt a pc�iid of nnl -.�+��`\Y:;. <br /> -.�;�� las lhnn }0 days Gnm Ihc Jatc Ihc nnlicc i+Jcii��crcJ ��r mailcd �u�hfn ��Lirh lk�rroxcr mu.t p:n nll .ums .caurcd hy �hi< <�. <br /> Sccuriq�IrtctrumenL If Wrrro�ccr(ai14 tn p:q•�hcw.wn.�.�����„�i„,.��..�u.,���,r�i��,pcnnJ. I.cndcr ina� inrnAc mn rrmcdi<. . _ <br /> . .�'�. penni�led bv this Securily In+�mmenl���i�hnul lunher nnure orJemanJ nn IA�rruxrr. � <br /> I8. Oono�cer's R{pltl la Relllstnic. II (iomws m�r�. ..nam aonJmort.. I)urroucr .hall h:nr �ht righ� �n hacc -� ,�. - <br /> -",={� enforccmcm of Ihi.SKUfiI)• InqiUmcN Jiv'�mlmucd a[ am- Innr pnnr In Ihc �Jflit( O�[ IJl S J:i\� �ar.uch o:h:: �a:i:-.! _. <br /> applicablc la��� nta)� >{ktif;- for rciu+Intcmcm) I.More ..dc of tlic Pru�ny punuam Iu am ry,��rr of.ak anmafnrd in Ih�. <br /> Snuriq�Inslrumcnl:or Ihl cmn-uf a jnJgmcnl rnfnremg Ihi•Sc.m9�� In.trumcm.lho.c cmidfuam nn•ih.n Uorru��rr cn p.p� " � . � <br /> - Lcndcr all wm.ichirh Ihcn ��ouW bc dur unJcr�hi.Sc:uNa In:vum:nt and�h. V�nc a. II IIO.h'C1Il'fdI1N1 haJ.w� �h� a , <br /> ';-�{ cures an)�defauh of any nlher rnremm�s nr agrecmeniti �a pa}+ all r�pcn.e. �m:urtnl in n4nrdnE �hn Se.unry In.irumem. ��" . - <br /> imluding,bw nnt limitcd tn.m�tionablc:nmmc�: fec�: :wd�J� IaAc.wd�a��n+n a�Ixndcr m:q rca.nnabl� rcymrc m a.wrt <br /> tha� Ihc licn of thi�Samito In.trumnu. Lcndcr'.nE6i.m �Iic Prn�xrt� :mJ(i.�rnn�it�.„ni��,���.,,,,,�„� ,i,�.um..nur.d h� <br /> _- IhiS $�YVru)' In51NI1�citi sh011 Mpii1NC u11ChYn��d- l'(�Pn fRIp.IJIfntCni h\ [A�rhn�CL Ih�. $CCUr�I) I��Nnultcui attJ Ihf <br /> . ubligaions accurecl hrrcM +hall rcmam fullr c0i��n�r a. d un:�cccicrai�uu baJ n:rurrcd. Hu��r�rr. �hi.ngL� m rcw.ta�c.hall . <br /> mt annlv in�hr ca�r nl:ierelrrvunn undrr nar.�cr.m6 I7 .. <br /> �-_� �f9. ti�lc of No�c: Ci�m�gr nf lamn ticniccr. 7'hc Nnt: ur � partial unrrc.l w ihc \,nc nagcihcr ��nh ihn Scvnn <br />. �� IrtcWmcnU ma��hc x.W nuc nr mart�nnr.�cnhnm pmm�umc io&mowcr.A .:dc ma� rr.uh m a alungc w Ih¢rnuq dna��n . <br /> �`. 1 m�hc'luan Scn�icer')�ha�arollce��mnmhly�n�cman,dnr urc,irr�h.�Notc:mJ�hi,tin'unt� Inannncnl. Therc.J.n ma� I+c unc . . <br /> ���-" ot mon changcc uf Ihc la�an Scn'iier unnla4J to a�Ic af Ihc\u�c If lhcrt i.a ch.m�r of�hc Lnan ticn�n•r. Ik.rrouc�aJl It ��� .. <br />..-_ giren�criuen nolim of ihe change in asaNanie icnh paragraph 14 aMne aid apphcaFle IJ��. TIh I101�if PIII.Lnt�h��n.nnr auJ . . <br /> addrcss of lhc nc�� l.�n Scniitr and ihc aJJ�c.,tu��hi.h M�mcm+,houlJ hr maJc. T6r nn�in ��di al.o c.nmm�:m� nd�or <br />. infmmalion rtquind M1y applicahlr Imc . <br /> 20. Ilamrdaus Sul>..mnecs. Uom���t� .hall nm rau.c nt pcnnfl Ihc p��c. u... .�aragr. or tcka.r n( .m� '. <br />- Halanlom Sub.lanca nn ut in Iht Propcn) Unn+mcr .h:dl nul J��. nur allu�c emnnc rht lo do. a�nlhmg af1��Img ILe <br /> Propert�'tha� is in riola�i�m nf anc lincuomm�nal I.m�. ll�c prc.plfng ���n.cmcikr. .hall noi apph w tlio prc.cnrc.uv. or - <br /> -.-_%�`�j slongc�n Ihc Prtipcny of.mall yasmi�i��.af H:v.�rJnu.tiub.tanav.Ihat arc gcncnJl� rcn�gnvd �o IK apprupna�.�o nomial <br /> rcsidemial u+e+and In mafnlcna�xc u(Iht Pmptrry•- � <br /> _ � ' . <br /> '. �.,.i�•. Porm 3938 9;90 � � - ' <br /> i <br /> T� ,.' ___ _ _ __.. . .. . .. .._. .. :- ,....�:. <br />