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<br /> ot de,�ad tbe a�k'inclodtn�Iiw p�ymm!af Ihe 7lruatee'r r�a wcroaay puvrrea,noc to exceea �N
<br /> ll�t pAnclp�1�mount of tbe note at tNe Nme o�fha decl�ratloa otdehult,�ud reuunnble attoraey�'ke9 a�permitted
<br /> b y l a w i l b)t o d l aum wcund b y thls 8ecu�i h laArumeoli�ud(cl�1��a to tbt pernoN or p�no�u k�slly atitbd
<br /> to k.
<br /> — 22. �tecoa�ey�nar. Upuc�Nuy�uent of�11 sumc suuzrd by this 3xurlty Inauumert�.Lender ehel! req���� Th�xtee w
<br /> - r•.coavcy thc Property ond shall aurnnder thfe Secudty Ineaument au!all noces evidencing debt�ecured by this 3ecudty
<br /> Instrument to 7tustee. 7ivatcx shall rcconvey the Property without warranty and withaut chugc to the penon ar persoiw
<br /> k�v!y entiifed w it. Such perwn or persona Ah�ll pay any recordatlon cosls.
<br /> ?3. SuhrftWl�t Ttwta. Lenda,at iw option.n�ay f�om time ta timc rcmovc 7tuAtee nnd apEwint A successor avrtee to
<br />---_— ' �ny 'Av�tee appoinuxi hereunder by an instrument rccarded in Ihe awnty in which this Secudty Instrumene is rocorded. _
<br /> Without canvcyance of the Propeny,tha succeacor wrteo ihaU�ucceed to ull the dtle. power end duties conferted upon
<br /> 1lvctea herein�nd by applicnble law.
<br /> 24. Reqnest tar Notkes. Borrower requotts thwt copies of fhe nptices of dciault and sale be aent to Borrowerl�addrcrs
<br /> which ie the Property Address.
<br /> ZS. Rldere to tUm Security It�ah'umen� if one ar more eideB arc executed by 9urrower and oecorded together with
<br /> this Secudty Insdument,the covenants and egre�mente of eacb such�ider shall be incorporated into end ahall amend and
<br /> ��— supplement the covenants and a�rcementa of this Security In�da�ment as if the rider(s)were e part of�hia Security In:uument. _
<br /> [CIKCk appUc�ble box(es)l
<br /> pAd juateble Rote Rider �CondomlMum Rider �1-4 Family Rider
<br /> _ �()rwduated Payment Rlder �Plonned Unit Development Rider �Biwee�ly Payment Rider
<br /> � �•.� �Bwiloon Rider �RaGe Impmvement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> �_-�� X�O�her(s)[specify] Acknowledgement
<br /> ---— BY SI(3NWa BELOW.Borrower accepte and agrees to the tetms and covenants contafned in thir Security Insuument
<br /> � ��'Y� and in any ddoKr)executed by Horrower and recorded with il.
<br /> —"=4�
<br /> .�..�; WIt11C888&:
<br /> _ � �i ($CFl�)
<br /> aY_ Susan A. Ellingaon �5 � 0597 ��
<br /> .---_'� Soclot Security iVumber
<br />__�..�.-i.. (Seal)
<br /> _---�a�.. .gomower
<br /> _.,. ,
<br /> --=.,:: Sociol3ecurlty Number
<br /> _•�.�
<br />�'�`=� STATE OF NBBItASKA. County sr: Hall
<br />.��:��
<br /> �l"��..� On this 29th day of August, 1991 ,before me,the undersigned,a Notuy Pubiic
<br /> ,•n,:� duly commi��ioned and qualified for said county,personally cama Susan A. Ellingson� a aingle
<br />-=_=�� peraon to me known to be the
<br />_--�Y ' idenNcal persons(s) whoxe name(s)are subscribed to the foregoing inswment and acknowledged the execution thereof to
<br /> ���y"°'' be her valuntary sct and deed.
<br /> -�°="R Witness my hund and nwarial scal at Grand Island. Nebraske in sald county.the _
<br />—__=�':.� date aforesaid. �� x ��J
<br /> �,.-'� U CHRIS�f�11�K'llll�{k� Not�ry Pubik
<br /> �'�`9=� Mp Oan�,fxp Oa.20 199'1 REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE .
<br /> ::-.-,�.Q;,._.� T .
<br /> -°"'"� �� The undersigned is the holder of the note or notes secured by this Deed of 7iust. Said note or notes,together with all
<br /> �:,a�}�.°! other indebtedness secured by�his Deed of'Ihist.have been paid in full. You ure hereby directed to cnncel said note or notes
<br /> - -- and this Deed of'Itust,which ure delivered hereby,and to reconvey,without wummty,ali�he estate now held by yau under
<br /> `-'�x�R�:s..d this Dad of 7tust to the person or persona legally entitled tlxreto.
<br /> Y" ..
<br /> - -"�; � Date: -
<br /> w� Fbrm�02tl 9/90 fpaRe 6 nj6 pageal
<br /> ;..�:.:=��
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