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<br /> applicabb law mAy�pecity far reinetatement) before anle of the P►vpeAy pursuont to any power of"sATe'colftarnea in thi�
<br /> , Security Imtrumont or(b)enay aP e Judgment entorcing thls Sxudty lnsaument. 'ftioco condittone ane that Borrower. (�)
<br /> p�ys Lender all sum�which thrn w��i� he dur under this Security Inswment ond the Note �s if no acceleradon tuid
<br /> accurnd;(b)cwes�ny detault of any other rnven�nq or agrcen►enu;(c)pstyr all experu�eq incurtr.d in enfor�ing this Secudty
<br /> _ _ � InQpwnen[,inclndin��bm not limited tu. re�nwLia�lwu�ys'fees: �nd (dy talces such acdaa as L,cttdcr is�ay rtasoaably
<br /> -- _- - raqulee to assure tt�at the Nen of this 9ccur[ry Instrumenb Lsnderb dghts in the Property and Boimwerh obiigallon u►pAy Iba
<br /> sums socu�ed by thin Saurity Inepument shall contlnue unchanged. Upon rainetatement by 8orrower. this Security
<br /> ln�qum�nt w�d the obligpdona�ocurcd he�by ahatl nmain fully effxtive w�if no Accelerotion had accurred. Hnwever.this
<br /> deht to neinstate ahell not�pply in the case of accolendon under paragraph 17.
<br /> --- - _ _ - � 19. Sale ot Note; Chaage ot l,oan Servtcer. The Note or a partial interest in the Nole (together with this Security
<br /> - -_ _
<br /> lnwument)may be wld one or more dmes without priur notice tu Borrower. A sale mey result in a shange in the endry
<br /> (known as the"I.oan Sarvicer")that collecta monlhly payments due under the Note and thia Security InstrumeM. Therc also
<br /> rtwy ba one or more changes of tho'Loan Servicer unrolated to a sale of the Note. If therc is e chenge of the Lorn Scrvicer.
<br /> Bormwer will be given written nodce of the chonge in accordance with paragraph l4 above and applicubte law. The notice
<br /> ,._ w1U atate the nems and address of the new l.oan Scrvicer and the s►ddress to which payments should be made. The notice wil!
<br /> �Iro contain any other infotmatlon requited by applicaWo law.
<br /> � 20. Hw�rdous Su6�tancea Borrawer shefl not cause or permit the presence.use,disposal,storage,or release of any
<br /> — Hazardous Substances on or in the Prnperty. Horrower shaU not do,nor allow anyone else to do.anything affecdng the
<br /> property that is in violetian of any Environmental Law. The precedin�two sentencea shall not apply to the presence,use.or
<br /> - storage on 1he Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substancex that ere generally recogniud to be appropriate ta norn�al
<br /> rcsidential uses and ta malntenance of the Properry.
<br /> _ Borrower shall pramptly give Lender written notice af any investigation.claim,demand.Iawsuit or other action by any
<br /> governmcntal or reguletory agency or private paRy involving 1he Property ar�d any Hazardoua Subsiance or Environmental
<br /> Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Hoccower leiuns,or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> � authority,thet eny removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance effecting the Propetty is necessary,Borrower
<br /> ��- �hail promptly take all necessery remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> - As used in this paragrs�ph 20."Haznrdous Substances"are those substences defined as taaic or haxardous subatances by
<br /> ---- �-,.� Environmental Law and�he following substances: gasoline.kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> peat�cides and herbicides,volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde. and radioactive materlals. As
<br /> -�-r" used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental LAw"mcans federal laws and laws of the jurisdtction where the Property is located
<br /> ���;� tlwt telate to health.s�fery or environmentul protection.
<br /> ���=��' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agrce as follows:
<br /> ___._«_,.�. � 21. Acceleradoa; Remedies. Lender slwll give nodce lo Borrower prior to Acceleradon Pollowing Borrower's
<br /> -- breacd ot any covenant or agreement in this 3ecurity Instrument(but not prior to accelerAtlon under para�raph 17
<br /> — uolesa applkable law provldes otherwlse). The notice alwll spectfy: (a)the detault;(b)the aclion required to cure We
<br /> �";� deiAUlh(c)a date.aot kss Idan 30 dpys from the date the aotice is given to Borrower,by which the de�AUlt must be
<br /> ��- cured;�nd(d)th�t tallure ta cure We detault on or before tde date speclffed in the notice ms�y result in Accekratiun oi
<br /> �•:r,_� the sums secured by this Secarity Inatrument and sale of the P�operty. The natice shall further inform 8orrower ot
<br /> Ihe�ight to�etnslnte after aceeleratbn smd the right to bring a court Aclion to s�ssert fhe non�existence ot a de/ault or
<br /> ���� any dher detense ot Barrower to acceleration pnd�le. Ir Ihe detault i.g not cured on w before the dpte xpectlied In
<br /> — Ihe notice,l.ender at Ita optbn mAy requlre immedlote payment in full of�11 sums secured by Ihis Security Inslrument
<br /> „�..,� -�9 wtthout fl�rthe� demnnd And moy invuke t6c powe� of�le And Any othe� remedles permltted by npplkAble law.
<br /> -_= �i�`'�'� Lender xlwll be enUtled to collect All ezpences incurred In purr�ulnR Ihe remedlax pruvided In t61s pa�rQrnph 21.
<br /> �,�;.. lacluding.but not limited to�re�sanAbM pttorneyR'fees nnd c��tx of Iltle e��fde��ce.
<br /> :_-�_,A.�,� If the pawer af�le la Inw�ked.7ruqtce xho0 recnrd o nntirr��t defwult In eych county in whkh pny pwrl u�the
<br /> ��,�,,;—�� PropeMy Is locnted and ahall mwN cople4 of such nntice in Ihe mMnner preRrribed by rpplkAble IAw lu Burrower ond lu
<br /> --.�-�--,� the olher peixonA prexcribed by applkwble Iww Aner Ihe Iime reyulred by applkAble aw.7Yustec shwll Kive pubNc
<br /> __ -��-"' aotice of sale to the peraone pnd in the mnnner prericrlbed by �pplhwbte Iww 'Iti•ustee�without demond on Borrower.
<br /> ehall sell the Property al publlc auction lo the highcwt bidder�t Ihe Ilme nnd plpce And uader tbe termA dexlRnated in
<br /> _-____�.,��.� the nMke of eak in one or more pArcel�ond in pny order 71rur�tee determinea 7Fuatee mAy postpone�le of s�ll or any
<br /> --��----� _;;,� pArcel ot the Properly by public announcement At the tirs::and p1ACe atany previwwly xchedukd�le. l.ende•r or Ila
<br /> -�_-,.�,.�^^ � desi�nee may purchose the Property at any sale.
<br /> �-` �� Upon receipt of payment of the price bid�7Yuxtee stwll delive� to the purchaser 'I�ustee's deed conveying the
<br /> _��,s�,�,,; Property. The recitals la the'iYustee's deed shall be prims�fvcle evidence oF Ihe trulh ot lhe statementx mode Ihereln.
<br /> -='--�_•� 7lrustee shall apply tbe proceeds oT the sale In the�WMwing order: lol to All costa and expenses of exerelsinQ Ihe power
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