<br /> - .
<br /> 91-�058��
<br /> ----_ 16. MiMM�M011�'ro11W01M� -- -
<br /> (�) ��(�lol p��d.Exbn�lon of th�dm�br p�nl ur mod{IloAtlan oi amoRltadon of the auma sacwred by thN
<br /> � ONd of Trust�nM�d by l.�nder to my suaa�or In ir�rorsat of Borcower ahall not operets to r�t�aw,in�ny m�nnK.tl�U�bUitf► --
<br /> uNh�oripinu Borrow�►md BoROws�'a suoa�s�on In interat L,�nd�r�hill not b�requlr�d ta comm�nc�Pr��lnps�Irat
<br /> wab�uco�sror a r�fuw to�nd�m�far paym�nt or otherwiM modlly amortlzaGon of ths�ums waund by thl�Owd of Trwt
<br /> by�p�on of�ny dsmands mad�by the orlpinsl 8o►row�r�nd Borrowsr'�wccasors In Int�nst
<br /> -- � �q) ���y p��.Without aNactlnp the Ileblllty of eny othe►pereon Ilebls for the paym�nt of�ny oblipatlon hKele _
<br /> msntloned,�rid wlthout at(ecdnp tho Ilsn or char��of thl�ONd of Trun upon any portlon ot the PrapKly not tMn or Ihu�tofa�
<br /> nlN�sd as�saurly tor the lull amount of all unpald obllpatlan�,Lendor may,from dme W dme�nd wlthout noGc�(I)rat���
<br /> psrson so Ilable,(11)extsnd ths maturlty or slter any oi ths term�af any weh obllpatlon�,(lll)�rant ather Indulpenc�t,Ovj�e��
<br /> , (h take�o�re oase any oth�r o e d done�securry for ny ob psdoe hoeeln mantlon�por(1) n�ieks com fposldont a othK
<br /> uranp�manb wlth debton In raladon thereto.
<br /> --- (o) Fatb�r�na�by L�nd�r NM�W���u ary forbearance by Lender In exerclslnp any ripht or remedy hereund�r,or
<br /> otherwlse atlorded by appllaable lew,ahell not be e walver of or preciude the exerclee of eny ouch ripM or remedy.Tha
<br /> -° proaurement of In�urance ar the payment of taxea o►other Ilene or ehorgea by Londer shall not bo�welvu of I.�nd�r's rlpht to
<br /> - oocalerate the maturlty of the Indebtednesa eeoured by thle Deed of Truat
<br /> � (d� gucw��ors�nd Asupns Bound;Jolnt�nd 8w�n1 Wblllty;C�ptbn�.The covenants end ayreemants hereln con-
<br /> — talned ahell b1�4,and the rlphb hereunder ahall Inure to,the reapeapve suaceeeors and asslpnt of Lsnder�nd Tru�tor.All
<br /> oovenana and Apreemonb ot Truotor ahall be Jolnt and several.The cepUono end headlnp�ot the paraprsphn of thls Oa�d of
<br /> Tn»t sre for conventence only and a�e not to be ueed to Interpret or depne the provlalom hereM.
<br /> -- � (e) Rpa�at tor No1kM.Tha perties hereby requeN that e copy of any noUce of defeul!hereunder end a copy o1 A�y notlae i
<br /> of aele hereunder be mslled to eaoh party to thl�Deed o1 Trust at the address eet forth above in the mpnner preaarlbed by
<br /> .i epplloable I�w.Excapt for eny other notice requlred under eppllaeble law to be Qlven In enother menner,eny notice provlded
<br /> '� lor in thl�Daed ot T�u�t ehell be plven by melling euoh notice by certlfled mell eddreesed to the other partles,et the�ddnte set
<br /> Trustor�levmore tl�a one rpe wen n�otice eentDto U�e address aset brth abo e ehaM ba'n'oUce o almeuc per�e lo�^���haraln.lf
<br /> __-:� (Q �n�p�ctlon.Lender mey make or cauee to be made reasoneble entrles upon end Inspectlons of the Property,provlded
<br /> -,n,a . thet Lender sh�ll�Ive Tru4tor notico prlor to any such Impeatlon apeoltylnp reasonabte cause therelor rel�ted to Lendor's
<br /> -- Inbrest In the Properly. �
<br /> (p) R�oonv�ysnrs�.l�pon payment ol all aunw eeoured by thls Deed of Truat,Lender shell request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> - -_� P�operty and shall surrender thle Deed ol Truat and all notes evldenclnp Indabtedness eecured by thls Oeed oi Trwt to T�u�tse.
<br /> T�ustee�hall reconvey the Property wlthout warranry and wlthout char�e to the penon or penons Ipelly entlUod th�nto.
<br /> �_� Trunor�hell pay all coets ol recordatlon,H any.
<br /> _ (p� p�end prop�rty;S�ourltf► Aprwm�nt,As addltlonel securfry for the peyment ot the Note,Trusto► hs►eby�enb
<br /> --�;� Lender under the Nebraoka Unlfarm Commercfel Code a aecunty Interest in aA�xiurad,c�qulpmani,and athsr paraona!property
<br /> — uaed In connenUon wlth the real estate or Improvements located thereon,and not othe►w{ee dealared or deemed to be e pah of
<br /> __•f.� the real eatete eecurad hereby.Thle instrument shall be construed ae a$ecurlty Ayreement under aald Code,and the Lender
<br /> shall have all the riphte end remedles of a secured peAy under seld Code In addNlon to the riphts and�emedles created under
<br /> b cum ledve wUh,andefn no weyte IlmltaUon onf Lende►�'s rlphts nd remadiasrund1er�eny o her�Iixurlly eqr'eom M slpned by
<br /> -�� Bonower or Truator.
<br /> �" (q Ll�n�and Enoumbranaa.Truetor hereby warranta and represeMS thet there la no defeult under the provlslone of any
<br /> "�I �3 mortpepe,deed of uu�t leaee or purchese contraat descrlbing all or any pert o11he Property,or other conhac�Imtrument or
<br /> 3 a�reement conetltutlnp a Ilen or encumbrance agalnst all or any part of the Properly(aoHectively,"Llens"►,exietlnp as of the
<br /> ���'�. deta of thla Deed of Truat,end thet any and ell exisNng Llena remaln unmodlfled except as diecloaed to Lender In Trwtor's
<br /> w�ltten dfeoloaure of Ifena and encumlxancea provlded for hereln.Trustor ahell tlmely peAorm all of Truator's obllpeUone,
<br /> --;��, covenants,repreaenfepons and werrontles under any and all exislttng and luture Llene,shell prompUy forwerd to Londer coples
<br /> --- •N=�a of all nodces ot deteult sent In connectton wlth eny and all exlotlnp or future Llena,and shall not wlthout Lender's prlor wrltten
<br /> -- �� consent In any menner modlfy the provlelons ol or albw any tuture advances under any exlatlnp or fuWre Uene.
<br />,_,�,��.;;,� �) �p���W�p�p�yn�nh.Unless otherwlae requfred by law,sums pefd to Lender hereunder,Includlnp wlthout Ilmltadon
<br /> =-• payments of prinalpal end Intereaf.Insurance proceeds,condemnatlon proceeda and rents and pro11W,ehell be epplled by
<br />_;}�„:— Lander to the amounte tJue and owing Irom Trusror and Borrower in such order es Lender in Na sole discretion deema dealrebte.
<br /> -- (k) Sw�r�bllily.If any provfelon o1 thls Deed ol Trust contllcte wllh eppllcable law or Is declared Invalid or otherwlee
<br /> --�' �Ivenf eifectbwltl�out Me conflfctlnp p ovlslon,a'nd to thla end he p ovls ons oi thls Dead oel Tru9 erndtthe Noto r e doo ehad o ba
<br /> Y3�;.° severeble. -
<br />-���, (1) T�nns.The terms"Truetor"and"Borrower"ahell Include both slnpular and plurel,and when tFw Trustor and 8orrower
<br /> � ore the teme person(a),thoae terma as uaed In fhis Deed of Truet ehall be Interchenqeable.
<br />=A"�r�, (m) aov�minp l.�w.Thls Deed of Truat ahall be governed by the laws of the State of Nebraeka.
<br />.�, T►uitor haa exoauted thle Deed of Trust as of the date wrltlen above. , _
<br /> a . cL ��l _;,, iJ, -�ll.l �`.
<br /> .v;,;: (Ethel M. Mi118�ruator A Widow
<br /> • .� ` Trustor -
<br />.o.: �,;
<br /> ,� ,
<br /> � ,,,.:�. .
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