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<br /> th�PropsAy i��o tak�n or d�map�d,L�ndsr�hNl h�v�th�opUon,In Ib wl��nd�bwtua dl�arNbn,to�ppryr�II wah Proo«ds,
<br /> �A�►d�duodnp th�r�irom�tl oo�t��nd�xp�nNS Inourr�d by it In conn�atlon with wch ProoNds.upon�ny Ind�bt�dn�u qaund
<br /> - hKaby And In wah oM�r��L.�nd�r m�y d�inrmin�,or to�pply all�uoh Proc�sd�,�ft�r woh d�duatbn�,to tlN�Nbr�tlon ol th�
<br /> °— = Propwty upon wah aonditlons u L�nder m�y det�rmins.Any�pplladon of ProaNds to IndNshdn�u�h�ll not�xtmd o►postpon�
<br /> - th�du�d11b of my p�ymmb undor th�Naq,or oun a�y di1�uN th�r�undu or ha�und�r.Any un�ppll�d fund�ah�M b�pdd to
<br /> _ ° Tnwtor.
<br /> 9. P�lom�na�by L�nd�t.Upon th�oaaurnnc�ot�n Ev�nt ot D�hult h�nund�r,or If�ny oot I�tak�n or Ip�l proaMdlnp
<br />- T___ _�..__ commsnoed whlah m�tarblly df�ob Land�r'�Intxest In tha Property,l.ender may In Ib own dbareUon,but wNhout obllp�tion to do
<br /> - w,end without nopce to or d�m�nd upon Tru�tor snd without r�lea�lnp Trutlor irom any obllppqon,do ony aot which Truator haa -�-
<br />__. _...__ ��
<br /> a�resd but fall�to do and mey el�o do�ny other�ot It deems n�csuary to prot�ot th��scurlty h�rwf.Trustor rhall.Imm�diaqly
<br /> upon dsmmd th�refor by Lender,pey to Lend�r all co�ts and e�penees inourred end sum�expmd�d by L�nd�r In corM�aGon with
<br /> --= ths exwalw by I.ender of the forepolnp riphq,topethar with Inrorest thereon at th�dsiault rate provldrd in th�Not�,whlch�hNl be
<br /> edded to ths Indebtednea saourod hsraby,Lender shdl not incur any li�blliry boaauw of anythlnp It m�y do or omit W do
<br /> T F_:,� ' h�reunder.
<br /> 9. Hu�Mou�M�brlals.Trustor ahell keep the Property In oompllenae with all applloable lew�,ordinance�end reQulaUons
<br /> relednq to Indwt►lal hyplene or environmental proteotion(colleatively referred to hereln as"Environmentel Lewe").Truetor�hall
<br /> -- keep the Property frae from all eubst�ncea deemed to be hatatdous or toxic under any EnvlronmenWl Lawi(colleopvely rele►red to
<br /> --- hereln as"Hazardout Materlals").Truttor hereby warranta aod represents to Lender thet there are no Ha¢eirdaue Materlals on or
<br /> - ,,,,,,,� under the Properly.Trusta hereby apreee to Indemnlly and hold harmlee�l.ender,it�dlreatoro,oNiaers,employeee end apenb,end
<br /> --- . eny succeeaoro to Lender'a Intereat,lrom and agelnst any and ell claime,damepea,loases and Ilabilitles erleinp In conneadon wifh
<br /> __--,-.� the preaence,use,dlaposal or traneport ot any Hezerdaus Meterials on, under,lrom or about the Property. THE FOREOOIN4
<br /> 10. AaipnmMt ot R�nb.Truelor hereby aeelyne to Lender the rents,lsauas end protite of the Propprry;provldsd that Truetor
<br /> _�_�.;.-�r, .,.
<br /> -=-__�.,,:,-�• ahall,until the occurrance of an Event ol Defeult hereunder,have the ripht to coHect and retaln such rents,leeues end profits as
<br /> °'���° ` benome due and payebte.Upon the ocourrenae o1 an Event M Default,Lender mey,either In peraon or by apent,with or without
<br /> -_ ,�.,��� bringing eny action or proceeding,or by a recelver appolnted by a court and without repard to the adequacy of Ite securlty,ent�r
<br /> - _=�.; upon end teke posseaslon of the Property,or any part thereot,In fts own name or In the name of the Trustee,end do any acts whlch it
<br /> �--ry---�>>:��'' deems necoaeery or deafreble to preserve the velue,marketablllty or rente61111y of lhe Prope►ly,or any pan thereof or Interoat thereln,
<br /> ---_�==P==��''� increase the income theretrom or protect the seaurly horeol end,with or without taking poaseaeion ol the Property,eue for or
<br /> .�.�_;�. :
<br /> �,,, � ' otherwlse collect the rents,fesues end protlta thereof, including those past due end unpeld,and apply the eame,lees coete a�
<br /> - - -�,�,,�_.;' , expenaea of opareUon a�d collection Including attorneys'feea,upon any indebtedneas secured hereby,all In auch ader as Lender
<br /> --- °�-�-�a�'�- may determine.The entering upon and teking posaeasian of the Property,the collectlon of such rents,Ieeues end profite and the
<br /> �����,��,t-;�`'-• application thereot as aforeseld,shall not cure or wafve any default or notice ot default hereunder or Mvalidete any aat done tn
<br /> .����;,,;��;•,, , response to euch delault or pursuant to such notice of delau�t and,notwithstending the continuence In poeaesalon of the Property or
<br /> �';•���,Y the colleadon,receipt end application ol rents,leauea or proNts,end Trustee end Lender shall ba andtled to exerclse every rlpht
<br /> '�'��•• provided lor in eny ot the Loen Instrumenta or by lew upon occurrence of a�y Event of Delault,includiny without Ilmitetlon the right
<br /> ������ iY -
<br /> ,-�� . to exorelae the power of sale.Further,Lender's riphte a�d remediea under thle peragreph ahell be cumulauve w�m,and in no way a
<br /> ,, . . �{ : :; Ilmifetlon on,Lender's rlghts and remedlea under eny asalpnment ol leases end rente�ecwded aqalnet the Prope�iy.Lender,Trustee
<br /> - ,;_�� ,:.`;�„ and the�ecelver ahell be Iieble to eccount only for those re�te actually recelved.
<br /> �;��„�;�Y:��.,;�:_ 11. Ev�nb of OHau�.The followlnp shell constlWte en Event of Default under thls Deed of Truek
<br /> -� n L��.-' (a) Fellure to pey eny inatallment of princfpel or Interest ot eny other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> � `� (b) A breach ot or de}ault under eny provlaion contalned:n the Note,thls Deed of Tru9t,any of the Lcan Instrumenta,or any
<br /> _��_ �-:--.4`..
<br />_�F�i�xri�i"a�� other Iien or encumbrance upon the Properry;
<br /> " '�•-��!,� '� (c) A w�it o1 executlon or attachment or any si mllar piocees shall be entered apainst Trustor whlch ahall become a Iien on
<br />__a3� •; �...,,,;,.:,��:� •• the Property or any poRion thereof or fntereat therein;
<br /> '�="�• ` (d) There ehall be tiled by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower an action under any preeent or future lederal,state or other
<br /> ,�,�. •�.- ,
<br />-�` .M .y. , statute,law or reguletion relating to bankruptcy,lnaolvency or other relief for debtors;or there ahall be appolnted any truatee,
<br /> �`¢�'� - �• recelver or liquldator of Truetor or Borrower or ol all or any part of the Properry,or the renta,issues or prollts thereof,or Trustor
<br /> __,__,s�'.. �..
<br /> _ __,�„_;; ` • or Borrower ehell meke any general aealgnment for the benetlt of creditors;
<br /> � ,. ,,. ":; , (e) The sele,transier,leaee,assignment,conveyance or further encumbrance o(all or any part of or any interest fn the _
<br /> ° ":` Property,ehher volunterlly or Involunterily,wflhout the expreas written conseM of Lender, provlded that Truetor shell be _
<br /> �'��:��. � ' permilted to execute e lease of the Prope►ty that does not conteln an option to purchaee and the term of which doe�not exoeed
<br /> 't�0• vSU.•
<br /> _ � Ofl6 y6df�
<br /> � (Q Abendonment of the Property;or
<br /> �,�v=,; ..,:.,, , (Q) If Truator fe not an fndlvidual,the IssuanCe,sete,transfer,aasi�nment,conveyance or encumbronce of more then a totel
<br /> °'�.?�"`z-"�'�.e�-' =
<br /> °-° �-a='--=-'- � of percent of(It a corporetion)fts Issued and outstanding atock or(it a pertnershlp)a totel of percent ot
<br /> N �. � " . pertnershlp interests during the perlod thfs Deed of Truet remafna a Ilen on the Propehy.
<br /> �T- ., - 12. R�m�dl�s;Acc�raibn Upon ON�ult.In ihe event of eny Event of Delault Lender mey,wlthout notice except as requlred by
<br /> ��- law,deolare all indebtedness secured hereby to be due and peyable and the aeme ahell thereupon become due end payable
<br /> - wlthout any{xeaentment,demend,protest or not�e of eny kind.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> �� � (a) Demend thet Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted hereln, and Truslee ahall thereaRer cause Truetor'a _
<br />_;�� .," ., � interest U the Property to be aold and the proceeda to be dlatrlbuted,ell in the rnenner provided in the Nebraska Tru4t Oeads
<br />.,,.,;, •. Acx
<br /> �% � (b) ExerGae any and all riphts provided for in any of the Laan InstrumeMS o►by lew upon occurrence of any Evont of
<br /> . � .J,. � Defeult;and -.
<br /> ,.i ° (c) Commence an action to faecloae thls Deed of Truat as a mortgaqe,appolnt a receiver,or apecllicelly enforce any ot the =
<br /> - covenants hereot. =
<br /> . No remedy herefn conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy hereln,In the =
<br />� '1 Loan Inatrumenta or by lew provided or permitted,but each ahall be cumulative.shall be�n edditlon to every other remedy given
<br /> hereunder,fn the Loan Inatruments or now or hereafler existing af lew or In equlty or by atatute,and may be exercised concurrently,
<br /> Independently or euccessively. �
<br /> • �., 13. Tru�tM.The Trustee may realgn at any time without cause,and Lender may at any time and wfthout cause appolnt a
<br /> �� . succeseor or substltute Trustee.Trustee ahall not be Iiable to any party,Including without limitetfon Lender,Borrower,Trusfor or any
<br /> .. ' �� . ���,;,-t.--:� purchaeer of the Property,lor eny losa or damage unlesa dueto reckless or wlllful miaconduct,and ahall not be requfred to teke any
<br /> � 'w� � ection In connectlon with the enlorcement ol this Deed ol Trust unless IndemnNied,in wrlting,for all costs.compenaetlon or
<br /> '�tac�._z�_� _ expen8ea whlch mey be aseoclated therewlth.In additlon.Trustee may become e purchaser at any sale o1 the Property Qudiclal or
<br /> �
<br /> _ ,.._
<br /> _ , - _�_ - ._.... ----
<br /> ,,,w under the power of sele g�ented hereln);postpone the sale ot au or any ponion oi me Properiy.as pr�vidmi�y�aw,�� ad�����d ,
<br /> Property es a whole,or In separete parcels or lots at Truatee's dlscretlon.
<br /> - 14. FN�and Fatp�nt��.In the event Trustee se11s the Properry by exercise of power ol sele,Trustee shall be entitled to epply
<br /> �� " � any sele proceeda flrst to peyment ol ell coata and expenaes ot exerciaing power of sale,including all Truatea's lees,and Lender's
<br /> and Truatee's attorney's lees,ectually incurred to extent permitted by appllcable lew.In the event Borrower or T�ustor exercfsea any
<br /> ••1 � rlyht provided by law to cure an Event of Default,Lender shall be entltled to recover trom Trustor all coats end expenses ectually
<br /> ��� ' incurred ae e result of Trustor's delault. Includlnfl without Umitetlon all Trustee's and attorney's fees,to the extent permltled by
<br /> ` . eppllceble law.
<br /> 15. Futun Advancn. Upon requeat of 8orrower,Lender may, at Ita optlon, make edditlonal and future advancea and re-
<br /> �� advencea to Borrower.Such advences end readvances,with intereat thereon,shatl be aecured by thls Deed of Trust.At no tlme shall
<br /> • the principel amount ol the indebtednesa aecured by this Deed of Truat,not Including sums advanced to protect the security of thls
<br /> '" Deud ot 7ruat,excead the orf�inal principal amount stated hereln,or S whlchever Is preater.
<br /> ,�� �- , .
<br /> �. � . .
<br />