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..,o. , . � . _,,.�..r..... <br />_ . . . . -- <br />=_�i�!E � ,.._-_-- <br /> `°7�CII G ... .- �--,�.. . ^:T+.��. <br /> -- �:�k:..N,:� �_ - -- - <br /> .,...�....� <br />_'��—"�:�..,��i j —- —_-- <br /> s <br /> �-� 9�--� 'iU5J25 <br /> �u _ <br /> ___,.�. � ot them.ahall bs enlitled to enface thla Trust Dwd�nd any oth�r s�curlry now a hanaHer Mld by B�n�Ncfary a Tru�iN in tuch ord�r�nd m�nnM - <br /> _� w Ih�y or Nlher of Ih�m mey in IhMr absolute dl�cntlon d�t�rmin�.No r�m�dy h�rdn eonlornd upon or r�rvW W Truas�ar Bw�Ncl�ry W Intwtidad _ <br /> tq b��xotu�fve of�ny other remedy h�refn a by law provfd�d a permined,but eaeh sholl b�aumulativs and ahdl bs In additlon to�wry olher ram�dy <br /> �iwn hK�und�r a now a herwftar e�Ninq�t law a in eQW►Y or by qetuu.Ewry Pu►w►a nm�dy Provld�d und�r ihls Tnut Daa1 W TruatN a B�ficlary <br /> ---�-.-_---:=-_-� o�to whlch eithor of them may bo otherwfte enqtled,may W exe�releed,�s c�u►r►11M��ea!N thlnplhera�in 1iholl beteonetrusd a praMbHinO�BeMNoiMr <br /> �xp�dimt by Trost�e a B�neliciuy and either of them may pu `�- <br /> — ham NNcinp a deHci�ncy ludpment apalnst tha Truttw to th���tont wch aedon is p�rmitt�d by law. <br /> -'-- 11.TRANSFER OR THF PROPERTY;ASSUAIPTION.If all a ony part ol Ihe Property a intereat thxaln Is eotd,iranvfernd or othawiM conwy�d <br /> -_ by Trustor wflhout BeneOcfery's prbr wrlden conaent,axcluding(o)the creatbn of a Ilen or encumbrance�ubordlnate to thls Trust Deed,(b)a tnnof�r <br /> �..�� by opwatlon of I�w upon the dealh oi a Trueta who Is a pint tenont or(a)Ihe yrant ot any leasehold Uterest of th►ee(3)yaan a Ns�wh�h dos�rat <br /> _- =_�;� contoln�n optlan W purchase,�}� acHor�Is a br6ach ot ihla apraemont,and Benollclary may,ot Benet�leiy's optlon,declars all the eums s�9eured by <br /> -•-�_ _-,�;-� lhit Trust Deed to be Imme�ately��ue eU1d payable;provlded,hxthar,thie Trutt Deed mey,at Beneficlary'a optlon,ba d�clarW Immedl�t�ly due ond ! <br /> payable,if(1)Trus�a Is s piiflnenhip enHiany intereqt In the parinorehip 14 sold or etsipned by any meane whatsaevar,a(�it Ilw Tru4tor la a corporatlon <br /> �� and a tranefer ol Ihe ma�ority etock ownerahip Interest In Ihe corporallon occura,or tho Trusta carporatlon mergea in any fam with enother co►poration <br /> •���.���H or entlty.Beneflalery shall have wpived auch aptlon to eccelerate It,prlor to 1he sele,transfer a conveyance,Benefkiary and the person to whom th� <br /> Properly Is to be edd or tranderred reach ay�eement In vrtlting Iluit the credlt ol such person fa totl�footory tu Bsnoflclary ond that 1ho kRant parabN <br /> -..-;;,'� on�h�wm�Ncwad by Ihia Truet Daed aholl be at wch rate a�BaneNelary shaM requoat. <br /> e� 1Z.ACCELERATION UPON DEFAULT;RBMBD�EB;SALH.The leilure by Ilw Truetor,to make any peynwnl or to perform any af the Iwm�and conditione <br /> ��'-� o}thl�Trust Deed�or tlw terms And conditions of the Note,or anY renewala,madlNcetlons a exlonalons thereol,or the lalluro to maca payment of any � <br /> -------.- -_--'-_ -. a tlw death of one or more Truetas ahall be a breach and <br /> -'•`^� qihsr IndebtYdnea,prla or eubsequent lo thlc irusl Deed,and securad by thla property. � <br /> --"`-'"-��"�;4� W}ault af Ihla Truat Oeetf and the Beneiiciary may declare a defeult and mey declere all sums cecured hereby Immedlately due and payabta and th� _ <br /> � aama�hall lhereupon bscome due and payable wllhout presenlment,demend,protest or notice of any kind,provided,Truetor shaU have any aetutary <br /> �- �+_:, ,,r+,��;�. �iqht to cure Ihe delault betae any nollce of default and demand for eale mey be deflvered to the Trustee.ThQreofter,Beneffclory moy dMiver to TrustN <br /> '°"'��`t='°�.:.,._ a written declaratlan ot default and demand for sale.Truator agrees and hereby grants that Ihe Trustee ehatl heve the power d sale of the Properly and =_.. <br /> ���'� tf Beneticlary decldes the Properry is to be sold it ahell deposit wllh Truatee lhis Truat Oeed end the Note or notes and eny other daurrwM�evldeneinp - <br /> n„�n",:�L"� e�penditurea secured hereby,and shell deNver to Trualee a wrltten nolice of delault and electlon to cause Ihe propenyr to be eold,a�tl Truot�,In tum, _W <br /> ;,,��.,,.,,,.,, v slwll prepare o slmllar notico in lhe lam requlred by law,which sholl be duly Illed la recad by Trustee. � <br /> -,���,�s'Crr__��__'-. • � <br /> _�,:�,T-�:f, ,` (o) Afler ihe lapse ol 4uch time as may be reqWred by law folWwing the recordetlon of Not�e ol Delault,and Not�ce ot Deleult and Notke of i� <br /> -� __^��� Sal9 hovinp baen glven as requked by law,Truatee,without demend on Truetor,shall sell ihe Properly,If not redeemed,in one or more �_,,, <br /> �` -°�d+.>• percels end In such ordor ai Truotee may determfno on the date Ynd tha Ilme and placY deYiynetW in wid Notlea ol8alo,at public auctlon _ <br /> �'•,-.�T-�. rr eCCadlnp tOIYW. ��' <br /> �:��- -: <br /> ....i.::_,}$�,�,._ -- <br /> - ���„Y��y;--- (i�) When Trustao soUs pursuan!!o the pnwery hnrein,Truatee ahall apply lhe(xoCeeds oi tha sele W paymenl of the coste and expsnoss of � <br /> �- exerclrinp the power of eale and of the sale,Including,withoul limltedon,eltorney'e leee and Ihs payment o1 Trustae'�Feei mcurnd,whiah <br /> ' •�j_ Trustee's Feea ahall not In Ihe aggregate exceed Iho followfng amounis based upon the amount aeeured heraby and remalning unpald at �_ <br /> 7 '��'!"��-- the tfine¢chWuted(or sale:b percentum on ihe balance lhereol;and Ihen lu Ihe Itemc fn�ubparapaph(c)in the ordw thYre ttatwl. _,. <br /> . �,A.- <br /> -"'�1��: e., .y�.��^':� —"- <br /> ---_ �'i•; (c) Attor payfng Ihe Ileme speci0ed In subpuregraph(b►,fl lhe aale Is by Truetee,or If ihe cWe Ic pursuant to Judlcbl la�cloouro,lho proceade - <br /> ",'� � ,�j;w�;'� ot�alo ahall be appNed in Iha foMowlnp order: � <br /> -- ' � . ..:,�,�y�'• <br /> - .. e �� <br />_�:��: _.��•t, (1�Cwt of any evldence ol Utle procured in conneetbro wNh such eale and of eny revenu�Iranefer lee ruquired to be p91d: - <br /> ^ �,� , K (2)AII obllyalions secured by Ihls Trusl Deed: �:- <br /> �� ,� . .}.r , - <br /> -�-;,,� , � t1't�,,� (3)Junla tru�t deeda,mw10a9eo.or other IienhWdere: — <br />� � �r� ��'.. (4)TM rem�lnder,ft any,lo the person leqally eotrtlad therato. �'- <br /> _ .�._X ,.,'�z , <br /> � 13.APPOINTMBNT OF 8UCCESSOR THUSTEE.Bene�iciary mey.Irom lima to Ifine,by a wriqon Inatrumenl eKacuted end acknowNdped by BonN�clary, �_�_. <br /> �r.:i..Yil�:'�Y._:,`":s:J�` � <br /> -.--� - -sa-!. • �• m�ll�d to Tru�tor Mtd recorded In Ihe counly or counhes�n which Ihe Property�a loceted and by olhorwlea comply�ng with iho provl�lons 01 ih�oppNceb� � __ <br /> -- -��.--:.-."'�.�. I�ws ol th�State of Nebraoko eubsutute a euccaccor cv succeaw►s to the Truoleo namad heroln or actinp hareundar. �._:. <br />�,�;,��... rer,• ��t <br />:_��� 'l��°~.i�hK'� 14.INBPECTIOMS.Benolic�ary,or de agente.represenlaUvea or empioyee6.are authonzed to enter at eny reaaonebte time upon or In any part of Ihs � <br /> ' ° "� Pr fa Iho purpoe�of in�poclmg Ihe aame and lor Iha purpora af pwforminfl a�y ol Ihe acta rt le oulhafzed to perfam undw tha terms o1 ths Trutt DNd. <br /> �.._�.�,_. ..` a�.►�r �_:_: <br /> ��.��. -- <br /> --^�'�+ ���i"� 1 B.OPTION TO RORBCL08URH.Upon Ihe cecurrence ol any breach and upon the decleratlon o1 dolaWl heraundor,6erwliclary ehoN havo tFa optlon � <br /> ���'�+•=r�4,- to la�Cba�lhls Trust Oeed�n Ihe menner proaded by law for Ihe foreclacure o l mortyayea on reo l p r o p e rt y �_. <br /> `-._ti..��� � 9� •�r w•_ . <br /> -��`•�+�� 18.RORHBEARANCE BY BENBRICIARY OR TRU8TEE NOT A WAIVER.Any fwebearence by Benetic�ery or Trustee fn oxerc�afnp eny rtght or rsmedy <br /> hereunder,0►olherwiee eHorded by apphCaWe lew,shall not be a wawer ol or preclude the exercise a�eny suCh rlght or remedy.Likswlae,tM welver �_`- <br />_s�i,��,'i�;�,��:�._'•: � <br /> '��� by BeneHclary a Truelee ol any default ol Trustor uMler th�o Trurt Deed ahell not be daemed to ba a wefve�01 ony o1Mr or slmllor dafaulta wbcaquantly <br /> .. K -���.TJj�, �_�_. <br /> � ��`� �C��A�. _ <br /> .� .��� ..'::�..1. <br /> cA-�y;�y-�;: x,;.. 17.BENEFICIARY'8 POWERB.Wdhout aHectfng or releasing the liabllily of Ihe Truator or any other person Ifeble for tho paymsnt of any obllpatlon _ <br /> �' h�reln mentloned,and wilhout alfecUng ihe hen or charge of this Trust Deed upon any portlon ol the Property,BeneHefery may,hom tlme to tlmo and ___ <br /> �,'•'',7�' " ° wlthout notice at Ihe requesl of one or more Trustars.(q release any person Ileble,(fi)extend or renew Ihe maturfty or aller eny ol lhe lermt of eny such - <br /> �r <br /> ' .i` obligtlbne.(1f�)grant other indulgences.(IV)release or reconvey,o�cause lo be released or reconveyed et any tfine et Beneliciary'a optlon any pereel <br /> �� � � a al)of Ihe Property.(v)take or release any olher or addd�onal soCUrdy for any obhgatlon hereln mentloned.(vi)meke eettlement8 Or other arrangements <br /> • _d: � with Trustor in rNatfon thereto All Trustars shall be�o�ntly and severally obligated end bound by Ihe actbns ol Ihe Benefklery or any o�a or mae TruYta <br /> . G4 elotod In thi6 paragraph. <br /> � "'� ' 18.AttORNHY FEES,COSTS AND F?XPENSES.The Benel¢�ary ot this Trust Deed Is eniftled to the pBymeM of ettorney'e lees.coats and oxpensa <br /> .- pY provided in Ihis Trust Deed.except as otherwise proh�brted by law <br /> 19.RECONVEYANCE BY TRU8TEE. Upon wnllen request d Benefic�ary and upon paymenl by Trusta of Trustee's feea,Truttee aholl retonvey to ... <br /> • Trusta,or Ihe person or persons legully enlitled ihereto.witlioul warrenty,any porlion ol Ihe Property then held hereunder.Recilals m such reCOnveyance � <br /> • ol a�y matlers or lacls ahatl bct cunclusrve prool ol the Iruthlul�ess thereol the grantee in any recooveyance mey be describe0 as Ihe pereon a pereono E'-:,, <br /> �f <br /> ' IepaMy entitled Ihereto" <br /> ° 20.NOTICEB.Except for noUCes,demands.requesls or other communical�ans reqwred under applicable law to he grven in enother manner,whenever <br /> . �,� �� Benefitlery.Truslor a Truslea gwes or serves any nouce pncludiny.w�thoul IimdaUOn,nouce o�Qefau�l 8nd notieo o�sale►,demends.requesta or other <br />__-_ _--� ____.._,__..__.....�__........�...�ti..T...o�n� onrn aueh nm�r.e.demand.reaueat o�other commumcation shall be��wnting and shall be efleCirve onty <br /> -- - <br /> . . . ..n 4V•IIInVUwouvu nnr�.o.q............... ..__'__. ' <br /> � II ihe 88me Is dellvered by per�onal service cx is maded by cerld�ed mad.poStacJe prepaid.addressed to the atldrasa as set lorin et Ine neginnmg or�ms � <br /> �� Trust Deed.Any party may nt any ume chanye its:iddress for such not�ces by delwemig or ma�ling lo Ihe olher parly hereio, as eforesaid,a not�ce ol <br /> ' �ueh change.Any not�ce hereundor sh�ll be dedmed to have been g�ven to Trustor or Beneliciary,when given i�Ihe manner designaled herem. <br /> uj „ . , <br /> � 21.pHGUEST FOR NOTICE,Trust�r and Lienel�aary horpby roquest a copy ol any notice of default.e�d e copy of any nolice ol sale thereunder, <br /> " malletl lo eeCh person who�s e parly hereta at tha addr¢ss lor such person set forth m ihe first paregreph of this Trust DeBd. <br /> 22.dOVHANINO LAW.This Trusl Deed sl�all bu qoverned by the laws of Ihe State of Nebraska. <br /> ' � 23.SUCCE880RS AND A381(iNB. I h�ti Trust P�ed.�nd all Ierms, r.onditions and obligations herein,app�y to end inure to the bene�d of and bmds � <br /> ell parties hereto.theu hons, legatees,devisees,pa�sonal represenlaUves, tiuccessors and assgns The term Benel�c�ary°shaN mean the owner and � <br /> � ' " holdor of the Note.whether or not nemed as Henehc�ary herem. p <br /> � � <br /> �. I <br /> ---.:- . .. - P <br /> �� . <br /> * - .. �. <br />