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<br /> _--_. = - - ; �1„�.r. 1U5925 �_
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<br /> � t.PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL ANO INTBREST.T�uator�hall pramplly pay w�^dA�Int�r�'at on�n p Fulur'�rAdvanc�o'i�cur�d Cy�th�i�uq DNd.
<br /> -^�o`R th�Not�,�nd W ah�r oharp�s and fNa w proWdW U th�Not�,and th�prinG Y
<br /> ' 2.WANRANTY OF TITL@.Truila ic lawlully cofzed and poasessed o�9ood and Indaleaslbin tille end eetate lo Ihe Propary hs►aby ou►voY�d�nd �
<br /> +° •g��l; has Ih�ripht to qrant and conv�y Ihe Properry:ih�Property Is Iree and clsar o}all Iims and�ncumWnnc�oKC�pt lient now of nco►d;and Tnutor wllll
<br /> '� rqmnt�nd dafsnd th�tltla to ths Prap�rty ayalnat all clolms and d�mandc.
<br /> - '�� 3,MAINTFNANCE AND COMPLIANCE WITH I.AWB.7rurtw ehall keop ihe Property in good repalr and condltion and she0 aot commlt wasts or parmlt
<br /> �-�•' ��•,� impolrm�nt w det�rloratlon of the Property and ehall comply with the provlaiona of eny lease If this Truet Oeed is on a IeAOehotd,No Improvement now
<br /> -�� --�. � or hereaRer eracted upon Ihe Property ahell be allered,removed or damolished wlthout ihe prfa wripen canaent ui 8eneflciery.Trwtor ehall comply wfth
<br /> - �" .�=:`�� �II Inws,ordfnancss,repulatbne,wvenants,condidans and restr�llons atlecUng Ihe Property and not commit,suder a p�rmil any act W bs done i�or
<br /> �� ��''�"�'� � upon tha Property in vlolaUon of any law,ordlnance,rapulapon,covenent,condidon ar retlricllon.Trustor ehall complete or reatore promptly and in good � _
<br /> '���i13i�Gi).,YF
<br /> --�..:;,, ;,, warkmanHke menner any improvement un the Propery which may be damwyed or deatroyed end pay,when dua,all clpfmY fa libor per(o►m�d flnd mrta►�al� -
<br /> --`'���-� �'� fuml�hed therelor and for any alteratlons Iheroof.
<br /> �;;,z�.�. -��, _
<br /> - �.INSURANCH.Trualor,at Its expense.will meintaln wllh ineuras approved by Benellcfary,inaurance wilh respect to Ihe Improvemente ond peraonal
<br /> ���+r,-.%?^•` �` prop�rty,eonttlWUnp Ihe Properly,against tose by flre,IlgMninp,tornado,and other perNs and hazerds eovered by atanderd extended eoverege MidonsmeM�
<br /> -��^ in an amount pual to at baet one hundred percent(1009b)of the lull replacemenl value thereof and insurance aqeinst eueh other hazarda and U ouch
<br /> -' _>,'y.1 �'T amounis u Is ou�lomarily cerrled by ownero and operalora of simllar propertles a ae 8eneticlery may requlre for Ils protecllon.Trustor wfll comply with �_
<br /> °`� �K.,;,,;•„ wcholher requlremenic aa 8eneflciary may hom time to tfine reque�l lor Ihe protectlon by Ineuronce ot Ihe fnterasta ol the re�pecUv�padlea.All ineurance 6
<br /> _=-�-,�.:��_�j,,. .' pollclas malntalned pwsuent to thls Trust Oeed shall name Trusiw end Beneficlery aa ineured,es ihek reapecUve Intereels mey appear,end provide Ihot __
<br /> �e��_^'�.�_..
<br /> _�:` then b�no cancellalion a modificatlon wlthoul et least t5 days prla writtei�notlllcatlon to Truetee and 8eneliclery may pracure such Insurance In accadance �:�
<br />+�"��.. •..�1.,�, �. �` with Ihe provrobns ol paragraph 8 hereoL Trustor ahall deliver to Beoeticlary the alginel po8cles of Insurence and renewals Ihereof or memo copiee of
<br /> -��'�'- -�" such polleiea and renaweto theroof. Fallure lo furmah ouch insuraico by Trusla,a renewals ea reqwred hereunder ahell,al tlx►oplfon olBenoNclary.
<br /> e�r^.
<br /> ', � ��y , conNiWts a d�tault.
<br />. � �,.�' �y. �
<br /> ' �"''v ��""`� ' 6.TAXEB,ASSESSMENT8 AND CHAROES.Trustor shaN pay all laxes,essossmente and ather charges,ineluding,wfthaut Ilmiletfon,linea and Imposidons —_
<br /> vaa;s" _
<br /> ' attributabla to ths Praperty and leasehdd paymenls or ground rents,If any,before ihe seme beeome deNnquent.Truetw shell p►omplly lurnish to ben�ficlary
<br /> � � ''`�'��.•' fi. . ill nollCOd of amouMi due under thfe peragraph,and in Ihe event Truator�hall meke payment direclly.Trusror ehell promplly Iumish to Benelicfary recelpta
<br /> ' r� ' evldencinp auch paymenls.Truator shall pay all laxea and essessmenls which may be levled upon Beneficiery's fnterest hwBln ar upon thli T�uat Oaed =—
<br />. • '� `'t wllhout rperd to ony low Ihal mey be enected Imposing paymem of the whWe or any pert thereol upon tho Beneflclpry.
<br /> ��� B.ADDITIONAL LIHNS AND PROTECTION OF 88NHFICIARY'8 SECURITV.Trustor ahall make all payments ot Interesl and prinelpal and payments -
<br /> _ .�� �;___,_ _ o}e�y�,�ha►charges:lsea and expenees cantracted lo be paid to any exlsUng or su6sequent Ilenholder or beneNclery,under any exlsting a subsequent
<br /> �, �, moApaqa o►trust deed belorp the date they are delinquent a In delault,and{xomptly pay a�d discharge any and ni{uii�ar ilan6,clalm�or char�es sYhich
<br /> ••�„j�•, may jeopardl:e lhe 6ecurily granted hereln If Truator lalls lo make any such paymenl or lalls lo pertorm any ol the covenants and agreements canteMed
<br /> ' k11Ms Truat Deed,or Ihe Note relerred lo herein,or In eny prlor or aubaequent iruet deed,or II any action or proceeding Is commenced whkh materlally
<br /> • �M°° . iflacta 8eneficlary's Interest In the Property,Includfng,but not Hmded to.em�nent domaln praCeedi�gs,proceedinga Invulvinq a decedent,notice of sale
<br /> �i,�:. by Truet�s,not�e of default by Trustee,mortpege lorecbsure action,or d Truator feda to pay Truslor's debis generally es they become dua,ihen Beneficiary,
<br /> �..�� at BerNNclary'a optlan and wilhaut notke to a demYnd upon Trusta and without releasfng Tn�tor hom any obligatbn hereun�ler,may meke such eppearenee�.
<br /> � �,_!'.�.�ab�`.� ' dlkurJS wch wms end taita such AcIWn as Is neCeasary to protect Benet�clary's fnterest,Including,but not Iimiled to,disbursement of reaconable aqorney's =
<br /> �.�- • frn,paymanl,purchoae,conlest or eompromiee of eny eneumbrence,cherge a Ifen,enlry upon ths Property to make repeka,a declaratlon d detoull �;_
<br /> unds►thl�Truit DeYd•In the evenl that Trustor shall fofl lo prxure Inaurance or to pay taMes,assessments,a any olher cherges or to make any paymsnta �-�
<br /> ~ '� � , to ony atlatlnp or eubsequant lienholders or exlsting or subsequenl benelfClarfea,Benelic�ary may praure euch fnsurance and moke wch payment,but �„
<br /> �.r,. shW not p�obhpalad to do eo•Any amounts dlabursed by Benef�clary pursua�t to thia Paragraph 8 shall become edditfonol Indebtedness of Truttor socured �
<br /> _��;• . '•:• • by ihl�Trust Osed.Such emounta s1w11 be payabte upon notice Irom Benellclory to Truslor request�np peyment thereol,end shall beer IntNest Irom Ih� -
<br /> �_•-
<br /> d�b 01 dlWurwment at Ihe rele payable Irom t�me lo Ume an outelend�ng pnnnpal under Ihe Note unleas peyment d interesl at wCh�ete woWd be tonirary —
<br /> '� '`•� �"r" to�ppl�eble law,in whlCh Yvent such amounl�ihall baar mlereat a!the h�gheet rato permi�slbla und�f eppllCable 19W NOlhlnp cOnlolnid�n ihu PNOqr9ph --
<br /> ��"' � '„ 8�hall raqWre Beneliciary lo Incur any erpenae or take any oclion hereunder —_
<br /> . '��, '
<br /> ''"'�� 7.ASSIONMENT OF RENTS.Buneficiary shell have ihe nght,power and authonly dunng Ihe conlmuance ol ihis Trust Deed to collecl lhe rents,�saues _
<br /> y� ' pnd profits ot Iho Property a�d ol any pe�so�al property located Ihereon wilh or wqhoul leking posaaselon ol Ihe property eHYCt�d haraby,end Truslor �_
<br /> ,�s�.:
<br /> , hHSby absolutety and uncontlit�onelly assigna all such renls,fssuea and prolds to Benaliciary.Benelk�ary,however.hereby consenta to tlw Trustor's =_.__
<br /> ..�,1 lPy;_. •,:., �.
<br /> eoMecpon and ratentlon of such renls,iasuea an4 prolds ns Ihey accrue and became payeble ea long ea Truetor�s not,at 8uch tlme,ln deleult wuh rerpect _--
<br /> � � to p9ym�nt ot wny Indebtedness secured hereby,or m Ihe performance of any agreemenl hereunder Upon any such defauu.BeneHcfary may at any time. _-
<br /> �� � . ' elihsr In peraon,by ngenl,or by a receiver to be appomted by a courl,wdhout noUCe and w�lhoul regard to the adequaCy ot eny aeCUrfty fa the IndeblodnYSS �v_
<br /> . "':.�: � hx�by eecured.(a)enter upon and loke possession ol lhe Properly or any part thoreof.and in Its own name sue fa or otherwl6e CWlect such reMO,issues �-:.
<br /> � end prolile.Including those pasl due 9nd unpuid,and epp�y Ihe seme.less cosls and expenses of operation and collectfon.fncluding reasonable atlorney'e
<br /> �� "' fN�,upon any indebtednees aeCUred hereby,and�n such o►der as Benellaery may determme;(b)perlorm such acls of repalr or protactbn a�may be _._
<br /> . . �� rne98�ary or proper t6 conserve ihe value af Ihe Properly:(c)lease lhe same or any perl thereof for such re�tal,term,and upon such cond�tlms aa Ite
<br /> � �� �udpment may dictate.or terminale or ed�uel ihe terms and Conditions of ex�slmg leases.Unless Truetor and BeneliClary thereol aqre9 olherwiee�n wrN�n9• �-.
<br /> � any applleatlon ol rents,lssues or protits to any mdnbiedneas secured hereby shall nol exlentl or poslpone ihe due date of ihA installme�t peym9nt8 ae
<br /> �� provfded 1�sald promfssory�ole or chenge the amount ol such mstallments.The e�ler�ng upon and lakmg possession ol Ihe Property.Ihe eollectlon
<br /> ol eueh rente,lasuas and prolil8,and tho appllcatwn Ihereol as a�ornsaid,shall not wawe or cure any delaNl or notice o�de�ault hereunder or Invalidote
<br /> any ect done pursua�l to such nol�ce.Truslor also esaigns to Benel�c�ary,as furlher secunty for the performance ol the obligauons secured hereby.all
<br /> ' � pnpald renta end all momee which may hava 6een or may��erealter be deposded w�lh sa�d TruaWr by any lessee of the Property.lo secure tlie paymtlnt
<br /> of eny rent or demage9.Or upon delault m Ihe Neilui manCa�I any ol iho{NOVis�ons hereo�.Trustor agrees to dohver suCh renis end deposds to BeflBfiCfPry.
<br /> . � �elivery of wntlen noUCe ui Benehciary's arurc�se of�he n9his granled here�n,to any Ienant occupymg sa�tl premisea shall be sufficlent lo reqWre eaid
<br /> � . tYnant(o pey renl lo the Benel�ciary untd liulhr.r noliCe '
<br /> �� ° 8.CONOHMNATION.I�tille lo any parl ul Ihe Pwpurty s1ia11 he laken m condemnauon proceed�ngs,by nght ot em�nent domain or s�mdar act�on,or
<br /> shill be eold under Ihreat ul condemnal�on. �li awa�ds.Aamages and proceeds are hereby assigned and shall be pa�d to Beneticiary who sha��app�y
<br /> guCh awards,damegas and{xocaeds tu tho swn secured by Ih�s Trusl Oeed.wdh INe uxcess.d ony,paid to Tru3ta.��Truator recervea any not�ce or
<br /> " other InlormeUOn regard�ng sur.h acUunti or�roceed�ngs.Truslor shall givi3 prompt wrd�en noUCe Ihereot to 6enuhc�ary BenehciAry Shall be enUU9d,at
<br /> ' fis opiron.ta commence,appear m Hnd piosecule m�Is own neme any such acUan or pr�ceedings and shell tw BntNled to make any COmprOmisa or Seltlement
<br /> . _ .L In COnn8CU0n wrth any such aclwn or praeedmgs �
<br /> --- .• • 9-FUTURE ADVANCES. Upon requesl ol iruSWr_ dxnotici.uy.il Hunr•huary s npi�un.Pno� to�oconvey.�nce ul She Piupaity t•� T�u:.tar. may maKe •-
<br /> ', lulure advances lo Trustor Such lulure advances.wdh�nier��yl�hf'�enn tih�11 be suwred by����ti ir��st peed when evid9nCBd by prom�sSO�y notes staUng
<br /> ihYt seW notes ere secured hmeby.prov�ded tnat at no Ume shall the�ec:ured pnnc�p,d.�nd future advances.not including sums ndvanCed lo protecl i
<br /> iho seeurdy.exceed Iwo hundred percem(20U"��1 u�the ony�nal pnnc�pai.unounis secured hereby �
<br /> � • f0.RE�IEOIES NOT EXCWSIYE.t�ustae and Benehc�ury,end ee�h u�ihem.shall bu unUUed lo enbrce payment anA perloima��ce ol any mdebtQdneas �
<br /> . or obliqatlana SeCUred hi�reby and tu uxercise eli r�ghls and powers under Ih�s irusl Deed or under eny other agreement ezecuted in conneclion herewith '
<br /> or eny 18we now or herea4er m turr.e.nolwdhsi�nding sume or all ol Ihe sur.h mdebledness and ubhgations secured hereby may now or hereaHer be
<br /> otherwi6e aeCUred.whelhw by mur tyaye.Uust deed,pledge.I�en.ass�gnmenl or otherw�se Neither Ihe acceptance of Ihis Trus1 Deed nor ds enforcement
<br /> whether by COUrt aclion or pursuant lo the powrr ol salu ui uthG U�W�fS horom coMained.:chali pre�ud�ce w�n any mannNr al�ect Trustee's or Bene�lciary's
<br /> rlght to roahze upon or enturce uny olhe�securdy now or hereallar held Uy Rustee or Benc�l�aury,d bemg aqreed that irustee aod Benehaary.and each
<br /> 1 �
<br />