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.���4i �' � ..„; ., __ _ <br /> . . ... <br /> „.._.. — � - ' ' –_.....-- • - - .� _= _ – <br /> ---� �� "--•------- <br />--—.�^=-i � <br />�� � 91--1 f15922 <br /> ------ - - tltio PropoKy!s ao teke,n or dsmnped,Lender�h�ll hw�M�opNon,In ib wl�snd��olut�dltar�Gon,to�pply all�uoh ProcNd�, � <br /> �� - __-_� efNr d�duaNnp MuuNrom ul co�h�nd arp�n�Inournd by It In aonn�atlon with woh P�ocNd�.upon any Ind�bbdn�a Naund _ <br /> Mnby�nd In�uah ord�►�s l.�nd�r may d�brmin�,or to�pply all�uah ProaNd�,eft�r woh d�duadon�,to qw rMtordlon ol th� <br /> prop�riy upon�uah condltlon�u L�nd�r m�y d�urmin�.Any appllouUon ol Procwd�w Ind�bt�dn�u sh�ll not�xt�nd or postpon� <br /> th�dw dld�of�ny p�ynl�nb und�r th�Nob,or aun�ny dN�ult th�r�undu or h�nund�►.Any un�ppll�d funda sh�ll M p�ld to <br /> _- ... -_---, 7fu�tor. _, <br /> 8. Pelorm�ne�br L�nd�r.Upon th�000urr�nce of�n Ev�nt of Od�ulth�nund�r,or II any aat Is t�k�n o►Ipal proce�dl�p <br /> aomm�nasd whioh m�t�dNly�8ecb Lend�r'�inte►e�t in th�Prop�rly,L�nd�r m�y In Ib own di�orstion,but without obllpaUon to do <br /> _= to,and without�otics W or d�m�nd upon Tru�tor end without nl�adnp TruWor lrom any�ny act whioh Trustor hu - <br /> � �prwd but hll�to do snd m�y dso do�ny other aa!It deem�necewery to proteot the�eoutiry hsreof.Trustor sh�ll,lmm�dl�tdy <br /> -- upon dem�nd th�retor by Lender,ppy to Lsnd�r all coeb end expenies Inou►rsd and sum�expended by Lendar in cann�adon witb <br /> _-. <br /> � ths sxerolee by Lendsr ol th�forpolnp riphb,topether with fntsrest thereon et ths deTault rate provided in the Note,whlah�h�ll be <br /> _ __�,__ -_� add�d to th� Ind�bt�dnus wour�d henby.L�ndsr�hall not I�aur eny H�bility b�oauso ol anythinp It may do or om t to 0 <br /> =-;ti�•� h�roundsr. <br /> �� 9. Hwrdou�IN�hrl�lt.Truetor ahell keep the Properly In compliance with all applicable lawa,ordinencee end repuloUons <br /> reletino to Indushiol hyplene or envlronmonlal protectlon(colleatively nferrad to hereln as"Environmenfel Laws").Tru�tor N�all <br /> =��� keep the Property Irae lrom all oub�tancea deemed to be hezardoue or toxia under any Environmental lsws(colleatively refer►ed to <br /> ___—;,,,� hereln as Hersrdous Metarisl�").Truetor hereby warrente and represents to Lender that there ara no Hazerdoue Meterlals on or <br /> ` under the Property.Truetor hereby epreee to Indemni(y and hotd harmles�Lender,lb direatora,otticere,employees and apenta,and <br /> ""=e any succeseon to L�nder's intaraaf,lrom and a�ain4t any and all alelm�,damapee,Ioeses and IlebiNQea eri�inp I�connectlon with <br /> �.-= Ihe pre�enas,uss,dispowl or heneport of any Hazerdous Meterlals on,under,from or about the Property.THE FOREQOINO <br /> =Y,�� WARRANTIES AND REPHE8ENTATION3,AND TRUSTOR'8 OBLIOATION3 PURSUANT TO THE FORECa01NO INDEMNITY,SHALL -- <br /> ---.-,:;� BURVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRU3T. <br /> __�_�j� 10. Msipnm�nt of R�nb.Truetor he►eby as�ipns to Lander the rente,iwues and profits of the Properly;provided that Truotor <br /> - ehall,untll the oaourrence ot en Event ol Default hereunder,have the rlghlto collect and retain euch�ents,ieaues and proflte es they <br /> ' ='- � become due end payeble.Upon the occur�ence of an Event of Delault,Lender mey,either In porson or by epent,with or without <br /> � brf�pinp any acdon o�prxeeding,or by a►ecelvor appointed by a couA and without reperd to the adequeay of its aecurlry,enter <br /> _-��i,� upon end teke poaeession of the P►operty,or any pert lhereoP,in Ita own neme or In the name of the Trustee,and do any acte which it <br /> deems necoseary or deairable to preeerva the value,merketablllry or rentabiliry ot the Properry,or eny pert thereof or Intereat therein, <br /> -��5•''=���':', Increase the income therefrom or protect the securlty horeo1 and,with or without fakinq posaeaeion of the Property,eue for or <br /> =._=:.�., ' otherwise colleot the rents,ieeuea and profite thereof,including those past due and unpeid,and apply the eame,leas coata and <br /> -,_ ezpeneea of oparatlon and colleation includinp altomeys'tees,upon eny Indebtedness aecured hereby,all In such order aa Lender <br /> ='��`°�:�: �. mey determine.The entering upon end takinp pos4eaelon of lhe PropeAy,the collectlon of such rents,iasues end prolita and the <br /> --_=- eppllcaUon thereol ae aloreaald,ahall not aure or walve any deteult or notke ot default hereunder or Invalidete any act done in <br />-_;���,�.,;nt,'�';'� raspansa ta such delaul!or pursuant to sucA notice ot deteult en�,nnnuNhatending the condnuence in possesabn o}tha PropeAy or <br /> __•_�,•',;;.. the collectlon,receipt and appllcation of rents,Iasues or profite,and Truetee and Lender shall be entided to exercise every ripht <br />� -_"==`+��• provided for in any o1 the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence ol eny Event of Detault,lncluding wlthout Ilmitatlon the rlyht <br /> ��'�%'• to exarcise the power of sale.Further,Lender's rlqhta end remediea under thle parapraph shall be cumulative with,and in no way e <br /> sz,� '�•�?���,�,• Ilmitetlon on,Lender's rl�hts and remediee under any aeafqnment of leases a�d rents recorded eyalnst the Property.Lender,Trustee <br /> �"=�'y?'�: . and the racelver ahell be liable to account only lor those renfs actually recelved. <br /> � h 11. Ev�nb of DdwN.The lollowi�p shell constitute en Hvent of Oelault under thle Deed of T�usk <br />,'�h,;•�,; (e) Feilure to pay any Instellment ol principal or Interest of any other aum secured hereby when due; <br /> - • (b) A breach of or detault under e�y provislon contained in the Note,thla Oeed o1 Truot any ol the Loan Inotruments,or any <br /> ��: •«�:. �' othor Ilon or enaumbrenco upon the Prope�ly; - <br /> ,G.:=,.r.s:ySii � . <br /> (c) A writ ot execution o�attaChm9nt or any slmilar prxea9 ahall be entered epafnat Trustor which aholl beoome a en on <br /> ,•�����r�� the Properly or eny portlon thereof or intereat therein; <br /> ---.-_.�:r���, (d) There shell be Illed by or epafnat Trustor or Borrower an ection under eny present or tuture federal,atate or other <br /> �-�t'Y ��,;„ ' efetute,lew or requletion relatlnp to bankruptcy,Inaolvency or other rellef for debtors;or there shell be appoMted eny truatee, <br /> =��=�������.� recefver w Ilquldator of Truetor or Borrawer or of ell or any part o1 tha Property,or the renta,Is�ues or proflts thoroof,or Trwtor <br /> -��--�+��•.�• or Borrawer ahell make any qenerel asalgnment for the benafit of creditora; <br /> �< <� :._° <br /> m�. (e) The sale,transler,leaee,aealpnment,conveyance or lu►ther encumbrance of ell or eny part of or any interest In t e <br /> '�'�• Properly,either volunterlly or Involunterily,without the express written consent of Lender; provided that Truator ehall be _ <br /> ��"�-��•y permlKed to execute a leaae of the Properly thet doea not contaln en option to purchaee and the term of wh�h does not exceod <br /> .:;�tixar: W:��. •. onY year, <br /> �,a�."'� ��,' (� Abendonment ot the Properry; or = <br /> �� �r•a� � (q) If Trustor Is not an indivldual,the issuence.sele,tranafer,as�ipnment,conveyance or encumbrance of mo►e than e totel <br /> �a:_.r}° <br /> �.;�_�:�.>.�_";,' �. <br /> :=��,;;_f � of perCent of(If a caporetlon)Ita Issued and outstandfng stxk or(if a partnership)e totel of parcant of <br /> pertnershlp Intereate durinp the perlod this Deed ot Trust remalns a Ilen on the Property. _ <br /> ._��i,.� , 12. R�m�dIN;AccN�raUon Upon D�huit.In the event ot eny Event of Deteult Lender may,wnhout notice except as required by � <br /> '=-g`~"''"" � lew,declere all fndebtedness secured hereby to be due and peyeble end the seme shall thereupon become due and peyable <br /> -� • � without any presentment,demand,protest or notice ot any klnd.ThereaRer lender may: <br /> ,�,�-. (a) Demand that Truatee exerclse the POWER OF SALE granted hereln, and Trustee shall thereaker cause Truetor's _ <br /> •},- _•y . Interest fn the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be distributed,all In the manner provlded fn the Nebreaka Trust Deeds <br /> ° � Ac� <br /> ' (b) Exercise any and ell riphta provfded for In any of the Loan Instrumenta or by 13w upon occurrence of eny Event of <br /> • Detaulk and <br /> . (c) Commence en actlon to foreclose this Deed of Truat as e mortyaQe,appoint a recelvar,or speclffcally enforce eny of the = <br /> � � covenents hereof. <br /> No remedy herefn conie►red upon or reaerved to Truatee or Lender Is fntended to be exclusive of any olher remedy hereln,In the I <br /> �� Loan Instruments or by law provided or permitted,but each shall bo cumulative,shall be in addltlon to every other remedy given ! <br /> • � hereunder,In the Loan Inatruments or now or hereafter existfng at lew or in equfty or by statute,and may be exercised concurrently, !-., <br /> �_ <br /> •• � Independently or succeasively. ` <br /> ' • " 13. Trus1N. The Trustee may reslgn at any time without cause, end Lender may at any time and without cauae appolnt a <br /> auccesaor or substftute Truatee.Trustee ahall not be Ilable to any party.Including without Ifmltallon Lender.Borrower,Trustor or eny � <br /> � -� �■ar et the Prooertv.for anv loas or damaae unless due to reckless or wfOful misconduct,and ahall not be requlred to take any � <br /> actfon In connecpon wlth the enlorcement o(thls Deed of Trust unleas Indemnifled,In wrlting, 1or all coats,Compenaenon or <br /> � � expenaes whlch mey be�saociated therewilh.In addltlon,Truetee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property Qudfclal or <br /> ' . under the power ol sele granled hereln); postpone the sale of all or any portfon ot the Property, as provided by law;or sell the � <br /> , Property as a whote,or In seperate parcels or lots at Trustee's discretlon. <br /> � t4. FN�and Exp�ns��.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exerclse ol power ol sele,Trustee shall be entltled to apply <br /> �� � any sale proceeds ffrst to payment o1 all coats end expenses of exerclafng power of sale,��cluding all Truatea's fees,and Lender's ' <br /> � ' end Truetee's attomey's fees,actually Incurred to extent p9rm�tled by appllcable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exerclses eny <br /> , rfqht provlded by law to cure an Event ol Delault.Lender shall be entitled to recover Irom Trustor all coata and expensea actuelly <br /> Incurred as a reault uf Trustor's defeult including wfthout Ifmltatlon all Truatee'e and ettorney's tees,to the extent permffled by <br /> oppllcable law. . <br /> . . " � � 15. Fulun Advanc�s. Upon requeat of Borrower, Lender may. at Ita optlon,makd addltlonal and luture advancee and re- <br /> ' � ' edvencea to Borrower.Such advances end readvences,wllh mtereat thereon,shell bd secured by Ihfs Deed ol Truat.At no tlme ahall <br /> •� �,,�, the princlpal emount o1 the Indabtedneas secured by thls Deed of Trust,not includin suma advanced!o p�otect the security of thls <br /> .�=�"�-'-'�-='' -- Daed of Trust,exc9ed the orlpinal pr+nclpa�amount steted herein.or S �•�•� whlcHever Is greater. <br /> t <br />