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'�i� �� ::1a� r: '�`' _.. <br /> -.����pu � � •.. :� '� . •• •- n _ .. ""°,;.°�•-- <br /> ��,,e , � ,j� �- . . .=—_ _.r.ld8�i`.�--� <br /> ,�.�F�+x.4.u�AYY� ..... . <br /> ���{�Y.1 L. ...._ <br /> �s.____.y.. _� � _ <br /> - -_— ^_�5�.- _ -. <br /> ACKNOWI.BDOEMENT OF DEED OF TRUBT <br /> —�--- - - - TRUBTOR FIBAD THIS BEFOFiE 810NIN0: t �i---10 5 9 2� <br /> - ���� Tru�tor under�qndt thN th�docum�nt th�t T�u�tor I��bout to�x�cuts i�a Owd oi Trwt oiW nol+�moAp�p��nd thal th�powar - <br /> 01 wt�provldsd for In fh�DNd ol Tru�t provld��eub�hnd�lly dlB�rsnt Nphu wnd obAp�Qons to Trwtor th�n a mortp�p�In th�w�nt <br /> of�d�hult or bratah of obllp�don und�r th�I�d o1 Trud,I�aludinp,but not Ilmlted�L�nd�r'�rlpht to h�v�th�Prop�iy�otd <br /> - � _ � by the tru�tN wlthout my Judlaisl procwdlnp.Tru�tor r�prosnb�nd wamnq thd fhis�ck�owl�dp�mmt wu�x�out�d b�r r <br /> — - - Trwta Wior�th���noudon of Ih�Dssd ot TrwR <br /> o�.w ..., L/� <br /> - -�= Ro�nay L. ARm'ru�to► H <br /> -- �glr �mn � ' �s.�/ <br /> `�� Mnrcia Ann Shada Tr r WffQ <br /> — ----- -- ,•"'� <br /> : ,,� • <br /> -��' DEED QF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES <br /> �,.:;� <br /> �'``� YHIS DEED OF TRU8T,Is meda ao of the�dey ol—�SEfpt�"�+�"' ,19�.�by end emonp <br /> ��:y the Tru�w, L Shada and Marcia Ann Sha�a huebanc3 anc3 wife, each in _ <br /> ---��-- hie oam ri�g ae a�ouse o e r. <br /> --° �- - - "� who�mallinp address la 7 a � w s�qe. Grarx3 Island. 1� 68801 �hereln"Tru�tor;'whathw ona or mor�), <br /> _ -- -=--- _� <br /> - `� tho Tru�, F;••� n",;•,''p Bank, A Nebraeka CoL^AOration , <br /> �. �:a:.. <br /> _.o; ..• �' ��,�.•, P.O. Box 1507� Grand Islandi NE 68802 herein"Truetee",end <br /> whose malllnp address ia l 1 <br /> �" the Benetlolery, Five Poin�s BaNc , <br /> . ;; , whose meilinp addre�s ia P.O. Hox 1507� GC'8nd Ieland� NE 68802 (hereln"Lender'q. <br /> • � ��4 �° FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,Includinp Lender'e extenslon of credit Idendfiod hereln to��Y L• s�� � ROC�iey <br />: � i�' Lynn�ha�a & Marcia Ann 3hada, hueband & wif�reln"Borrower",whether one or more)and the trust hereln areated, <br /> �� the recolpt of which la hereby acknowledped,Truator hereby irrevocably prenta,translers,conveys and esal�ns to Trustee,IN <br /> ° � �Ta'�'*•�^� TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,for tha benelit and securiry ol lender,u�der and sub�ect to the terme and conau�ons horeineiter set <br /> „ ,. <br /> •• .��.;,� forth,the real prope�ty,described ae folbwe: <br /> . � , ,..�:. The West One-Half (W�) of Lot 3eventy-Four (74), and all of Lot Seventy-Five (75), Hagges <br /> .;,:,:; <br /> .��,� s,•:�J � Subdivision, of a part of the Northeaet Quarter of the Northweat Quarter (NE�NW�) and a part <br /> �ac�,,..;�„ti� of the Northweat Quarter of the Nortlaeast Quarter (NW�IV�) of 3ection �renty-eight (28), in _ <br /> . .j,_�;•,...:. Townehip Eleven (11) North� Range Nine (9) West of the 3ixth P.M., Hall County. Nebraeka. � . <br /> .,;.:,_, '_ Y�� . Topether with ell buildings,improvemente,fixtures,etreets,alleys,passeyeways,easements,riyhte,privllepes and appurte- <br /> _T�� }�,4, h, nencea Ixated thereon or In anywise pertninfng thereto,and the rente,lssuea and protits,reversions end remeinders thereof,and <br /> �`�..,,,, `� such peraonel prope►ty thet ia attached lo the improvements so es to constltute a tixture.Includinp,but nat Ilmited to,heatinp and <br /> � +• • �:tY.� •• coolinp equlpmen�and to�ether with the homeatead or merltal Intareata,U any,which Intereata ere hereby releaeed and wafved;all ,,,2_ <br /> of whlah,Includinp replacemenls and additions thereto,Is horeby declared to be a part ol the real estete aecured by the Uen of 1hi� <br /> '•.,��:.� Daad o}Trwt and all of the fo�epoinp belny referred to hereln as the"PropeAy". <br /> ^ ''�'`s`•'�"' Thb Deed ot Tru4t shall secure(a)Ihe payment of the principal aum and Inlerest evidenced by a promissory note or oredit _ <br /> . -^rr.,... a:, <br /> =� "�� ' , apreoment dated �tember 3� 1991 ,hevinp a meturfry dete ot �t�"ber 3� 2006 � `��=' <br /> �Yy . .. <br /> �• � ',;:r�4�; � In the wipinel princlpel amount of� ���•� ,and eny and all modificetlone,extensions and renewals <br /> •�� thereoi or thereto end any end all luture advences end readvences to Borrower(or eny of them 11 more than one)hereunder <br /> .. ° ' �;,'.:.:..y.:: pu�euant to one or more promis�ory notea or credlt agreemente(hereln celled"Note");(b)the payment ot other aums advanced k�y <br /> U '�� .�.��;f� ' Lender to protect the securiry ol the Note;(c)the performance ot all covenanta and egreementa of Trustor set forth herein;end(d)all <br /> asx�w.+� p►eeent and tuture indebtednesa end obllpations of Borrower(or any of them il more than one)to Lender whether direct,indirect, <br /> � ;.,. . ,�:;:. .. ebaolute or contingent end whether arising by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherwlae.The Note,this Deed ot Trust and eny and all <br /> r r;�. :• • � other docuents Mat secure the Note or otherwise exacuted In connecflon iherewith.lncluding wlthout Iimitetlon yuaranteea,security � <br /> �.,,m�. , �. apreementa and asslpnmenta ol leaaea and renta,shall be referred to herefn as the"Loan Inetruments". <br /> �.:x�. , Trustor covenents and agrees with Lender es follows: <br /> , 1. P�ym�nt o1lnd�bt�dn�u.All indebtedness secured hereby shall be pa�d when due. <br /> • 2. TIU�.Truetor ie the owner ol the Property.hes the rfght and authonty to Com�ey the Property,and warrants thaf ihe Iien r`- <br /> _ creeted hereby fa a(Iret and prior Iien on the Properry,except for Iiens and encumbrancea set forth by Trustor In writlng and <br /> ° � dellvered to Lender betore executivn ot thla Deed ot Trust end the execution and dellvery of thls Deed of Trust does not vlolate eny <br /> contrect or other obllgatlon to which Truator is subject. <br /> ' , 3. T�x��,Au�am�M�.To pay before delinquency all taxes,apecfal assessments and all other charyea agafnst the Property <br /> • now or hereaRer levled. �` <br /> , ° 4. In�uranc�.To keep the Property insured agafnst damage by lire,hazards Inc�uded withln the term"extended coverage",end �, <br /> such other hazards as Lender mey requlre.In amounts and wfth companfos acceptable to Lender,naming Lender as an additlonal <br /> � " named Insured,with loas payable to the Lender.In case of loss under such poGcies,the Lender is authorized to ad�ust.collect end <br /> compromise,all clelms thereunder and shall have the optlon ol applying all or part ot the fnsurance proceeds(i)to any i�debtedness <br /> aecured hereby end In auch order as Lender may determine,(i1)to the Trustor to be used for the repair or restoration of the Properly <br /> o►(ili)for any other purpose or ob�ect satislactory to Lender wllhout aHecting ihe Ilen of thls Deed o1 Trust tor the full amount securod ; <br /> hereby belore auch payment ever took plece.Any applicat�on ol proceeds to indebtedness shell not extend or postpone the due � <br /> - ` <br /> - � �.,,A d8t8 Of 811y peyM9�i9 Uf1tl6f th6 NOt9,or cure any tleteult Ihereun0er or nereunaer. - <br /> . 5. H�a�ow.Upon wrltten demand by Lender,l'i ustor ahell pey to Lender,in such manner as Lender may designafe,suHfcient � <br /> �� suma to enable Lender to pay ea they become due one or more o(the lollowing:(I)all taxes.assessments and other charges agefnst <br /> ' � the Property,(II)the premlums on the property Insurance requfred hereunder,and(Ilf)the premiums on any mohgaqe Insurance <br /> ' requlred by Lender. • <br /> 6. MNM�n��a�, R�palrs and Compllanc�wlth Law�. Trustor shall kaep the Property In good condHlon and repalr;shall <br /> •� promptly repalr, or replace any Improvement which may be demaged or deatroyed; ahall not commlt or permit any waste or ' <br /> ,r,, '' deterloratlon of the Properly;shell not remove,demollsh or substantlally alter any o1 the Improvements on the Properly:shall not <br /> commit,auHer or permit any ect to be done In or upon the Property In vlolatlon ol any lew,ordfnance,or reguletlon;and ahell pey and <br /> . promptly discharge at Truator's cost end expense ell Ifena,encumbrances and charyea levled.Imposed or assesaed ayalnst the <br /> _ �• Prope►ry or eny part thereot <br /> ,. • 7. Bmin�nt Domdn.Lender la horeby ossigned all compensation,awards,dama�ea and other payments or rellef(herelnaRer , <br /> "Proceeda")In connectlon with condemnatfon or other tekinq ol the Properry or pa�t thereof,or lor conveyance In Ileu ot condemna- <br /> �"`� tlon.Lender dhall be entltled at Ila optlon fo commence,appear In and proaecute In its own name any ectlon or proceedings,and <br /> �--" shall aloo be entltled to make any campromise or eettlement In ConneCtlon with such taklnp or damafle.ln the event any portlon ol <br /> � �c�e���.wK�u��.�o«a�e•�+o�ee j <br /> .. O t�q NNwm���N W Can�ra T�un�nOBw�np�A�wu�bon lmean.N�b.�q� � <br /> � � <br />