�aw.a�i�Y:r'.^`Jw� �. .�..i'� nR.r •� ....""'-
<br />.�--��' '�i+�r ,{� •^"'"' "__._ . _ . . " _._ _.. --.
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<br /> ` g�-- i Q5�21
<br /> o�wle.�nd Ib�wk,I�cludtaQ!h�p�yment of Ihe 7Fu�te�'��ea�Iwlly Incurred�no�to exceeA threo 96 or
<br /> --- the priacipd�mouM of ila ade�t tbe time oP/he deciwrntiun n�drf,�nli.And rea�oawWe�ttorneryr•teea aope�mltt�d
<br /> __� by faw;lb)to aN wan sanral by Ibb 3�urity Im�rtrruauati�ad(c1 aay exc�a�lu Q�r persoa or pereo�u leplly eaUlkd
<br /> -- - to p.
<br /> 22. R�¢oavey�ce. Upon pAyment of all eums escurcd by thi�Securlly Instrumcnt, I.cnder shall rcqueat 7tu�ux tw
<br /> — rr.�anvcy the Propeny and shAll aumendcr�his Sccurity Instrumcnt t�nd ull no►cs evidencing debt secured by thix 3ccu�lty
<br /> ' ' Insuument to 7tuatee. 'Ituateo ahall recomcy the Roperty without wurranty �uul withuut charQ�w �irs peruon or perawn�:
<br /> le�aliy rnUded to it. Such penon or perxona shall pAy eny rccordotian coal�.
<br /> � 23. Subqitule'lFu�tee. Lender,ut its optlon,mxy f�om timc to Umc remavc'Ihistce and nppoint a euccessar uustec to
<br /> any 7tu�tee appointed hereunder by An inatrument recorded in Ihe coumy in which this Security insuument is rccorded.
<br /> _ Without conveyance of the Property.the succenso�trustes choll succeed ta all the Ihle,power and duties oonferre,d upon
<br /> _- 'Ituwee he�efn and by applicable luw.
<br /> __ ___T u_J 24, Request for Nodces. Borrower nquacts that copieR of�he notice�of dnfAUh and xale be xent to Borrowerl�acWrcss
<br /> - ' which is the Property Addresa.
<br /> .- 2S. Ridera to fbla Security Instramen� If ona or more rlders are executed by Borrower nnd rewrded together with
<br /> �,t;� this Secudry Insavment.the covenants and wgreemen4g oi each such rfder shull be incorporuted into and shall amend end
<br /> � supplement the covenents and a�reements of this Security lasuument as if�be rider(s)were a part of this Security Instrument.
<br /> ,a [Chxl�applicable box(es)J
<br /> --� �Adjustabls Rate Rider �Condominium Rider �1-4 Family Ridcr
<br /> �`�� �(iraduated Peyment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Poyment Ridor
<br /> �� �Balloon Rider �Rntc Improvement Rider �Second Home Ride�
<br /> `"=�•y� �Other(s)(specify� Acknowledgement
<br /> .__..r�r��j_ '� .
<br /> tl��...
<br /> BY SIaNiNa BELOW.Barrower accepts and agree,to the termc�nd covenants contained in this Secudty Inatrument
<br /> _.-,� and in any rider(r)exauted by Borrower and re�orded with it.
<br /> ---'__Y,,� Wimeases:
<br /> .�..�-� .__ .��f -
<br /> -��F ��k`''�b � (Seal)
<br />--:,�^�� Pls R. s -dorruwcr
<br /> �-_ � �•: 10 70 7561
<br /> -�- r...,. Soc MI S u ' y Num
<br /> __n...M_"V�
<br /> -_ -_� ($C8�)
<br />-�_��71'Jx:�t•:�. ..
<br /> g���i;�tdK . P 99Y -eorrower -
<br />_ •`'�d'` Social Secu ty mber 505 86 3847
<br /> ����:
<br /> ==.z'��*�+:���• STATEOFNEBRASKA, Hall Countyss:
<br /> �s:,�,s,�,t.
<br />- �-``'-� '� ' On this 6th duy of 5eptember� 1991 ,before me,thc undcrsigned,u Notary Public
<br /> ��?�=:n::..".�,.
<br /> ��• duly commissioned�nd yualified for suid caunty,personally cnrrk Irlark R. Hess and Peggy Hess,
<br /> °-�� : , .;
<br /> �P.:�y,. „ Husband and Wife ,to me known to bc ihc
<br />'�T��-' � idemical rsons(s whose name(s)ure wbscribed to the fore oin instrument und ucknowled ed the execution Ihereof to
<br /> --_-•'�4..• . Pe F € �
<br />--—_ .�::•�-, be t voluntury nct und dccd.
<br />����='i'-'-��» Witness m an 'ul seul ut Grand Isl � a in suid county.the
<br /> �- dute nforesaid.
<br />__=--::;. ^ 'b1,�9
<br />_�:�.�.�-. : My Commissian ex ��J
<br /> -'T �" M / Nowry PubIM
<br /> K=.•�� ��, ����4�( EST FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br /> ,�.;;;.�. , TO TRUSTEE: � �'
<br />---�:i�;;�,�s�•. The undersigned is the holder of the� or naes secured by this Dced af 7tvst. SaiJ notc or notes,together with all
<br /> , other indebtedness Securod by Ihi�c Deed uf 7rust,huve hcen puid in full. You nrc hcreby dire�ted to cuncel snid note or notes
<br /> `� and this Deed oF 7Yust,which ure delivered henby,and to reconvey, withaul warranly,all thc cslatc now hcld by you under
<br /> '� Ihis Ueed of 7tuat to Ihe person or persons legally entitled thereto.
<br /> .;•
<br /> '"' , :.t4• Date:
<br /> . q � �
<br /> . .f'
<br /> Fwm�o2x 9roo rpuge e�1 n IwRes)
<br /> _ ,��.-.-+- � , .. .. • .... . . . _ . - ...i -: ..� ...- _..-. .... .��.tn. .,. M.�.a.•v -
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