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<br /> =�'_ eppUcobb uw may apecify far reinstatement)beforo aple of tho Property pureuent to any power af ude cont�iiied in this
<br /> �'s'° - Socurity Instrument;m(b)entry oP a judgmen�entorcin�this 3ecurity[nawment. Thoce condiUons�re�hwt Borrower. (A) _ __
<br /> °�� — pay� L.ender kll cums which then wauld be due under thir� Security Instrument end the Note as if no accelerAdon tud __
<br /> ;.�� accumed;(b)cures�ny default of eny dher covenants or agreements;(c)poys nll expenses incuRed in enforcin��hir Secudty
<br /> -;� Inrlrument.ineluding, but not Ifmited to, rewROnable attomay�'fees; ancf (d) wkea such acUon ae Ixnder muy rcaaonably
<br /> '--" rcquirc to psaur�e that Ihe lien of Ihis Secudry Inahument.Lender'x rights in the Pmpeny ond 8orrowcr`s obligation w pny thc
<br /> --� ��"'"'-� �ums xecurcd by Ihis Secu�iry Insuvmenl shall continue unchungui. Upon reinstAtemcnt by Bortnwer. this Secudry �_=
<br /> -- ��'�ii1
<br /> :�y_ ";�� Inxlrument�nd the obligations secuned hereby chall remain fully effecdve as if no occeleralion hAd accurrcd. However.chis
<br /> - �i�ht to roinstote shall not apply in the case of acceleradon under paragreph 17.
<br /> _,,:� ` 19. SAIe d Note;Ch�nQe oi Loon Servker. The Notc or a partial lnterest in the Note qogether with Ihis Secudty
<br /> —=-�=�:i•,;, lnsuument)may be sold one or mote times without prior aotfce to Borrower. A sele may result in a change in the entity
<br /> --- (known as thc"Loan Servicor")that collcets mon�hly paymenta due under the Note and thia Security Instrument. There also
<br /> �'^-"'r"`�. � may be one or more chenges of the Loan Servicer uorelated to a sale of ihe Note. !f there is a chenge of the Loan Secvicer.
<br /> -- ---- - •- -
<br /> ,ca ' Bortower will be given written notice af the changa in uccordance with paregraph 14 above and applicabic law. The not ce �-__
<br /> -''' will stete 1he name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which paymenGg should be made. Tbe notice wili
<br /> �"'�""" '' also contein eny other lnformation requircd by epplicable law.
<br /> ```'���="•�� 7A. HAZardous 3ub�twncea Boaower ehall not cauac ar permit ihe presence,use,disposal,storuge,or rclease of eny
<br /> -�---���,�,�;.;." Hazardaus Substancess on or in the Property. Borrower ehall not do,nor allow anyone else to do. anything affecting the
<br /> - _,� Property that is in violadon of any�miranmental Law. The p�eceding two sentences shall not apply to ttie presence,use.or
<br /> -_�:.,�;r� storege on Ihe Propercy of smaU quantitica of Hazardoua Subswnces that ar+e generally recogniaed w be ap{xopdate to nomial
<br /> ---�- �='�:� residentiel uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> -.�;,�.+��;�.�����' • Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any invesdgation.claim.demand,lawsuit or other acdon by any -
<br /> ..--���.�:4,-�`?�". �'•� governmental nt r+egulatory agency or private party involving�he Property and uny Hazardous Sub�tance or Environmenlal _,
<br /> a:::�
<br /> ,.z;; n r,�;�,,.. Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notifled by any govemmental ar regulatory
<br />-• ;'_ ; - _��;�•; authoriry.that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous SubsGince affecting the Properry is necessary,Borrower _�_
<br /> �'! shall promptly take all necessary►emedial actions in accordance with Gnvironmentel Law.
<br />- �'F'` , As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substancea"nre those substencea detined us toxic or hazerdous Fubstances by
<br /> • ��''``�`' Enviranmental Law and the fallowing subslances: gasoline.kerosene,ather tlammable or coxic petroleum products,toxic --
<br /> ~ ��`�����- • peslfcides and hetbicides. valatile solvents,mnterials conwining esbestos or formaldehyde,and radionctive materials. As -�
<br /> � �.��•�.•--.� , ' used in ihis paragraph 20,"Environmental Lnw"means federnl laws and laws of the jurisdiction wharc�he Property is lacated _.
<br /> " ?�±:;:�..� . thet relate to health,safcty or environmental pratection. _
<br /> �4 :���.N••.•. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: --
<br />_ • �_�� : 21. Acceleratlon;Remedies. I.ender ahall give notice to Borrower prior to Acceleralion Pollowing Borrower•s
<br /> u °� Lreach ot any coi�ast ur a8seement In tlsls Secarlty Instrement(b��l not prior to acceleralion under poragraph 1'7 —
<br /> �����' unless ppplic�ble Ipw provWr.�otherwtse). The notice ahall apecify: la)the defpult;(b)the action required to cure the
<br /> detnult;(c)A dote,not less thoa 30 days from Ihe date the notice i�given to Borrower,by which the deiault must be
<br /> is
<br /> �'...�"• '� `�• " cu�ed;ond(d)thAt iailure to cere the default on or before Ihe dote specitied in the notice may result in accelerAlion o�
<br /> .,�.::�: ,.
<br /> ::�� .. : - . the sums secured by tbis 3ecurity Instrument and sale of lhe Property. The noUce ghall further inform Borrower oP _
<br /> ���' �l�����° the right to reinstate aiter acceleration and lhe right to bring a court action to assert the non-exlatence ot a default or
<br /> � � ;.,
<br /> ;� , pny other defense of Borrower to acceleration pnd sale. lf Ihe default is not cured on or before the dete specliied in
<br /> ��,�w , ��,., the notice,Lender At tts opNon mpy require ImmediAte payment in iull of all sums secu�ed by this Security Instrument _
<br /> s�T.. wilhuut furlher demaad and may fnvoke the powcr of sale and any other remedicw permitted by applicAble law. �.0
<br /> " .�� . I.ender shall be entitled to cr►Ilect ell expenses incurred fn pursuing the remedies provided in this peragr�ph 21�
<br /> �,,�, . . including,but not limited to.reasonoble attorneys'Pees And costs of title evidence. _
<br /> .� � :. je_ If the power of sale ia invoked,71�ustee sbAll record a notice oP dePault in each county in which any pArl oP the
<br /> ' ;; - propeHy Is loceted and shall mpil copies oP such notice b the mpnner prescribed by applicAble law to Borrower and to �
<br /> ., � hti"=` � the other rcons rescribed b a licable law AfYer the tfine r uired b � Ikable IAw.7lrustee shs�ll ive ublic _-
<br /> .•_s9� '�,� . ., pe . P Y PP e9 Y pP 8 p �
<br /> „,�,,� . ° notice oP sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by npplicuble law. 'IY�uctee.witlwut demand an Borrower.
<br /> • �,�;. . stiAll sell the Properly et public auclton to the highest bidder ut the time and place a�d under t6e terms designated in
<br /> . • the notice of sale In one or more parcels and in any order 71�ustee determines. 7Yustee may postpone sale uP All or any _
<br /> �, '�• pa�cel oP the Property by public announcement At the Iime and place oP Any previously scheduled s�le. Lender or its
<br /> :s:�,�-�;�;, ,, designee m�y purchace the Property at any sale.
<br /> _ . ;:@;�. �• . . Upon receipt of payment of the price bid.7Yustee shell deliver to the purrhacer'I�ustee's deed conveying the
<br /> • _ �; _ Property. The recitals in Ihe 71�ustee's deed shnll be prima facle evidence uP the truth uP the stalemenls made therein. � '
<br /> •:.�Y;' � ' 7Yustee siwll ppply the procecds of the sele in the foltowing order: (a)lo all costs and expen5es of exercising the power �
<br /> . '� ;i
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