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:r... ,::,..,. <br /> _--_..i . . ,.� � =�!x .qM1' � . ' <br /> '1 <br /> -- I, . II� ��-�:;� � . - <br /> , ' "�~'-' - ��sl. ..�. - <br /> � � <br /> ., „ ,, <br /> -__-,����►+�*!w_ � ..,....,_.. ., . W.r.w�.,.,r,..n►nr arwlucl•w. Tre�ta ahalJ rwt dlnodV a lndlnotlY, <br /> _- - lo'. Cuwn�oiio uT�i�iioivi ir�u.���„�..r"t!0 LO�...!�(!!lYJtlt!hG j!!N'!....---•.-- <br /> _'� w�kh niwot ro�nY ha+�o/W�c�In tha Tiuit Piopary,a any patlon thereol,whether auch loase ls rtow or iwre�ftar ln axlatena�: <br /> - .�I.,� I ' (a) Accapt or pwmlt anY pr�paYm�nt,dlacount a adwnce p�ymom or ienr nereunuer in d,��wa�b w w�►����u,� -. <br /> � (b) C�no�!w torminato Nw s�ma,oi aoo�pt any a�nodNdon,torminadon a aunender thereof,or pem►ft any avant to occur whloh would <br /> -:,,�(�'�j , oaour thar�undor ro farmin�te a oancN tho��,od►ar than rorminadon for nonpeyment ot rent, <br /> �'�� (c) Am�nd a modly dN tam�ao u M nduc�fh�t�+m fha�ol��h+nntal payebl�thweundsr, a to ahau�ye any renewal provlalnns <br /> �.� ..� <br /> , . therNn contalrtNi� _-. _ - -_- <br /> �.p � _.._ (dj Walvo eny dofault thoraundor or broach thenol, — -- .--- <br /> � �'� ��`�"� (s) Olw any conasnt wdvs►a approwl thnoundo or t�ke�ny other acNon In connectlon therewlth,or wlth a lessee therounder,whloh __ <br /> ; . would hav�fh�dNct ol lmpalrinp th�vMw ol tMr/�ftor'a InMnst thonundar or tiw p�operry cubJect ther�to,or ol impaldnp the — _ <br /> u:��.,:� .. payldon a Intereaf ol Ban�Nolary fhaNn�a -----� -_- <br /> T.:..� C-=-..-_.__".- .._ <br /> � ����. � (� S�fl,easl�n,pledpe,matQape a ofhaalai dlspa�ol,a�noumbw!M Jnte�ast ln any seld/oace or any ranis,Issuos,proNte la�uln� _ <br /> "' '''"• rl aa►1�lnpthereunder. <br />— --- _ ' . �x ..: e= - <br />.�'-'� -_J ��4� � 17, Walver ol Stahrte o/Umltallona.TIm�!a ol Hu eaa�nc�!n all ol Tivata's obllqedona And dudes hereunder,end to the extent permifted �� _._ <br />_��� �� ' �� lf� b law,Tiustor welvea elf prasent a/utun at�futa olllmlt�dona wIM reapect ro any debt,dernand or obllgedon seoured he►eby snd �. <br /> �` . �^�� � � any qodon a pioceedlnp fa the purposo o/onforclnp thls Dead of Trust or any dghts or remedles contalned hereln. �.:-�r=_=- <br />�. .,,-t' :�)'`"•'° y. , � 18, AeslAnment oJ Depaslts.In fha event construcdon o/lmprovements la con[emplated by the loan evldenced by the Note secured ���_,� <br /> �� ' '-�' • �• hereby,as addldonal secudry there/ore,Truator heroby transle►s end es�fgns ro BeneNclary,all dght Utle and lnterest to any end a!I <br /> '""'� � monlea deposlrod by a on behalf o/Tiustor wlth�ny clry,counry,publlc body a egenoy,sanitary dlsfdct,udlity company,end ��� - <br /> �' �• '''� �1 any ofher bod a e enc ,lor the lnstdladon or to aecure the lnafalledon o/any utlllty by Trostor,peAalning to the Tivat Property. - <br />;_!, �.,••.a��'�r. . Y 9 Y �.�:r.v�-cu�:.;.- <br /> �--:-^ „ .� 1�. Corporallon or Pertnerahlp Exlstence.I!Tivato►!e a caporadon,generel paRnershlp,or Ilmlted paAnershlp,!t wlll do all thinga <br />� , ; • , + „� necesaery to preserve!►s co►po►ete or p�fna►ahlp oxlatonc�,aa fha oasa mpy be,end all dphts and prlWleges undei ihe laws ol the ,,;,,.�,�:��T <br /> .- � � atete of!ts lncapo►atlon or aganlzadon. �"• �•"� ��' - <br />�_ •' ` °' �'r' Z0. Forbearance by Beneflclery Not a Walver.My lo►bearence by BenwNclary!n exerclsln8 any rlDht or remedy hereunder,or otherwlae ��°�--•� ' <br />�. � �. .�.:� <br /> allorded by eppllcable law,shaff not be a welver ol or p►eclade the exerclse ot any such dpht or iemedy.The procurement ol ���=° <br /> i` ' �!0_'�•- • '�' .. " lnsuiance or the payment of taxes or the dlacharpe of Ilona or oharpea by 8onopolary shall not be a walver ol Benellclery's rlpht lo ��j�� <br />�. �{ :�� :�, .� acceferate fhe mafurlty ol the lnde6tednQas. "t?�a-+� =` <br /> � �.: <br /> .� . : 21. Remedles Cumuledve.All remedles pr�vlded In thla Deed ol Truat are disdnct end cumuladve to any other right or remedy under thls —_• <br /> ''" Deed o!Tiust or aporded by law or equlry,and may be exercl8ed conounenNy,IndependenNy or successlvely. �-��� <br /> - • -'.i..:. ��.4'. <br /> ��:,� . Z2. Successo�s end Aeslyns Bound;Joint end SevArel UablNty;Capdons. The covenenls and aqreements hereln contelned shall bUd,and <br /> , the dghta hereunder ahaN lnure to,the�eapective auccessors and asslgns ol Benellclary,TiusteB,and Tiustor.All covenents and ��-- <br /> ': � agreementa o/Trustor ehall be�dnt and severel. The capHona and headlnps of the poraDraphs ol thls Deed ol Tiust are/a �`�- <br /> � ��� • .. convenlence onty and are not to be used to Interpret or depne fhe provlalons hereoL '""�� <br /> : ° • •� � 23. Nodce.Except lor any nodce requlred under appllcable law to be glven in anothar manner,(a)eny notice to Tiustor provlded lorin thls �,,�f•_� _- <br /> '• -ti�a.. Deed ol Tiust shall be given by malNng such nodce by ceNHed mall,return►ecelpt requested addressed te Tiustor at!ta malling �'��,;,G,:` <br /> � � � ' address aet loRh ebove or at such other address as Trustor mey deslDnete by noNce to Benepclary as provJded hereln,and(b)any �.���- <br /> t � ' nodce b BeneNclary a Tiustee shalf be glven by cerNNed ma11,retum recelpt requesfed,to BeneBdery's and Tiastee's mallln8 �=� <br /> eddreas atated hereln or to such ofher address as Benellclary or Tivatee may dasfgnete by nodce ro Tiustor as proWded hereln.My �"�� �- <br /> ' � � noBce provlded for M thls Doed ol Tiust ahall be deemetl to havo boan pivsn ro Truator,BnneBciery or Tiustee whan yivan!n tho --__ _ <br /> manner deslgnated hereln. ��i <br /> ��_�F <br /> Y �� • 24. Ooveming Lew;Severablliry. Thls Daed o�Tiust shall be poverned by the law8 0l the State ol Nebreska.In the event any provlslon or � <br /> ,� clause ol thls Oeed o/Tiust conNlcts w11h appllcable lew,such conOlct shall nof aHect other prov/slons o!thls Deed o/Tiust whlCh can �=°�°°"'��"°' <br /> .;_ <br /> be glven eHect wlthout the con/dctlng provlslons and to th(s end 1he provlslona ol Mls Deed of Tiust ere declered to be severable. � "`-��'' <br /> '; . . 26. Events o/De/sult Each of the lollowlny occurrences shall consf!►uto an avenf of dolault hQreunder,(herelnalter called en"EveM ,,.;{,;y,; <br /> � ' � ol Deleult'J: •*'�'�-;!"' <br /> � � ' � .' (a) Trustor shall lell to pay when due eny pNnclpal,lnterest,or prina(pel end inlorost on tho Indobtadnosa, ����""� <br /> .. • (b) My wananry ol Ntle mede by Trustor hereln shell be unhue, ��`�, <br /> : o �� • (c) Tiustor shall/all to observe or perfo►m any of the covenan►s,agreemenfs,or cond�dons In thls Deed of Tiusf, •�•� � '� <br /> t � (d) Any representaHon or wanenry made 6y Tiustor on eny flnanclal stafements a�oports submitted ro Bene/!clery by or on behell ol �•-� <br /> a�. Tiustor shall prove lalse or meterlally misleading, . <br /> t (e) Tiustor shell lall to perlo►m or observe eny ol the covenents,condltlons or ap►eements conlalned!n,or binding upon Tiustor under � _ <br /> eny bulldlnp/oan agreement,secwlry agreement,loen agreement l/nencinp stetement,or eny ofher agreement,lnsfrument or `:�t:,�;:H. <br /> � . document executed by Trustor In connectlon wfth Ihe loan ovldenced by the No1e, � <br /> _ � .�y (n A hustee,recelver or Ilquldetor o/the T►ust Properly or ol Trustor shefl be appo+nted,or any ol the credltors ol Tiustor shell llle a ,,, <br /> . peUdon In bankruptcy against Tiustor,or lor the reorganlzafion ol Trustor pursuent fo the Federal Bankruptcy Code,or any slmllar <br /> � , law,whether federal or stete,and!I such o►dei or peUtlon shall not bo dlscharped or dlamissod wlthln thlity(30)days a/ter the date ,_�. _ <br /> on whlch such order or pelltlon was pled, �'•�°�:�.�- <br /> �� (p) Tiustor shafl Nle a petltlon pursuent to the Federal Bankruptcy Code or any simdar law,federal or state,or!f Tiustor shell be �;i�►•�::•::�_�, <br />: �. ad/udged a bankrupt o�be declared lnsolvenf,or sha/l make an esslgnmenr lor fhe bene/if of credlfors,or shall edmit In wrldng its ' <br /> � � fnablllty M pey!ts debts es they become due,a shell consenf to the appo�nfinenr of a recelver of all or any part ol the Tiust Property, <br /> (h) Flnel/udpment lor the payment M money shall be rendered egainsf Trustor and Trustor shall not dischaige the seme,or cause!t to <br /> be discharged,withln thlrty(30)days elter the entry thereol,or shall not eppeal theiefrom o►Irom the order,decree or prxess upon <br /> whlch or pursuanl to whkh said Judgment was granted,besed,or enfered.and secure e stey ol exucuUOn pending such appeal, <br /> (1) Trustor shall sell or convey the Trust Pioperry.or eny pen thereof,or any inte�esf fhero�n,or shal�be dlvested ol(ts tltfe,or eny Inte►esf � <br /> thereln,ln any menne►o►way,whether voluntadly or Involuntenly.wuhout tha wntten consenf of Benel�c�ary belnp lirst had and <br /> obtelned,or <br /> ' Q) If Trustor Is a corporatlon or pertnershlp and more than I�Ny percenr I50°a►�l IhH sharos o►banel�c�el inferests(n such corporadon or ' <br /> , perinershlp,as tho cese may be,shall be transferred or conve yed,whefhe�vo►unfarel y o►urvolunfenly,wdhout the wdtten consent o/ � • <br /> Benellclary being Ifrst hed and obta(ned. <br /> 28. AcceleraUon o►Debh Forecfosure.Upon�he occunence ol any Event ol Do/au►f.�n xny t�me fhereaAer.Qeneliciary may,at its option. <br /> �_ deCla►e all the Indebtedness secured hereby�mmediately due and payable and fhe serne sliull beu�uiferest at fhe delault rate,!/any, , <br /> set IoAh/n the Note,or othe►wise at the highest rate perm�tted by law, and,r►rospochvo of whefher 8enel�c�ary exercises said option,it <br /> may,at!ts optlon and in its sole discretion,wrthout any lurther nohce or demend fo vr upon I�usfor,do one or more ol fhe lollowmg; � <br /> • �� (a) Benef/clary may enter upon,take possession ol,manage end operato thp lrust Propo►ry ar any part fhereol,�make repairs and , <br /> ` alferallons and do eny acts whlch Beneliciary deems proper to p►ofect the secunry thoreol,and e►fher wdh or wdhout fakrng <br /> possesslon,in!ts own name,sue lor or otherw�se collecf and rviceive►onts,issues and p►ohts,�nclud�ng those past due and unpeid, <br /> ..�...�......... .�.�a ew.....e..Ime nn.1 Gnnu/Irinni e <br /> - __= and appiy ine same,iess cu�i�ar�u vx�idi�5n5 Gi vNoiaiwi�ai�u�viioi.iiv:.:nr�uv.ny.v°u'v:uv.v..........,�............��..�..�._.�_ <br /> costs,upon fhe Indebtedness secured hereby and in such orde►as Bc�nol�aary me y'deferrnine Upon request of Benel�C�ary.Trusfor � <br /> shall assemble and shall make available to Henel(ciary any ol fho Trust Property wh�ch has been removed. The enter(ng upon and <br /> ; � taking possesslon o!the Trust Property, fhe collechon of any renfs.�ssues end p►ofrts,t►nd fhe appl�cahan fhereof as eforeseid,shall <br /> not cure or waive any delaulf fheretolore or fhereaMer occurnng,or al/ect any nohce o!delaul�o►nohce ol sele hereunder o► <br /> Invalldate any act done pursuent to eny such notice.Notwrthstandmg 6enel�c�ery's conhnuanae m F�ossession ur receipt and <br /> appllcatlon ol renfs,issues or prollts,Benel�c�ary shall be ent�tled to exerc�se every nghl p►ovidod for�n fhis Deed ol Trust or by tew <br /> upon or alter fhe occunence ol an Event ol Defaulf,including fhe nghf to e�xeraso the power�rl s ya� An y ol fhu�tchons rele�red to m . <br /> ' th(s paragreph mey be feken by 6eneflciary at such hme as denef�crery may determ�ne wifhout►oyurd to fho ad�quac y ol any <br /> � security/or the Indebtedness secured hereby. <br /> (b) Bene/lclary shall,wlthout regaid to the adequacy of any secur�ry for fhe Indebtedness socured herrt�by,bn�rH�tlod/o flta <br /> appolnfinenf ot a reCeiver by eny Cou►f havfng�ur(sdicfion,w(:houf noflce. fo fake possess�on ol,p►oleCt and menegv fho Trust <br /> Property and operate the same and col/ect the renfs.�ssues end p�ofds fherelrom <br /> (c) 8ene/�clary mey b►Ing any actlon fn any court of competent�unsdichon fo loreclose�h�s Uved uf 1rus�nr anl;�iru,+n��il tnP � <br /> , � covenants hereol. <br />