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<br /> _�A� . • ^^Afss �.i�?4;r.,rN:. . -- . _� _r- _ - - --
<br /> :d\+'+,_•.i'.n...�.. �.. Y.i►YR
<br /> . �f, , �:.�,��p�:.k';.nrf,i� _..� _ __ -_.-----`-----
<br /> ��!+W' �_�---�'`� � ...+....•. .0„���r,�r�ao wh�tsaeverlcvled upon or aaaexted,pleced a meda sgalntt th�Tnut _ __ _
<br /> � � �I�diii"mri.�Fwoliw::.i,�,y�'«5......�.....'.«'tt�... - --. � --
<br /> `"�'��� Proputy.Truator Iurth�r aproes,upon wdden request by BeneNclary,ro prompdy dellver to Bensllclary ell recelpts for d►e payment ot �. - _ -
<br /> "M'___���..I�J....� +rww�i wI�MIIM/w�1�
<br /> --- --., I � �ucn cnarp�ea.IlelefO�IIItYYYISO egiees[o par eu►�wna��aa�oasu�o��i�wiu vu���..��...y....,...�w....r..7�:��L.....�...r•---� _. ..._ ._
<br /> � opalrtst,a measurod by,thl�Oeed ol Tiuit or Me ncadallon herwo%
<br /> � � a. ^ppdosdon o!Payments,All payments receJved by BeneNclary as ro any debt,UablNty a o61/pedon owed to BeneNclary by Tiustor �.��
<br /> � may be app!!ed by Beneflcluy ro th�paymont of the Indebtadneas a to eny such other debt,NoWllry or obllAadon,In any ader a
<br /> L� manner ol epplicatlon whlch Bene/Iclary,!rs!te Abadute dlsc►edon,deems appropdate.Unlesa otherwlse elooted by BeneNolary,any ` _ �,�
<br /> ��,. �....
<br /> ��
<br /> �`<- � such payment ahell be daemed appll�ad Brst to the payment of any debt,daWllty or oD1/yaGon olher then H►e Note. � � _
<br /> � 6. Cha►pes;Uens. Tiusror wll!keep the Tius►Property Iree liom ell flens and encumbrances whlch In any way may.!n the judgment o �
<br /> ' BeneBclary,have prJority over,orlmpa/r�he seaudty ol,thls Oeed o!Tiust but Tivaror need not dlacharge any such pan so kng as �,�_
<br /> ���� -•;'•���r- • Trusta ahel!epree,in wdtlny,ro pay the obligatlon secured by auch 1len In a manner acceptable ta Benellclary and sha!!ln pood fellh
<br /> '' ri contest such llen by epproprlato fe�al proceedlnQs eNec►ive to preven�tha onlacement o�the 1len end tha loss o/any lnteraet In a �____ _ _ _
<br /> ,����?'a , ,. Q� Part o►the Tiust Propeily _ ---
<br /> ;�` ,�;�� � ,� i 7. Hazard Insuiance.Tiustor shall keep the bulldings and other Improvements now exlsNng or hereaRer erected on fhe Tiust PropeRy �= _
<br />� .•�;' , p lnsured by Insurance canlera seds/actory to 9ene/iclary apelnat losa by llre,hazards lncluded In the ferm"exterded coverage"and �V.
<br />•, • suc h o t her hazar ds,casu a l H e s a n d c o n tl n g e n c l e s a s m a y b e r e q u l r e d b y B e n e N c l a ry,!n s u c h a m o u n t s and for such p erloda ae m�y bo
<br />? .•,�,� ° � requlred by Benallclary.The polky of lnsurence shall be In form acceptable to BeneBclary,provlde that the same may not be �.�•.:;_°'�;_
<br /> �. '''r_::•_�r�:r_,v°-..
<br /> ' ° ` cancelled or modl!!ed wlthoul l�lteen(15)days pdor wditen notice to BeneNclary,and ahell have loss payeble proWslons in favor ol and =---_ __
<br /> � , r •_ !n lorm accepleble to Benellclary.All prAmlums on Insuranca pollcles shall be pald!n fhe manner provlded unde�peragraph 4 hereo� ...,�,� � _,,
<br /> . "''�' or,!/noP pa/d In such manner,6y Tiustor making payment at/east Illteen(15)days pdor to the due dale,dlrectty to the lnsurance �"`"" �_
<br /> �� � , caMer.Hene/lclary shall have the rlght to hofd the poNcles and ranewals thereol and Tiusror shell promptly IurMsh to Beneficlary all ������_
<br /> � renewal nodces and aN pald prem/um iecelpts recelved by lt.In no event sha119ene/Iclary or tiustee be held�esponslble loi lallure to -_
<br /> .�� ���' ' pay lnswance premlums ar for any lass or damage arlsing out o/a de%ct fn any pollcy or arlsing out o�any lallure ol any lnsurance i�z�-__��_�---
<br /> •• � company to pay!or any loss or demaqe lnsured agalnst or!or lallure by Trustor to eHect the lnsurance requlred hereunder.In fhe event �__
<br /> ,r;,� ol losa, Trustor shall glve prompt notice by mall to the lnsurence canler and BeneNclery. Benellclary may make prool ol loss 11 not �j.�p,s;,�,�- _
<br /> � •• mado pramptly o�ln proper/orm by 7rusroi.A!1 podcles of lnsmance end any and all refunds o(uneamed premlums are hereby .,��,
<br /> �-�- - - assigned to BeneBclery as addltlonal security for the payment ol the Indebtedness.In the event of 6ene/lclary's exerclse o/the power ��°--- �y'
<br /> ' ' o/sele contained herefn,orin the event o�/oreclosuie,all►Ight,fiUe and lnterest ol Tiustorin and fo any/naurance pollcy then Jn/orce �,._--
<br /> • � ' shall pass to the purchaser at 1he tNStee's sale or foreclosure sale.In case o/any loss,the Jnaurence prxeeds may,at the opHon of _, �.,� . . •�
<br /> � • E,� � BeneNclary,be appUed by Bene/!clery upon Ihe Indebtedness,or any part thereof,end!n such order and amount as Benef/clery may ��,i.�,q,''r_
<br /> ; � .� dete►mine;or said Insurance prciceeds,at the opNon of Bene�icfary,may elther be used!n replacJng or restoring 1he Trust Proparty �,,__._�
<br /> � paAlelty o►totelly dashoyed to a condltJon satls/ectory to Beneflclary;or seld Insurance proceeds,o�any portlon thereof,may be ��s._:_.___
<br /> released to Trustor.Unless Benebclary and Tiustor ofherwlse ag►ee!n wrldng,any such applkaUon ollnsurance proceeds shall not -;'��y:��
<br /> • � extend or postpone the due date o/the Note,or any Jnstallments called lor thereln,or change the amount of such lnstallments.ll the :" ".�_;• -�
<br /> �� ' ' Trust Piope�ly Is acqu/red by BeneNclary pursuant to fhe exerclse o1►he power ol sale or otherloieclosure,all rlght,title and lnterest o! -��-�-- '
<br /> �• • • Tiusror 1n and to any Inaurence proceeds payable as a result ol damage to the Tiust Pro erry p►lor to the sa/e or acqulslNon shell pass .,;����•
<br /> p .,•.yr`�,:. .;:.
<br /> to Benellciary and shall be eppNed Brst to the costs and expenses,including eftomey/ees,lncuned In collecting such proceeds,then :�v,��-�x
<br /> - In the manner and In the order provlded hereln. • � • __ `
<br /> 8. Preservadon and Melntenance o/Trust Property.Tiustor wfll keep the bulldings and ofher imp►ovemenfs now or hereaRer erected on �_:� —
<br /> -_ _ ' �� tl►e Tiust Property fn good repelr and conditlon and will not commlf or pe�mlt waste,wlll not a/ter the deslgn or ahucwral character �� __
<br /> consNtudng eny bullding now or herealter erected on and constitutlng the iruat Woperty without the p►iw writien tonssni al —_ �
<br /> � 1 BeneNclary,wlll not do any act or thlrtg whlch would unduly lmpelr or depreclate the value ol the Tiust Property and w111 not abendon ����=-
<br /> �� the Tiust Property.Tiustor wlll not remove any lixtures constltuting fhe Tiust Prope r ty un/ess the seme are lmmedlately replaced w11h `�"':lie:.
<br /> Ilke property sub ject to the llen and securlty Interest of thls Deed ol Tiust and o/et least equal value end utlllry. Trusto►wlll compty wlfh ��T��%-_
<br /> - alf present and/uture ordinances,regulatlons and requlremenls ol any governmental body whlch are eppllcable to the Tiust Property .,�, �
<br /> and to the occupency and use the►eof.!f thls Deed o/Trust ls on a un�t In e condominium or a planned unit develapment, Trustor shell : - . 'a,�,-„--
<br /> „ , " perform sll ol Tiustor's obqgetlons under the declaraGons or covenants creaHng or governing�he condomiMum oi ihe planned unit . + --
<br /> ; ,, „ development the byfaws and regulatlons ol the condominlum or planned unit deve/opment,and the consNtuent documents. � ; ��
<br /> . 9. Inspection. Beneliciary or Ifs agenls may,at afl ieasonable Nmes,enter upon the Trust Prop��ty for tho purposo of inspectlon.
<br /> ' Benellclary shall have no duty to make such lnspecBon and shall not be Ilable ro Trustor a to any person In possesslon I/!t makes o► . _y s=
<br /> •� falls to make eny such Inspection. �� ��r�y ' 'j__-
<br /> ' 10. Protectlon of Secudty.If Trustor lalls to perlorm any ol the covenants and agreements contained!n this Deed ol Trust,or il any acBon �
<br /> � � or proceedJng is commenced whlch does or may adversety aHect the Trusf Properry or the interest ol Trustor or Benelklary thereln a ���i.
<br /> � the Iltle ol Trustor thereto,then Bene�iclary,at its optlon,may perform such convenants and agreements,make such eppearances, , • �'T.
<br /> •• de%nd agalnst and lnvestlgate such action or proceeding and take such other actlon es Beneliciary deems necessary to protect lts � `
<br /> . � interest lncluding,but not limited to,disbursement ol�easonable attorney lees and enfry upon the Trust Properfy to meke repalrs.My _,,,, __„
<br /> amounts disbursed by Bene/!clary pu�suant to this paragreph 10,with Interest the►aon,shall consbfute Indebtedness ol Tiustor ^
<br /> secured by fhls Deed o/Trost Unless Trusror and Beneliciary agree to other terms of paymenf,such amounts shall be payeble upon . , •��.=
<br /> � noNce/rom Beneficlary to Trustor requesting payment thereol,and sha/l bear interesf Irom the date of dlsbursement at the delault rafe, . , '�-'�
<br /> . !I any,set lorth!n the Note,or ofherwlse at the highest rale permitted by law.Nothing contained in thls paragraph shall requlre � '•��.�.:�r_);=-
<br /> BeneHclary to incur any expense or take any action hereunder. Trustor inevocably authorizes and empowe►s 8enelrciary to ente�upon f .y;;;;�,.f�
<br /> r� the Tiust Prope�ty as Trustor's egent and,in Trustor's name or othenvlse to perlorm any and all covenants and agreements to be • • .« ...;s.
<br /> ' pe�lormed by Trustor as herein provided.Beneliclary shall,at!ts optlon,be subrogated to any encumbrance,1(en,clalm or demand ;;;:,'�3
<br /> ' and fo all rlghts and secunNes lor fhe payment thereol paid or discharged by Beneliciary under the provlslons he►eo!and any such
<br /> � � subroga6on dghts shall be addltlonal and cumulative secunty(or this Deed of Trust. �
<br /> , 11. Condemnatfon. The proceeds ol any eward or claim lor damages,direct or consequenrial,in connecHon wiU�any condemnaHon or
<br /> other taking of the Trust P►operty,or any part fhereo�,or lor conveyanr.e in lieu of or�n nnOCipation o!condemnatlon,a►e he►eby
<br /> . asslgned[o and shall be paid to 6enelkrary.Trustor will lile and prosecute.in good laith and with due dlllgence,Its clalm/or any such �
<br /> eward or payment,and will cause fhe seme to be colfected and paid to 8onelic�ary,and,should it fa�l to do so, Trustor inevocably
<br /> aufhorizes and empowers Benefic�ary,in the name ol Tiustor or otherw�se.fo lile,prosecute.setile o�compromise any such clalm and ,
<br /> � to collect,recelpt lor and retam the proceeds.11 the Trust Propertv is abandoned by Trusfor,or,after notice by Benellciary to Trustor
<br /> that the condemnor olters to make an award or seltle a cleim!or damages. Trustor lails to►espond to Bonel�aary within thvty(30)days
<br /> a/ter the dafe such nodce is maded,Beneliaary is aufhonzRd fo collect and apply the proceeds m the manner indlcated herein. The
<br /> proceeds ol any eward o�claim may. aRer deduct�rtg all reasonable cosrs and expenses,�ncludmg attorney/ees,which mey have
<br /> been lncurred by Beneliciary in the collect►on thereo/,at the sole d�screhon ol Bene!lc�ery,be re/eased to Trustor,eppNed to
<br /> • restoreGon of Trust Properry,w applied to the peymenf ol th@ Indebtedness.Unless Benel�crery and Trustor otherwise ag►ee in wnting,
<br /> any such applica0on ol proceeds to Indebtedness shall not exlend or postpone fhe due date ol the Note or the payment oi any
<br /> • i lnstellments caNed lor►he�eunder.
<br /> " T 2, Tiustor Not Aefeased.Extension ol the hme lor payment or mod�f�cahon ol any amorUZation o!the Indebtedness g�anted by 8enefiaary
<br /> to eny successo►!n Interest o!Trustor shall not operate to release,�n any manner,the llab�liry ol Trustor and Trusfor's successors in
<br />. . � � _. : _ . . .. . . .. . �..-' ---'--._.._�_..---'__'......�......�......�.....r�:muln•nnumcnlnr .
<br /> � - 1IltB/BSf.t!@IIBf/C18ry S�a►l n0[Oe requirea ro commencv prcn;erawnya ayu�na�avon ovw000..��� ��.....�.��^.�^�•°••-•-• r-r••-••-•
<br /> othe►wise modify amortlzatlon o/the Indebtedness by reason o!any demand made by Trus►or and Trustor's successors
<br /> , In lnteresr.
<br /> - , ' f3, F!nanclel Informaoon. Upon requesf o�Beneliciary. Trustor wdl prowde to Benehciary.wdhm nmery(9Ul days ol the close o►each f�scal
<br /> year ol Trustor, the consolidated belance sheef and stetement o/earnings ol Trustor and eny and all guarantors of fhe Indebtedness
<br /> sacured horeby,it any,and will provide and deliver to Benehaary such other/inancial�nlormafion and in such manner c�s 9ene/ic�ary
<br /> may reasonably request Irom tlme to time.
<br /> . f 4. Flnencial Covenants. In addifion to eny other finanael covenants o!Trustor mede in eny other ag►eement,insbumenf or documenf.
<br /> Trusto►shall comply wdh and shall cause any and all guarantors of the Indebtedness secured hereby to comply wrth,or be m
<br /> compliance with,the lollow�ng linancia►covenants:(This paragraph shall not apply d covenants and reqwrements are not set
<br /> lonh herein.)
<br /> � 1 b. Schedule of leases. Wifhm fen(t01 days eRer d�mand. T�usto►shall lurn�sh to Benelic�ary e schedufe,certdied to by Trustor,setting
<br /> lorth all leases of the Trust Properry,or any portlon thereol,mcludmg�n each case.fhe name ol the tennnts or occupants.e descr�phon
<br /> � , M Ihe speCe occupied by such tenan�a occupant.fhe rental payable lor such spece.and such ofher mlormefron and documents wdh {
<br /> respect fo sucl�leases and tenanc�es as Benef�ciary maV reasonab�y requesf. �
<br /> .
<br /> � `
<br /> � - -
<br />