� � � �s�ass�z
<br /> 17. Trarr,fer u!the Prupextp nr a Brneticl�t lntere�t in&rrrower. If sll or any part of thz Pn>pzrly or any int.sr�vt in it
<br /> is sold or trunsfi3rrul(or if a bene8cia!inter�t in Borrower is sold or�ferrad and Borrowar Is not a nuturn!pzrson)withuut
<br /> L�dur's prior written con�nt, L,andar rnny, at its option, require ima�cliat� p�ysnent in fiill of all sun�v securt�} hy this
<br /> S�e:urity Instrument. IIowever, tltis option sl�all not l�e exercised by Lender if exercise is pmhibited Uy fzcleral law n.of th�dutz
<br /> of this Seeurity Instn�ment.
<br /> If LenJzr exercises this option, Lender ahall give Borrower natice af accelei�tion. The notica Fhall proviJe a�eriacl of not
<br /> le�s than 30 days from the�lxte the notice is clelivered or inai�ed wittiia wliich Borrower must pny a11 sam, secared by this
<br /> Security Ir,strument. If Borrower faiLs to pxy these sums[?rior to the expirAtion of thix period, Lendzr mxy invok�any c�mc.�eGes �
<br /> p.srmittad by tl�is Security I,�tru�nt without furthzr nokice or de,nand on Barrower.
<br /> l8, B�rrowcr's Rifiht to Reinstate. lf Bacrowar meetF certain conditianA, Bnrrower Fhall have tha right to hs►va �
<br /> ertfoieernent of khix Secutlty TnrE►ument disc:nntinued at any time privr to thn t�arlier of: (a) 5 days (n� such c�thnr paricxi �x
<br /> s�pplicable I.1w may s�p�ify fnr rninstatement) btsfore sale of thn Property pursuxnt to any pvw�r of ae1a amt+in� in khi� M"'�
<br /> Security InFtrume�t; or(b)entry of a juclgmnnt enforcinJ,•thi:�Security insqwnnnt. ThoRe con�it�onv ares thrat Borrnwer, (u)pu s Q
<br /> L,e[tder Mll su►nR which thep, would be due ttncle[ this Security instrument und (ha Nhte a� if no accelnratipr�h:u!�x:curr�cl; (b) Dp
<br /> cureF Rr►y default of any �ther covenat�ts nr a�reemex�te; (c) payti all expenRe� incuTred in ex�fnrcing thir� S�curity In�trument, �„r
<br /> inclw]�' , but not limited to, rea.sonat�le attc�rneys' fees; and(d) ta{ce,c EQCh action as I.endzr may r�a.�onably requirc to assure �
<br /> that tho lien of thia 5ectirity Instruuyeat, Lenckr's ri hts in th�Proparty und Borrowrx's obli•ation to�ay 11s��imc rwcarexl by
<br /> c
<br /> thiR Security IaFtrumept shali conti�ue ur,chsu�g�. Upon, rninstatemnnk by �orro�r, t iQ 5e�:u�ity Inxtrurnent and the ��
<br /> ot>Ii�ati�a�R�urecl beceby shu11 re�ain fully eff�ive aR�f no nccelerakion had a:cumxl. Howev�r, diis ritht to reinstate yhall
<br /> nok appfy in the ca.ee of�leration uader pararrarh 17.
<br /> 19. Sule uf Nute; C�e ut I.�su� Se*v�rxr. Tha �Iota or a pactial intere�t in the Note (together with thir.; Sa:urity
<br /> Tn�wment)muy be Aold one or mar�e times without prinr notice t�Bormwer. A sale muy re.ault in a change in the entity(knewn
<br /> s�.a the "Logn Setvicer")thut cellec�5 rn�nthly payments ciue undar the Note and this Se�.unty ln.�trument. There alsn nwy b�onz
<br /> ar more chxnges of the Loan Serviaer unrelxted w x�le of the Note. If there is s�chan�e of the L,onn Servis:er, Bc�rrowCr will he
<br /> �,rivdn writu�notic�of tht chnn�a in accorclance with para�raph 1�Hbovc��Kpplicab�a l�w. Tha notice will atatv�h�nc+mu i�nJ
<br /> rutdrass of the now LoAn Szrvicer and cha addrass to which�ya�nts should ba mad�. 1'he noucZ will alxo contain any a�her
<br /> infornu�tion ra�u.ircd by applicabio law.
<br /> ?A, Hs�zurdnus 5ubnttances. $orrowor shall not esusc or pennit che pr�.s�ce, us�, Jigposal, storag�, ar r�lua.u� �F ciny
<br /> Hazardous SubstNnc�s on or in the Property. Borrowrx shall not do, nor aitow abyone �Lce w Jo, anything affectin� the
<br /> Propzrty that 141n violation oi any IInviron�ntal I,aw. The prccr,ding twa �entcx�crs �ill nut apply �a the �rre.�nce, use, or
<br /> Ftorate on thz Property of srnall qw�ntities of Hazardous Sul+stanezs that arz g�crxtly r�x:o�,izcxi to b�;nppropriut� to nc�rmal
<br /> r�.sid�r►tial u.�s and to rnaintenance of the Property.
<br /> Barruwer eha]1 promptly give Ixnder written notice�f any inve�ti�ation, claim, �mand. lawsuit or oth�r aetion by any
<br /> guvernmantal or ta�;ulxtory ngency or privattl psrty invalving the Prnperty and any Na�nrd�us Sul�.ctance ot Environmental La'w ,
<br /> of wtuch Bonower ha.� actual knawledbe. )f Borrowar learns� or is n�tified by any sovarnmental or rasulatory aathorfty, that
<br /> �ny rcmovul or othcr rt;mc�liution oF any Harairdous Subytuncc ntfixl,inK tha Proparty is ncx�uv�ry, Barrc�w�r shatl prom�Kly tak�
<br /> a11 aac�ry rtm�JJial actions in acconl�cx;with�nvironmenlal Law.
<br /> As used in this par�ruph 20, "Ha�rdous Substane�:.k" ara�ho�subtitancc;s ck;ti8�d� toxic or h:�►rd�us suhtit�nce.�by
<br /> Envir�nmrnt�l Taw and the follawin� substances: rasoline, karoc�ne, other flun�ble or toxic pztrulcum prcxlucts, tnxic
<br /> �ticides and herhicidea,volatile solv�ts, materials cantaining asbcsros or forn�lQzhycla.s�J r�+Jiuuetiv�materialn. A�us�l in ,
<br /> thix �arrgr:�h 20, "�nvironnten�l Law" u�e&c►s fzcl�ritl l�ws and lstwa of the jurisclietion where the+ Prnperty is ic�cated that
<br /> relate to l��alth, �af�ety or epvironmental ptofection.
<br /> NON-UNIFOItM COVENANTS. Borrower�ttd Lender fiMher covenant an3 abRCU a.r•fc>llaws: •
<br /> 21. Aa�leratiun; Remedies. Lendar slutll give notice tn Borrower pri�r ta acceler�allon Fall�winq Borrower's t►rerach
<br /> uf any ��uve�rant ur a�re�ment in this 5ecurity Instrwnc�t (but not prinr to accelerxtian under par:y�ruph l7 unl�
<br /> applicahle l�w prnvidec otherw;:�), The notice rtw�p st�fy: (a) the def�iult; {b) the actiuu rcx�ufrrd U�cure lhe default�
<br /> (c)a dotte, �►t le�cR tba�t 3Q dyyc Fr�n the date t�e notic�i��ivrn to Borrowcr, by which thc det'ault muv�t be cured; ranc�
<br /> (d) that failore to cure the default on or t►�ere the d:�te spec�fit�i in the rwtice may rssrolt in a�enition ol'the sums
<br /> secured by lhic Security In�tru�aeat and xale oF the Property. TF�e nutioe�hall Purther inForrn Burruwer of!hu ri�ht io
<br /> reiAState after accelerstirnn and the ri�qht to hri� a uix�rt actiuo to :ti�sert the nnn-existenac of a doFault or an� ntlu� ,
<br /> detense of Borrnwer U� accelerali�n gnd ra�le. if the de�fault i� not cvnd on ur before the dHte specit5ed in ihe nntice,
<br /> Lcmder, at its option, mayr�yu�re immedistte p�rment in full uf all sum�secured by tfiis Security In.clrumenl witlx�ut
<br /> f'urther d�nand end mny invoke the povver�f csle and any otl�er remed'+ex permittecl by upplicHhle Ixw. Lender slu�ll l+�
<br /> entiticd to collect all e:�pensas incurred in pur� t6e�nedi�pruvided in this�rt�rs�ph 21,irx:luding, hul,not limited
<br /> to,r�ROnable i+ttorncgs'Ce�s and cns`s of fade ew�i�e.
<br /> IF the pnwcx nt'sule is lnvnked, Trui.�tee ahall recqrd a notue of defuult in �ch county in w6ie�► uny pdrt of the
<br /> Pi�pperty is luc�ted un�d shall mail copies af such notice;r�the m�anner prr,rcribed by applicuble l:�w tu Borruwer ond t�>
<br /> the otl�peroun�prrACrihed by appliceble law.After We tune reguired by slppLca,ble law,Tn�stee�vtu�li�ive put�tic unlice
<br /> uf sulr tu the per�x�t and in the manner prc,.�crihed h�applic,ihle l�.v, Tru..k�, with��ut demand un Borrower, �hall vell
<br /> the Property el puhlic uueti0n tu the hyqFx�t biddec'st the bme nnd pWce and under the term.s deui nuted in kfNe not�ce uf
<br /> sale in one or more pgrce�lR 9n�u�an� prder 7'r�ustee determines. Tr���tee nwy postpone�ale aC�1 r►t�nny pslreel of thc
<br /> Froperty by puhlic announcement at khK tIIne and place ot any previously schedu{ed sale. Lenaer i)r i�.K d4"ti}�pei m21r
<br /> pw'ch�.ce the prOp�rty�t any S:rIC,
<br /> ///� Form 302� 9l90
<br /> Pnps 6 ot 6 INUdL:�+•� nrs i�
<br /> �-ARINE)�a���).o� .
<br /> ;
<br /> Q��
<br />