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paYment�m•ry na longer be reqnirecl, at ttte opdon af Li��der,if martgage i�u�ance CoveCil�d(in th�t►mouAC iln� fcx thu�s�icxl <br /> thet La►clar roquiras)pmvidad by an in��r�r approvc�cl by Lende�again hecon� availabl�and is ob�inod. gorrc»var�hx11�►y <br /> khe pnmiums requirec!to mAintain mortgagz insvr,inc.�u in effi:ct, or ta pmvide a lo.�s r�.cerve,u�ltil ttlz r'r.Nuircrtwnt fur nx�rtgabw <br /> iniuvanw cndv in acc:ordence with any writttm ut;r�eement hatw�n$oYCOwer tu�d LEsndet or applicnble law. <br /> 9. Inspection. Lendar or its t�ent mxy mnkc n�.�snnxble entrie.� upc►n and ins�ctio»s of the Property. LenJer,hal! give <br /> Borrowur notics at thtl tim�of ar prinr ta:ui in..�action��ecifyins;teASOnt�bla c,�us�e for tho in�p�wtiun, *-� <br /> 10. Cundemnutiun. The proceedc of eny Aws►rd or eiatim for dem���:s, direct or cc>nwx�uentigt, in connution wilh tiny CU <br /> condemnation or other t»kin� of any part of thc Proporty, c�r for c�nveyance in lieu of condcmnation, are hcr�by �.tir:igned:u�d <br /> r.hall b�p�►id ta Lendcsr. M'°�' . <br /> (n tha nvnnt of u total taking of t}ye Property, tho proceeds shall be appliec]to th�tiume secured by thi�c Security Instrumnnt, 0 <br /> whethra� or not thra► due, with any exeZSS paicl to $orrower. ln thm esvent nf a partial taking of the �'t��etty iA whi�h Ihc fair � <br /> murkr,t vaSuc of the Praperty immeiliatcly bcfi>r� the taking iA eyual to ar great�r thAn the amount of the sum, �xur�d by thi� � <br /> Sec�rity In�strument immndiateTy besfore the taking,unless Borrowet and I.enclar othenvisC�gr�;in writing, thtl::ums ydcuted by �' <br /> thi� Security fnstrunxnt shall he reduced by tt� araount of ihu proc;u�cls multipliecl by the Following fraction: (x) thu tutat �` <br /> amouut af the suaus sccunx! i�nuliatuly before the taking, c3ivided hy (b) the f�ir rnark�valut of IhC F�ropurty imrnndi�taly <br /> i�efore the txking. Any balanec: sh�ll be paicl tc� Bnrrnwet. In tliz avent of a partia! tuking of�ha Prup�rty in which tha fair <br /> market walue of the Pro�erty i�nmedi�tely before the taking is lhan tho;smnunt ot the cumt; :�c:urecl inunecliately b�lcros ths <br /> taking, un1eFR Borrowar s�Q I.en�der othzrwise��,►r�in writin� or imle.�y applicahle!aw othtrwie.e�rovidts, tho prucwedy tih.tll <br /> bt a�.+rilial to tha sums s�x:urcxl by this Sec:urity Insavnxnt wheth�r ar not tha aums are thc��ue. <br /> lf the Pra�erty iF ahandonad by Borrower� or if, Kfe�x natice by Lencler to Borrower that the ccmdzmnor of�'ers eo maka:�n <br /> award �r Rettla x clsim for dxrn4gas, I3orrawer faila tu r�:.�p�md to Lender within �0 days after tha clat� the nutiee ig given, <br /> L.�nclzr is t�uthorizexl to ex�ll�c:t Sn�1 apply the�proce�cls�at it�c►ption, eicher to restoratioa or r�pair af tho�rup�;rty c�r tc�th�nun� <br /> secrir�l by lhis S�urity]n:�trumunt,whether or not theq due. <br /> Unleqs Ixnder susd Bormwet c�tbetwiFe agteG in writinb, any applicaLion of prix:eecLc to principal nhall not axtza�! or <br /> �tpone the due data of the monthly paymtt�ts roferrecl W in para�raphx i and 2 oc chan�e the�mount of sne:h paymcnt�. � <br /> 1l. Bumuwer Not Relea�ed;Forl�ears�nce By i.�r Nut u W�iver.Latension of tha timu fc7r puym�nt c>r mcx3ifict►tion <br /> of amortiwtion of thn sumK s�scur�xl by this Security In�trumant�runt�cl by Lundur ta any�uccx�x;r�r in iat�rert of Barrow�r shall <br /> nut op�rate ta the Iiabiltty pt the Oi1�1riA1 BOtrOWZr Or BUrrow�i ti tiuccetisOfR in inte,rest. I.�tder shall nut b�+rt;yuirod to <br /> cop)�t��YC►ce�d1068 AsAtIIfi�8Ay SllCC88SOf in inLi:iL�t Ur rz}u1i1!tp eXteAd �j�17�fM�AytY1CYlT Or OI}►CrW1SC:mUdit'y amc�rtization <br /> of tha sums �ceuraJ by this Su�c:urity lnstrument by�n of any dz�nct mndc by th�s ori��tuil Borrnwet• �r $oYrotv�r'w <br /> suee�rs m intcresi. Any furb�rance by Lender in exeres�inL anny ri;ht or rcmedy shx11 nat b� •r waiver �f cir rr�clucle th� <br /> cxcrci�o of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. Succu�rs and A�rci�ns Buuod; Joint f►nd Several L�ahiiity; Cu-Ki�nrn, 71�e covr�iant, �d s�ttxmunls of this� <br /> Security Inetrument shall bincl itnci �euzfit the sueee�surs and ai:sign� �f Lendar and Borrower, subjcx;t tu th.; �rovi�ian�, of <br /> ��arxgr�+h 17. Borrowar's eov�ts and ayrex�ment� sball be,joint and severril. Any �orruw�:r who co-sign� this S�;urity <br /> Instrum�nt but cloe.s not exeeute the Note, (a) is co-si�` this S�curity Tnstrumeat cmly to rnnrt�aLe� �rant ancl cunv�y th•at <br /> Bonower's intere�t in the Property und�r tha terms of this Security 1nFtruo��t; (b) is not personally ahli�atexl tn pay the Fums <br /> c�scurtld by this Security Instrum�t; c�nd(c) agrex�.�that Lendet and aay othar$onowes may ngree to extettd, mcxlify, forb�r or • <br /> m�ke any accummodations with reaard to ti►e tztnr�of this SocuriLy Instrument or the Note wichout that Bortowr.r's c:c�n�nt. <br /> 13. Loan Charge5. lf the lnan �scu�ed by this Security Insttumcnt is subject to a 1aw which sots nfsximum Loan clur�e�, <br /> and thxt law in finally intarprnted sc� that tha interost or Uth�r loun churge.� collectdd or to bc collCCtd� in concxLtiun with the , <br /> loalt ax�d the permitted limi�a, thta�: (a)any e�uch luan cbxrg��ha11 be reduced by the amourlt n�:�,.��ry tc�r�duca the chu��e ' <br /> ta the permitted lirnit; and (b) tu�y sums alrc�dy collected ti�ut Borrower which execulcxl permittexl limi�;will h� refunJcd to <br /> �ortower. Lender may ehonso tu rnc�ice this refund by reclacin�; tha prineipal owed unck�r the Note or 1>y mKking u dirdct <br /> psymZnt lo Bc�rrovver. If 1 refund �educc� prinCirntl, the rCducNon will be treated as A �YtiAI pYepaymcnt withcx�k uny <br /> prep�ymtsnt chuTga undet�tlte Note. <br /> 14.Nc�tie�s, Any natice to Rorrower providtcl for in lhi�Scxurity Insttument sl�ai!lx giv�by deliverin�►it nr iiy nuuling <br /> it by �irst cla.cs mail unlcs�a{�►�ficable law rzquirea usu of another method. The notiee shall ba diracled to tha PropeRy Addn;�n., <br /> or uny athnr addr�x Borrawar dosignxt�s by nc,ticn to i.enc�er. Any notica to Lc�nd�:r tihgU 1� �;ivrn by firtct ela.v.ti mail to <br /> Lqtdet'a adtl���tat�J h�ruin or xny other addt� Leudor cl�.yiKnat� by notice to Bormwet. Any n�tiee prervid�d far in this � <br /> Secttrity Ias+ttumcnt shall bci cleemed ta have heen givzn to Borrower or Le�tider when givzn�,.c rrovidud in thia ps��agcn�, <br /> 15. Gnvernin�q �,�w; Severabitity. This Sec;ivity Ynstrument clwll be �overn�l by f�de,�rat 1uw and the taw of tha <br /> jurisclictic►n in which the Pro�rty is locxt�.l. In thu event that any�xbvision or cZause�f this Secvrity Insttumant or th�Not� <br /> cc�nflicts widt applicabla taw, sueh c5onftict shull not affect pkher provisioils uf this Security Instrument nt tbz Natc which can� <br /> given effeet without the c�ontlicting provisioi�. To this end th�pre�viti-'scxis e�f t�,iq Seeurity Instn�mznt artd th�tVnt�arc cieclar�d <br /> to be:crverdbte_ <br /> 16, Borruwc�'s Copy.Borrower shnll be given nn�conformul aopy of the Note�nd nk thi�Security Instrumant. . <br /> Form 9028 9/90 <br /> �•8R{NE)�s�sLat Pap�a ol c Irvtinh:��..� DI'S 1HSS <br /> �/! C <br />