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;} ` _ _ <br /> — -� '�._J.�' A_S�. . ' . .. _.-. - __" -_.___-_ <br /> '4^.. . . •^'-- -��-�_._�__'"_,_—_._-�-- .....,_._ <br /> . »w�.,. � .. � ... _.. , . <br /> - --- --�------- - �8{� r1� <br /> TOO�THER WITH d11ha improvements now or hereafter erocted on tha propertY'iuTid dl i��i�Mt . � rt�n�noer�ud ; <br /> fiatun� now or hensii�r � p�tt of the Prn�xitY. All rcpl�oernent� u� wdditiono rhall Ww be vnvwai by Wir Soaurity , <br /> In�ttument.All of Ihe foreQoln�i�t+eterrad w jn thLs Socudty[nurument w Ihe"Propeny." <br /> BORROWER COVBNAMfS thu Borrower i� 4wfully�ef�ed at tha eswc hercby conveyed�nd hu the d�ht to�nt�nd <br /> convey tho Propeny�nd thn the Praperty is� unencum6erod. except for ancumbnu�ces of rocard. Bo�rower wutun� �nd wlll � <br /> dafend genenlly�he tille to the P'roperty ag�inst�II cldms ond demands,wbjoct to wny encumbrancea of raord. <br /> THIS SECUFi1TY INSTRUMBNT combiner uniform wvomnts for mtiaW use and non-uniform wvarw�u with limitod <br /> v�ri�tiona by Ju�i�dictinn to constltute a uniform sxurity inctrument covering real property. <br /> rs �—� -�g� UMFORM COVENANT3.Borrower ond Lender wvenetit and sgroe as folluws: - <br /> 1. Paymeat ut Priacipd �ad latera�t; Prep�yireent nnd I.ate Clia�ea. Horrower shall PromptlY Pa> When duo tbe <br /> princippl of and interest on the deht evider�oed by the Nntc wnd any prepayment and late ctuuges due undcr the Note. <br /> 2. Fundr tor Tsxe9�ad Iaarranoe.Subjat to opplicable law or to a written weiver by Lender, Borrowcr ehall pay to <br /> Lendcr on tho day monthly payments are duo under the NMc,umll the Note Is Emid in full,u sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly ttucea <br /> . � - - �uxt ua�essu�utn whicii uwy atiain p�iuiity over Qdb S�xurity Iual�w�eri�c m a itu►on th�:Property:(b)Ycarly Icaschold paytmnts <br /> +�� � or ground rcnta on the Property.if a�y;(c)yearly hazwrd or propeny insurance premiums:(d)yearly flood insu�premiums� <br /> if any; (e)yearly mongage insuronce premiums,if any; and (�any sums payable by Borrower to Lender. in Accardance with <br /> the proWsior�of pAragraph 8,in lieu of tF�e pnyment of mortgage insuranct premiums.These items are cnlled 'Escrow Items." <br /> Lender any time, collect and hold Funds in an artwunt not to exceed the maximum amount a Icr►der for a federally <br /> related morigage loan may requirc for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Setdement Procedures Act of <br /> 1974 as amendod from timo to time. 12 U.S.C.Sectian 2601 er seq. ("RESPA"), unleas another(aw lhat applies to the Funds <br /> °-�=' rets a lesser amMmt. If so, [,ender may, at any�ime,collect and hold Funds in an artwunt not to excred the lesser Amount. _= <br />