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_ ��: ; _;n� �� . ,.' �^ �I� .��__ ._:��_ <br /> �. r <br /> . ... ______ <br /> .��';, ; ...� --- ---_ - -- <br /> _ _-�- �-=-� ,.� io5��r� �- <br /> _.____ �� <br /> ,�' condemnatlon ar athcr tuking of uny pan ot'�ha Pmperty,or for conveyance in lieu uf cundemnation.urc hcrcby axRl�ned anJ <br /> rhall bc pufd tu LenJcr. <br /> -- �� In thc event oi' a total tuking of Ihe Property, the prcx:ecdx shnll hc uppNcd tu thc +umx �ccured by �hi:+Securi�y <br /> Ina�n�ment,whether�r not�hen due, wlth any excexw puid ta Bormw�r. In thc event of u panial tuking uf�hc Pmperty in <br /> °�'� which the fuir market vuluc of the Pir�{+ehy immediately befure Ihe IalcinR ix cyuul to or grcu�cr�hun Ihc umount nf Ihe nums <br /> -°�_�?��- ,uxurcd My thfs Sccurity Inxtrumcnt immediutely befare Ihc tuking,unle�z B��rrower nnd l.endcr otherwisc ugrcc in writing, <br /> u G • <br /> thc�ums secured by thfx Securiiy In��rumcnl shull be rcduccd by thc umnunt af thc pre�:ceJx multiplicd by the oUow ng <br /> fructian: (u)�he talul umount of the sumK xecured immedlutely beforc thc luking.Jividcd by(b►�hc fua murket valuc oi�hc <br /> ~ _,,•.. Propeny immediutcly hef�xe�he takinR. Any balance shull bc puid to Borrower. In the event oi'u puniul aking�f the <br /> -- ��;�X praperty�u whi�:li�hr fuir murkct va►luc uf th�Prapeny immcdiutcly t►cfom�hr�nhing ir le�s than�hc nmount nf the xumx a <br /> - �:,�� xecured immediutely before thc �uking, unlcns Borrawer und Lender otherwisc a�ree in wriHng or unlesr upplicablc luw <br /> --. otherwise provldes,tha praceedx xhull be upplied to the xumx secumd by thi�c Security In�trumem whe�her ar nnt the xums uro <br /> --�`�`=�' � then due. <br /> � li the Prapeny ix abundoned by Borrower,or if,af'ter notice by Lender�a Borrawer thut the condemnor uffen;to muke <br /> ----r;��,;�3,�.^. un uward or se�de a cluim for damuges,Borrowcr failz to respond ui l.endcr within 311 duyti uftc�the dutc the nutice is given, <br /> _ ;�:_ n!Q;�",` Le�der is uuthorized to collect und opply Ihe praceeds,ut its option,either to rezto�►tion ur rcpuir of the Property or to the <br /> - -�;::i;:�'S' r�ums r,ecured by thia Securiry Inxtrument,wh�ther or not then duc. -- <br /> ' � " Unlexs l,ender nnd Borrower othenvise ngree in writing,uny uppliculiun of pmceeds ta principal shnll not extend or <br /> ��,.��:T.t��, � pastpone the due date of the monthly puyments refeRed to in purngrnph� 1 und 2 or chunbe the wnount of xuch puymrntr. <br /> _""�:"�:. 1l. Borrower Not Released; Forbeurance By Lender Not o WAiver. Extension of the time f<rc payment or _ <br /> -`'�+�_��-� - mudification of amortization of the sums secured by thix Security Inxtrument�rnnted by Lender ta uny sucressor in interctit <br /> �. .•� -•.. - , -- <br /> _• � . of Borrowcr shull not opernte to releuse the liubility of ihc originul BoROwcr or Borrowerg succex,on m iolcrest. Lender <br /> �� ;�`�':� shall not be reyuired to commence proceedings agamst nny succestior in imeresl or rei'uxe to extend time fur p�yment ur _ <br /> --=-, <br /> _- � __ _ - �='" aherwi�e madify umortizution af the sumr sccured by thiK Securiry Instrument by renzon of any demund mude by the o gmn _ <br /> ��°��'`--• ' Borrower or Borrower�successon in interext. Any Purbeurunce by Lender in exercising uny right or remedy�I�ull not he o - <br /> - --;.�_� - <br /> � ' �� � . waiver of or preclude the exercise oP uny right or remedy. E:-_ <br /> .'� .,'�' � 12. Successors and A�ssigns Bound;Joint and Several LfabUfty;Co-signers. The covenani.und ugreememx ui this <br />-=-�''•�� .t�•"',;,¢.. 1, Security Intilrument shall bind unJ bene�t�he successon und usxign.ot'Lender und Borruwer,subject to the pravizion+oP ___ <br /> �--�'�"' '` �-'�° purugruph 17.Borrawerti covenantti und ugreementx shull be Jnlnt unJ ,cverul.Any BoROwer who co-si�ns �hf+ Security <br /> .��� � ' ,. • Instrument but dces not execute�he Note: (ul iti ca-signing thix Security Ins�niment only�n mortguge,grunt und cunvey that — <br /> "' ' Borrower's interest in�he Propeny undcr the tcrnis of thiti Sccuri�y Inxtn�menr, (bl iz m►[penonully obligu�ed to puy the sums — <br />°'��'-;���`�` � ���.' � �� secured by thix Securiry�menr,aixi(c1 ugreex thut Lender und uny other Borr�wer muy ugree to extend,mcxii(y.forbear � <br />=•�'�„� �' ���, or muke ony uccamme�dntion� wi�h regurd to the terms of�hix Secu�ity Inxtniment or the PJole without that Barn�wers -- <br /> M " `'' coneent. <br /> •+�'g�„ �� . Q '• l3. Luan Charges. If the loan secured by thix Security Ins�nimen� i. +ubject to u I�w which sets muximum loun � <br /> �;U�r_�� ' churges,und Ihut low ix finully interpreted w thut the intere+l or other luun churges collec�ed or to he collecteJ in connection <br /> wiih ihc loan exceed the permitted limil�,Ihen: p�►uny wch loun churge shull be reduced by 1he um�wnt necessury to reduce <br /> ,,.�Y �,w�°~��' the churgc to the permiucd limit:und(b►�ny sum.ulreudy rollrc�cd Gam Sorrower which cxcecded permitted lirnits will be <br /> • •�'"�' � � . rePunckd to Borrower. l.ender muy chooze to muke thi,rcfund by reducing liic principul owed under the Note or liy muking u <br /> ' , direct puyment to Borrower. If u refund reduces principal,the reduction will lx�rea�eJ us u puniul prepayment without rny �� <br /> :.� � �' � prepnyment churge unJer the Nolc. <br /> . _'�, „��;r�� „ 14. Nollces. Any natice��� B�►rmwcr provided lirc in �hi+Sccurity Instrument shull lx given by delivering it or by �r•� <br />���: ' r:. " muiling it by Grst cluxs muil unlexti applicul►Ie luw reyuire,u,r�►1'unulhcr me�h�xl.The notice shull he direcicd to tl�Pmpcny 6 <br /> ;__;� ' Addrcss or any �Hher uddreti, Burrowcr dc+ignutcs by naticr 10 LenJcr. Any nal ice to Lender shul) lx given by i'in�cluss �_, <br /> • .•�;i3�"s• • muil to Lender's uddre.s xtu�ed hcrcin or uny othcr uddres.Lrndcr dc�ignu�e+My n��licc to Ni►rrower. Any notice pn�vided for - � <br /> °r� " in this Scrurity Inxtrument .hull t+c JecmeJ tu huvc F��n given to Bcirrower or L.cndrr whco giv�n u, pruvidrJ in thix �;:. <br /> .. �t. <br /> .►ru ru <br /> .�';��',. a.'��� „ � p g15(:overnlna; tievernbility. This Sccurity Instrumcnt �hull Ix govcrtkd hy 1'c�k:rul law uixl �hc luw of Ihc �,��, <br /> . �. jurisdiction in which the Prapeny iti kxu�ed. In�hr cvenl�hu�uny prrni.ion i�r clautie ot'�hi,Seruriry In��rumcm�w�he Nnte — <br /> ��" contlicts wi�h upplicublc luw..uch ronilict shull not i�ftcct�Hhcr provi.iunr ol'1hi. Sccuriiy In,trwncnt or thc N��tc which can <br />.,�:•.' � . .: �-- <br /> .;s,,,,,., ' Ix given et'fect withuut the contlicting pn►vi.ion. To thi.r rnJ �he rmvi.ion�uf thi�Securitv Inti�rumem and the Nole urc �.�� <br /> , -- , declared�o tx ticvcrablc. �F- <br />-_ '�" � 16. Borrower's Copy. Burrowcr+hull Ix.givrn unc ronl'umird cupy uf thc Notc:md of thix Scrurity In.trurnen�. <br />_ �`�u� . N. 'Il�nn�ier of the Property ur u Bencficlul Intcrext fn Burrow•er. If a�ll ur uny purt ui'thr Pro�x:rty or uny inlrrctit in _ <br /> �• it is solJ or trun�fcrreJ for il'u lxn�liciul imrrc+t in Kcxrowcr i+�oW��r u�un,tcrnd and Burrowcr i.r nut u nutural�xrwn) <br /> � '_ .._::. withnut LenJer s priur wriuen c�►n.cnt.Lcndcr ilr opliun.rcyuirr immedi:He pz�ynxnt in fuU��f ull wm�sr�unrtd hy <br /> •"��,, �hi,Security In,iNment. Howrver,thi,uptKm shuU nul lx rxrrci.rd hy Le�xlcr if excrci.r i�pr��hibitcd by feJeral luw ax of ' '�' <br /> • the date uf�his Securiry In,trununt. <br /> - , ;;° If Lender exercixes this option.Lrmkr+hull give Borrow•er nutirr uf accrlcraiion. Tln nrnicc xhall hrovidr u periocl of �._� <br /> �'" ' not les,thun 3U day�from the Jute Uic n��ticc is drlivrreJ ur m+uleJ within�vhich R��rcuwer mu.t by ihis ��± <br /> � . . Securiry In,�rument. IP Borrowcr i'ail� to p�y �hc.r ,um+ priur lu Ihr cxpiruiii�n ut' thi. �xri�xi. Lrndcr muy invoke uny � . <br /> rentedirx�xmiittcJ hy Ihi�Sccurily hi,lrunknl without I'ur�hrr n�Nirr ur drmand un Borraacr. �'. <br /> . � ' � 18. Bnrrower s Ri�ht to Rein+tute. If Bnrruwrr mcrt,rcnuin r�mdiii��n.. Rurruwcr �h:�ll huvr thc right to huvr <br /> eni'orcemrnl uf Ihi.Security In.�runxm di,rontinurd ai:ui� limc prim•�u thr c;irl ier uf: lal 5 day.lar.urh uthrr �xri�xl a, <br /> tiingk 1•:uud�-•I�unnlc�Iuc/Freddle�1w CNIFQR�I I\ti'1'Rl'S1F:N"f•-l�nitnm�Cu��.nanl. 4PN1 rp����•J n�n�a�rr�� <br /> , f � _ <br /> ,. ., � <br /> � 1 <br /> � 1 � <br /> „ �- <br />