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<br /> It _ �_��_.�.' M •- ---
<br /> s.fl �� , 91- 105'7'77 _ _
<br /> s' periad�that l,ender requires. The ioxumnce carrier provlding Ihe ineurance�shall be cho.�en by parrawer hubject lo Lender�
<br /> �, approvoi which rhnll not be unreuxonobly wi�hheld. If Barr�wer fuilx ta muintaln covernge dexcrfbed ubuve,Lender m�y,�t
<br /> �_ L.ender's optian.abtain r4vernga to proteet Lender's rights in the Pmperty in uccarduncc with parugrAph 7.
<br /> All inaurance policies wM renowals ehull be acceptable to Lender und shall include u x�undord martgwge cluuRe. l.ender
<br /> �� -- - - shall have thc right to hald thc pcdicics and rrnewuls. If Lendcr rcyuircl,8orrower yhall prom{Nly give to Len�kr nll rPCefMa �__
<br /> ��'° af paid premiums und renewal naice4. In Ihe avent of Inxx, Bc�rrower xhull give prompt n��tice to�he inrururu:c ewaier und
<br /> �'` � �� Lender. Lender may mokc praaf of laws if not madu promptly by Borcower. �
<br /> ��1 Unlcss Lcnder and Borrowcr ahcrvvicc ugrea in w�iling,inrur�nce pm�:eeda xhall be upplicd ta re�tarulian nr repuir oP
<br /> the Property dumoged, if the rctila�utian or repuir ia economicully fcaslMc And Lendc�+ xccurfty i� na Ic��ened. If the
<br /> � - ��� restaration or�pAir ix nat eeonomicolly feasible or Lender's xecurity wuulJ be lewhenc�l, du: in�uruuce pruccedh shull lx: F-
<br /> ,��,� applied to the .rumg secured hy this Secu�fty Ins�rument, whether ar nat then duc. with ony axcetic puid ta Bormwer. lf
<br /> :. Borrower ubandons the P�apeny,ar daes nat an�wer wflhin 30 Juyn +�notice frum Lcnder�hal the insurance corrier hax
<br /> - �•'� offercd ta settle a claim,then l.ender may collec�the inxuruncc proccedr. L�nder muy uxe U�e pra;eeJx to repuir or realonc
<br /> --�•� the Property or to pay sums secured by Ihis Secu�ity Inxtrument.whether or nul ihen dua. The 3t1-duy period will hegin when
<br /> •,�—�":'` � the notice is given.
<br /> =-='= 'r Unless Lender und Borrower otherwise ugree in writing, any applicotion af proceedx to principal�hull not extend or
<br /> `"=="-°�•?�' ' postpone the duc dnte of�he monthly puymentx refemed ro in purugrnphs I und 2 or chunge the amount of thc payments. If
<br /> � under arn ra h 21 the Pm A ic uc uired b Lender, Borrc�wer's ri h�ta on insurnnce licies und raceeds resultin
<br /> — " P 8P � Y N Y 8 Y F� P B
<br /> =��x�_;, from damuge to the Property prior lo the acquixillon shall puss ro Lender to the ex�ent of th�sums necured by Ihis Secu�ity
<br /> —_:vz.::r,_:: ' Instn�ment immediutely prior to the acquisition.
<br /> ��v=�-� 6. Occupancy, Preservwtion, MAintenance and ProtecNon of the Property; Borrower's Loan AppllcAt(ont
<br /> ��_=L .:� Leaseholda Borrawer shall cecupy,egtublish.and use the Propeny ns Barrowers principnl rexidencc wUhin sixty dnys after ____
<br /> ;.;�y�;���� Y; �he execution of thix Security Ins�rument and shall caminue to occupy�he Property us Borrowerk principal residence for ut �
<br />--�- --- -- •� =� least one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender othenvise ugrees in wriling, which c�n�ent xhall not be �_
<br /> ��"?� unrensonably wilhheld,ur unless ex�enuating circumctAnce�exist which nre beyond Borrawer's rantrol. Borrower shall nol
<br /> ' -'-�" destroy,dnma�e or fmpair the PrapeRy,ullow the Praperty to deteriornte,or cammit wu�te on the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> � '�__�,:
<br /> ��'�" be in default if an forFelture a:tion or roceedin whether civil or criminnl,is be un thut in Lenderk ood fuith'ud ment —
<br />-.�.�.-• y:'.:.-. . .. - Y P S• 8 8 J S
<br /> � • ''�L'�'�• �� �• could result in forfeiture of Ihe Propehy or othenviye muteriully impuir the lien cmuted by this Sewrity Instrument or —
<br /> =�"�'�:',�k�� � Lender'.�xecurity interest. Borrower may cum xuch n default und reinslute,as provided in parugrnpB 1 R,by causing the action _
<br /> or proceeding to be dismissed with u ruling that,in Lender's good faith determinntion,prccludes farteiturc of the Bormwer's .,._,
<br /> .;�•;t�,�::��
<br /> _ �.;�. interest in �he Property or other materiul impAirtnent of Ihe Ifen creuted by this Security In�trument cx Lender+ tiecurity _�,
<br /> --��P. �r„ •� ,° interest. Barrower shull ulso be in defuult iP Borrower, during �he lonn upplicution procesz, gave muleriully fultie or
<br /> � ` °�:� �� inACCUrnte infbrmntion or titatemenls to Lender(or fniled to provide Lender with uny mutcrlul inf'omiutiim)in connection with
<br /> N� �he laan evidenced by �he Note, including, bw not limiled to, represemutians conceming Borrower's occupancy of the
<br /> " � �` Property as u principnl residence. If this Security Ins�rument iz on n leu,ehold,Borrawer�hull comply with ull the provisionx -
<br /> �,_ g;o...�,��.
<br /> -�l�%'_��=���. of the leatie. If Borrower ucyuire4 fee title to the Prapeny,the Icusehald cmd the fee title xhull not merge unlesx l.ender ugreer
<br /> ,: ___ ��.��a�;.� iu the merger in writing. `
<br /> '"''— `�ti.,=,�k:� 7, Protectlon of l.ender's Rishts in the Property. If Borrower failx to perPorm the covenums und ugrecments ��
<br /> �^ �,;� _ , comained in this Securiiy Insirument, or there is u legul proceeJing thut muy zi�nificunUy uffect Lender's rights in the ��jr;
<br /> '��='- •,_� . r Propeny(such ux a proceeding in bunkruptcy,proha�e,for cundemnutiun or forfeiture or ta enforce luws or regululionx),then —
<br /> ;_:�-.,,�� ,�ti��''.:''�� Lender muy du nnd puy for whnrever i+necessury to protect thr vulue of the Prop�:ny and Lendcr:right� in �he Propeny. ��-_
<br /> m=";:j�� :.:; k;,.zt» � Lender's•uctions muy include puying any sumti securcd by u lien which hus pri�xiry over lhis Securily Instnimenl,appearing �:°
<br />„ ; .a;�� ;- in court,paying reu.r•onuble Atlorncys'fecr uncl cntering on the Propeny�o muke repuin. Although Lender mAy luke uclion
<br /> �-.�. � under this uru n� h 7.Lencicr dceti nol huve to do so. ---�-
<br /> ',� � . . p 8 p
<br /> ,� A Any umounts disbuned by Lender under thi. purugruph 7 .hull txcome nJditionid deM of R�xrc�wcr xecured by �his � _
<br /> Y:.�� "��` � �, Securi�y Instrument. Unless Borrower und Lender ugme to u�her��nm of payment,tlx,e amoum�shull Ixur interext from thc
<br />_';n��� ����`•�'��' r, Jute uf dixbursement u� �he Nme ru�r und shull tx�puyublc, with intcrest,u�m noticr from Lendcr�o Bnrrower rcyuesting _
<br /> . ..,d . •� ..
<br /> r•� . � Payment. �r`=�
<br /> �=��r� 8. Mort a e Insurunce. If Lcndcr re uired murt u � insurimcc•r. ci conJition ol'mukin �he loan.ecured b �his
<br /> • :` ��M•. RR N FR' F Y
<br /> '� Sc�curft In.trumem, B�xrower.hull a thc rcmium� re uircd to muintuin �hc mon u � intiunmce in effeet. If, for an —
<br /> _n-:�; ts�S;rtW,, . Y p Y P 4 F B' Y —
<br />._'�''- ' -,r..�:�..• reuson, thc m�rtgugc inwruncc covrrugc rcyuiRJ by Lrndcr lupsc, �►r rru,c� t�� fk in effccl, Borrower shull puy the
<br /> =�
<br />