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<br /> �.,� Applicable law msy cpeclfy for reinstateme�t)befor$ sak of the Property pursuant w any powcr of salc comained in this
<br /> ����'"� 3ece+rfty Inswment;or(b)endy of a judgment enforcing this 3ecuriry InswmenG Thace conditions w+e that Borrower. (a)
<br /> --�-�� pnya Lender alt sums which then would ba due under this Security Insuutnont and the Nota as if no acccleradon had
<br /> occurned;(b)cures any defAUlt of u►y otha covenAnts or ogreemente;(c)pays all oxpenses incurt�d in enforci�g this Securlty
<br /> _ —°� � lusuun�eut, f�x:luding.but aot limited to,reasor►�blo utwrueyu'fees:+u�J(J) lalees auci�acUon es Lender Ru►y reoconably
<br /> require to ass�u�e that the lien of this Security lns�trument,Lender�dghta in thc 1'n►�erty nnd Borrower�obligadon ro pay the
<br /> � sums secured by this Security inshument shall continue unchanged. 0.�pon reinatntement by Borrower, thia Secarity
<br /> -`- lnstrument and the obligatlone secund hereby sh�ll remain fully effective as if no acceleratlon hnd cecurred. Howover.this
<br /> ,� n�ht w reinstat�shell not apply in the case of acceleration u�der paragmph I T.
<br /> -- - -_—= 19. 3�1e of Note;ChAaQe of Loaa Servic�!r. 'ti�e Nota or a purtiai iutereal iu U�e Nute(tuge�her wiih this Security �
<br /> Yy� Instrument)mwy be sold one or mare times wlthout pdor notice to Borrower. A selc mey rcsult in a change in the entlry
<br /> --- •-- (known as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly puyments due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument. There also
<br /> -°°�.. � mey be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated ro a sale of the Note. lf there is a change of 1he Loan Scrvicer.
<br /> ---.�;w- -.� Bomower will be given written nWice of Ihe change in accordance with pw'agraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice
<br /> ---��` will state the name and address of Ihe new Loan Servicer end Ihe address to which payments should be made. The notice will
<br /> --°'-T�•• also wntain any other information required by applknble law.
<br /> _--,= �;::;,{ 29. HAZprdoue Sub�taacea Horrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use,dixposal.storage,or release of any -
<br /> -----�_,_:_;:��"�, Hazardous Substancea on or in the Property. Bormwer shall not da,nor allow anyone else to do,enything affecting the
<br /> Property tl�at is in vfoladon of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> _� _��_:$ � "'.' s►arage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Subslances thet are generally recognlzed to be appropriate to nom�al
<br /> _ �,-�u,�.� residendal uses and to malMenancc of the Praperty.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly giva Lender wdtten notice of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or dher action by any -
<br /> �"`°'°"""� govemmental or rcgulaWry agency or private party involving the PropeRy and any Hezardous Substance or Environmental
<br /> --- - - -..�::'°�!.ti� Law of which Eiorr�wer has acroal knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory __
<br /> _ � _...�,_���;�` authodry.that any►emoval or ather remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property ia necessuy.Borrower �
<br /> ` t _:-�;�. sh�ll promptly teke all necessary rcmedial acuons in accardance with Emironmental Law.
<br />_ --�,����i;;fra�.y• As used in this paragraph 20,"Huzardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazurdous substances by _
<br /> `"_��-��,�,,;%::��. Environmental l.aw and the following substances: gasoline,keroxene,other flammable or roxic peuoleum producGs, toxic _
<br /> _,,,_,._ h .,^;�'••� pesticides and herbicides, volat�le solvents. matedals containing asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materials. As
<br /> ��=---- �;�:•�. •.;�+:�. ' used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the Jurisdiction where the Property ia located
<br /> - a��;•`�
<br /> :q,�s.�� �� th�t relate w health,safety or environmentel protection.
<br /> =����� �� �" NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.ender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> "'''-_•��..►� `�'�'"" " 21. AccelerAtion; Remedies. Leader ahall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration tollowing Borrower's -
<br /> -- � ��'""'� breach of any covenpnt or agreement in this Security instrument(but not prlor to acceleration under pAragrAph 17
<br /> -� � ualess applicable law provides olherwise). The notice shall speciPy: (a)the default;(b)the action reqaired to cure the
<br /> _ - �'t'� �" �'� default=(c)a date,not less than 30 daya from tbe date the notice is given to Borrower,by which the default muat be
<br /> -�:r"-��?�i���:� cnseil;and(�i)thai fallnre ta cure i6e defanli on or befure ihe date specl8c�!a ilsc autfre s�aJ;resuli!n acccicr�liaa o!
<br />_�.;L�,, "���� the sums aecured by this Security Inalrument and sale oP the Property. The nolice shell further intorm Borrower of
<br /> � the rtgl�t to retnstate after acceleratioa and the right to briag a court aclion to assert Ihe non•existence ot a dePault or =
<br />-�._J.'� •��� '" , any Wher dePense of Borrower lo accekralbn and sele. IP the dePault is not cured on or before the date specif7ed in
<br /> � the notice,I.ender at(!s optiom m�y require ImmediAte payme�t in full oPall sum.g secured by this Securily Instrument -
<br /> �=-'=-� withaut further demand and ma invoke the wer of sele and an other remedies rmitted b a licable Ipw
<br />