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<br /> ��_,�;� condemnation ar o�her taking of any paa of�he Prop�rty,or fbr convcyancc in lieu af c�mdemnalion,are hereby axsigned and
<br /> — - - xhall bc puid to Lender.
<br /> ._�� - In the event uf a tatal taking af the Propecty, the prcecedx shull be applied tu Ihc sumx sccured by thix Sccurity
<br /> - Inslmment, whethcr or not ihen due,with any cxcexs puid to Borrowcr. In thc cvcnt of u purliul tuking of thc Propeny in
<br /> '' which the fair market vulue of Ihe Properly immediutely before�hc tnking ix eyu�d to or greatcr ihan thc nmuunt of ihe cuma
<br />��$ securcd by thix Securi�y lnatrumem immediutely before the tuking,unlesx Honower und[.ender wl�erwi+�ngrcc in writing,
<br />-- the sumx xecu�ed by this Sccuriry Instrument �shnll be reduccd by lhr uinuunt uf thc pmcccds mul�iplied by the following
<br /> f�action: (n)Ihe;otal amount of the+�ums securcd immedfutely befc►rc thc Inking.divideJ by(b)thc fair mnrket valuc af the
<br /> -_-" propeny immedia�ely before the taking. Any balunce.r•hull be putd�o Borrowcr. In�he cv�nt nf u puniul tukiog of ihe
<br /> ' - -"-'-`'' Prop�:rty in titi�hich the falr mnrkct vnl��e nf thc Pmpeny immcJiutcly bcfure thc luking i� IerK Ihun thc umnunt of the�um� r
<br /> Recured immediatcly Nefore the tuking,unlesx Borrower und Lendcr uthcrwi�c agrec in writing ar unless uppli�uble luw
<br /> _ _ ____ _. _ ___� otherwixe pmvides,ihe praceeds shall be upplicd to the xuma xecured by thi4 Securiry Inxtnament whether or not�he sumx are
<br /> '°=�---`._ �hen due.
<br /> — If the Propeny is abundoned by Borrower,or if,nDer nuticc by Lcndcr to BoROwer thut the condemnor offcrs to make
<br /> -��� � un awt►rd or setde n claim for damages,Borrower fuils to rexpond 1�►Lcndcr wi�hin 30 duys a►f�cr the Jutc the natice iti given.
<br /> --- —=�l'c L� Lender ix uuthorized to collcct und upply the proceeds,ut its option,eitix�r 10 restoration or repuir of ihe Property or to the
<br /> -�;����_ _ , xums+ecured by this Security Instrument,whether or nrn then due.
<br /> `_�,.��t. : Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise ugme in writing, uny upplicnti�m of proceeds to prirn;ipul xhull not cx�end or
<br /> pos�pane the due date of the monthly paymentx referred to in purugruph. I and 2 ur changc thc amount of r:uch payments.
<br /> `'-�-:�""� � 11. Borrower Not Reteased; Forbearance By I.ender Not a Waivcr. Exten�ion of the time for paymen[ or
<br /> ;�.��:,��..
<br /> �,�.J•;.;�;��- � madiflcation of amortiz�tion of the sums secured by this Securiry Inurument grnnted by Lender to nny succesxor n mterext
<br /> of Bocrower shnll not operute to releiu;e the liability of the originul SoROwrr or Borrower's successors in interes�.Lender
<br /> �:_�.��?.�?�a�`��� shull not be required�o comnwnce proceedings aguinst uny xuccetisor in interext or refuse to extend time fur puyment ur
<br /> �:�,,;°'.; othcrwige madify nmonization of the sums secured by this Security Inxtrumcnt by reution of any demund made by thc originul
<br /> ---"-'�=-"�" BoROwer or Boirowerti successors in interest. Any furlxarunce by Lcndcr in cxercising uny right or remedy shall nat be u _
<br /> ;w.�i?'• .
<br /> 'y'�''�i�t:t����,' ' waiver of or preclude the exercise af uny right or remedy.
<br /> �.;. , �'-����• '� � l2. Successors and Asalgns Bound:Jofnt and Several I.lebilfty;Co•Rigners. The cov�nunts und ugreemems of'this
<br /> Y"=�" �:�t^ : - Security Inslrument xhall bind und benefit�he succesxors und uxxigns c�f Lender und Bnrrower,xubjccl to the provisions of
<br /> : `�`�i��. • paragruph 17. Borrower's covenanlc And ugreem�nts shull be joint und xeverul. Any 8orrower who co-signs thix Secw�ity
<br /> -� -�"`""`'-` . Instrument but daes not execute the Noie: lu)is ca-xigning this Security Instrument anly to monguge.grant und canvey Ihut
<br />_ - T'-o .
<br /> -�"'��`�``-`'=�=� Borrower�intcrest in the Property under thc termx of thiti Securiry Inxtrument: lU)is nui pcnonully obliga�ed to puy t e sums =
<br /> -���,��.,...;�:=
<br /> - ,;��;a�,,�.,y, secured by this Security Instrument:und(cl ugreeti thut l.cnder unJ uny other Borrower muy ugree to extend,modify,forbeur
<br />____ _��?�::,<<.�. o�muke uny accommoclations wfth regurd to the termti of this Suunty Instrument or tlte Note wilhout d�at Borrower's
<br /> _ l a �,��'• consel3. Loan Cha�ges. If Ihe loun secured hy thi+ Sccuriry Inslrumrnt ix ruhject to u luw which xets maximum loan
<br /> --�--�---�'�,�"?+. churges,ond�hut law is fi�udly interpreted so th�l the interest ur��ther loan churgez cullected or to Ix collected in connec�ion
<br /> ----�'��'''''-`y�''-''= w;lh Ihr loun exceed the pemnilled limi�s,then: la)uny+uch loan churgc shull be rcduced by the umount necessury to reduce
<br /> _.u�,� ''`���'•`='�' `� ' the eharge to the permitted limir,und(b)uny xums ulreudy collected rrom Bomower which excc�e�lc�1�xr+iiitted timis�:wi!!t�
<br /> ' �, .� refunded to 8orrower. Lender muy chaosc to muke thix refund by reducing the principul owed under the Note or by muking u
<br /> -`,d��'� ' ' direct puymenc a Borrower. If u refund reduccs principul,�he reduc�i��n will he treuted us a puniul prepuymeM withaut uny
<br /> "' `�'` re a ment char e undcr 1hc Note.
<br /> �_ '�.�: ;,,n, . :" P P Y 6
<br />_,;:� , �,,, 14. NWices. Any notice to Bortowcr provided for in�hi. Sccuri�y Imtrument +hall be givcn by delivcring it cir by
<br /> � � �' � mniling it by lint cluss muil unless upplicuMr luw reyuircx uxe of une��her methocl.The notice xhall be Jirccled to the Pmperty
<br /> {`"`•• �'�"'��� •,•z . pddres�or uny other uddretis Borrower dcxignalcs by nutirc lo l.endcr. Any noticc to Lcnder shall b�:given by lin� rlu++
<br /> . �'�"�"� � mnil to Lendcr's uddress swted hercin or uny othcr uddn:z.Lendcr dcsi�nute,by notice to Burrowcr. Any rxnicc provided f�r
<br /> �'"� .,
<br /> ,rr " " in ihis Security Instnimcnt shull tx: decmcd to ho�r Fx�cn Eivcn �o B�xrowcr or Lendcr whcn given us provided in �his
<br /> �',`'�`�:•'. � �. purngraph.
<br /> -"—`"'��"�. 15. Governfng Law: 5everabilpy. T{�is Sccuriry Imirwncm zhull bc gavemed by Pcderul luw und thc luw uf Ihc
<br /> ,Wa
<br />- jurixdiction in which me Propeny is Icxuted. In the event that uny pmvi�inn or cluu,e��f lhi+Security Inslrumem or�hc Note
<br /> ''''ti�' �� ..'.`•,.'•�'. contlicts wi�h upplicable law,such cunllict,hull not uffect�iihcr provi+iunti of thi.Serurity Inr�n�ment ur�he Nu�e which cun
<br />=�i" , , ,.;x: be given effect without the contlicting provixion. To thix end the pmvi�i�ms nt'lhi+ Sccuriry Instrumen�and ihe Note urc
<br /> -:`.i .� .�'' ,. declored to t►e�everablc.
<br />-_�`�+�!-� - l6. Borrower's Copy. Borrow�r.hull Ix�givcn onr confi►nnrJ cupy ol'Ihe Notr und of thi.Security In�trument.
<br /> w:-�,.�a. ,r+,;;._ . 17. 7YansPer oP the Property ur u 13eneiiciel lnteresl in Horrow•er. 11'ull or uny pun of�hc Propcny or uny intcrest in
<br />_yr��:�+�;;`�` , it is suld or Irs�mferted (or if u hcneticiul intere.t in Borr�►wcr i� sold or tran.l'errcJ and BoROwer ix no�u nuturul�rson1
<br /> ,;;=�,:y,�g._;o., wlthout Lendcr's prior written ran.ent.LenJcr muy.ul itti op�iun. rcyuire immcdiutc puymcnt in i'uU of ull xwn. �ccured by
<br />-- �" _ ., �hix Securily In+�rument. Howcvcr,thix oplion tihull not Ix excrcixrd hy I.cndcr if rxcrei+e is prohibited by f'edcrul law :is iif
<br />���;�`�`�,,��,�,,;;,•�- , the dute uf thiti Securiry Instrument.
<br />.`}<<�� r.�:.:� �°" • If Lender exercises thiti optinn. Lendcr xhall Eive Rorrowcr nutic�ol'+rccrlcrutiun. Thr notice shull provide u peri�xl M'
<br /> �'� • not less thun 3U day,lrom thc dutc thc nuticc i+JclivrrcJ�x m�ilcJ�vithin�vhirh Borruwcr mu+i paiy ull swn.r ururcJ by this
<br /> ,. �
<br /> :� �•: p a Security Inslrumen�. If Burrowcr fails �o puy thru xwn.priur tu the expirution uf�hi. �xri�xl. L�nJer may invoke any
<br /> ° rcmedie+pem�iued by this Securiry Inslrument wi�h��ui 1'unhcr nutire�u JemunJ on Burn�wer.
<br />`�4." „ .. l8. Borrower's Riuht to Reinsta/e. If Nurrowcr mert+ crn:iin rondili�m�. Hurruwrr,hi�ll huvr Uir righ� u► havc
<br /> • enforcemem of thix Security In.�rumcnt eli�r�►niinucd at any tinu rri�►r lu�hr rarlirr ul: la1 5 Jay. �i�r+urli oiher{kri«l u.
<br /> '` Sinpla I�amfly••Funnle MuelFreddle�tw l'�IP11R�1 I\ti'1'Rl'�1F.\"1'..l�ndumi l'ovrnunh 4�1W ip��gr a��/n�wRr.0
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