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<br /> �� c�ndemnution or ahcr IAkin�of yny pun of the Propeny.a�for cunveyancc in licu of condemnution,ure her�by avKi�ned wid
<br /> - �holl bc puid w Lendcr.
<br /> In�he cvent ui'a totul taking of ihe Property. thc praceeds xhull be applicd tu �hc rumK securrd by ihix Srcurity
<br /> Inwniment.whcthcr ar nw ihen due,with any cxcexg pufd to Borrower. In the event of a panfal�aking af the Piro�eny In
<br /> which the fair murket valuc uf the Piroperty immedfately bcinr+e thc tuking is eyuui w ur g�ruler Il�uo thc am.iunt of thc r.ums �
<br /> - - ---- secured by ihix Security Inntn,ment immedia�ely txfure Uie taking,unletix Borcower und Lender utherwi�e ugnr in wri�ing,
<br /> -- ' the sums secured by Ihix Security Instrum�nt whull N�: n�duced by the umount af the praceeds multiplfed by the following
<br /> fmc�ion: (A)the tatal utnount of�hc sums sccured immediAtely beforc thc tukfng.divided by(b1 the fair madce�vulue of�he
<br /> - :"''' property immedietely hefore the wking. Any bulunce ah�ll be puid to Borrawer. In �he event �f u paniul iuking of�he
<br /> -�-�.� _, �
<br /> - - -= Praperty in which the Fuir mnrket vulue uf the Property immcdialcly bcfore Ihc tuking is Icss thuo thc umount M'� c xumx `
<br /> - secured immediu�cly before �he takin�, unless B�irrower und Lender aQ�erwixe agree in writing or unlerx upplicabic law
<br /> - - -`'^� o�herwise provides,the proceectx sbs+ll be applieJ tu the suma secured by this Security Instnament whether or nd�he xumx ur�c _
<br /> A,� Ihen due.
<br /> -_:�� If the Prc�perty is nbnndoned by Borrowe.r,or if,uRer notice by l.endcr a Barrowcr tha�d�c cundemnor offen to mukc
<br /> .:..a un uwurd or setde u claim for dumagex.Borrawer fai14 to re.ywnd ta Lendcr within 30 duyx nFtcr thc dutc the nmicc Is given,
<br /> .�-_ � Lendcr is s�uthadzed to collect und apply�he proceedK,ut its optian.cithcr to restarntlon or repuir of Ihe Pmperty ar to thc
<br /> ` sumx secui+ed by this Secu�ity Instniment.whether ar not�hen due. �
<br /> -.�;;1 Unless Lender und Borrower wherwi.r•e ugree in wriiing,uny applicutian of praceeds to principul Khuit no�exlend or
<br /> ±�.'�� poytpone the due datc of thc monthly pAyments refcrred ta in purng�uphh I und 2 or chunge the amount of such paymentti.
<br /> : s. ll. Bor�ower Not Released; ForbeArance By Lender Not A Waiver. Exienxion of the time For puyment or
<br /> +-..� madit7cation of anortization af ihe sums secured by this Secu�i�y Instrument gmnicd by Lender to uny successor in interest
<br /> _:>_� of Borrower sholl na opernte to relea+e the liability of Ihc arigfnul Sorrower or 6orrowerk �ucceswn in imcrest.Lender
<br /> `=°Y;� shul) not be required�o commence praceediogs Aguin�t eny xucceatiar in interect ar refuxe to extend time fur payment or
<br />---- °°_ '� utherwiae modify amonixation of the sums secured by this Secucity Ins�rument by reason of any demand mnde hy the nri�inal _
<br /> --_-"-'�'�� Horrower or Borrower'.s succesxon in interest. Any forbeurome by Lender in exercising any rlght or remedy shull not 6e u
<br /> waiver of or preclude thc exercise of uny right or c+emedy.
<br /> ��t�L.;' 12. Successorx and Assigns Bound;Joint and Several LiabUily;Co•signers. 7'he covenants und ugreements of this
<br /> �u„��.;�; Security Insln�ment shull bind and bene�t the succesxo�s und ussigns of L�nder nnd Borrower,subject ro the provision+of
<br /> =s.�►r+�:�ZJ purugruph 17. BorrowerR covenuntk and ugrcements shull bc joint and severnl. Any Borrower who co-sign�thfs Security
<br /> `'�`"�� Instrument 6ut does not execute�he Note: (a)ix co•signing�his Security InstNment only to mortgage,grunt und convey Ihut
<br /> vx-1T':-°1. " •
<br /> -__-'�•-"�`�°' . Barrower�interetit in the Property under thc terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is nat personully obliguted to pay the sums
<br /> - '�=�-"'�� :�ecured b this Securit Instrument:and(c)a rees Ihat Lender und An other Borrower mu u rce to extend.mcxiif for6eur
<br /> ,�`'�3�'-•?�'i ° or moke any accommadutions wi�h regard o the ternns of this Security Instrument or lio Note without thut Sarowery =
<br /> --,.,,,=:;r-�;' ' cansem. -
<br /> ,;� ��� , - 13. I.oan Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Instniment is subjeci w a Inw which sets maximum loun _
<br /> '_�`==•-�-�-;, charges,und thal law is finally interpreteJ so thut�he interest or wher loun chergez coltected or to be collected in connection
<br /> `�' '>� �•� with the loun exceed the permuted iimi[s,then: lai any such ioun churgC+Luii i��cSuceJ by ihc aiiuwnt necessary•to reducc
<br /> - �`�x �'"�''' the charge to the permitted limir,und(b>uny sums ulready collected from B�xmwer which exceeded�rmiued limils will be
<br /> ��'"'R Y�'` refunded to Borrower. l.ender may chooxe to muke this�eiund by reducing thc priix:ipul owed under the Note or by making u
<br /> ;xe�' L.;,� � .
<br /> . °�1�f�t";,.ti: direct payment to Borrower. If u refund reduces princip•rl.�he reduction will 6e�reatcd ax a pnrtiul prepuyment withaut uny
<br />-"�` �° '�yu���� ., prepuymentchargeundertheNate. _
<br /> °� ,- 14. Notices. Any notice to Borcower provided For in Ihis Securi�y Instrument shall be givcn by deliverin€ it or by
<br /> ����;'s � mailing it by tirst cluxa muil unlcrx upplicu6lc luw reyuires usc af unother methad.Thc naticc shull be directed ro the PropeAy -
<br /> "���-� �"i Addre.r•s or un ather uddress Burcower designutez by notice to Lendcr. Any notice to Lender shull be given by fint cluss
<br /> � � ' • '," Y -
<br /> � -.' �,�r.�a,, muil to Lendcrz address stated hcrcin or uny othcr uJdrcss Lendrr Jcsignutes by notirc to Borrower. Any notice provided for _
<br /> m�'.`�,�,,,t„>. •. � in this Sewrity Instn�ment shull tx dcemed lo huvc bcen given to Borrower or Lender when given u+ provided in �hiz =
<br />�"�`� ". �. • � ,uv ra h. -
<br /> -= �., .�: P' S p
<br /> ;---.;�°: 1S. Governing l.aw; SeverabNity. Thiti Security Imtrumen� shull be govemed by federal luw und the law of thc
<br />-~!+��� jurisdktion in which the Nroperty is locuted. In the evem that uny provi.ion or cluuse uf Ihi+Security Instrument ur the Notc
<br />_ '_""''��. -• canflic�x with npplicnble luw,xuch conflict shull not uffect otlx:r provixions of thi.Securily Imtrument or the Not�which cun
<br />_:�:,_�-----=--_T.•T _
<br /> a�;•• be given efFect withou� �he conllictin� provixion. Tii ihiti enJ the provisiun,uf�his Security Intiirument:u�d Ihe Note ure _.
<br /> "���.:•'� •� declarcd to be xeverable. _
<br /> � ���,. ��� l6. Borrower's Cupy. Borrowcr xholl hc�iven one ronti�rmcd copy of thc Notc unJ cif Ihis Seruriry Instrumenl. �
<br /> 17. 'Ir�nsfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrow•er. If ull or uny p►�h of thc Praperty or uny imeres�in �
<br /> ' -;�»>. it i�c sold or trunsferred lor if u lkneficiul interc�t in Barmwer ix ti�ild or transfemd anJ Borrower ix not u nutural�rson) .:.
<br /> --_���`""�'• `�r ��� wilhout Lendcr:s prinr written conxem.Lender may.ut its uption,rcyuire immediulc payment in i'ull of ull sums secured by
<br /> �_:.� .�:-..•:...-�,.' . .
<br /> -- -� �-�: ^..��? «; thfx Security Instrument. Howevcr,this option�hull not be excrciseJ by LenJcr if cxcni+e ix prohibited by federUl luw u�of
<br /> '�;l;r:<t��:a� ' '
<br /> --�— w. ..... Ihe dutc of this Sccu�ity Inxlrumcnt.
<br /> �.•�,..�;•. � .ti_ ,• If Lender exercises this option,Lender shul)�ivc Butroacr niriice ol'uccclerution. The notice shull provide u periutl of
<br /> �.,
<br /> -:�a� ;:�. ;;. ' not le.rs than 30 dayx from the dute thr nolice is deliveneJ or mnileJ wilhin which Borrower must puy all sums secured by lhis
<br /> _-��•..,= -•' Security Instrumem. If Borrowcr fuilx �o puy thcse �um�priur to the expiroti�m ut'thiti�xriixl. Lcndcr muy invuke any
<br />-..-,,,_ i;,;•,. ..
<br />; �a;.;� •, remedies pemiiucd by thil Sccurily Instrumrnt wi�h��ut 1'unhrr mHice i�r demmxl on Ri►rcowcr. _
<br /> - • . IS. Borrower's RiRht to Reinstule. If Horruwcr mects crrluin runJitions, Borrawcr .hall havc Ihe ri�ht �o huvc _
<br /> � -a o , , .. � enforeement of thix Security Inxtrumcnt Jitir�auinucd u�any timc priur tu thr r.irlicr��I': Iu1 5 duy.(or�url�oiher periixl u�
<br /> � 1
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