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:��� . �R�, +� ���.-_la• . __ _-- <br /> ��� __ '_._. J. ,.. ` .. h� . <br />. .. _ F- .v::. _ __–_;��• . <br /> 1 � <br /> .�' ": ' • .. __— — <br /> 1 �� I,r.. � - -__— <br /> tr�4. <br /> �,�: <br /> �_:�==_-- 91-- �.0 5 7 4 8 _ . <br /> ���-- petMcis�hut L.ender rcyuircs. Tl�c inxu�uuc carricr providin�the insur�nce xhall be chnvcn by Banowcr xubJcct to Lenderk <br /> �"�' eppmval which chull not be unmusonably withhcld. If B��rn�wcr fails to muintain covcmgc dcxcribcJ abovo,Lender mwy.w <br /> � — Lender'e�ptfan,ohtuin covernge to protect Lend�rk rlghtx In the Pmpeny in uccardance wilh purugrLph 7. <br /> �- ��'��� All ineuronce policjes nnd renewnle xlu�ll he a�ceptublo tu l.ender umf hhull bicluJu u rlunda�d mnrigagc ctuur,c. l.ender ��� <br /> °-,�•es' Rholl have Ihe righl w huld II�c policle�and renewulK. If Lcndnr mquirc�,Burtuwer�hull prumptly�ive�o Lcmkr ull ra:cirta <br /> �,� of puid premfuma und renewAl notice�. In the even�of lux.r. Burruwer�hull yi��e promp� no�ice�o ihe inwurwxe currfer und <br /> l.ender. Lender may muke proaf oP 104�if not mude prumptly by Elnrrower. <br /> �1 '"�� Unlesx l.ender und Borrower ahcrwinc.ugrce in w�i�ing, inxurunce pr�xecda�hull hc up�vlled to nxa�ration ur repulr of � <br /> �1. Ihc Pmpeny dwnaged, if the rcstomtian ar►epair iK economicully fcusible and �cndcr'x xrcurity i» nu� le„�:in:d. If tlw - <br /> re4toratlon ar repAir is nat econamicully fcuxiblc or Lenderi+ xccu�i�y would bc Iex+;cned, �he insurunee procccdx Khall be <br /> t�--_—v+� applied to the xums secured by thf�Securl�y In+trument, whc�her or not Ihen duc, with uny cxccti� pnid lo B��rn►wcr. IF �_ <br /> ;� Bortower ubaadona the Propeny, or doe� not answer within 30 dnyti u notkc from I.�:nder thut Ihe insurunce rurrier has <br /> � _,..d,. offered to retNe a cluim.then Le�der may rollecl the inxurance procced�. l.eixler muy uxe the pnxeedx to repnir ar reslorc <br /> 'e���.v''�'. : the Praperty ar to pay sumR secured by thir Securlry Instrument,whelher or nnt Ihen due. The 30-day period will begin when <br /> ����.-�r�`�.` Ihenotkeisgivcn. ---- <br /> " ��a�+-�� ^ Unless Lender and Borrower otherwir�e agree in w�iting,any upplicution af prcxcrJ��o princlpul .hull nat extend ar <br /> ��`�:��',. <br /> _ pawpone the due date of the monthly puyments teferted to in pnrugraphs 1 und 2 or chunge�he umaunt of the pnyments. IP <br /> -- �.c ' under paragraph 21 the Property is ncquired by Lende�, Borrawer's right to uny insurunce pulicics und proceedx reKUUing <br /> -----�,°• � �' <br /> --- , , from damage to the Propeny prlor lo the t►cquisitfon ahall pu.�s to Lender to�he extem of�hc rums+ccured by this Security <br /> --;`,;,;�w;�: �, Instrument immediately prior ta the acyuisition. <br /> =- ��r, , . 6. Occupancy. Preservadon� Muintenaace �nd Protectbn oP the Property; Burrower's Lonn Applicatlon; -.-.- <br /> �' � I.eASebolds, Borrawer shnll accupy,establish,und use Ihe Rropeny nx Borrower:s pnnc�pal residence within six�y duys oftcr <br /> � �`�- th�executiun uf this Security Instniment:u�d xholl continue to occupy the Propeny us Bar�ower w principnl rexidence fbr ut � <br /> jF3r:M---•_ _ <br /> __- `�'� '•, ,,;;,�.;., � least ane year after the date of occupuncy, unless Lender otherwise ugreeti in writing. which conxent xhull not be <br /> ���;.�:, � <br />-�;;��:�.{•. �-..:•�. unreatianably withheld,or unlesa extenua�ing circumwnnces ezixt which ure beyand Barmwer+contral. Borrower sholl not <br /> �'� - deslrny,dwnage or impuir the Property,nllow the Propeny w deterio�ute,or commit wa�tc on�he Propeity. Borrowcr shull _ <br /> ''4-�.,, `'"%* be in default if ony forfeiture nction or praceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in l.enclar i gaad fuith judgment <br /> s���"i��� ,'... � , could resuU in forfeiture of the Property or othenvise muterially impuir the lien creuted by this Security Inxtrument or <br /> � •.. -- <br />_ •� , l.ender�security interetit. Borrower mny cure such u default und reinstute,ux provided in pnragruph 13,by cuusing the uction <br /> =� � y ' or prcxceding ta be dismi.r•.r•ed with n ruling thnt,in Lcnder's gcwd fuith deteimina�ion,preclude,forfeiture af the Barrower� _ <br /> 'p�'�`-'��.�;, • incerest in the Property or other materiAl impuirment of�he lien creuted by thix Security Ins�rurnent nr Lender: securily <br /> :�- :� . <br /> =• interex�. Borrower shnll ulso be in dePuult if Borrower, during thc loan upplicution procehx, guve muterially alse ar __ <br /> ! -� � inaccurnte infomiation or statements ro Lender(or f�iled to provide Lender wiih uny muteriul inPormution)in conneclion wilh <br /> -��w� <br /> �••••::�y Ihe loun evidenced by [he Note, including, bu� not limited �o, repre�entutions conceming Borrawer+ accupuncy of the <br /> --,��.a�--- <br /> •���_;.,',�,�„r::�„x;��. F'roperty as a principul residence. If this Security Ins�rument is on u leuxehold.Barrower shull comply with all the provixions <br /> `°" --- -��^� " � of�he leuxe. If Borrower ucyuirex tee ndc�o the Fropeny,the iea.r•choid und ihe ien IiUe,i�all uut�iierge unlecs L.endcr agrGCS - <br />"�.��+:` Q:��,� <br /> ,,,� ,�J�,, .. to Ihe merger in writinR. <br /> :;'�. ', .:... � 7. Protection of Lender's Rights in the Property. If Borrowcr i'uil� to �xrf'orm thc covenums und ugrcemen�s <br /> . .'?��u c � coniuined in Ihig Sccurity Inxtrument, or Ihcrc is u legul prixeeding �hat muy xigmFicunUy uffect Lender ti rightx in the _ <br /> - �:��•�; . . Properly(such a+u procceding in bunkn�ptcy,probatc,fnr eondemnution or for�citure��r to entimc luws or regulutionz►.�hcn <br /> ','��•'`' Lender muy do nnd puy for whutevrr i,necessi�ry to pmtect the vulue of�he Piropeny und Lcnder's rights in the Property. <br /> � ��� Lender's ucnonx may include puying uny xums xecumJ by u lien which hu,priariry over this Scrurity Instrumem,uppeuring <br /> �"�" in coun, u in reuxonublc attorne , fecs und entcrin on thc I'm n to mokr rc uin. Alth�w h Lender mu tuke uctian <br /> � • d'F�`. ..� �� �: . PY S Y�� � Fx Y p R Y <br /> � •�:�� -. under�his parugraph 7.Lcnder dcx,not huvc w do,o, "`—- <br /> , �,�,«. . � . Any umounts disbuncd hy Lcndcr undcr this p•rr�gruph 7 ,hull becomc additionul Jcbt of Borrowcr secured by thix ►��� <br /> . Security Inxtrument. Unles�Borrowrr und l.ender ugrce�o ulhcr lcmiti��f puymcnl,�hc.c umoun�s.hull Fxur inten:.t from the <br /> ' � dute of dixlwnemenl ut Ihe Note rutc unJ xhull be payahlc, with imrrexl, upm noticc fmm Lrnder t�i Borrower rcyuexting �`��-- <br /> . `'�"' ' . puyment. __�- <br /> „ "`�`'' ° S. Mortgage Insuranee. If Lender rcyuired monguRe inxurance u. u condi�iun�ri'muking the loun ucured by this =-- <br /> •� � , Security Ins�rument, Barrower shull p:iy tl�premium. reyuireJ io muintuin dir m�irtguge insuruncc in effect. If, for uny =R <br />. • � „ reation, the mortgu�e inwrunce coverugc reyuircd by Lender lup+c+ or cca+ex tn tx: in ei'fect. S��rrower ,hull puy the � <br /> : � ' - :�� . premiums reyuireJ �o ot►tuin covcrugc ruh.�unliully equiv:dunt w IIIC 111�11'IFiI�'C imuruncc prcviuutily in cffect. ut a co�t � <br /> � _� �ub.r•tuntiully eyuivalcnt io tl�cost to Norn�wrr of thc mongu�c in+urunre previously in effecl,from un ulternule m�xt@�+ge e <br /> � ,�: inzurer Approved My l.rnder. If,ubstuntiidly eyuivalent munEaFe insurunce coverugr is nix uvailuble.Bomower shull puy to a- <br /> Lender each month u sum ryuul�u une-twellih��f the yrurly mortg�gr imuruncc premium heinF p•rid by Borcower when the <br /> .�v,: ��•:.�"^ insurancc covcrugc Iap�eJ or cru.ed lo Ix in eftec�. I.cndcr will urccpt.usc und re�uin the�r puyment+u+a lo.s rcxcrvc in I icu <br /> . of'►nortgnge insurunce. l.�►ss rc�crvc puyments mc�y no longrr Ix rcyuirrJ,ut thr optian of LrnJcr. if mortgugr insuruncc �'k <br /> . covcr�ge(in thc umounl unJ for the�xriud that Lrnder neyuire�l proviJeJ by nn in.urcr upproveJ by Lrnder uguin Ixromcy ° <br /> , ` . uvailable and i,�ll puy ihc premiunn rryuired t�i maintuin nwrtgu�r in.urunre in et'fec�.or w prnvide u ���� <br /> ' Icis�rescrve.unlfl the rcyuircmcnl liir morlFuFc insuruncc arcunlunrc with:my�vriuen agnemrnt hetw��n B�xrower <br /> �;:,- <br /> " •�� und Lcndcr or applicuble luw. <br /> 9. Inxpection. l.endcr��r it.ugrnt may nu�kc rra.�muhl�enlrir.uEx,n and inr�krtiunti ol'1he Pn��rty. Lrndcr�hall ��, <br /> , � �ive Borrower noticr at�hr tim.of ur priur Iu un in,�xrtiun,�xrii'ying rei�.unahlr cuu.c for�hr imFxrliim. a: <br /> IU. Condcmnation. Thc pr�xccdti uf:my aw.ird ur rl��im tirr J:una�r,.Jirrrt��r runui� ronncrii�m with uny ��'. <br /> . � 1 k:.�_ <br /> � SfnElc I�wud}•-h'unnk�1ae�FreddM�fur t'tiIP'(IRM I`ti7'Nl'�1F.\T•-l inii.em cav�nanh 9/9p i�r,i�,•.f„/n�xe�ru �,;,:. <br /> . , IiMM I�Yu�n HYeIM'x+t��.hR�.� <br /> �nlhdrcl:nll IJMNFGI6H:IJ:1l'YA%1{11F7lb1U1 '- <br /> � . . .. .- - ,r . - . .. - . � __ . . �. S._r... i- �,- . ^r.�r:11..�.� . <br /> . ,. . � . ..' ""_ ' .. . . ,. . .. <br /> ' v ,... �. _. . <br /> , j <br /> 1 <br /> . � y <br /> � � � <br />