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<br /> ---.-- U Tn�q�u!tM I�Netuy, ul��c�d tAM, fM+ill M MNt1N t�Mlera��+1rwt ul M�Ionua ot u� IM�1UI�s a AHptia
<br /> =� aprq Mn1r W to qmis��11 r1�Atf al Nwn��Mr tAl�NM at Tn�t a uNr ur tou t��tn�ut�r otMr��nw�t�r a� Iw�Mr a _
<br /> �- Mrutpr utorca Mtritlutuli�u��r�Il�t tM IM�ItNNa ul o11tNt1M�Wc�nl Mr�r bie�ar�er M�rutur M otMrylw�urM�
<br /> — YMtMI 1�Mft�yl, 1111 0�lr1i��►1Mp� 11M� WIpMAt It�tMry1N� M1{M11M Ii01KYp II t1110M1 OI Tfl{t Mf Ilb N��ftMMt� MItMf
<br /> � Oo waR actia�ar pera�oat to tb�r ot aak er otl�r p�sro larofa roet�teN��11 on�ellce er le��r eeeMr�tfKt 1n�'�or tM ._
<br /> ,-,�-- ---- NaNeUry'f ri�t to ruNz��Oe�or atora MY�tMr Ncuit��w or Mndu►Ia10 q Tnttw�r tM NMlloluy, It MI�� ��nM Wt tentw - -,-
<br /> -_- --- al tM Iwtielur, ul urJ of tW� �Itl)M Mt1tIN u Mtoru tAt�NN ot iMt W u�otMu ac�Hh�or or MrutNr MII 1�tM MNttch� -_
<br /> �-
<br /> - -= or Tn�tw 1�acA�rNr ul wwr s tMr Mt 1�tMtr U�Irt�Ii�nNa abn1N. b �1�Mnl�cat�rnd NM or nun�! to�rntN u
<br /> ��� =-� - -_.; f�ficiuy 1� iwt�0od to a ucluel��ot wy otMr nudp Mnlu ar br la prorid�or peroittrd,Eot nc6�h�ll be c�nel�tl���N sAill M ir
<br /> - W1tiN to�r�ry otMr nMdy�ira Mon��Nr or Nr o�Mrutur u1sN���t 1w ar Mrity or ly�t�t�t�, Er�n lowr or ruM�oi�r 1�u�N tM F
<br /> �.����� leu lut►wuts to instu u ti�Nufletu�or te r�id�ItMr of tAp w� M otM�ia utitib at N�N�reiwQ� cacrtmtlr or I��tlt,
<br /> ---- fror 11r to t1M al a efta u��N I�uM aM11u!Iy Tn�tM ar lu�tlot�n,wl�ItMr of tMr u�O�r�w i�ca�i�tMt �wliu. bt�IM
<br /> = � Mnt��110�
<br /> _~,�,.; a��trpd u OroMiNtiq tM Un�IC1lfy/fOr NIk1q l IIH611AOy iII�1MAl a11�1t T�kon to tM�tut�cb utla 1�anittN 1�la,
<br /> � L.-_`�° 11. Tn�ton Mnlr nOwst �cooy of w�atiu of d�twlt�1 tMt uy wtla ot uU Mua�r M uilb to Trrstan at tM�Idr�u Wt
<br /> --a�__� . fo�tA t�tM fint��n�r�A ot tM�OMI ot intt,
<br /> �=_--w�F�:.r� . tf. TM 11Nilciur uy� ly ��rttb� t��tnu�t u�tre�d ud ut�orlNNO by N�•iict�rr, ull�d to iruttor�ud neorpd t�tM��or�tlt U
<br /> -�--==�- . �ieh tla proNtty 1�loc�t�d ud Ir otMrris�coylYiAo�itA tIN Iro�itiMS ol tM�pPllubl� I�r of tM 6t�u of IN1r��k�, wOsNt�t��weeu�or to
<br /> - -�- tM TnKa�wl Mni�or uti�9l�nud�r.
<br /> --���}��'�S � 11. 1�ts D�N oI Trut�polia to W i�m� to tM bwNt ot M111�d� �ll prl1��Mnto� tMir Mir�, o�r��l nor�tNir��, �cwsar�
<br /> ,_ T
<br /> - �.. �
<br /> -.� =—.-G=��- � ' W u�lps. TM un'lu�tleiuy' �Mtll Nu tM orwr u l l a l ur o F t M��o t�� �M t Mr or�o t �w l�s M��f lelu�t�r�U,
<br /> -'�'�"'"'�'�"����� 11. 11tMNt tffutU�tM I1�bIHty of u�otMr arso� litblt for th�p�put ot u�obll��tio�MrN�r�tloMd, W rithat �tfuti��tN liu
<br /> �'°��"�-"�-�• or ch�r�01 tMs 0��0 of Trwt�a ur 1orNa ot tM proN►�1�ot thu or tNntdon n1us�0�s ucurity tor tM hlI NIMA�Of II)IIpt11
<br /> - �.z�.�;':-:�"''�,;� .• __
<br /> =. ?, olli�tio�s,tM Iu�llciery wy� (ra tiM to tiN ua ritMout uNa: (1)nl�ui uy Nnwt m 11�bU; (1)utMd tlu wUritr or�lt�r u�o(tM
<br /> �'.�"w";"x�"�" tms ot u�ac�obN��tia; (cl9rut otl�r i�dul9uat; NI nlus� or ncar�y�t tM�W��Hci�ry's atia u� O�rc�l, prtia or dl of tM ..
<br /> "�"�"��- . oroa�t�i Id t�i�or nlus�uy otMr or�dlitia�l puNty 1or uy o1H9lt1o�Mni�N�tia�d; or(t)uk�co�lotltio�s or otl�r�rr�au �=�"'
<br /> -h�`�-:.��� ritb I�Iton 1�nl�tla tMnto.
<br /> . - :��;�.. �• �".�
<br /> _ --_���;�� u, ili�Oad ot Tru�t�b�ll b�9or1n10 0� tM lpt of tM 5t1t� of N1p�uk1 u0� 1� tM�w�t ur a��or pn ot the pro�iilo��cal�t�ud _
<br /> :n��^^R:Y Mni�, or tM�ot�or uy ot�r uwritr i�struut�iv� i�cauctia ritA t11i tru�ucta,��ii a ror uy n��a�ia a a i��aia, 111��1 or
<br />-� ��.��._:,�.,° .'.
<br /> _ �.;,;�.;;y�,: . wt�foraW�, U uy nsput, :rc� i�nH01t�, 111q�11tr or ra�torc��liHty�hdl not rffoct u�otMr prorisio�s of thf�Oud of Ir��t, 6Yt iM
<br /> °�"'-`k��'���?�;.�, Dad ot Tn�t sM�ll M ca�tn�d o N�rch 1�r�1i0, ilbpl or u�Uorcu0l�ororliio�Mb Mra�u�catN��d I�ni�or tMni�.
<br /> ,_�" - ---_��F= tl. lu�torluruu et th��iiei�rp a iro�tw i�aucitiq ay ri�ht or nwdy itrwr6rr, ar ati�r�ir�ilio►d�6 8�ippiir�ia i�, sOtli aat
<br /> �"" a �r�iv�r of or pnclb�tM���rcia ot u�wch r1�Mt or rwq Mm�r, L1Uris�,tM rti��r��tM NNfici�rr or Tnst�ot ar d�f�rlt oF
<br /> :_�'�."�� . ` tM Tmtor�u�d�r tMi�Oa0 ot Tn�t sh�11 �ot 0�1�1 to N�rNv�r of u�otl�r or sbilu 1N�u1t�ubsip�u�t1�occurri�. -
<br /> �..�: _ tG�.';L_:y�i`_
<br /> ..;�'`, 21. Iloa tM rritbn np��st of tM W��ticiiry tt�tiq th�t�l l suu s�cur�d Mn6�h�r�bu�p�10, ud upa sor�ad�r of qis Owd of imt u1
<br /> ��_�� " `��� ���• --� tl� uu to tM Trostn for cuc�ll�tia u1 ntaNa ud��o�p���t Ir i�uston ot T�ustu's fN:� iro�tu �M�II r�to�rq to Tro�ton,or tN -
<br />--��',,"�" ::
<br /> __Vr_m�..,.��„^, arsoe or aru�s Uyilly atitlN tMnto, ritlont ruruty, u�portla�ot tM IroO�nt tM�h�ld Mnr�du, lult�l� i��ach neaq�uu ot u�
<br /> .� _-�•�°�;....... .-� • �tt�n or hets�h�110�w�elusi��proot ot tb�er�tlfuluu tMrwf. ArM1M�a en�n�o���ruu ur a aaer�lN u tM'ara�o�arw�� �' �
<br /> `�}' � � b��11�utitlN tMnto.'
<br />._,`�:. �' ;�� :
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<br /> ���''~ ''"'� " " "-° �{�� IN MITNE33 NHEREOF� Trustors h4ve executed t s D�d of Trust on t dat� first noted -
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<br /> r';� . - . Lynnette S. Dethlefs =-
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<br /> ° � �' Th� foregoi�g instrument wes ecknowledged before me on _._CSiGar1�_z� /s�� . by
<br />� ? � � �T
<br /> + �� Randy L. Dethlefs and Lynnette S. Dethlefs, husband add wife.
<br /> GBIBtAINO�ARr�saaa�eons�. �
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