i _ .
<br /> ' n yl4s�-.�.�. ' .. _ _
<br /> ' i�'+�.r�,�^�t�'-1f1_ ..,� . - --
<br /> '{1 ' ._ �•� - __— -- — '=-__
<br />_ �� _ � .� , . . 91- 105'7�6 _
<br /> .
<br /> � - � � d. Th� �bovo aaunt 1s s�aur�d �von thou�h a11 or pert of it a�ay not yot b� advanc�d. a __
<br /> Futu�� adv�nc�a und�r th� a�ro��t er� contwiplatad and wt ll b� a�cur�d to tlw sa� �xt�s�nt
<br /> � � �s it Mad� on th� dat� this dNr1 of t�ust 1a �x�cut�d.
<br /> � ,
<br /> �; .. ..
<br /> '�'�T�.1�±�.ni. e� . ��._.
<br /> �, � ;,� �. 1� Te N�M�u IW� tM Irt�cptl of, u�ti�i�wrut a, tM iNriqiuu�rNual ry tla ut��c1uNb fws ul ti)otMr uw u�ronilei `--- --- -_
<br /> ., �'�,�. � . � i�tM lou i�stn�u. �
<br /> a° ° !. Tn�ton m tN onrrs ot tA�OroNrt�ul lur� tM rllht W wlbrih to p�pu tll� 0111 of In�t i�mMct t�tM10roNtty. -_ _-____
<br /> ` `""�'�� , io � �hu Iw t11 tun, �eitl us��WUtt Y0111 otMr N�r ���1�k tN OroN�ty, wuut Tn�tan -- 'f` `
<br /> '�=::� �� o r� � � � aton tM sw Mcow d�n . -- —
<br />�Er��� �_==r::. . ' � � th�ll Nt�11 ta�s ul n����b rMid Mr M i��iN�pa Ou��Hcl�ry's i�tm�t Mn1�ar rto�tN:Oud of inu or tM ddt�auN Mnit� �'^�`�'�_.- "�°
<br /> ►a,.,..��.�.� x�:�.�,.,, --
<br />���'�""'�"�"' ritlro�t n�1r1 to u�I��tMlt u�M auGl iyotl�l HyM�t of tM rMoU or u��ut tM�nof�pa tM Iu�Hci�ry, - - —
<br />����r��� '�"'`� � 1. To ka0 tla IyroruM�ts�or or h�ruft��bo�U1 a�th�oroNnr U�rnd �dp�t du� b�fin ud wch otMr Muudt u tM Uufief�ry �_
<br />���'� ,�'�; .:- ' wy n�Hn, U uo��t�ud ealui�s uapt�l�to tla N�Hcluy,!uA hwran ooNc����II cat�t���tul��d artp�cluw t� t�ro►of Rn=______�--
<br />;: � � ` .. IwNeiu�. irr�tor cM�ll O�oytl� rq�ir,wUt�l�W nol�u tM I�oNn1 or at o�h tMrrof,a tk�t, act�t�or Hdl�ry w�r ul tur, W -
<br /> �.,..�
<br /> , . , q " 1raN�t��1u11 �ot a�uHonu.
<br /> . ,,�.:� 1. I�tA��rut t6��roa�t�, or ut o�n tMr�of, su�t�e� a�u ey u�N�c aoui�,tM W��Hct�r�b utttl�d to collut ul nul�� �Il
<br />�,� -: i�w� ' • . eoyuatia rAIcO u�M 1�id for uy oroanr t�ku or for dwN�to proNrty�ot t�NN, �d tM q��Hct�ry sA��l p�ty wch coyu��tta��t �ts 's'�-.�U--��
<br />�' ��' �''� optia,�itMr!o�nd�ctla of►A�i�bt�aa uc�nl Mnh, or to r��ir u0 ruton tM oroartr u t�Mn, '
<br />��. � � � "i�•� � ;, "` 1. TM Iu�Hei�ry wr� O�t�A�II h�r�w ollq�tio�to�lo u�ut�Mieb iro�ton Mn�yrad but f�ilk to b� a0 tM Iu�Hci�ry�q�Iw 10 �'°.�'�r':�..`�,.-
<br /> .� ,,.
<br /> '_;'i,� - � �y ut 1t 1u�s�1��u�ry ta oroNet tM HI�Mnof. Trwta���r�to no�P�rpo�dnu0� �� tMt �a�ta�ded Ey tN ludiehr�tor tM�6e�� „�
<br />' � Nqo��, ud a�u�a u�uGd�b�lt b��dd�0 to tM�1�1tN�a��ound Mr�y ud !�uc�rM br tA�li��qr�of, TM�q�flcl�r�ilull w
<br /> . , i.u►u� �t�i�icr acwu or urcai��u ur eo or aic to eo�n�a��. �. � �_–
<br /> � 1. TM lW�tiei�rp Ih�ll M�r�tM�r19ht, �or�r ud �utAority drri��tl� cati�w�e��f thls Oud of fruu to�ollet tM rat�, iu�u ud + �`�
<br /> � + � �• ' � Orottb of tM Orearty ud ot u�ar��l oroNrt� lu�tN tMna rlth or ritMort t�ki�o po�ussia of tM orop��ty dt�ctd Mnl�� al Truta� ��,���
<br /> � Mn1��b�olut�ly ud wcadtt1a�11�a�iy� �II wc� r�t�, iuru ud oroNb to tM budiciuy. Th�badict��, l�v�r, M�nl�co�s�ts to '` ,
<br /> • -:�. ' Trr�tors' W111ctio� �d ntnNa af ach ratf, iuw��O IroHts, a loy u Tn�tora�n pt� �t sucM t1N, U d�i�lt ritb n�t to o�put of ' -,..��,,.�. �=-`
<br /> , � uy i�d�t���ss s�cund Mr�1�,or f�tM O�rfonuu of a�yr�ut Mnr�d�r, It u��rut of Nh�lt d�ur11M Mn�tt�r i� n��at to tUis •. ''
<br /> a�d of Trust sk�ll ha�oct�rnd ud 6�u�ti��iao,tM GMtiN�r�, a t utt�r ot N�At�a1 rlthat eotie�to Tn�ton or u�a�el�i�i��w�r •i-�-
<br /> � iroston, ud ritho�t n��ro to tl���1w ot tM tro�t��t�h or tM i�t�rut ot tM Trru�rs IMrd�, �lul) A�r� tE� r1yMt to�1�to u� cart -�� - � -
<br /> I�riq��Hsdtctlo� to�ppi�t�nc�tv�r of tM Oro�rtr• -'� �:�r•"--_-
<br /> - - ... �- !, TM�elltlery, or 1��t4eRts, er��r4Mor1�N to�t�►et�e�re���41� ti�e 4!� or I� �r g!r► o!the lrop�rtr tQr tM�ergoae ot -:�'�`,.-::.- -�`
<br /> r 1�s�KNy tl� sw ul tar tM p�rpo��of p�rtonU�u� of tM act�tb�y�r�wthorii�d to o�rfon r�d�r tl�trra oP u� loa futrw�ts u�c�ttd , �� ,1=-=�_
<br /> , .; . 1y trostors. . n ...
<br /> 1. If�l! or ur p�rt ot tla Oroanr or uy i�tmst ot Trntton ts a10,t�aii�rrb or furtMr��cu�nd ritAat tM rrltta cap�t ot � y � 3L� �
<br /> � tM pNNciar, tM M�dlciu�uy N�lu��ll sws ucund br tMa Trust O�u to 6� iwdi�qly Ow ud o�r�Ei��O lrocu�to tM�rwdtn �_., .�
<br /> � w�11�EU to it��Nr th�Wf�ult provisto�s cataU�O Mni�. �`�:�~°�;a.�:�;:
<br /> ', ��, � 11� Aq o1 tb follorl��lruts�h�ll 6�d�d 1�Ivut ef E�fl�lt hu�u�d�r: i' "��'�"�' •
<br /> �. Trutton�A�11 h�r�f�il�d to ub p�p�at o/uy 1��t�I1M�t of orl�cipd or tepn:t or ��r otb�r su� �wnd t�nb�rMi du�; ,
<br /> � � . 1, ilur�hu oecurr�d�bnuh at or d�tult r�d�r o� tm, coraut, ��ruN�t, eoNltia, orortsia, npn�qtitta or nrrutr catN�N �'`.�"��
<br /> , :� . 1�th1�Oud of Tru�t, t1��ob or ur otMr lou U�trwut awnd Mnb�; "''" "'s"'
<br /> �• � t� iMn Aa lu��d�Fwlt bt tM Tn�ton i�ta�o�rN�t of u�orior or wb�tl���t llw or us��bruw ie ntp�et to tll or ur��n oI • •
<br /> � .. tM oroanr: - .
<br /> . 1. Trntton��11 ftl��volwt�r�p�tttla� 1�bMknite�or�htll b��d��dit�t�d Oulrupt or i�tolr�it� or �M�II uk�u us19�M�t tor tM � .
<br /> , V Iu�Ht of cr�ditors 1�n�ct to tM Ora��rtt; or a atia to uloru u�lf��or ututlrwa or ��dp�M�ts tpiut tlu 1ro�rt� is � ��� �=w
<br /> i .. _ , i0i11Aad� :..,..t�••:: •: � ---
<br /> �� s �� �t, t� c���ac or ur a�raic, tM N��fiNuy W dulu��I1 1�d�btb��a s�cured Mreb�to a du��nd 0�/�pM ul tM tw ��t cMr.�oo� �. . . . � --
<br /> � �. " b�coM dw ud oq�1�rithout u�r on�tNnt, d�wd, prot�st or�ottc�a1 u�ttad, TMn�fhr, tl� B�Hficitr�ny: ' '"�
<br /> , ' �. �ItMr te arco�or E� �y��t� �tth or ritAout br1�91�9 u�atta or orou�die9, or p� r�c�tr�r qpoiatd b��co�rt ud rit�O�t nO�rl to tM f -••��
<br /> �d�pu�.�of u�s�trMt►,at�r upo�nd t�t� possasta of th�prop�rt�, or�ey Nrt tMno�, 1�its aui �u�ar fe tM au�ot tM TnttN. ul �-�'�
<br />, � 10 ay utt rMcA it d�a��Kaury��0 d�sir�bb to��arr�tM r�1W, urM�eblllt�or rat�blHCr of tM proartr� o�0���Mrtof, or -� ��-��'!��.
<br /> � i�bntt tMni�� i�cn�u tM incoN tMntra or Orotkt tM aeortt�Mrwt ted, �itMout t�kiao posusstoa o}tA�Oroan�, �w tor or � !�� `����'
<br /> • � � ' otMr�ts�to11Kt tM rnt�, lssws�nd Orofitt th�not, lecludt�y thoW p�st dw�d u�pNd, tnd�po11 t���u�, l�s�coat�ud u��W��f
<br /> � � opv�tioa ud tollutia, i�clndiny�ttore��fu�, eoo�ur i�a�saaea�suu�b wr.er, �111n ��ch oroer�s tM Ba�Hciuy u�Nu�l��. TM
<br /> �nt�ri�o n0on Nd t�ki�9 poss�sslaa of tM truot��t�t�, t��eollutto�of ��ch rMts, issuu�ad 1rofltc w0 �pplie�tio�tlareot u donutd �
<br /> sh�ll aot cun or r�ir�u�d�falt or aotice ot d�huit hu�u�der or ler�llltte u� ut�ad in ns0oeu to such dH�dlt or �r�uat to i�M
<br />� IOtIE1 Of EI�IYI�IAd AO�YILII{�NdIA��hl COA�IAI�A01 IA p0iq3lIOA 0�1I1 pfOp��l�Of 1M tOII�C11011, ntNpt Md �0111c�t1a of rats, ia��s or
<br /> i ' orofits, irustn or t��palfitiu�uy E�atitl�d to�rertls��ru� rtyht Ororid�d for fa uf o1 th� loa�i�st�tlMlts or b� I�r r0on oecKrMu
<br /> I of uy�rat of d�f�olt, includin9 th� rigbt to�x�rcts�tD�por�r of s�lr '
<br />; 1. tawu�u utloa to toreclos�this Ond ot Tr�st�� ��orty�y�, �ppotnt� nainr, or sD���tit�ll� ufora�n�ot th�co���Mts Mr�of;
<br />� c. d�li��r to Trustu t rritta dulintioa of def�ult�ad a�ud for s�l�,��d �rritbn ootia of d�t�ult�nd�loctloa to cas�Trutton'
<br /> 1aNnat Iw tM Oraputr to E�so1d, rhich aotic� instu shdt cius� to b�dul� tileE for ncord Io tM oftici�l ruarEs ot tM ta�t� 1�rAtch
<br /> th�proany is loc�t�d.
<br /> 1!, Sho�1d tM in��ticl�r��lut to toncios�b����n1a of th�porer of��1�Mretn coat�ined,tM lea�ftci�r� :h�tl notltY Trcztn ud sb�ll
<br /> d�posit rith Treite t�is O�ed of trust�od t��aot�ad such nc�ipts�e0�rid�ea of��MAdltures Nd�ud suund h�nl� �s irust�l ur nqnin,
<br /> .._... ;�_ ud uow nou�st ef td O�wfielur; tlu irr:tn sh�ll nus�to h� neerd�d; euhlfsh�/�N A�11r���A tn r��.�nr....w r�ti►. ��n.t.�u .d r.��.. .r
<br /> r ' S�U u tM� r�quind b� I�r�od E� this a�d ot Tnst. Trastu���I1 rlthout da�ed on insbr, �fUr �a�h tlp �s a�t�a�ei��v�+na br iw�a
<br /> �ft�r ncord�tio�of s�ch Notia oF O�f�ult�nd�it�r Notia ot 5�1���rinq boa ytra�s nQuind E�l�r, s�l)tA�Iropttty�t the tIM�ad plu�of
<br /> s�l� it��d br it i� s�tli Not1t�of S�I�, �ittur is�rlale, or ia sepu�t� lots or puals or itus�s Trosta s�all d�a axp�die�t, �ad la such o�d�r
<br /> �s it u�d�t�niel, 1t puEltc�nctioa to thl hlyhlst Oidd�r for ces�ud s1t1) d�lir�r to sut�DurcMser or purch�t�rs tMrwf�dud to th� Oroartt
<br /> sold, ca�sishnt rith tA� l�r tM� ia�ffect. Retltlls in th�Tru1t11'1 dNd sh�l) E1 prlK fltie Irldlace of t�e truth of t��st�t��ts u0�
<br /> tAmta, Trustu sh�ll �pp1y th�proa�ds of tA� s�l� 1� tM Follori�y ord�r: (�) to�I1 n�s�ub1�costs Nd up��s�a�f th� s�l�, ioeludia9 Eut�ot
<br /> 11Nt�d to Trustn's (us ot aot�on thi� tt ot tM�ross s�1�prin, n�wn�El��ttor���fus�n0 costs of t1t1���tdnn; (1)to �I1 au s�curM
<br /> 0� thia Oud of Trust; �nd(c)tM��ass, if�n�, to th� Wr�a or p�nons t�y�llr�ntltNd tMnto, A��P�rso�. Iiclu01n9 tM B�a�fftiuy, ur
<br /> purclus�s�id Orop�rt��t s�id s�le. TrostN u� 1�tla�u�r DrortEM b�lp,p�stpoo�ul�d tll or ur oort ta of tl� prap�rty,
<br /> ►
<br /> t � �
<br /> , �
<br /> ,
<br /> � - --- -- -- -- - - -
<br />