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<br /> —,�, - S. p�ard ar propKty I�uea�. Borrowe� shall kecp �he improvanents now existing or henaRer eroctod on thc
<br /> .�:� .
<br /> �� Pmp�kty insu�d a��inst la�by flr�e,h�z��+ds included wilhin the term'cxtcndad covcrago`and any achcr ha�rds,includin�
<br /> -_��--- - ' �aaas o:flooding.Por which I�nder roquircs insurance.This incu�ncc shall be mafntAined in�he amounts and fc►r the periads
<br /> ��� thu l,ender rt+�quioa. Thc inwratke carriar providing the insurancc shell be chosen by Bonower subjxt to l.cndcr's appnnvtl �
<br /> _- -- -
<br /> whlch shdl nat be um+eeconably withheld. If Borrowcr foils ro mabtain coverage dea��ibcd above. Lendcr may. at Letde�'a
<br /> - " option. oMain rnverage ta ptotect L.ender'�rlghts in thc Prope�ty in accordancc with para��ph 7.
<br /> -'-'��Y---�----�...` All iasurance policies and ronewals shell be acceptable to l.endcr and shall include a standurd mortgagc clauxe. Lender
<br /> - �hall havo the dght to holA the poUcies and tCnewals.If I.ender requires,Borrower shall promptly glve ta l.endcr all rcceipts of �
<br /> "+ '"` poid pr+emlutns end mnewal notices. In the event of loss,Borrower shaU�ive prompt nwlce to the insurance carrier and Lender•
<br /> + : l.et�der rnay meke praof of loss if not made promptly by Bornawer. _
<br /> -- �Nr�,:=• Unless Leader and Borrower oth�rwise agree in wrfting,insurence pcocceils ehall be applied to rastoration ar repair of the
<br /> :�:�c�;, � property darnaged.if the restoration or repair ia economically feasible and l.ender's security is na lessened.If tbe restoradon or
<br /> ---- ""�'! repuir ia not xanomically feasible or I.ender's security would be Icssened.the insurnnce proceMs shull be applied ta the sums
<br /> _�,.:�:t�!�;L. '
<br /> °���_'.. ' secuad by this Secur�ty Instniment, whether or not then due. with Any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrowcr abandons the
<br /> — �`.:�:�
<br /> •• piropeRy,or daes not ancwer within 30 days a notice from I.ender that the insunuue carrier has affered to settle a claim, t en
<br /> ���=��.:'-,. i,ender may cailect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeda to repair or resrore the Propeny ar to pay sums
<br /> `�`"-`--';.:� tocurcd by this Secudty Inst�u�nent.whether or not then due.The 30-day pe�iad will begin when the notice is givcn.
<br /> �-=�:�_- Unkss Lender and Borrower otherwise agrce in writing. any eppliwtfui� uf prceeeds to princip�l shall oot extend or _
<br /> r. �Y.. .
<br /> - '=''"'�� ' postpone the due date of thc monthly paymentc referred ta in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount af the paymeMs. If
<br /> ,_ .,. .. ..
<br /> � �--��•���� �-- - under pwagrnph 21 the Property ls acquired by Lender,Borrower's�ight to sny insurnnce pnlicle.c aod proceeds resulting from _
<br /> ?�'"�. ..:,,, �`,.
<br /> _:��.�,,., .� danwge to the Property prior ro the acquisition shall pass to l.ender to the extent of�he awna sccurcd by this Security Ins�rument
<br /> °—`•' � � immediatcly p�ior to the acquisitio�.
<br /> -=���'',•.a • 6, pocu Precervation�binintenance and Protectlon ot tl�e Properly; Borrower's Loan A icAtlon; Leasedolds.
<br /> ....���::° , , W►�Y• PP�
<br /> ��'� Borrower sh�ll occupy,establish.and use thc Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after�he eaecution of
<br /> �u'fi,;,;�s; ,
<br /> ��r,,,,,,,,,,,,,.� o , this 5ecurity Inst�ument end shall wntinue to ocw�y the Property as Borrower's principal residence for ot least one ycar after
<br /> =_�a:,!;%•��`•� the date of occupancy.unless l.ender otherwise egrees in wdting,which conr+ent sh�ll not be unreasonably withheld,or unless
<br /> _ ���}�`:� .""` . , earenuating circumstances cxist which arc beyond Borrowcr's cantrol. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the
<br /> �— �•` `�'� prope�ty,allow thc Property to deterlorate. or commit wastc on the PropcRy. Borcower shall bc in default ii any fo�'eiture
<br /> �..,...,
<br /> °��, k ,• , action or pracceding. whether civil or criminal. is begun that in Lender's gond faith judgment could rcsult in forfeiture af the
<br /> �, Property or otherwlse meterielly impair the lien created by thia Security Instrument or Lende�'s security interest.Borrower may
<br /> -=�E;`�t�:_.::�':.� �
<br /> ,,�;;,�,o,"..�' rure curh�defanls sad rrfnstate.es provlded In pnra�►aph 18,by causing the action or proceeding to be diamissed with a ruliog
<br />:.�_:,; �¢�y ttwt, in Lender's good faith detcrmination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrowe�s interest in the PropeRy or other matedal
<br />~.='i •r , impairnunt of the lien c�+eated by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Eorrower shall also be in deiault if
<br /> �° ,.,. .
<br />_::iv.• ,
<br /> � . '•:�•� � � Borrower, dur�ng the loan application pracess,gave materially false or inaccurate infarnwtion or statements to I.ender(or fail
<br />- '-�•• `°• to provide Lender with any material information)in eonnectian with the loan evidenced by the Note,including,but not limited
<br /> � '`'�� '" " . . to.representations concerning Borcower'g occupancy of Ihe Property as a principal rcsidence. If this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> '�: � � leasehold, Borrower shell comply with all the pravisions of the Icase. If Borcower acquires fee title to the Property, the
<br /> ' '� ° leasehold and the fec tide shall not mergc unless l.ender agrces to the mcrger in writing.
<br /> �`� 7,Protection of I.cnder's Rfghts In the Property.lf Borrower fuils t��perfixm thc covenant�anJ agrecments cantuined in
<br /> - ��. ..,.
<br />. �;... this Security Instmment, or therc ix a Iegal procecding thut may significantly uffcct l.endcr's rights in the Pmpeny(�uch as a
<br />�'�`` •� . .�' pracceding in bankn�ptcy. probate, for condemnation or forfeiwrc or to enforce laws or regulwions), thcn L.ender may do und
<br /> _ r; - pay for whatever is necessery to protect the valuc af the Pn�perty and l.cnder's rights in Ihe Pmperty. Lender'ti actions may
<br /> ' ' '�'�`� ' � include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Sei:urity Instrument, appearing in cuurt, paying _
<br /> .....� ' t(.�:.: . .
<br /> " � y nv�;„„. reasonable attorneys' fces and entering an the Property to rnuke repsiirs. Allhough I.ender may take action under thic paragraph
<br /> �� •t . '•, 7. Lender dces not have to do so.
<br /> • �■i�•��!:'•- �� u Aay amounts disbursal by Lendar under this pan+gmph 7 shall hecome additionul debt nf &xmwer secured by this
<br /> ' �-� w�,'p} ��T"'�''�� Securiry Instrument. Unless Borcowcr und l.cndcr agrce t�othcr tcrms of payment, thcu amuunts shall hear intercst from the
<br /> .a�P .:l�� 'G�
<br /> „ date of disbursement ut the Note retc and shall be payabk. with intcrest, u�x►n noticc from l.ender to Bomower requcsting
<br /> .-:�,;, . • �„ payment.
<br /> � 8.Mortgage InswrAnce. If Lender required nwrtguge insurnnce as�conditian of making the loan secured by ihis Secunty
<br /> � '•` . .. lnstrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums rcyuired tci maintuin ihc mnrtgu�e in+ur•rncc in cffect. If, for any rcas�n, the
<br /> � -•r"'V I mortgage insursmce coverage required by Lendcr lapsex ur ce•ru�to t►e in effect. &�rrower ,hull puy the premiums reyuired to
<br /> � ��' J obtain rnverage substantially equivalent ro the mortsage insuramc prcviou+ly in e(fcct,u�a cos� substunti�lly eyuivalent to the
<br /> • � cost to Borrower of the mongage insurance previously in efTect, fmm an ulterna�c nx�n�uge insurcr approved by L.encler. If -_
<br /> . ' . ,� subs[antially equivalent mortgagc insurancc c�weragc is not avriluhlc.Bnrrowcr tih•rll pay tu l.�:ndcr cach month a tium cyual ro
<br /> '° " ; one•twelfth of the ycarly mortgagc imurancc prcmium hcing paid hy&�rrowcr when thc in�urancc covcragc lapsed nr reascd to _
<br /> . be in affect. l.ender will accept,utie and re►uin tixu�puymentti a+ a loss rescrvc in licu uf nwrtgugc insurunce. l.oss rescrvc
<br /> Fo�m�02� lIYO
<br /> .. . .� Pp�]ol 8
<br /> . � MC3019�NEl3
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