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�. : <br /> . i�, - M1— � � . <br /> ir ..... �,=m -- __ .v_ _ <br /> ��'�• . :�'.� � - ._ <br /> - .._.a . --. _.. <br /> °���y - � w <br /> _.�ty _. ..:. 91--1o5s92 <br /> .�. � <br /> -,�,d; TO(iE77�ER W[TH atl the improvements now or hen�Rer erxted on the PmpertY.And�II eacetnents.appucten�tncer��nd _ <br /> _I_ ti�turcs now or hercalter a patt of the proparty. All ttpls�oements and additbnr shall alco bo aoverod by thb Securhy — <br /> --� Ip�uument. All of the forcgoMg is refcrred to in U�ie Security Instn�ment as�he "Propeny." <br /> � BQRROWHR COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully scised of 1hc estate hereby rnnveyed wid has thc dght to granl and <br /> ..�� eonvey the Property and tlwt the Property is unencumbered, except far eacumbrances oP record. Borrower warrant� w�d will <br /> -�,..�� -- <br /> � defend generally the tide to the Property ag�inst all cleima atK1 dema��ds.cuhject to any encumbrances af record. � _ <br /> THiS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifortn covenante for national use and non-uniform covetwnt�with limitod <br /> - wuiotions by juricdktion to canstiWte a uniform scxurity iostrument covedng real property. <br /> .��, UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and[.ender cavenant and egr+ee as follows: _ <br /> � 1. PAyment ot Prindpal and Interest; Prepayment and I.�te Charges. Borrower ahnll promptly pay when due the <br /> ---���,.:�r y principal oi and intemst on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Nate. <br /> _,.d r"�' 2.Fundc tor Taxea and Insuronce.Subjcct to applicable law or to a wrfttcn waiver by Lendcr, Horrower nhsll pay to <br /> _ _,-_-�_- _ - L,ender on the day monihly payments are duc under the Note,until thc Notc is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly taxes <br /> °-��W Y'-' a and assessments which may anain priority over this Secudty Instrument as a lien on the Property;(b)yearly Icasehold payments <br /> -,,,,?�:. <br /> " `�-W-=� or ground rcnts on d►e Property.if any;(c)ycarly hazerd or propeny Insurru�ce prcmiums;(d)ycarly tlood insurance prcmiums. ---- <br /> -'"��!'-;� if any:(e)ycarly monBage insurance premiuma. if any:and(�any sums payable by Borcower to Lender, in accordance with <br /> --;.��_.�,.�, <br /> �--------°° the pmvisions of paragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurnnce premiuma.These items ore called"Escrow tems. <br /> ���� , <br /> -- __-��-��� �� I.ender may. a� any tinie. Wll�x:t w�d huld Funds in an amount not to cxcccd thc muximum amount a lender for a federally ----- <br /> °=��^ related mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow accaunt under the federal Real Estate Seulement Procedures Act of <br /> =o.�.'J.;�;�.° 1974 as amc.mdcd from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 el seq. ("RGSPA"),uole4s another law that applles ro the Funds __ <br /> - -�- .�:..,'.?' ' .,�.., <br /> ::,.�,. sets a lesser amount. 1f so. I.ender may, at any time. collect and hald Funds in an amount not to exceed the Iesser amount. <br /> -- �"=�;�;; l.ender may estimate thc amount of Funds due on 1he basis of cument dsda end reasonable estinwtes of expenditutea oi Putune <br /> `_''�Ra�i,;_'� '• ..,.;�," Eecrow Items or otherwlse in accotdance with applicable law. <br /> '`�=~�:�:��g The Funds siwll be held in an institution whosc deposits erc insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity <br /> bY <br />�l'' '�-` ".,:,_ (including Lender,if Lender ia such sn institution)or in any Federal Homc I.oan Bank. Lcndcr sha!!apply the Funds to pay the <br /> __��a: �h Escrow Items. Lender mey not charge Bomower for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing tt�e escrow sccount,ar <br /> ve�ifying the Escrow Items.unless I.ender peys Barrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits l.ender to make such `� <br /> `"'� a charge. However,I.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent rcal estate tax reparting service <br />-.-,�::^�, ,:: . <br /> =�;,, �„ �� � used by Lender in cannection with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreen�ent is made or <br /> -=-' —��';�,;�;:,;� ppplicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not bc required to pay Borrower eny interest ar eamings on the Funds. <br /> "�"P&�1 `"�'"� '- SormuKr sad i.tssdsr may sgrec ln wr�ting,hnwever, that inter�ect shall bc peid on the Funda. I.ender shall give to Borrower. <br /> __ -- -_ <br /> `%°`` � without charge, a�annusl accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which cach _. <br />-_.`:��; '+�i` � debft to the Funds wax mede.'I1�e Funds are pledged as additional securiry for all sums sccured by this Securiry Instrument. <br />- • ;;!; ^ �. If the Funds held by L.ender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by appliceble law,l.�nder shall account to Borrower <br /> ;�=;�; ° �� for the excess Funds in uccordance with the requirements of applicablc law. If the amouot of the Funds held by Lender at any n-- <br /> ; '` <br /> ��,7,, . time is not sufficient to pay the Escraw Items when due,L.ender may so notify Borrower in writing.and, in auch case Borrower <br />'!' shall pAy to Lender the amount necessary m make up the deficiency. Borrower shall makc up the deficiency in no more then ��' <br /> . :r.�+;, .•:`y <br /> _'-' ' " ��' twelve monthly payments, at l.ender's wlc discretion. <br /> s ..,.���. <br /> , '{� '�, � Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrutnent, I.ender shall promptly refund to Barrower any <br /> ��,; nN-•- Funds held by L.ender.lf.under paragraph 21, l.ender xhall acquirc or sell ths Property,Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale <br /> ' " � of the Property, shell apply any Funds held by Lender ut the time of acquiRition or sule as a cralit against the sums secured by "5.:� <br />- ' .��; ..� e this Security Instrument. f <br /> ?.: � .. .. <br /> � '"�' � 3.Appiicatlon of Pt�yments.Unless upplicublc law provides otherwise,all paymcnts receivod by Lender under parngraphs `. - <br /> � � '"��; � � • 1 and 2 shall be applied: first, to uny prcpnyment charges duc under thc Nute; second,ro umounts pnyablc under paragraph 2; �-�-� <br /> , x��:<.. <br />_ " •' • intcrest duc; founh,to principal duc;und last,to any latc charges duc undcr thc Notc. <br /> ��� : �'' ' . 4.Charges; Liet►v. Borrowcr shall pay all tnxes. nssessments,charges,fines and impositions attributable to the Property • <br /> ����``'� �`" �� � � which may attain priority over this Security In4trument, und leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shAll pay <br /> . ;; <� , <br />_ �••,,, , , these obligations in thc manner provided in paragrnph 2,ar if not paid in that manner, Borrower shnll pay them on time directly <br /> ,�;-� • H Y �. to the person owed paymcnt. Borrowcr shall pmmptly furnish to l.cndcr all notices uf amounts to 6e puid under this parograph. = <br />- - �`'"�`"a p If Borrower makes these payments dircctly,Bcirrowcr shall promptly furnish to Iw;nder rcccipts evidencing the payments. — <br /> ".�t. . ��;. <br /> �• . • Borrower shall pmmptly dischs�rge uny licn which has priority over this Security In�trument unlcss Borrowcr:(a)agrces in r� <br />- .� � writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in u munner uccepwble to l.r.nder,(b)contests in good f�ith the lien �' <br /> ., � ..: <br /> � ^ • , by, or defends against enforcement ot'the licn in, Icgal pracecdings which in the L.ender's opinion operate to prevent the I �. <br /> ., enforcement of the lien;or(c) secures frnm thc holJer of the lien•rn ugrecnxnt wtisfuctory to Lender subordinating the lien to <br /> ° � this Security Instrumcnt. If l.endcr detcrn�incs�hat any part nf'thc Pro�x:rty is subjcct to a licn which may�ttain pri�xity over ' <br /> . � this Security Instrument, C.cndcr muy givc B��rmwcr a notice idcntifying�hc licn. eormwcr shall wtisfy the lien or tuke one or <br /> � � . ' more of the actions set forth abovc within 10 dayx of thc giving of notire. �� <br /> - � Form 3028 8190 <br /> � P.o.�me <br /> i <br /> ' MC,3019dVE/2 � <br /> ., i. <br /> � <br /> 4 <br /> ___. ..... ...�___"_ ��� . <br /> „ . . <br /> � ni <br /> ' <br /> � ( • <br /> � <br /> .. 1 <br /> 1 � <br /> � 1 . . —.�__ �l ___ " _ _.. .—. . , <br />