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<br /> -=�� �7,Tran(a�ot Ilie Propaty or a Beaeflcid lnkre�t la BotTOwer.If all or�ny purt of the Property or any intercot in It
<br /> —!O; is�old ar ttAnafamed(ar if a bcneticial intcreat in Borrower ix sald or transferred and Aorrower is nat a nawral person)without
<br /> ,,_� L,ender'� prior written oonsent� L.cnder rruy. at ils aptian. roq uir�c immediete payment in full of all sums sxurod by this
<br /> - �.�,.;,� - � ^�curity Inxtrumcnt.Hawever.thiu option ahnll not be exercieM by Ixnder if exerciAe ia�mhihited by faderal law aa of U�e date
<br /> :� ; � � of this S�xvrity In�In�ment.
<br /> ' If Lender exercieeY this optlon,I..ender shall�ive Borrower notiee uf acceleratlon. 7'he notice shall provide a pericd of not
<br /> ���,i-------- -- ` .
<br /> ;�T 1ea�than 30 days irom the dwtc[ho noticc is�de0wen�or nwil� wlthin which Borrawcr must pay all sums sxured by thla �-- -
<br /> ' � Socurity Inatrument,lf Bcirtower fails to puy theso sums priar ta the expiration of this periad, I.endcr moy invake su►y r+emadics
<br /> ,,,�. .r::
<br /> --- ` ."_ °` pormitted by this Savrity Instrument withuut farther nutice or denwnd on Borrower.
<br /> � 1B. Borrower'� RI�{ht to Reiro�ate. If Borcower meets ccitain conditiuna, Borrower shull have the right ta have �
<br /> enfarcxment of thie Securiry Inetrumcnt discantinuod nt any time prior �a the earlier oi: (n) S duys (or such other period es
<br /> - -== applicable law may specify for neinswtcment) t,cfarc aslc of thc PrapeRy pu�suant to any power oi sale cantained ln this
<br /> _ - ,.�``�'3 3ecurity Instrumenr or(b)entry af a judgment enforcing this Securiry instrument.Those conditions are that Borrower: (a)pays
<br /> - * �� Lender all suma whfch then would be duc under thia Security Inatnimen�and the Note as if no accclerntian had occurrod; (b) _
<br /> ��a; ;
<br /> �.u::::3�. cures any default af any wher rnvenants or agre�ments; (c)pays ull expenses incumed in eniarcing this Security Instrument,
<br /> � �`-- -` - including,but not limited to. reasonable altome�s'feea:and(d)wkes auch action ax l.,ender may reasonably require to axsure �--
<br /> __..�_�.�� thet the lien af this Seou�ity Instniment, lcndcr s rights in the Propeny and Borrowcr's obligation ta pay thc sums secured by __
<br /> j�-'�r:°l�J.r_.,. this Security Inst�ument ehall continue unchangod. Upon rcinstatement by eorrowcr, this Secunty Instrumcnt und the i��
<br /> ___ ,�_, � obligatfons secur�d hereby ahall remuin fully eifective as if no occeleration had accurm.�i. Howcver,this nght ro rcinatate shall �
<br /> ___=--=�r' � not apply in the aase of ecccleration undcr paragrnph 17. ! _
<br /> -- -=�_=-�- 14. S�le of Note; Chat�c of I.oan�icer. The Note nr a partisl intcrca in thc Notc (togcthcr with thls Sccurity �"`
<br /> •'�'�"=�-'T'-y�� ~ ' [nstniment)may be sold one or more times without prior rtotice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the cntity(known =
<br /> - �:YX�' —
<br /> �._.�,�._ : _ as the"Loan Servicer")thot collecta monthly payments due under the Nwe and this Securiry Instniment.There also may be one
<br /> ^�-.��.•,���`'���;..�',. or more changes of the L,o��Servicer unrclated ro a salc oF thc Note.If there is a chunge of the L,cwn Serviccr. Borrowe:r will be —:
<br /> �'-��-�! iven written notice of the chan e in accardance wi�h ra rn h 14 abave und a hcAblc law.The notice will slate the name and
<br /> -,e�.;'�'��,�` °° T �address of the new I.oan Servi cr and thc addrc�;s to whioh payments sltould be made. The noticc will also contain any other �''"
<br />-�;:���F� a• ., information mquircd by applicablc law. �
<br /> --�'':•.., -:.m°a� Z0. Nazprdous SubWanoe�• Horrawcr shall not causc or permit the prescncc, usc, disposal, starngc, or relcase of any =_
<br /> ��~� :r^�_:•�`�,, Harardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not da. nor allow anyoue else to du, anything affecting the
<br /> `��� '�;� , ' propetty thet ia in violation of uny Environmental l.uw. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to thc presence, use, or
<br /> --�� ,��::� �:4�
<br /> ;z� �� storage on the Praperty of smull quantitics of Hazardoua Substunces that ure genernlly rccognixed to be appropriute to norn�al
<br /> ;;y:;: � residentiel uses and to maintenuncc of thc Praperty, �
<br /> �-;a� 'r " Borrowcr shall promptly give l.cnder wntten noticc of nny invcstigation,rlaim, demand. lawsuit or othar uctian by any
<br />-�,:;��; : g o v e rn m e n t a l o r re gulato ry a genc y ar prlvate part y involvin g the Pro p ert y and an y He7ardous Subt�tancc or Environmental l.aw - -
<br /> -�>> � � '�,� of which Borrowcr has ucwal knowledge. If Borrowcr learns, or is notificd by uny governmental or rcgulatory uuthority. that �f.`-;
<br /> `=�-�iri�,:;:sh:a�,::,�,,;.. any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substancc affccting the Pmperty ia necessary.Bormwer shall pramptly take
<br /> -.,��.:.- �- —
<br /> , ;'�`r`-: ,�- �- all neaxssary remediai actians in accordnncc wnh �nvironmcntoi l.uw.
<br /> " ""` , •� ""� As used in thfs paregraph 20, "Hawrdous Substances" are thosc substunces dePincd us toxic o�hauudous substances by
<br /> ;'� � ' ' Emironmental Law and the fallawing substanccs: gusoline. keroscnc, othcr flemmr+ble or toxir petrolcum praducts, toxic
<br /> �.:• ' . � pesticides and hcrbicides,volatile r;olventx,matcriuls rontaining achcstos o�1'ormaldchyde,arni radioactivc matcrials.As usul in
<br />- ' ��'�' r••. `' � � this paregrnph 20,"Bnvironmental L.uw" meuna federal laws And law� of the jurisdiction where the Praperty is located thgt ��
<br /> ' ��� �'� � relate to health,safety or environmentel protcction, �q;;
<br /> �-���� �•w�� . �• NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Borrowcr anJ L.cndcr farthcr covcnunt and agrcc w follows: ---
<br /> �• ,.�;y� 21.Acceleratbn;Remedics.Ler�der shall give nodce to Borrower prior to acceleratlon Pollowing Borruwer'c breach �,�e�
<br />'�` ' of any rnvenwnt or agreement in thts Security Instrument Ibut no! prior to Acceleration under par�ruph 17 unless _
<br /> �:,�,; ,.,,,;,4 " applicable IAw provides otherwise).The notim shpli specify: (a)the deiault; (b)the�+ctlon required to cure the default; M;�
<br /> • `�� . (c)o dote�not less than 30 days from the date the noUce ic Riven to&►rrower,by which the default must be cured; and �;_
<br /> • (d) lhat fallure to cure the deP�ult on or bcfore the date xpecitied in the notice may result in acceleration of the sums _-'
<br /> �. � ° secured by thia Security Inslrument and sole of the Properly. The notice shall i'urther ini'orm Borrower oP ihe riRht to ���,
<br />` ,,,� � ' . ceft►stnte aiter acceleradan aad the ri�ht to �ring a court action to assert the non-existenee of a defwult or eny other -
<br /> . '�.;T:.. defense of Borrower to accelerntion and sale. If Ihe des�ull is not cured nn or before Ihe date specitied in Ihe notice.
<br /> r ,,,.w, . • I.ender, at Its opUon, mayrequire immcdl�tc puyment fn iull of all sums secured by this Security lagtrument without
<br /> further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedi�permitted by appNcable law. [.cnder sholl be
<br />- �.;%'�" ,�; ., enHtled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuin�the remedi�provided in this pa�rAph Zl.including.but not limited ,,"
<br /> �' "'� � � to,reasonoble ettorneys'fces ond cos4v oP title evidence. �'�'=
<br /> „.,�;�°. `�s 1P the power of sAle is invoked, Trustee shs�ll record a notice of default in cach cnunty in which any part oP the —_
<br /> Property Is lacated nnd stwll mall coples of xuch notice In the manncr pt�cscribed by appUcnble law to Borrower pnd to �_-
<br /> . �" the other persons prescribed by Appltcable law. Ai'ler the time required by wpplicnble law.Trustee shall�ive public notice =_-
<br /> 't ' �' ot sWe to the pe�sons and In lhe manner prcscirfbcd by appNcablc Ipw.Trustee.without dem�nd on Borrower. shall sell --�
<br /> • . ' " the Property wt public auction to the hiRhest bidder at the timr and place vnd under the terms desiRnated in the notice of —'-
<br /> � ` � ', sWe in one or more parccla �nd in�ny order Trustce dMermfnGw.Truuee may postpone sale of ell or�ny parcel of the �_
<br /> ' � _ property by publk announcement at the time and place of any previnusly xcheduled sale. I,ender nr itR desiRnee mny !L-
<br /> . purchASe the Property at any sak. �
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