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<br /> �� piyuxnu�may no lon�cr bo roqulrod.�t thc option of Lcnder, if moRga�e inwrance rnverage(io the nnwunt and for the pe�iod
<br /> "°!� 1tu�t i.ender rcquirec)provlded by an insurer approved by Lender again bccnmes avafloblc wx!ir obtainod. Borrower riall p�y
<br /> _ — the premiums nequirod w maintain mongage insurancc:in effoct,or to provide a loe:rcserve,until ehe roquire�ne�fue mo�e
<br /> - ---•------- --
<br /> - inwnutaf end�in xoonl�u�w1Q�w�Y Wiittcn aQrccment bctween Borrow�r snd LtnAer�r A�licablr nw. ._.
<br /> - 9.Ir�pectlaa. Lender or ita agent may mako rca�o�wblc entrics upan and inspecdon�nf the Propeny. l.endc��11�ive
<br /> - = gorrowcr nutice at the time of or prior to an inspaKion specifyfng reasnnable ciwse tor the inspection.
<br /> d.,,_,,: 10.Condannndon. Thc procada af AnY pward or cl�lm for damAgea� direct or conscyuentiol. in conncction with any
<br /> ,- - - - ' condemnation or other takinY ui any pe�1 of the Properry.or for rnnveyonce in lieu oP condemoation. are hereby iucigned and „_,
<br /> - __— dwll bc paid to l.ender.
<br /> �� In the event of u rotal taking of the PrapeRy.the praceeds shall be uppliod to the Rumz�ecured by thia Security Instrument,
<br /> :-� whether or not then due. with any cxcesa paid to Borrawer. In the event of a purtial taking of thc Praperty in whlch the fs�ir
<br /> ___ .._,� mulcet value of the Propeny immediately before the taking is equ�l to or greater than the amaunt of thc sums socured by this
<br /> Securlty insttument immedlately before thc takfng.unless Borrnwer and L.ender othenvise agrcc in wr�ting,thc sums secure�by
<br /> �"�`�'-°`� this Security Instrument shell be reduced by the umoutd of the pracexds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) fhe total
<br /> ----- - =_�,,� amount oP the sums ssecured immediately before the taking,dividcd by (b) �he fair market vnlue uf�he Property immediately
<br /> �"��`�" befor�e the taking. Any balence shall be paid to Borrower. In the event oi'a pertial taking of the Propeny in whkh the fair
<br /> - _��r;,� muket v�lue of the Property immediatefy before the taking is less than the wnount of the sums securcd immediately before the _
<br /> �_ ___: taking, onle�w Bnrrowcr and L.ender othcrwise agrce in wdting or unless applicAble law otherwise provides, the proceeda shAll �
<br /> - ���;;�;,� be applied to thc sums secured by this Secudty Instrument whether or not the suma ure then due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Bc�rrower,or if,after notice by l.ender to 8orrower that the condemnor affers to meke an
<br /> `�"'��.� awa[d or settle a claim for damages. Borrawer feils to respo�xl w L.�:nder within 30 dAys After the date the nuticc is given, �
<br /> - ' Lender is authorized to callect and apply the procceds,at its optbn,either to restorntian or repair af the Property or to the sums �-
<br /> `,�a` • cxured by this Secudty Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> '�°:,�.
<br /> _ �=`',;�,_�^ Unless Lender and Horrower othenvise agree in writing, any applicution uf proceeds to principul shall not extend ar
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly puyments referral to in peragrnphs 1 and 2 or change Ihe amount of such payments.
<br /> �-°�, I1.Borrower Not Released;Forbearance By I.ender Not a Waiver.Eatension of'the time for paymcnt ar mcxlification
<br /> -- • of emortizution of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument grented by Lender ta eny successor in interest oF Borrower shell
<br /> — ��""'� not operate to release the liability oi the ariginal Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. L.ender shall not be rcquired to
<br /> -;�;�� „
<br /> .�,a,.: .�.�.�:.. : commence pmceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend�ime for payment or otherwise madify artwnization
<br /> - `:�imirri�'�•, of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reusan of uny dcmand madc by the originul Borrower or Borrowcr's
<br /> ""�`'��=��.s. � successars in interest. A�y forbearnnce by I.ender in exereising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of ar preclude the
<br /> _- ,.��,.:s+���� exeocise of any right or rcmedy. �
<br /> �►� " 12. Suocessors And Assi¢ns Bound;Jolnt and Several Liabillty; Co-signers. Thc covenants und agrcements af this
<br /> ' `°:��, Security Instrument shall bind und benefit the successors und assigns of Lender and Darrower, subject to Ihe proviaions uf
<br /> _�'r v r.��':',:.' : puragtaph 17. Bonower'w covcnants und agreements shall Ne jaint and severnl. Any Borrawcr who co-signs this Socurlty
<br /> -• �� . .
<br /> � Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (a) ig co-zigning thic Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant�md convey that
<br />--���: ��• ., Borcowcr's interest in tlte Praperty undcr the tcrnis of Ihis Sccurity Instrument: (b)is not personully obligated to pay the sums
<br /> , �r..�......��a':.
<br />-'�:.�,:� � secured by this Security Instrument:anJ(cl ugrees thut Lender and uny other Borrower muy ogree�o extend, mexlify,forbear or
<br /> "i�"u�_:
<br /> - �"'�°�"'R... ., ,. • make any nccommodutions with rcgurd to the�crms of thix Sccuriry Instrument or the Note without that&►rrower's consent. _
<br /> �-,^-���'-- °• 13. i.00n Chw�es.If the loun aecumd by this Serurity Instrument is cubjcct to u law which sets mnximum lonn churges,
<br /> .--^+�... �
<br />_ - °.. �,� : und that law is finally interpmtcd u�that thc intcrest or ixhcr loan churges coll�wted ur w l�c collccted in connection with the
<br /> ' �• �'=�-,�-. loan eacced the permitted limits, thcn: (u) :my such loen chargc shull be r�uccd by thc amount neccssary tn reduce the charge
<br /> �'.,,�,• �;;;,�:;::_.:�.. ; to the permitted limit: and (bl any tiums ulreudy collectecl from Borrowcr which czccecied permiped limiu will be refundcd to d.
<br /> . ' "�,,,�,��., Borrowcr. I.cndcr may ch�x�sc tu makc thiz rcfund by rcducing thc principal owcd undcr thc Notc or by making u direct
<br /> , '� ,!:•r° ^ payment ta Borrower. If u rel'unct rcduces principal, �he reduction will be tres�ted �+s u panial prepuyment without uny
<br /> rr' �� ,.„'.'�.��. prepayment charge under the Notc.
<br /> ,; ^'� •��; 14. Notices. Any naice to&►rcower proviJed for in this Sccuriry Instn�ment shull bc given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> ; '�� :'.���: it by tirst cluss mail unless upplirublc luw rcyuircx use��f•rnothcr mcthixl. The n�itice shull bc dinxted to thc Pmperty Address
<br /> °,,.3�.� ,. or nny other address Burrowcr dcsignatcs by nutice to I.cnJer. Any noticc t�► L.enJc� xhall hc given by first cluss mail to
<br /> � � I.ender's address stute� hercin ar uny rnhcr addrcss L.r.nJer iksignate, by nutice to&irc�iwer. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> ' r Sexurity Instrument shell be J��cmed to havc bcen given to&►rrower ur l.enJcr whcn givcn as providal in this paragraph.
<br /> c� �,-;�.��''� i:
<br /> - . � °' ° 15. Governing Law; Severabfllty. This Security Instrumcnt �hall t�c guverncd by federnl law und the luw nf the
<br /> , �y .,� :: �� ` jurisdiction in which the Pruperty is kxat�d. In the rvent thut uny provisinn�tt cluusc��t'this Security Instrument or the Note -_
<br /> contlicts with applicablc law.such contlict shull n��t uffcct othcr pnwi.iuns of thiti Sccurity Instnm�cnt or thc N��tc which can be �:`
<br /> . ' given effect without the mnflicting provision. '1'o thix end the provision+of this Security Instrunxn[und the Nute ure declared
<br /> ' �',. ,�;.. . to be sevcrublc.
<br /> � � 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shull tk given�►nc r�mli�mud cupy��f thc Notc und ul'thiti Scruriry Instrumcnt.
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