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� . . <br /> --- - :��,._�- . <br /> �� ��� � � �� a�,.''�Y�''_`n„� - , - �- <br /> �� -� _ -- <br /> ;�"�I - -- — - �,.. . . � - <br /> ���. <br /> ��f <br /> ;�-------- . . � �.��� ,� . ,. <br /> � ., --- <br /> w .,.�:.._. __ . <br /> �r . <br /> {,, , ___.._.. .. —. <br /> ,... <br /> _�..��i._}-��.'1-.-...._...a. _..,� . _- ... <br /> .'�l� � . <br /> "Y�9� � '. <br /> �`�� <br /> � . 9 =� 1U567'7 <br /> —�-� of poatponement eh�ll tx Qlwm by publlo d�ol�ration th�I�of by�uoh p�fson�t th�11rtN and ploo�hst�ppo�nt�d tor ths <br /> a•��� <br /> qy alr,provld�d,If th�wl�Is podponW for lonp�r ih�r�on�(1)day b�yond th�day d��lpn�t�d in the notia•ol��►lo,not ca °- <br /> ���1� tfNr�oi�hall b�O�ven In th���m�m�nn�r�s ths orlpind notlos of sN�.7�u�te��h�ll�x�oute and dellwr to th�purahas�r <br /> - ;�� It�ONd aonvsyln0 tM i�ro�xrty so soid,but wli h out any aavenont or warranty,expreen or ImpNed.The nraltal�In th�dNd � <br /> ot sny m�tte►s or iat��hall b�aonaludw proof of th�truthfulnsse thereof.Any parson,Inoludlnp BenNlal�ry,mRy pur• <br /> ,^:� • ' oh�p�t th��la. <br /> ��" (6) Wh�n T►wte� wll�punuant to tbs powen hsreln,th�Trueteis sh�ll apply ths procseds of the sds to payment of ths <br /> , , :. <br /> ••�� ` aoste Mnd sxpsns�s of ex�rolalnp thA pow�r of sde and of ths aals,Inoludinp th�p�ymsnt of the Trustae'e fees�otua y _ _ <br /> --�— ---�;�°�� Inoun�d,whloh Trustw't fee�shNl not In tho approp�te excsed tbe followinp amount baeed upon the amouM seaured -- <br /> _--'"°�'��- ' hsrsb y�nd remNnlnp unpald;5 p�rceMum on ths flrst=1�000 th�r�of,1 p�rcentum on ths b�lancs th�nof�nd th�n to tho <br /> --- _-=�_-;'+� Items In wbp�r�pnph(C) In the ord�r thsri�tated. — <br /> (C) Atter paylnp th� Items epealfled in aubpar�praph(B)if the sale Is by Truetee,or the proper Qourt and other ooste of �, <br /> �-�'1�'?�.' foroclosure and a�le If th�ad�Is punu�nt 10�udl�lal faealoaure,tM proceede of eale ehall bo opplled In the ordsr stated <br /> — ���.;�.�.;_ to th�paymsnt of: <br /> �'� -``��' ' (q Cost of any evldence of t1Ue prooursd In oonnaatlon wlth suoh sple end of any revenue stampa; <br /> :��t�;_.:'�,.,a..._ <br /> _- -��_��,��<- - (If) All sums ihs s�aund hsreby; �___- <br /> ,�,,,,�, (Ilq Thn rem�lnd�r,lt any,to ths peroon lepally entitled thereto. <br /> -°�°�a'��:'.,�,�-�„'�� � 13.OuNa�nd Ob11pd1oM ol T�wt�u.(a)Tha dutles and obllpolons of Truatee ahall be dstermined aolely by the exprese _- <br />�-�^�-�� -�~ provlslons of thle Osed of T�uat,end Truetes shall not be Ilable exaept for the performonae of euoh dutle�b)N prlovl�llona of - <br /> ����` are speolflc�lly set brth hereln,�nd no Implied aovenante or obllpatlons ehell be Impoaed upon Truetee; <br />-..=G��';$r�5,.-:,�..•�'�': <br /> t h le D e e d o f Tru o t e h A l l r e q u l r e T r u e t a e t o s x p e n d o r r l s k I te own funde,or otharwlse Inaur any fln�nclal oblipptlon In ths psr- <br /> -:_�',�,-:,.. . ... <br /> � �F, ;'.�, . �� formena�of any ol Its dutla h�reundar,or In ths ex�rclee of any of Ite riphts or power,If It shall have�roun de for b e ev np =- <br />�;,, t h a t t h e r e p a y m s n t o f e u c h f u n d s o r a d s q w t e I n d e mnit y a p�lnst euab rlsk or IIabIINy Is not raasnoably aseured to It;(o) <br />.=��°5� Truates may oonsult wl9h counael of Its own ahooalnp and the edvlae of euch aounsel ehall be 1u11 an d comp le te e u t h o r i z a t l o n <br /> ��°:��,,.'� �;h�+}� and p�otoatlon In the roepsot of any actlon token or nuffered by It hsreunder In pood falth and rellanoe thereon;(d)Trustee <br /> _ ,�`�_,� � �:� ' , sh�ll not be Il�bls for any aotlan taken by It In paod falth and reasonpbly bsll�ved by It to be authorized or within the dleoratlon <br />_'-��� ,•� •�,��.�:;., or rlphte and powas conieRed upon It by thls Desd of Truat. •+; — <br />___::��;�' • . 14.�q��g������q�rumrnb.Truator,at Ite expenee,wlll�x�ul�e�d dstivs�b ths Trustes,piomptly upon demo�w, � <br /> ��" � euah seaurlty Instrumsnts�a may be requlred by Trustee,�n form ane�dt+btl+oAas satletactory to T�u::ie•:,oove�in�any of the <br /> ��-�-�`' ��r' - - p�ppasly�opyeyed by thl�Osed o4 Trust,whiah eeourity Inetrumsnl�i dh�il�bb'id�itlbnal eeaurlty tor.�raator'a falthful pe�for- <br /> :__y�' .VV��r. F`:.-,"� .'"_.� <br /> ��: mpnoe of all of the terme,coven�nts and condltlons of thla Deed ot Truet,the�oan A�reement,+��y�io�+s6so�y no:s�aocu:ea <br /> `'� '"�"��•'`�' hereby and any othsr s�curlty Instrumente exeouted In aonnactlon wNh thls tran�otlon.3uah Inetrument�shall W racorded � <br />;..�=. .: ' or fllsd,ond re�recordad and rofllod,at Truetor'e expense. � <br /> .�.•..; <br /> `...�'; � 16.MUcNl�n�ous. <br /> ,� , .. (A) In the event eny ane or more of the provlslons contalned fn the Deed of Truat.or the Loen Apraement or any promlesory <br />��_- �f� note,or eny other aeourity Instrument plven I�co�neotlon with thle tranaectlon,shell for a�y reaeon to be held to bo In• � <br />- ' "�' valld, Illepal or unenforce4ble In any reapeot, such Invalidity, Illepelity or unenforceabllity shall, at the optlon of <br /> ' '` ¢ � ' Beneflclary,not affect eny other provlaio�ot thls Deed of Trust,that thls Deed ot Trust ehall be conetrued ae If auoh In• - <br />--_- ' � ' valld,Illepal or unenforaeable p►ovlelon had never been aootalned hereln or thereln. <br /> (B) Thle Desd of trust ehall be conatrued accordlnp to the lews of the 3tate of Nebraska. ��"' <br />�,:,: ,, .,:� �• (C) The Deed of Trust sholl Insure to and bind the helra, le�atees,devleees, adminlatrators, executors, suoaessors and .,__ <br /> -�'.y:� • . aee�pna of th�pohles hereto. ��-'- <br /> ''�' (D) Truator shall pay all twcee levled upon thle Obed nf Trust or the debt secured hereby,topether with any other taxea or --- <br /> �"�!^'°°" �''' aseeasmenta which may be levled agelnat the Trustoe or Beneflolary or the lepal holder of the Loan Aqreement on ac• <br /> ��� : -� �. � count of the Indebtednea8 evldenaed thereby. �'� <br /> �� � a ' i �� Whenever used hereln,the slnpular number shall Include the plurel,the plurel,the sin ular,the uee of eny yender ahall be ��'• <br /> � <br />-_ • _..,,�,.:•.�',� . �� �.: .. <br /> v':�;=�.'�.� �" �• � appllcaWe to all flende�s.And the term Beneflclary'shall Include any poyee of the Indabtedneae hereby seaured or any <br /> ��:'�� • trensfer thereof,whether by operatlon of law or otherwlse. <br /> ��'- <br /> � �'' � �" 1g,gucc�uor TnntN.Beneflclary may from tlme to time aubeiltue a successor or succeaeora to eny Trustee npmed hereln -- <br />=`.,-.. ... . „ ��- <br /> - �� '� or ectlnp hereunder to exeaute this Trust Deed.Upon auch eppolntment and wlthout conve�yence to the succeseor Trustee, - <br /> � the lotter ahall be vesled wlth dl tltle,po�Mera and dutlea conferred upon any Trustee hereln named or actlnp hereunder.Each ����' <br /> ' ,;;.' auch appolntment�nd subatltutlon ehall be made by wrltten Inatrument by Berwflolary,contalnlnp referenae to thls Deed of �+_: <br /> ,, . • Trust and Its place of record,whloh when recorded In the offlce of the Reflleter of Deeds of the county or aountles In which �:� <br /> � eald property le eltu�ted,ahall be concluslve proof of proper appolntment of the auccesaor Truetee.The forepolnp power of <br /> f; substitutlon end the procedure therefor ahall not be excluslve of the power and procedure provlded for by law for the substltu• �;� <br /> tlon of a Truetee or Ttustees In the place ot the Trustee o�Trustees numed hereln. ! <br /> 17.ForM�nna by B�nN1oUry a TrudM Not�WNv�r.A forbearance by Beneflclary or Truatee In exercisin�eny riqht or F;: <br /> remedy hereunde�,or otherwlee afforded by appllcable law shall not be a welver of or preclude the exeralae o1 any rlpht or � , <br /> ° � remedy hereunder.Likewlee,the welver by Benef iclary or Truatee of eny defeult of Truetor under thls Deed of Trust shall not be � <br /> deemed to be a welver of any other or slmllpr delaults eubsequently xcurrfnp. � <br /> 18.Trustor Not RN��s�d. Extenalon of the tlme tor payment or modiflcatlon or amonlzetlon of the sums secured by the : <br /> u Deed of Trust yranted by Beneflclary to any aucceesor In Interest of Trustor ahall not operate to release,in any manner,the � <br /> Ileblllty of the oripinal Trustor and Trustor's succeaeor In Intereat.Benef Iclery ahall not be requlred to commence proceedlnqs <br /> ' apalnat euch auccesaor or refuBe to extend time for payment or otherwise modlfy amortizatlon of the auma aeoured by the <br /> � , Deed of Trust by reason of any demand mode by the orlpinel Trustor and Truator's succesaora in interest. <br />- ' � '�'^^-- •� �- _ _�__..����..���.�.�.....�e� �an�/inlsrv whwll hava the oDtloll t0 tO1eC1086 thl8 <br />� .-._—. — �- �9.Optlon to Fonclos�.iJpon me occurrnnun u�anr�o��a....o.............�...._.._._., ---- • i ' <br /> � � Deed ot Trust In the manner provlded by law for the foreclosure of mortyapes on real property. i <br /> 20.Tru�tors RIph1�,Abt�nt D�fwN.Untll eny default In the payment of Indebtednese hereby secured,or untll the breach of <br /> ' � eny covenant hereln contalned,the Trustor,Ite succesaora and asslpns,shall posseas and en�oy the property and recelve the <br /> = �� �� renta and profite therefrom. Upon payment of all aume secured by thls Deed of Trust,Beneflciary ahall request Trustee to <br /> reconvey the property and shall aurrender this Oeed of Truet a�d all notes and Loan Agreements evldencinp Indebtedness <br /> eecured by the Deed of Trust to Truetee.Trustee shall reconvey the property without warrenty and without charpe to the per• <br /> � � eons lepally entitled thereto.The Qrantee in any reconveyance may be deacribed ae"the pereon or pereons entitled thereto". <br /> and the recitels thereln of any mattera or facts sholl be concluslve proof of the truthfulnesa thereof.8uch peraon or persons <br /> � ahall pay all coata of recordlnQ, If any. <br /> • 21.7nnd�r o11h�Proputy;Aaumptlon.If all or any part of the Property or an Interest thereln Is sold or transferred without <br /> ° Beneflclery's prlor written consent,except as otherwlee provlded by law,Beneticlery may,et 8enef Iclary's option,declare all <br /> ' the sums secured by thle Desd of Truat to be immedlately due and payaAle.Beneflclary shall have walved euch optlon to ac• <br /> • " cAlerate If,prlor to the sale or trenefer,Beneflclary and the p9rson to whom the Property Is to be sold or transferred reach � <br /> MKM1511A01 <br /> � <br /> � -- <br /> i . _. . _ .. . . _ - - - -- --._.._ . _ _. . - <br />