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�1ig . .. .-.. -n+.- _�.-- r., <br /> ' I � a�_�� y <br /> �`_.. .. . , .�Lr'.? <br /> , . , .. .+�y��,.. _ ---_ <br /> ' . - -- <br /> ' ' _ �.t'ta• _ �rri�` � . . --� <br /> W <br /> . ^� ` . �-___ -_- - <br /> ��I�. _ <br /> :��—., � � ��--1oss�r� <br /> - ��- ���notl/1asNon b Tru�fM and B�n�flal�ry.ln th�w�nt any polloy h�r�und�r U not rsn�w�d on or b�fon Iliben(16)d�ys D►lor to <br /> �� It��xplydlon d�t�,TrudM or B�n�flolary m�y prooun fuah Inturanne In�caord�ncs wlth th�provl�fons of PWrMpwpN 7. — <br /> .,� Tru�tar sh�ll daliv�r to B�nNlolary th� orlpinN pollol�e ot Insurana�and renew�le thereof or oopl�� ol suah pollal�s�nd <br /> ��'•n� . <br /> � ,,�,,,,,, nn�w�ls tMr�ot.F�Ilun to furM�h �uah imw�noo by Truetor,ar ranawota aa requlred hereund�r, eh�ll,�t th�opt�on of �.�_ _. ___. _ <br /> �_�-��-r":-°�...,-• Beneflol�ry,constitut��dNu�lt.All un�+�rn�d pnmlum�an h�r�by��elpnsd to T�autee as addltlon�l sscurlly,and a uUs�nd ��^`�� � <br /> . , ' •�;: convey�na of th�P.ropsny by ths Tru�tN�hdl ope�ate to conv�y to th�purah���r th�Trustor'�Int�nst In�nd to ull polfolas <br /> � ` '�'' '� ' of Insuranci upo�t ths T�u�t Prop�rty. <br /> ' �°�''��'� ' � 6,Tucp�nd Au�wnNnt�.Trudor ahall p�y all t�xee and apeolpl aessesmenis Isvled or asaeeead a0alnst,or due upon,the <br /> �':�n � :." u .' property befor�Edlnquenoy�nd wlll dNiva to 8�n�flal�ry aopl�s ot r�aolpte ehowinp p�yment of auch tax���nd epeolal <br /> �� ase�semsnte. <br /> . �c"'';.d;�^�, <br /> _�.': <br />—�---�- :�.: <br /> __,:�;�?;;:; . • g,Addiqon�l Lhn�.Truetor eh�ll make all p�ymente of Intorsst and princlpal,and paymeMo of any other charpee,feee,an <br /> _�,� '�""�"`"""� �" expsness contraat�d to b�p�ld to any exlstinp Ilen holders or prlor be�eflolarlea under eny prlor Dsed of Truat,MoApaye or �_ �� - <br />.- .41e.YiL.hw -_- <br /> ���;, • other e�curlty�preem�M,l»fore the date th�y�re dNlnqueryt and to pay any Ather clalm which Jeopardlze�tha waurity Y __ <br /> .t-�:-- ,,.�;`�'. " qr�nted hare�n. � <br /> ,..: <br /> _:�� ;,�.,'v _::,. 7.Prot�ollon ol gmNlol�ry's S�rsudly.8hould Trustor fell to make any payment,fall to do ony aot aa hereln provided or If <br /> -�.-.�`_�:.: . 4ny aatlon or p�oceedlnp Is commsnced whloh materlally plfeata Beneflalory's Interest In the PropeNy, Includln�,but not <br />- 4 `��� ' "' Ilmlted to,eminent domaln,Intolvenoy. ar►anpemente or proaeedinqe Involvinp a bankrupt or deaedent,then BeneflaiAry or _ _ _ __ <br />-�~�' � ' r Trostes,but wlthout obllpatlon to do eo.and without notine to or demand upon T�ustor,and wlthout releoeln�T�uetor trom Any —�- <br /> .,•�.,� �+�... <br /> ���:,.=�� �• olbipailon hereu�der,may make or do Ihe eame,and may pay,purc hoae,aon tea t or com pr o m l a e a n y e n o u mbrence,char pe or ._.._r_� �._ <br /> � Ilen,whloh In the Judpment of elther appeara to affeat s�id Property;In exerolslnp any auch powe�s,the�e�eflolary orTruetee � <br /> •�`�_ "• . m�y Inour a Ilablllty and expend whabver amouMe„Includinp oleburaements of re�wnoble atbrney's feea,whlah In thelr eb� � ` � <br /> eolute dlacretion mpy be neceasary. In ths event that Trustor ahall fell to prooure insurance,fell to pey taxee and speclal , <br /> '.�'d " `� �e�es�menta or tall to moke any payments to exleltnp or prlor Iien holdera or beneflolerlee,the Beneflatary mey procure euah _ <br /> toeuranoe and make such peymenls.Al1 sume incurred orexpended by Beneilclary or Truatee In acoordance with the provl• <br />�� ��� alons of the Deed of Trust are aeou►ed heroby and,without demand,ahall be Immedlately due and payable by Truetor and shall ��@ <br /> be�r Intereet ot the rate provlded for edvancea under the Loan Apreement; provlded, however, that at the optlon of the �':"=�° _ <br /> �•�+ � � BeneNclary or T�ustea,auch sumn may be added to the prinalpal balance of any Indebtedneee aeaured heraby and ahall bear <br /> .� • y , the oams Int�rsat as auch indebtedrnss and shall be payabb rAtably over the remalnlnp term thsreof. _��___ <br /> �,� 8.ANipnm�nt M R�nt�.Bsneflclary ahall h4ve the rlpht,power and autho►Ity durinq the contlnuance of thle Deed of Truet to <br /> �%���;� collsot the renta,leeuea p�d proflte of the Property and of any peraonal property located fhereon with or wHhout takln� __� <br /> - ' �'-'� possesslon of the Property ofieated ha�oby,�nd Truetor hereDy absatuisty and uncond!!lanslly a�elpne e!! e�ch►Anfa,Iseues __,-:_ _ _ <br /> and profita to BeneHolary. Beneflolary, however,hereby conaante to the Truetor's colleatlon a�d retentlon of such rente, „>�,,._-��� <br /> �"��11�"_. <br /> ` leeue�and p►oflte ae they aoerue and become payable eo lonp as Truator le not,et auoh tlme,In default wlth nspeat to poy �;;�,��.�_ <br /> � ment of any Indebtedneea eeaured hereby or In the pe►formence of eny aprsement hereunder. Upon any euch defoult, <br /> � " 8eneflolary mey at any tlme,elther In peraon,by apent or by a recelver to be oppolnted by a court,wlthout�otice end without �_-.=Y- `"� <br /> ��� repard to the adequocy ot eny eeourity for the Indebtednese hereby aecured:(e)enter upon and take poaeeselon of the Proper• _j�;=,v. <br /> � ' ty or any pa�t thereof ond In Its own nome sw for or otherwise collect suoh rents,Issuee and proflta,Uoludlnp those paet due ��M,� � <br /> , " ' and unp�id,and apply the same,lees costa a�d expenses of operatlon end colleatlon, Includinp reosonable attorney feea, <br /> ` � . . upon any Indebtedneee eeaured hsreby end In auah order ae Beneftala�y may delermine;(b)perform suah aate of repalr or pra �t'�"'��. <br /> _,v,. ..... . - <br /> �� teatlon as mey be neoesury or proper to coneerve the value of the Property;(c)lease the aeme or any part hereof for auch ren• ° . <br /> tal term and upon suah conditlone ae Ita�udpment mey dlctate.Unleas Truetor and 6eneflclery aqree otherwlae In wrltinq,any �;S •---� <br /> � � '. appllcatlon of rents,lesues or proflts to any Indebtednesa secured hereby aholl not extend or postpone the due date of the im ; _..;�_— <br /> • atallment payments aa provided In the Loan A�reement,and the appllcation thereof as aforesald ehall not walve or cure any _ <br /> � '� default or notice of defeult hereunder or Invelidate any act done purauent to such nodce.Truator aleo aesfyna W Beneflclery, ` .: . :.-.�-;�. <br /> � : �� ., ae further eeou�lty for the performa�ce of the oblipatlona secured he�eby,all prepald rents and all monles whlch may have :T. - �_„ - <br /> °' been or may hereaHer be depoaltecl wlth sald Truetor by any lesaee of the Property,to aecure the peyment of any rent,and . <br /> upon dsfault In the pe�foramnce of any of the provlslons hereot, Truator aflreee to deliver such rents and deposlte to the <br /> � ��• Beneflalary. Dellvery of wrltten notice of BenelHc4ry's exerclae of the rlphts qranted hereln to any tenant occupylny sald ;..;� �;�:;.:�� <br /> . " premlaea ehall bo aufNclent to requlre aeld tenant to pay sald rent to the Baneflclary untll}unher notice. � • „ _ <br /> " ° � 9.Cond� tltle to any part of the Prope�ty ehall be taken In condemnatlon proce9dings,by�lyht of eminent domaln ...;�. <br /> ��� � or slmllar aotlon,or shall be eold under threat ot condemnetlon,all ewards,dameyea and proceeds are hereby esslyned and �,...• <br /> �;�•• � ehell be pald to Beneficlary who ahall epply such award,domapea pnd proceeda to the sums securod by the Deed of TruBt, '...,...:.�'-,�,_Y <br /> . � with ths excaas,if any,peld to the Truetor. � - -- <br /> 10.Futun Adt�nc�s.The Loan A9reement provldes for advances from tlme to time to Truator by Beneflciary es provlded � 'y` <br /> �'': <br /> _ — „ thereln.In addltlon,upon requeet of Trustor,Beneflclery,at Beneficlary's optlon,prlor to reconveyence of the Property to the r ��A`. <br /> Truetor,may make addltbnal future advencda to the Trustor.Such tuture advancea,wlth Intereat thereon,shall be eecured by <br /> ' this Deed o}Truet whsn evldenced by promlesory notea atatlnp that sald notes are secured hereby;provided ihat at no time . <br /> � ahall the eecured principel and future advances,not Including sums advonced to protect the securlty,exceed one hundred per• • <br />' cent(100%)of the original princlpal amounta aecured hereby. <br /> 11.R�m�dl�s CumulNlv�.All remedles provided In thls Oeed ot Trust are dlstinct and cumuletive to any other right or <br /> remedy under thls Deed of Truat or atforded by law or equlty,and may be exerclsed concurrently,fndependently or successive� <br /> ly <br /> 12.AocN�ntlon;R�m�dln;3N�.A detault ahall exlst In the event of: <br /> (A) Any fraud or mlarepresentetlon by the Trustor In connectlon wlth the Ilne ot credlt which this Deed o}Trust aecures; <br /> (B) Any fallure on the pert oi the Trustor to meet the repayment terms In respect to the Loan A9reement end eny other ad• <br /> � vances under thla Oeed of Trust hereby secured;and, <br /> • �.....�_._.__..�....,i.. ..�...�ti�.nm.f n�Tn�af nr anv fallura of the TfUStO� <br /> �T� jVj Any aciion or ii�o Tiiioiui Nivi�i`viio�vr u�o.o��.�o..�.�..,�..�...-.y�............... ...._-----. ----- - • <br /> _--� {= to ect ea requlred by the Loan Aqreement or thls Deed of Trust,each of whlch Trustor hereby agreea have an adverse ef• <br /> fect on the Beneflclery's securtty for the Ilne of credlt establlshed and the rlqhts af the Beneflclary In such securlty, <br /> end upon thr�happening ot any auch event of defeult,Benellclary may declare all sums secured hereby Irnmedlately due and <br /> ' peyable by dellvery to Trustee ot wrltten declaratlon of default.The Truatee ahell have the power of sele of the Property,and if <br /> Benetlr{ary deslres the Prope►ty to be sold, it shall deposlt wlth Truatee thls Oeed of trust and all promissory notea and <br /> documenta eviaencing expenditures secured hereby and ^hall dellver to Trustee a wrftten notice of detault and electlon to <br /> cause the PraFerty to be sold,antl the I rustee In turn ehell prepare a notice In the form requlred by law.whlch shall be duly fll• <br /> ed for record by Truatee. <br /> (A) After the lapse of such tlme as may be requlred by law following the recordetlon of seld notice of default.and notice of <br /> default and notice of sale having been qlven as requlred by law.Truslee,wlthout demand on Trustor,shall sell the Proper• <br /> ty on the date and et the tlme and plece dealgnated In sald notice of sale,et publlc auctlon to the hlqhest bldder,the pur• <br /> chase prlce payable In lawful money of the United Statea at the tlme ot sale.The person conducting the sale may, for any <br /> cause he deems expedfent,postpvne the sale from tlme to tlme untll It shall be completed and,fn every such case,notice , <br /> MF�O»1��901 <br /> � <br />