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<br /> -- �--- = — ,8.MMo.rn,.a�s ProrNlom. _
<br /> a (�) �be�ewr Nol pNMNd,Exbnslon of th�dm�for�ymsnt or modlnoapon ot amorG:�tlon of d�sums acur�d by thl�
<br /> ---�i t�d pt'�rust araMb b�r Lrndrr In any ouac�ar In Intcraat of 8ortower ahnll not aperets to rs1e�N,ln�ny m�nnu,th�Ilabitlly �
<br /> � of tha oripinal Borrow��nd Borrowe'e wca�son In Inb►N1.I.�nd�►�hidl not b�nqulnd to comm�na procNdlnp�oalntl
<br /> - �_� wch wcc�or or r�fuw to oxt�nd Umo tor paymont or otherwlae modify emortizetlon o}the wm�waw�d by thl�ONd of Tn�t �
<br /> _� by rMeon af�ny d�mands m�E�by tt��orlpinsl9oROw�r ond 8orrower'e�uacason In Int�ra�
<br /> _ __`y„� (b) L�nd�r'�pow�n.Without�fNatlnp th�II�bllity of any oth�r p�non Il�bls for tha payment of eny obNpatlon h�r�in
<br /> ��- m�nUonW,�nd wlthout pflocUnp the Iten or oh�rpa of thi�Desd of Tru�t upon any poAlon of the Propsrty notth�n or tM►Nofon
<br /> raa�sd a�s�aurlty tor the full amount of NI unpdd obllp�Gon�,L�nWr may,lrom dm�to drrN and without nodcs Q)rM�a��ny
<br /> �-° panon w Il�bb,(il)extend the m�turity or albr any ot th�ts►ms of�ny�uch oblipstlom,(Ilq prant other Indulpenc�n.(Iv)retwa�
<br /> •�d=� or reoonvyr,or cause W be�elMead or recanveyed at eny Um�af Lend�r's opGon any percel,portlon or all of the Properry,
<br /> - - -°n+� (v)teke or relsdee eny oth�►or additlonol waurlty far�ny oblipaGon h�roin m�n�lon�d,or(vq rtuik�oompoaldon�or oth�r
<br /> _�..
<br /> '�.;i �rnnposn�nb with d�bton In relsdon thereto.
<br /> - - --°�=-:,�,;;� (ay Fotbap�nc�by Landtr Not a Walwr.Any lorbearance by Lender In exerci�ing any ripht or remedy he�eunda,or
<br /> othe►wiss aHorded by applioebla I�w,�hall no1 be a w�iver of or prealude the exe►alse of any such ripht or remedy.The `
<br /> - •- �� prxu�ement ol inaurance or the peymenl of texer or other Ilans or cher�ee by Landar�holl not bo a w�iver of Landar'�ripht to
<br /> ��°r�] aaplerab the maturily of the Indebtedneas eecured by thie Deed o1 True�
<br /> -- -_.�,,� (d►SuceMSO�and Anlpn�8ound;Jolnt and 8w�ral LI�biW�r;C�pilon�.The covenanta and apreemente horoln con- -
<br /> t�ined thdl bind,and the riphb husundsr�hell Inure to,ths ro�pecdw suaa�uon and assipnt of L�ndo��nd Tru�tor.All
<br /> ;_""-� covenents and eprssmenq of Trustor�hdl be�olnt end�sveral.The oapUono and headl�y�of the par�p�aphs d thM Dwd oi
<br /> � -���.�.�� Tru�t are for convenlencs only�nd ere not to be u�ed to fnterpret or dafine the provlelons hereol. c
<br /> -. :•�:.. • (e) ppu«11a NoqcN.Tho parties he�eby request thet a copy o1 eny notice of default hereunder and a copy ol any noHce
<br /> - -���?�'�� ot eale hereunder be melled to each pe►iy to thle Deed of Trust at the addreaa eet torth ebove In the manner prescribed by
<br /> ` Y epplicable law.Exoept for eny other notloe required under applicebte lew to be given In another manner,any notice provlded
<br /> ''�'°'-"�� . for i�lhl�D�ed of Tru�t shell be pivan by meilin�euch notice by certlfied mell addressed to the other peRfeo,at the addreu set _
<br /> ��`• '' foAh above.Any notice provlded for In thls Deed ol Trust ahel�be eftecUve upon mefling in the manner deaipnated hereln.II
<br /> - ~�--'-�"�'��+�; Trustor Is more than one ipereon,notice oent to ihe addresa set 1o�th ebove ahell be notice to all such peraona,
<br /> —��.�—;�;�. (q (nsp�ctlon.Lender may meke or cauee to be mede reaeonable entries upon end fmpeaUons of the P�operty,provided
<br /> -�; that Lend�r shell qive T►ustor notico prlor to any euch impsadon�peclyinp ressoneble Cause therefor rolatad to Lendar's
<br /> ` �' Intarest in the Prope�ly.
<br /> '`'�;�::i�c:.,� .
<br /> _��. (�) p�eon��yanc�.Upon payment of all aums secured by thie Oeed ot Truet,Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> ---:w.• a PrOperty e�d�hell aurrender this Qeed oi Trust and all notes evidencinp indebtedness aecured by this Deed of Trust M Tru�tee.
<br /> ="��=��=�, Trostee ahell reconvey the Praperty wNhout warrany pnd without ohorpe to Uw pereon or perwns la�elly entltlad th�roto.
<br /> �,.:;s�?;;-�° Tru�tor sheil pay aif cosb oi recorduuu�i,ii any.
<br /> - ��_;,�sg•_ , (h) p�nonN prop�rly;S�euMty Ayrwni�nt Ae edditfanal recurlty br the payment of the Note,Truator he►eby yrante
<br /> ' ��" Lender under the Nebraeka Unllorm Commercial Code e security Intereat In all tixturea,equlpmenR and other pe►sonel properry
<br /> '���4�::. ' ueed in conneotion wlth the real estate or Improvemente located thereon,and not otherwise declered or deemed M be a pa►t of
<br /> =y�;� • � the real eatate tecured hereby.Thle InsUument ehall be consUued ae a 3ecurity Apreement under eald Code,and the Lender
<br /> -- ;,�- �; ,"�_,� ,'�. ehell have all the rlphts end remedlea of a secured perty under aeid Code in addlQon to the riflhte end remediea created under
<br /> �_•�,,,,�„�,,,�:K.�;� end accorded the Lender puroua�tto this Oeed ol Trust;provided Ihat Lender's rights and remediea ur+der thfs pare9raph ehall
<br /> --� �t be cumulotive with,and in no way e limitatlon on,Lender's rights and remedles under any other oecurUy apreement Wpned by
<br /> _-;�r� 9o►rower or Trustor.
<br /> ^� ,F ,n;, •. , ,L, (f) U�ns�nd Hnoumbranc�s.Trustor hereby werrents and represents that there Is no deiault under the provislone of any
<br /> .c�� • mortyepe,doed of truet,lease or pureheee eontraet deecribfng all or any part of the Property,or other eontrpeR�nauumant or _
<br /> --.I,:i F.•� .
<br /> ;�->� ,s�, - epreement constitudnp a Nen w encumbrence agelnst all or any part ot the Prope►ty(collectively,"Uens"�,exlstlnp ao of the _
<br /> .��:. • .,
<br /> -:�f J� r.,;.,� , dete ol thls Deed ot Truat,and that eny end all exiatiny Llena remeln unmodilled except as dlecbsed to Lender in 7ruetor'e
<br /> � written dieeloeure o}Iiens end enoumbrences provided for hereln.Trustor ahall timely pe�form all ot Truatw'a obll�adone,
<br /> ' "."'�'� ' covenenb,repreaentetlons and warraMles und9r eny and all exinit{ng and tuwre Uens,ehell promptly lorward to Lender copie� _,
<br /> - �., �'�•:„
<br /> �- '' ol all nodcea of de}ault sent In connectfon with any end all exlatinp or future Uene,and ahell not wlthout Lender's prlor writton
<br />`"�� `" '��°'�" conaenl In eny menner modi}y the provleions ot or allow any luture edvencea under any existMp or luture Llens.
<br /> +•� 3' • �� �ppno.aon o�P.ym.na.Unless otherwise requlred by law,sume peld to Lender hereunder,includinp without Ilmitetfon
<br /> , . Qs payments of principal and intereat,fnsurance proceeds,condemnatlon proaeeds and rents and protits,ehell be applled by
<br /> /N� ,.
<br /> ' Lender to the emounta due end owing Irom Trustor and 8orrower In auch order as Lender In its sole dlecretlon deema deslrable.
<br />;:n��- • (k) S�wnWNt�r If any provfslon o1 this Deed of Truat contllcts with appliceble lew or is declared Invalid or otherwfae
<br /> -- ° z" Y .y uneMorceable,euch coMlict or irnalidlry ahell not aHect the other provleons of thfs Deed of Truat or the Note which cen be �
<br /> . - �•• -, � yiven eHect withouf the coMllctiny provl�ion,and to thfa end the provisions ollhie Deod ot Trust end ttw NoW are docl�r�d to be ;-
<br /> • .� Y � severable. I L.
<br /> °��� ±� „ .,, , ere the sa,me person�)those terms e uaed In thlasDeed of T uat ethall be fnte chenqealble.d when tha Tru4tor ond BoROwYr
<br /> " � ' .5���''�=�•. (m) Gov�►nlnp I.�w.This Deed of Trust shetl be governed by the laws of the Stete o1 Nebre4ka.
<br /> ,n TruYtor ho�exeauted this Qeed of Truet as of the date wrltten ab�
<br /> � ;� (T@d G. Van ZAticA�eL'g r ustor)
<br /> ,. � i_ _
<br /> , �.
<br /> �. • (HaCriet . V8c1 Zanc�el^gen r TE tor)
<br /> ., � . �li�p�q�@tlrl�f�1
<br /> '.Y ���1w�,M� '
<br /> �__n t_�_:'•,� ,
<br />. . "-'' F.w�'`►����� .
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