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1 t .�.,y. •.�—.�— ..�,. <br /> . _ � .'..°i�.:����: _ <br /> '�4 , �� r� � iM <br /> ' i "__"__ '— ... <br /> ����Y ' <br /> .- �•..• ___��_._.� ___. .. <br /> 1 <br /> t <br /> _.��1�`�� <br /> '_ - �91— �o5s7r� <br /> _; <br /> `-' g�d,L�nd�r�hall hw�th�opUon,in iq sol�and ab�olut��Ito►�pply all woh ProcMds, <br /> —�-,- ..�.: __ , !he Property le eo teken w d�n� <br /> •ft�r d�duaqnp th�nirom aU oons and 1xpmNS Ucurnd by It In oonnaodon wltb woh PracNd�,upon my Mdrbl�cir��aurod °° <br /> �='�� h�rNfy and In wah adu u Lend�r m�y d�t�rmin�,or to apply dl�uch Procwd�,alt�r such daductlon�,to th�rNtontlon ol lh� <br /> --- - PFOporty upan weh�ondfUona ee Lendx msy dete►mine.Any�pplle�tlon of ProeNds to ind�bbdn�ss�h�ll not�xhnd a postpon� - <br /> ;� ths due d�t�of any paym�na undW th�Not�,or aun�ny dHault th�r�und�r or h�rwnd�r.Any un�ppll�d lunds�hall b�p�id to <br /> :-�=� T�uaWr. �--_ <br /> = '� 8. p��nw Oy L�nd�r•Upon the oaourrenos of an Ev�nt of Dsf�ulth�nund�r,o►N ony act I�ak�n o►lepol procoadinp <br /> ?�_� ��• eomm�noed whlah m�t�rlally aBeat�Lend�r'�intsre�t In th�Propsrly,Lend�r may In Ib own dl�er�Uan,but without ahlip�tlan to do <br /> .,v.� so,and wlthoul noUce to or demand upon Truetor end without releadnp Trwtor Irom any oblipstlon,do any aot whlch Tru�tor luis <br /> a��rNd but hlli to do and mey plw do��y oth�r aot It deems nece�sary to protect the security h�rsof.7rwtor eh�ll,ImmWl�qly <br /> =`'�"°"� upon d�m�nd therefor by Lendor,pay W Lender all aoeb and expen�es Inaurred and eums expend�d by Lend�r In conn�atlon with __ <br /> -- � --��-� ths exarolte by Lender ol the forepolnp riphts,tapether with Intereat therson at the delault role provided In the Noto,whloh�h�ll b� __ <br /> •�'�� eddsd to ths Ind�bqdnw��urad hanby.L�nd�r�hall not Inour any Il�blllty b�oauso ol enythlnp it may da or omit to do <br /> �-;.".� Mrounder. <br /> �- -- -...v._„ ..� �� g, Hason}ow Mdsdals.Truator ehell keap the Praperty in aompllanoo wlth all applicable laws,ordinances and repulatlons <br /> ._�___�;A� roletlnp to Udu�trial hyplene or environm9nt�l proteadon(collectively referred to harein ae"Environmental Lews").1'ruetor ihaU � <br /> � .�. <br /> keep the PropeAy frae irom all eub�tences deemed to be hezerdoua or toxio under any Environmentel Laws(colleclively relerred to <br /> - -- hereln as Ha�rdou�Materlels'7.Truator hereby werranM and rep►eeente to Lender that there ars no Haserdous Materie s on or <br /> — ° " �_��� under the�roperty.Trustor hereby eyreea to IndemnNy and hold hurmleea Lender,itsdirectore,otticara,empWyees and apents,end <br /> - - any waceaoro to Lender's Intere�t,irom onci apainet any and all clalma,doma�e�,loesea ond liebllidea aNeinp In connecUon wlth ` <br /> ^� � � the pratenae,uae,dispoeal or trdneport of a�y Hezerdous Materlale on,under,i�om or about the Property.THE FORE(iOINCi �- <br /> v� „h�;; ;"�� WARRANTIES AND REPREBENTATIONS,AND TRUSTOR'S OBUOATIONS PUR&UANT TflTHE FOREOOIN(i INDEMNITV,SHALL _ _ <br /> "°° �`� BUHVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF THUST. <br /> :- .�:, <br />=���i��:•. 'd•+ y fl P hY� <br /> �.:.-_• 10. Mdpnm�nt ol R�nu�Truetor hereb assl ns to Lender the rente,Isauee and protil�ot the Pro e provided thet ruetor <br /> =`'�'"�"�� ��. � ehall,unUl the ocourrence of an Event o!Deteult hereunder,have the rlpht to collect and retain�uch rente,Iseues and prollte es they <br /> --' '"�'"�••.� become due and payable.Upon the occu�rence of an Event of Delault,Lender may,elther In peraon or by apent,with or wlthout <br /> � � ���•� brinpin�eny actlon or proceeding,or by o recelver eppolnted by a court and withoat repard to the adequacy of Its securlty,enter -- <br /> .'�'�=—�'�='�=�b� upon and take poeseeafon of the Property,or a�y part thereot,in Ita own name or In the neme ot the Truatee,and do any acte which it <br /> ��� deems nece�aery or deslrable to preserve the value,marketebility or rentebllity of the P�operry,or any peA thereof or intereat thereln, <br /> --- .�n"Iti�:�,�,'.i": � <br /> - `" � fncreaee the income therelrom or protect the eecurity horeof and,with or wlthout tokinq poeseeslon of the Property,eue for or <br /> _.-.��,�v':.:..:.• :. <br /> ��, �a�"�; • otherwlse collect ihe renta,isauea and profits thereof,includfnp thoae paet due and unpeld,a�d apply the eeme,leae coets and <br /> � -_�" expansea of operation and nolleodon Ineluding attorneys'teea,upon eny indebtedne9s aecured hereby,ell In such order ae Lender <br /> ,�., ;: — <br /> ,, may determine.The entering upon and tekina poeaeselon o}the Property,the collectlon ot auah rents,leauea end prolite and the __ <br /> - - ��� applloadon thereof as aloreaald,ehell not cure or waive any delault or notice of delault hereunder or I�valldate any act done in <br /> --- -= ° reapwiae ta such detautt ar pursuant to such notice of d�+}++ult end,notwithetendlnp the contkivance in posseesion ot the PropeAy or <br /> �»,� ....- <br /> -" ,�:�: •� °• the collecpon,receipt end applicetion o1 rents,iasuea or profita,and Truatee and Lender ahell be entitled to exercise every np t ° <br /> _ :;;;;,s�,:;,;� provided for in any of the Loan Inetruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of Defeull,including wNhout Ilmltation the ripht <br />_���„ „��, _: to exercise the power o1 aele.Fu►ther,Lender's rights and remedlea under this parayreph ahell be cumulative with,and In no way�e <br /> '' • . + � Ilmitadon on,Lender's righta and remedfee under any esafgnment ol leesea and renta recorded eyainst the Property.Lender,T►uotee <br /> .;�„�: ���.$;:�' and the recelver shell be Iieble to eccount only tor those renta actually received. <br /> 11. Lv�nb of ONauq.The following ehalt conetitute an Event of Detault under this Deed of Truet <br />_ % �A � �a) Faflure to pey any Inatellment of prfnclpal or Intereat ol any other eum eecured hereby when due; _ <br /> ,��+ ' (b) A breach of or default under eny provislon conteined in the Note,thls�ead of Truet,any o}the Loan Instrumenta,or any <br /> � ��•-� othor Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property; _ <br /> _•_•� -:y.: . (c) q writ o}execution or attachment or any slmilar proceas shall be entered eyalnst T�uator whiah ahall becomo e Ilen an = <br />•y� ' �� the PropeAy or eny poRion thereof or Mtereat therein; _ <br />` �'; '-�' " � (d) There ehall be flled by or agelnst Trustor or Borrower en action under any present or luture federal,state or other -- <br />�t, �:: ' atatute,lew or regulatlon releting to bankruptcy.insolvency or other reHef 1ar dahtors;or there shall be appolnted any truatee, ___ <br />_:�._-•; � recelver w Iiquldetor of Truator or Barower or ol all or any part of the Property,or the renl�,iesues or prolit�thareof,or Trustor � <br /> _ ",;,Y� or Borrower shell meke any general easignment lor the benefit of creditors; �10`Y <br />__ , s�` (e) The sale,trenefer,leeae,asalpnment,conveyance or furlher encumbrance ul all�r any pen ol or any Interest fn the <br /> Praperty,elther volunterlly or involuntarily, without the expresa written consent ol Lender; provided thet Trustor aheN be j <br /> _ .. ..°�"�t.^ . � <br /> permUted to execute a lease of the Propery thet doea not contaln en option to pu�chaoe end the term vt whlch does not erceed ��W <br /> �-�•�� - , ' oneyear, <br /> � ��"~•� ' (� Abandonment ol the Pro e or <br /> _ ... . r, ' P �Y� <br />- (�) If Truator is not an Individual,ihe Issuence,sale,tranafer,assl4nment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than e totel lo-, <br /> �. r� . [�';_ <br /> � "�,' • of percent of(11 a corporetlon)its fssued and outstending stock or(II a pehnerahlp)a totel of percent ot _ <br /> ;y. ��� '� perMershlp Utereats during the perlod thla Deed of Truat remefna a Ilen on the Properly. � <br /> • ,_.ti�,.: 12. R�dl�s;AccN�ratloe Upon Odault.In ihe event of any Event ol Default Lender may,wllhout notfce except es required by �. <br /> •, �t• . lew,declere ell Indebted�eas secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and peyeble '•� <br /> without any preaentment,demand.proteat ar notice of any kind.Thereafler Lender mey: `In'. <br /> (a) Demand thet Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted horofn,and Trustee ahall thereafter cause Truator'e �� � <br /> interest in the Prope►ly to be aold and the proceeds to be distributed,all in the manner provided In the Nebraska Trust Deeda � <br /> . . . „ � Acx <br /> (b) Exerclee any and eil riyhts provfded for In any of the loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event ol �_ <br /> Defaulh and �"`�' <br /> Int a recelver,or s ciilcall entorce en o f t he � <br /> (c) Commence en actlon to forecloae thfs Oeed ot Truat as a mortyaye,appo pe Y Y <br /> covenenta hereof. r r med here�n,In the �',• <br /> • No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Truatee or Lender Ia�ntended to be exclusive of any othe e y t <br /> Loan Inatruments or by law provlded or permltted,but each shall be cumulative,shell be In addltion to every other remedy gWen <br /> � ' hereunder,fn the Loan Instruments or now or herealter existfng et law or�n equ�ty or by statute,and may be exercfsed concurrently, t. <br /> ^ Independently or euccesslvely. � <br /> �� 13. T�us1K. The Truatee mey resign at any dmo w�thout cause,and Lender may at any t�me and without cause appoint a , <br /> succeasor or subatitute Trustee.Trustee ehall not be Nable to any party.Including without Ilm�tatfon Lender,Borrower,Truator or any � <br /> ourchaeer of the ProaertY.lor any loas or damage unleas due to reckless or wllllul misconduct.and shall not be required to take any <br /> _��.. _.. �M.snnn .v <br /> ' � actlon fn connectlon wNh the en}orcement af tnis oeea o� Trust uniass indemn�iieru, ��� ���:���y.9ar o.�,.o...,..��."'F-••--••-•• - � <br /> • expeneea whlch may be aesoclalod therewith.In additlon, frustea may become a purchaser at any sele of tho Property Qudlclal or 1 <br /> ' under the power ol sale granted herefnl; postpone the sele of all or any poruon of the Property,as provfded by law;or sell tho <br /> Property as a whole,or in separete parcels or lola at Truatee's dlscretlon. <br /> 14. FN�and Hxp�n���.ln the event Trustee sells the Property by exerclse ot power of sale,Trustee ahall be entltled to epply <br /> � any sale proceeda Ilrst to payment of all costa and expenaes of exero�sfng power ol aele,Including all Truetee'e lees,end Lender'a <br /> + � and Trustee's ettorney's feea,actually inturred to extunt permitted by appllcable law.In the event Borrower or Truator axerclses any <br /> . � rlght provfded by law to cure an Event ol Detault.Lender shall be entltled to recover from Trustor all costa and expenaes actually <br /> � fncurred ae a result ot Truetor's default InCludfny wlthout Ilmltation atl Trustee's and attorney's feea,to Ihe extent permiried by <br /> � appllceble law. <br /> � - �� 15. Rutur�Advanc��.Upon request ol Borrower, Lender may,at Ita optlon,make additlonal and luture advancea and re• <br /> edvences to Borrower.5uch advances and readvancea,wlth Intereat thereon,shell be secured by tnls Oeed of Trusi.At no tlme shaN <br /> � the prfnclpel amount of ihe Indebtedness secured by thia Deed ot Truat,�no�t in�ding sums advanced to protect the secunty of th�a <br /> •. paed of Truat,exceed the orlqlnal prinGpal amount stated here�n,or$ � � �wnichever�s greater. <br /> ' I <br /> ;,z , . <br />