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<br /> I applicable law�twy spccify for rcinstatement)6afore sale of�he Property pursuatt to�any�w_er,of salo contolnod in Ihis
<br /> Secudty Inadument;or(b)entry oe A judgment enforcing thie Security Inapument. Those conditfonw erc th�t Sorrawcr. (a)
<br /> ; paya l.ender ali sums which then would be duo under thie Securiry ��Sau�;ex�n�s incumed in enfare ng thir�Security
<br /> � occwred;(b)cures any default of�ny ahor coveiwnts or agc+cements;(c)pay pe
<br /> - - Insqument,including,but not Ifmited ta,rc�saiable anumaya feaar; xnd(d) takea such nction as Lender may rcasonably
<br /> toquirc to a�nure�hat tho lien oP this 3ecudry Instrument,Lender's rights in ihe Property and Botrowerk obiigotion to pAy tlie
<br /> aums secwed by thia Securi►y InetrumeM ahall caneinue unchanged. Upon refnstutement by Bcttrawer, this Security
<br /> Instrument and the obligations secured hereby shall rerndn iully effective ag if no Acceleradon hed accutrecl. However,ihia -
<br />__ - __--_r__-°� right w relnatate shall not apply in the case of ucceleration under parngraph 17.
<br /> - 19. SWe ot Note;ChaaQe u�Lo��Servk�w:.�'be Nae or a partiul interest in the Note(togcthcr with thls Securiry
<br /> - Instrument)may 6e sold one or mrxe dme�widw�it prior.ndke to Borrowcr. A sele muy result in a change in the entity
<br /> -°-� (known as the"l.oan Servicer")that oollata ihbntbly pq��pe�n�s duc under the Note and this Sscurity Insttument. There also
<br /> ---- may be one or more changes of ihe Lopn ServieCi tliu�eixt4d to u nale of the Note. If there iR a change of the Loan Servfcer,
<br /> --��� Borrower will be given written notica of the chw�ge in uccardance with porugrnph 14 alwve and applicabie law. The notice
<br /> '"h:,� will statc tha name and address of the new Loan Servicer and Ih6 address to which payments ahould bc made. The notice will
<br /> __ _�- also contain any other information required by Applicable law.
<br /> �_-f� ?A. H�swpdous 3ubataaces. Borrower shall nat cuusc or permit the presence,use,disposai,storuge.or rclease of any
<br /> -= Hazacdous Substances on or in the Propeny. Borrower shall not do,nur ullow anyone cl�sc to do,unything uffecting Ihc
<br /> '�.:�,��,�, I Piroperty that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use,or
<br /> _�.T�-��, starnge on the Property of small quantilies of Humrdous 5ubsiances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> -----•_•-.:__�, ,residendal uscs und to muintenunce of the Property. -
<br /> .__�.�; Burrower sh�ll promptly give Lceder w�itten naice of uny investigation,claim.demand,lawauit or ather action by uny
<br /> �----! govemmental or�gulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardoua Substence ar Environmental
<br /> - -° ---N�u�;�. Law of which Borrower has uctuul knawledge. if Barrower Ieams, or is notif7ed by ony govemmentel or regulatory
<br /> -•.�,
<br /> .�::��i� authoriry,that any remova!or other remediation of any Hnzardous Substance nffecting the Properry ia necessary,Borrower
<br /> - shell promptly take all necessary remedial actiona in accordance wilh Environmentel Law.
<br /> ---,�""►*'�-.`'� As used in thts parugraph 20,"Huzerdous Substnnces" are those substances defined as loxic or hozurdous substences by
<br /> "-y��"Y Environme�tal Law su�d the following substances: gasoline,kerosene,other tlammable or toxic petroleum products.�oxic
<br /> ;_�1; pes�icides ond herbicides,volutile salvents,materials containins asbestos or formaldehyde,und radioactive materials. As
<br /> ' ;:- >,• .
<br /> -"'m";:r:�� • used in this paragraph 20."Environmental Luw"meuns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction wher�e the Property is located
<br /> r��.,�=`�� that rclate to heal�h.safety ar anvironmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Bartower and Lcnder iurther covenunt und ugree as follows:
<br />---"�•_'�y,� � 21. Acceleradon; Remedies. Lender ahpll give nodce to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's
<br /> �-�--=�-'��r• �'. � breach oi any covenanl or agreement in this Security Inslrument(but not prior to acceleratioa under paragraph 17
<br /> -- .r r: � ,
<br />__��:�„Y�:,_� unless applicable law provides otherwisel. The notice ahall specify: la)the defwull;1b11he actlon required to cure tl�e
<br /> ---- — default;(c)a date,not lesa than 30 doya from the dAte the notice is given to Borrower.by whkh the defAUit�nust be
<br /> ;�-����.� cured;And Id)that�piinre to cure ti�e 8eiwuii oii or' befo�-e the dsie s�cr!l3c�!Ip!he nnllce snay sesult 4n acceleratbn�
<br /> ',�t.:�.�: w the sums secured by lhis Security Instrument And sale of Ihe Property. The notice shall iurther intorm Borrower aP
<br /> �„�,���; ;• the right to reinst�te pt�er acceleration And the right to brin�a court acNo�to assert the non•existence oP a default or
<br /> any other defense ot Borrower to acceleration end s�le. It the dePuult is not cured on or bePore the date speciiied in
<br /> :i._��:x,:..��s� ' the notice�Lender at ils opdon mAy require immedi�te payment in i'ull of all sums secured by this Securlty lnstrument
<br /> �+ *` without further demand and mAy invoke lhe power of sale and any other remedies permitted by Applicable law
<br /> "�--=---�''"' " " I.ender siwll be entitled to collect All expenses incarred in pursuing the remedies provided in this pa�Agraph 21.
<br /> ,�ea��{� :.
<br /> -��:..:ac.� ' including,bu/not limited to,reasunAble attorneys'fees and cosls of title evidence.
<br /> '0G" ' If Ihe power of sale is invoked,7lrustee sh�ll record u notice of deiault in euch caunty in which any part uP the
<br /> �� ,�'�.;,�; Property is located and shall mail capies of such nulice in the manner pre.scribed by applicable law to Borrower and to
<br /> „�,._,.�.,._. Pe p Y pp �I Y PP � P°
<br /> - �,� the other rsons rescribed b A licable law. Aiter tlie time r uired b a I�cable law.71ru4tee shall ve c
<br />,�-' �;�'.�t? •. noNce ot xale to the persons and io the manner presc�ibed by�pplicable law. 7Fustee,wilhout demand on Borrower.
<br /> '���' ahpll sell the Property at public aucNon tu the highest bidder al the time and place and under the terms designs�ted in
<br /> �'wM. � the notice oP sale in one or more pArcels ond in any order 7Yustee determincw. 'IYu�tee may postpone sAle of oll or any
<br /> ��`� ` �'h-'>>��y parcel of the Properly by public annuuncement at the time und place of any prevbusly scheduled�le. Lender or iL4
<br /> '�'`�'� `='���- desiQnee mAy purchASe the Properly�t uny w�le.
<br /> '"�T"c��.:.
<br /> ��;`^�;:;� Upon receipt of payment uP the price bid.'I�ustee 4ha11 tleliver to ihe purchaser 71�ustee's deed conveying the
<br /> .� :.�•.� Property. The recitals in the 71�ustee's deed 4hall be primw facte evidence oP the Iruth of the slatemenf�made therein.
<br /> ���-- ;:,:,•
<br /> _,�.�,� • � 7Yustee sh�Q apply tbe proceeds oP Ihe sule in the Polbwing order: Ial to all roslx rnd expenses of exerc ng t e power
<br /> -- -�::y..�
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