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_ _ -:, .� _-__ _T,._.—�..._� _ . <br /> x�k , - <br /> `,._ -.�_ --� - <br /> - �' - — - - -- <br /> :�H`. �� �-__ . . <br /> -- .:, yi-- so5s�� <br /> candemnation or other taking of Any purt of the Propeny,or far conveyance in lieu oY condemnution,cue Ixrcby esaiQned And <br /> rhall be pAid to Lender. • <br /> !n the even� of n total taking af the Qmpetty, the proceeds xhuli bo applied to the sums securcd by �hir� Security <br /> ` - ` -° ° Ina�mmrut, wl�ether or not thcn duc,with su�y excess paid to Bormwer. In Ihe cvent of a pariiol tuking of the Pmperty in _ <br /> which the fuir market value oF the Property immediotely befare thc�uking ie�equul to or greo:er�hun the umount of�he xums <br /> __� secured by thfs Security Instrument immediately bcfore the�uking,unlesx Borrawer und Lendcr olherwir,e ugmc in wrfting, <br /> the auma secured by this Securily Instrument shall be reduced by the amaunt of the prcx;eed�c inultlplfeJ by the foflawing � <br /> -- fruction: (u)the totul amount of the su�na r.ecuned fmmediutely before the taking,divided by(b)the fair market vAlue of the <br />_ .. ____ ..---� <br /> Property iminedintely before the tnking. Any bulu�s4�shall be paid to E3arrowcr. ln thc event of a purtiul tak ng o c . <br /> Pmreny in which the fnir morket vAlue oP the Praperty immediately before Ihe taking ix less than the umuunt af Ihc aumx <br /> ;� secur+ed immediatcly befare the �aking, unless Borrower und Lendcr otherwise ugree in writing or unlexs npplicable luw <br /> — otherwise providex,the praceeds shall be applied ta the Qums xecured by this Secu�ity Instrumen�whether or not the sums are <br /> then due. <br /> ""�'° If ihe Properly is ubandaned by Borrower,ar if,after natice by Lender to Barrower that the condemnor offc�v to muke <br /> .__ _._ __--a��� an uward or ssettle a cluim for damuges,Bormwer fails ro respcmd to Lendcr wilhin 30 duys ufter thc dute the nutice iw given, <br /> ` s_-;� Lender iR uuthorized ta collec�and apply the proceeds,at its option,aither w re�toratian or repair of the Praperty ar�o�he <br /> ,� rums r;ecured by thfc Security Instrument,whether ar nat then due. <br /> Unlexc Lender und Burrower othenviRe ogree in w�iting,any npplicAtfon of pnxeeds to principul hhull not extend or <br /> �� :!�!� poslpone the due date af the monthly paymentc referted to in purng�nphr� I und 2 cx change the umount of such puyments. <br /> - 11. Borrower Not Releasedi H'arbearance By I.ender Not a �VaWer. Extcnsion of th� time for puyment or <br /> ;:.;.-,� <br /> --- - -•- <br />