v . '. t,.� ' ' �i'•.6ri.� ' ' - a_..�"_.—_
<br /> f��r1.^y�cufoL"'� • ' - ' �_.___ _ � ___. .-....._`____ . � .,- ,n .
<br /> 93- �.o�s�s —.
<br /> pprlod�dNt 1.ender roquites. 7f�o Ituur�nco canier providln�the inwtanx�lull bo choicn by Borrower�ubjxt w l.a�derti '
<br /> �puv�l whioh�II twt be w�neusansbly wlthheld. if Bonnwer fdls W mainlain coven�o desc�rfbod�bove.l.a�der may.at
<br /> 1.,aiderb optian,oM�ln covtra�e to pwect L�xle�ti ri�in 1he rr+operty in axosd�nce w3�h p�grsph 7.
<br /> All inaur�nce pnliciea and renewal�studl bo�cceptable ta i,ender and sh�li include a wndud mortga�e cleuso. l,ender
<br /> �ehrU havo�he right to hold tha policlex�nd renawals. If l.ender roquiRS,portower ahall promplY Qive tn Lender dl roceipts
<br /> af p�id prcmiums w�d rcnewa!notices. In tho event of loss.Homower sh�li�ive prompt notice w Ihe inrurance c�rrkr�nd
<br /> Lender. Lender may make proof of lass if nat mAda promptly by Bortower.
<br /> Unkss L.ender uid Borrower otherwlso agrce 1n wridng.insurance pnaceaia ehWl be�pplied to rcstoratlon a•rcp�ir of
<br /> - �.-�--��---�- tho�rty d�maged. if 11x Rswration or�pair ls economically feasibie�nd Lenderh�ecudty is not lesxened. if 1he
<br /> neatorat on or repnir is not ecawmically faaxible or LenderS� sxurity wouW be lew�ened,the inlcurance pncxYeds shall be
<br /> applied w Ihe aums securcd by this Secudty Instrument,whether or nd then due,with any eacess paid to Bomnwer. If -
<br /> Barower abandons the PropeAy.or das nat answcr within 30 days a noNce from Lender that the incur�nce carrier fwa
<br /> ot�'ered to xettle a cloim.then Lender may wllcet the inaumnre proceeds. L.ender may use the pmceods to r or rcstore
<br /> the Property or to p�y sum:securcd by thi�Secudty I�Ruument,whether or not thm due. 7be 31May peri�wi w 11 begin when �_
<br /> -�—_---__� the natice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bomnwer otherwisa aBree in writing.eny upplicntion of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpcxre the duo dete of the monthly pnyments refenrcd to in p�uagrapha I a�d 2 or chenge the amount of�he paymente. If
<br /> uu��der parrigruph 21 �he Propeny iR oequircd by Len�ler,Bor�n�rer'�dght to any 1nRUmnce polkies und proceeds resulting
<br /> fran d�n�$e to th�Prape�ty prior ta the acquisition shali pacs to I,e�d.er to�he extent of the sums secuned by this Sdcurity
<br /> lesaumrnt�mmediately prior to thc ucqui�ation. ' ' •
<br /> 6. Uccupaacy, Preserv�Non� Meinteneace �ad PrWe�f�laa of tUe Propertyi Borrorrer"s Luwn App'k�ayiv�;
<br /> I,,e�seNolds. Borrower shall occupy,eslablish.and use Ihe F1�opel`ty�.4 Bomowerk principsil residence within aiK�wia�,��f1�r
<br /> - the executioa af this Security Instmment and shall eo�bi�.+:tq��ac�upy the Properry ux Borrower�prirtripal��:�rr.ce�ar ai
<br />- least one yeaz nfter the date of accupancy, unless 4e� irthenvi� agrees in writing, which consent s�hail �!o't be
<br />�',+� unreasona6ly withheld.ar unles.s extenuating circumstAnces exisi which are 6eyond Bortower's cdreaal. Horrower shaU nat
<br />- destroy,dumoge or impair the Propeny,nllow Ihe Propet�tp.tn deteriorute,or cammit woste on tl�Property. Borrower shall
<br /> ' be in default if any forfeitw+e action or proce�ding,whrthzr civil or criminal,is hegun that in Lend�rk good iaith judgment
<br /> could result in forfeiwre of the Propeny or othcrwix� m�terinlly impair the lien creAted by thls Srcurily Inctn�ment or
<br /> � Lender's�securiry intenest. Borrower muy cure such a def;�ult und reinstate,as provided in parngrnph 18,by causin�the uction
<br /> or proceeding to be dismis�ed with a ruling thut,in l.ender c gaod fnith determinotion,precludes forfeiture of the Bortower§
<br /> i�lerest in Ihe Property or other muterial impaimtent of�he lien created by�his Security Instrument ar Lenderx security
<br />... interetit. Borrower shull ul�o be in defuult if BoROwer, during �he loan upplicution proces., guve materiully fulse or
<br /> inaccumle inform;ui�x�or sta�ements to Lender Inr failed to provide Lender with any material informntion)in cannectian with
<br /> - the loan evidenercl by the Nae. including, but not limited �o, representalions conceming Borcower's accupuncy of the
<br /> Property ax a pdncipal residence. If thix 5ccurity Intitn�mant is on A leucehold.Burmwer tihnll comply wfth ull the provisions
<br />_�.�r.�r�eic��- - -� ot the ieuxe. it Bomower ucquireti iec titfe to the Prnpeny,the iearei�oid wid�he fee tide xhall not mcrgc unies�i.ender egrces
<br />::��;.':�� " .?'�� � • to the merger in writing.
<br />:-���`'� �•:..:.= .", . 7. Protection oP l.endePs Rights tn the Property. If Borrower fails tn pr.rform thc covenunt,und ugreemrnts
<br /> ��`•'�«!i�.'.•:'.�'.•,�;;;�„� ronteined in this Security loWrumen�, or therc is a� lc�al prcxeedinR that may significumly uffect Lender�rights in �he
<br /> - ����;:;��u�j1•±�;�.�ay prnpeny lsuch as u praceeding in bankruptcy,probutr,for cundemnution ar tixtei�ure ur to enPorcr luwx or re�ulations),then ,�_
<br />�• �r,'•�-� Lender muy do und pay for whutever i�necetixury t,�pr��tac� thz vulue nf the Propeny und Lender's righ�x In thr Nvperty.
<br /> � ° , i, Len der�uct ions m:�y indu de Nwying uny sumx ucure:l M•u lien w�hic h hux priorily over t his Securily Inztrumeni.uppenring
<br />_ ,;,�;'R,,,,;,`�'. . in court,pnying rtiuwnublc vnamcys'fec, unJ cmrring on thc Pnipeny w makc rep:►in. Althnu�h Lenckr mqy �ul:e uclion
<br /> , utldCr this parngruph 7,Lcnder J�xti not huvc ai do so.
<br /> .�;,��,,,,��;,,�,�� Any umount.Jixbur.�eJ by Lender und�r thi� para�ruph 7 shull hecume udJitionul deM of Borcower recured by this 'o�`_
<br />" -d• �.:1 �,-.- -r. Security In.uumrm. Unles�Bnrcuwrr und LcnJcr ugrc.d►ulhrr Ierm.i�f puymrnt,thc.r umounl�shull bear interer�from the --
<br /> '"' - ' datc of dislwnement ut the NMC rutr unJ ,hull hr puyuhlc, wilh inte�st,upon notice fmm Lendcr to Bortower requesting =_
<br /> r : C
<br /> . payment. c
<br /> �� 8. MorlgaRe Insurance, If Lendrr myuireJ m�rnEagc imurrncc ati a roixliliun i�t'mukin� Ihe lovn �erur�J by Ihi� �
<br /> , Security Inxtnimem. Burmwcr.hull puy thr prrmium. r�yuireJ tu mainu�in tl��murtgu�r in�urance in effecl. If. for um �--
<br /> �� ' - ° reason, �he monguge insurunce roverugr rc�yuind by l.enJrr lapK. or rru.�+ �u Ix in ei'fert. Burrower ,;hull pay the �-
<br /> . � � . premiums reyuireJ �u obwin cuverogc wb,iuntiall� eyui�•alrnl tu Ihr nH�nguge intiurunce previuu.rly in cl'frrl. al u coxl �:
<br /> , substuntiully eyuivulent tu thc co.l w Borrowrr af tfi� mongage in.urunce previuu�ly in rffect.1'rom un alternate mnrtguz� �-_
<br /> .`;� intiurrr uppmvcd hy�l.rnJcr. II'�uh.t,inu:�lh►yui��:�l�nt mnrt�uge in,ur:mcr cu�•�r.�ge is nut urailablc.Honmtirr.hull pu}�tn —
<br /> _ ,, ,;,,�,
<br /> �; �'• Lcndrr cach month n tium eyual�u unrawrlfih of thr}rurly monga�c inwr:mcc rr��,����»n���,�:raid b�•Borrowcr whrn Ih�
<br /> . � � in+uri�nre coverugc lupsed or cra.�J lo Ix in rl'lerl. I�rndrr�+ill arrepl.u.r:md rrwin�he.r paymrnt+ii,u I��„re.rrvr in liru �:�
<br /> ��.u� R_._"
<br />. F - ,. af monguge in.urunrr. Lu.s re.rrvr puyn�ent. m:t�nu langrr Ik reyuireJ.ut the uption af LrnJrr.il'mongagr imuranrr �-�T
<br /> ; .h�'�ti' coverLge(in Ihe amount uod titt tlx�xri�Kl thn� Lcndcr rryuira.l rro��idcJ h�•an in.urcr approveJ b�•Lrndtr ugain lxromr+
<br /> :'. , �'
<br /> nvuiluhk:�nd ix ohluinrJ.Rnrn���rr.hull pu�•thr pmmium,rryuircd lo rn;iintain mongag. in.ur:mrc in�1'fccl.ar ta pravidc u -
<br /> -� � �� .;�,�%ti�?:,',' Irnti rexen•c.umil thr rcyuirrment ti►r munga�r in.uranrc enJ.in arcurdanrr�cith un��a riacn uERrment Ixtw•crn Burn�wcr
<br />