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, �„� ..�, :�-� ;,, . <br /> -- __ - ----- . .� ,::;..... _ ..., -- - - "- --- <br /> r - � M��` - ` � --_ <br /> --_4 - . - � ��. ♦ a <br /> ♦YM� <br />. ._��6': . 1 •�Y� j ..,�...:�-- ----- ---.. .�. __ . .-. . <br /> _.__ _ _ � A�/ . ..r n �A <br /> _ - �1� lVao�ta <br /> _. candemnutian or othcr takin�ni uny part of the Propeny,or for conveyAnce in lieu oi'cpndemnatiun,um hercby w�ri�ned w�d <br /> �iwll ba puid�a Lendcr. <br /> In Iho event af a total IukinQ of the Propeny. �he pmceeds Ahull Nc upplicd to thc +um� +�•��urcd by �his Security <br /> � Instrument,whethcr ar nW theo due,with any cxcchs puid�a Bormwcr. In�hr ev�ot.if n puniul tukfng aY thc Propetty in -- <br /> �` which tfic fair murket vqlue uf�he Pmpedy immediutcly Ix;foro�hc�aking iw equul ta ar grca�er�hun thc umoum�f ihc sumx <br /> -� - -- �ecured by this 4ecurlty Instrument immedfately t+efore�he�oking. unlexs Bnrrawcr und Lendcr olhervvirc ugrcc in wriUng, <br /> �-- �hc xum�xecurcJ by�his Secudty Instrument xhull be rcduced by the amount oi'�hc pnxredc multiplied By�he foU�wing <br /> g "' ��- ` - ' fraction: (u)�he towl um�wnt uf tF►e su�uK n�curcd immcdiutcly beforc the takfng,divided hy(h)the fair merke� value aP the <br /> Prop¢Ay immediutely before ihe laking. Any balance Khull bc puiJ ta Boaowcr. In �he cven� �►f u purtiol tuking of the � <br /> PrapeRy in which the fuir murket vulue uF the Pmpeny immedfutrly befarc�hc tukin�c i� Iess ihun�hc umoum uf�hc xum.r <br /> ��� secured immedintely before the taking, unlexz Barmwer und l.endcr otherwise ngrce in writing or unleks applicublc low <br /> .._� othenvine provider.the praceeds shall be upplied to tha sums�ecured by lhix Securiry Inwtrument whethe�ar not i8e sumx ure <br /> =:=� then duc. <br /> _�ry_'?�1 If the Propeny ix ubundoned by Borrower,or iF,afler nocice by Lender�o Bom�wcr Ihut the condemnor offen to make <br /> - -- --. an uwnrd or setde a claim far dwnages.Borrawer fuii,w re�pund to l.ender within 30 duy�ufter the Jute the tMtice ix given, _ <br /> _ � ��%''?� Lender is nuthorized to collect und apply the pracecda,ut its option,either io rextorutian ur repair af Ihe('�openy ar�o�he ` <br /> -�-;� sumg secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> -- Unlesx Lender and Barrower othenvise ogree in w�lting.any upplicution of pracceds�o prinripal xhull not extend or <br /> -���� po�tpone the due date of the monthly puymcnts referred ta in pu�ugrAph� I nnd 2 or chunge�he amount of,uch pnyment,. _ <br /> �:-� <br /> ---� -�•� 11. Borrower Nut ReleASed; Corbearancc By Lender Not a Waiver. F,x�encion af thc time or payment or <br /> T y� c <br /> _._._'-_"_'_"__ <br /> ___„� modification of amonizution of the sumR secured by�hi�Secudry Inslrument grnnted by Lender to uny yucce.r•sor in interest <br /> -..._.. <br /> =' of Borrower shall not operute ta releus�the liabiliry of the originul Bonower or Borrower�successo�in inlerest. Lender <br /> ��,� ahall not be required to commence proceedings ugainst uny successor in inlerest or refuse to extcnd time ur payment or -- <br /> � -� othenvise modify amonization of�he sums xecured by this Security Instrument by rcuxon ot'uny demund mude by the originul <br /> —�''= Horrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any farbeurnnce by Lender in exercixin�uny right ar remeJy shull not be a <br /> ---`�=_='�=��� wniver of or reclude the exercisw of an ri hl or remed - <br /> �-�:r.-�t�:'t�.., P Y � Y• - <br /> ,��,,��s,�•;= 12. Successors and Asxigns Bound;Jolnt And 5ereral l.lobillty:Casigners. The covenunts und ugreementti of thiti - <br /> -- Security Instrument shAll bind und benefit the succeszan nnd atisigns of Lender und Borrower, �ubjrct tn the provisianx of _ <br /> _--.�"� paragrnph 17. Borrower ti covenants nnd ngreements xholl bc:joint und severul. Any Bonower wbo co•tiiFna this Security <br /> - <br />
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