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<br /> podod4 thut l.endcr requircs. The inwumncc cwrier providing the insurunce shall be chasen by &►rrower Rubjxt to I.cnder's
<br /> � ppproval which rhall noi be un�cusionubly withhrld. If 8ormwer falls to rnuintain caveragc dexcribed above.Lutder
<br /> Lendert��pfon,ohwin coverage to proteet Lender�righls in the Property ln uccordunee wlth paragraph 7.
<br /> ` �— All in�urance policies und renawule xholl be acceptable to Lender und chnll include a s�and�rci mun�age clause. Lendcr
<br /> shwll t�avc�he r�ght to holJ thc policiew qnd renewalx. If l.ender requir+es,Borrower shall pmmptly givc ta Lender all rccelpts
<br /> -- °°---- --� of pnid premiums und rcmwal uuticea. la the event of loss.Barrawer�hall�ive pr�mpt nMice in the innurwKC carricr ond
<br /> Lender. Lender muy mvlcc proaf af loxa if not madc promptly by Bamwer.
<br /> - — �_�' Unless Lender nnJ Bo�ruwer aln;rwia:ugrcc ln wri�ing,insuronce procteds shnll he npplied tu retitoratfon or repoir of �_
<br /> tf�o Ptoperty damuged, if�he rectorutian ar repalr is economkAlty feasible and I.cnder� security ix nd lessened. If�hc
<br /> reatoration or repnir fa nd ecanamicully feasibl¢ar Lenderk secudty wauld t+e Iessened,the inaurance proceeds shull be
<br /> - applied to the sums secured by thfs Security lnatrumern, whe�her ar nat �hen duc, with any excesx puid to Borrower. If
<br /> -_-- Borrower atwndans�he Property. or dacs not unswer within 30 days n nrnice from lxnder that the insurunce cwfier has
<br /> =•, offered to senle u claim,then Lender muy collect the insurance praceeds. Lender muy utie the proceedK to repair ar resto�+e
<br /> the Property or lo ppy aums sccured by�hiw Secudry Instn�ment,whether or not then duc. The 30�duy periaf will begin when
<br /> -� � �he nodce ix given.
<br /> �_� Unles.g Lender and Burrower othen�vise agree in wdting,uny npplicntion of proceeds to pri�cipAl shall not eaten�J or
<br /> po4tpone thc due ds►te of 1he monthly puyments rcferred to in purngruphs 1 und 2 or chungc the amount of the puyments. If
<br /> -_-��� under paragtaph 21 �he Propeny is acquit+ed by Lender,Bom►wer?s nght ta suiy insurunce policiex und procxds rexulting
<br /> -- from damnge ta the Property prior to ihe ocquisilion ahall pass to Lender ta the extent of the sums secured by this Security
<br /> - °� °• Inatrument immediAtely prior�o�he ucyuf�fdun. ---
<br /> - 6, pccupwncy, Preservation. Maintens�nce pnd Protection oP the PropeMy; Borrower's I.o�n Applical(on;
<br /> -�:=-,, I,easelioldx. RoRawer shnll occupy,estublish,and use�he Property ns Borrower i+principnl rexidence wiihin sfxry days af'ter _
<br />•Y �+ � the execution of this Seeurity Instrument und:�hull continue to occupy�he 1'raperty as Bonower's principul resiclruce for at
<br /> `�s=.'�, least one year nfter the dAle af occupuncy, unless Lender otl�envise ugreex in writing, which consent shall not be
<br /> unreasonably withheld.or unless extenuuting circumstunces exist whi�h ure beyond Borrower ti control. Borrower shull not _
<br /> destroy,damnge or impAir the Properly,ullow the Property to deterioru�e,or commit wusle on�he Propeny. Borrower shull �.:
<br /> be in default if any forfeiture action or praceeding.whether civil ar criminal,i�s begun thAt in Lenderk good foith Judgment
<br /> cauld result in forf'eiture of the Property or uthenvise muterially impair the lien creuted by ihis Security In�lrument or �.
<br /> s ° �a' l.ender�xecurity interest. Bormwer muy cure quch a defuul[and relmtute,a�provided in paragraph IR,by caucing�he action �
<br /> ar proceeding to be dismi.r•sed with u niling�hat,in Lcnder�good fnith determinutfon,precluder�forFelwre of ihe Bonowcr�
<br /> < interest in the Property or other materiul impainnent of the Ifen creu�ed by this Secunty Ins�rument or Lender?�security ��
<br /> ' interest. Borrower shall nlso be in default If Barrower, during the laan upplicution procexx, guve materinlly ful.�e or
<br />��. ; inaccumte infortnution or statements lo l.ender(or failed to pmvidc I.ender with uny mu�rrial informu�ion)in cannccticxi wi�h
<br /> • the loun evkienced by the Nwe, including, but not limited to. tepresenta�ionx concerning Borrower's occnpuncy of the _
<br /> - _° _ �,:� Propert}+ as a principa!residenca !f this Sccurity ln4tn�mem ic nn a Icusehold.Borrower shall cumply wi�h all�he pravisions
<br /> .;n'i� .-:o „ of the leuse. It Borrower ucyuirer fce title to the I�ropeny,�he leuxehold and tha fcc title shull not merge unless Lender ugrees �.
<br /> " ��. to the merger in writing.
<br /> y;a � '' 7� Protection of Lender's Rights In Ihe Property. It' 9orrowcr fuil+ to perf'orm thc covenunt+ and agrcements
<br /> �S i�� �'
<br /> ' ,.. contained in this Securiry Inx�rument, or there is a legul proceeding Ihut muy .ignificuuUy uffect Lender's rights in the _
<br /> "`"•`�''a.'' Propesny Isuch ar•u proceeding in h:mkruptcy,probate,for conclemnutian or fortei�ure or w ent'urce luwx or regulution�),then
<br /> .•"�"'F°�� Lender rnay do nnd pny for whutever is nccessury to protect the vuluc��f�hc F'ropehy und Lrnder's rights in�hc Propeny. _
<br /> :s�,�� ° Lender's uctions may include paying by u lien which hus priori�y over thix Security Insirument,uppeunnF _
<br /> :,.�;�.�' ln court. paying rcasunable utlomeys'fee,und en�crin�on tl�e Properly�o muke mpuirs. Although Lender may �ake uction _
<br />- `'�;'. : .,��y�; under�his parngruph 7,Lender does ncx huve to do xo. --
<br /> �;;� ,. n; Any umountti disbuned by Lender under Ihiz purugr.q►h 7 shull hecome uJdi�ionul Jebt of Bom�wer�ecureJ hy Ihis _
<br /> �;,•• :�_� Securiry Ins�rumen�. Unk.r•ti B��rrowcr unJ Lender t�gree lo uther tenns i�f puymcnt,thetic unmums shall t+eur imcres�from Ihe
<br /> ��n��� dute of disburscment nt the Nrne rutc und xhull lie puyable,with intem�t, u�xm no�ice fmm [.endcr tn Bnrrower myue,ting =—
<br /> ' � '` u ment.
<br /> l�+ir:iy�. P Y _
<br /> „ ,.y�,,,. , .:, S. MoHguge Insurance. If Lender reyulred mongagc inxurunce us a conJition ol'muking the loun serured by�his � _
<br /> .�,,.�,.� Security Intitrumcnb Bormwer xhall puy the prcmium+rcyuired lu nmintuin �he m��ngugc in+urunce in cffecl. If, ti�r uny
<br /> r. . .._, reuxon, the monbugc in�u�unce coverugc reyuired by Lcnder laptics ur cra.ex to Ix in rff'ect. Born►wer tihull puy the _
<br /> „ �=�`� premiums reyuired to oMnin coverugc xubtit•rnlii�lly cyuivulent �o thc monFugc in+urnncc pr�vi�►u�ly in effert, nt n rost
<br /> '�, 'f ;,;;•''`1 subatantiully equivalent to the ccn�to B��rcowerol'Ihc mortEa�e in�urunce in effec�.from un atremut�munguge =__
<br /> � (;;;;:;;y�-,': , insurer u�pmved by LenJer. If�uh�tuntially cyuivulent nwn@ugr in�urunrc c��vcrugr i,not avuilublc.Bnrrower.hul) pay ro
<br /> " �+� % ;� •>'�::M I.ender euch month u�um ryuul�o o�x-twclRh of thc ycorly mur�gugr imuruncc premium lxing n�iJ by Bormwcr when thc �
<br /> ��"�� • s insuruncc rovcruge lupxed ur ccuticJ to Ix in cffeci. LcnJcr will tuccpt,u�r and re�uin thrse puymcnt+uti a Ici.,rctierve in licu
<br /> .. `? : �j(re:-�,. ..`
<br /> ��+",�. of mortgugc insur:mcc. l.uss rc�crvc p•ryntcnh muy im longrr ix reyuired.nt thr��ption�►I'Lcndcr,if morlgugc insuroncc
<br /> s�,
<br /> � cnveroge lin the umount and f�►r Ihe�nod thut Lcndrr reyuire.l pry�viikJ by un imurer uppmved hy Lender n�uin lxcomr.
<br /> " � ' •� . uvuilable and is obluincJ.Borcowcr�hull puy the prcmiumti reyuinJ li�m:�inwin mor�gu�tr in�urunre m ef(ect.or tu provide:� �r-
<br /> ti _. �=a..
<br /> • . =..�,�.��;, . , lotis reserve,until tl�e reyuirement for mcmEngr in�urutxe erxls in nccurJanec wilh un)•wrillen uEitenx nl hetween Burrowcr __
<br /> °• .i, . und Lcnder or applicablc law. - -
<br /> w��a�`�': 9. Inspectian. Lcnder or iis agrnt m:�y makr rrawnablr enlric+u�xm and im�xction,of thc Pra�ny. Lender•hull .
<br /> , , � .. give Borrowcr noticc al Ihc timc of ur prior tu un in,�xcliun��xcil'yin�rc.�.un+�hlc ruu+c f��r thr im�xrliun.
<br /> . 10. Condcmnwtion. 'Ilk rr�kerJ.ul un�•awarJ ur claiin ti�r dum;��:r�.dircrt��r cnnnectiun wilh uny
<br /> �::.. , '.:
<br /> „ - � tiin�:k 1-.unJ���Fuunk�lucit'nddlr�lucl'\IFOR�11titi'1'Nl'�1h:V1' •l'mionnt'mro,xn, Yi411 I�Yf1;1'+��II�/hl�f�l
<br /> � hn�.d I.�►r+Nwlro�•l�tun hn � 1 -- �
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