�..���� ..x-e_' �,;' ; . �;�: _
<br /> _ • ,.
<br /> , , _
<br /> -- .. ._.., _ _
<br /> -- - --- -=_--
<br /> . � �. ._. . . _ ...__ =- -- - -_ -
<br /> ._.._._� t�iatr-i3N�rv��v�iri�'i'�.So..�,:n+:��i,�.,3�lts:sls�cc:�t�!�-�f�!!�!!! 10 b 6 4 4
<br /> 19.Aoa�ntio�i R�. I�d�r dpoi!Ww�Mla to Aoerow�r p�tor�o�tolMwly Borrow�r'i
<br /> Me�o�otwy owu�t or sp'�t v tY�6�rih'�t(INt�uR�rior to�oo�bntlo��i�r�la 1��w117
<br /> �nt�w y*lkariR t�w Ko�td�s�ti�ewt�t).'[w �olia�II q�dl�r:lv tM�twla n11M�e�:rM a wn IY�
<br /> �(e)��d�,�at tM.�..�o�.n�w■�.�a�...aa r d...�o eon�o�r.Yr wWeM tM Mhwit�wt M ern�i
<br /> �aal(�l trt hWn�o an ti�i�ult o�ae Mfan fi�iN�y�dB�d V tl��otfa w�y rwdt W�RtlaM of tM aw
<br /> --- ---_' �raa My t6b i4etrdty IWru�t�d aM ot tY�Prop�h'.TIN�otl��li Airtlier ldon�Uoeeo��ot tiN ri�t to
<br /> �d�r aoaler�tto��ad ti�rid�t to kty�eo�ut�ctlo�to w�tt tMe�on♦xtsq�a ot a�fwlt or�y udwr
<br /> ____ � ddwn ot ftaerowv ta�a�d a{t.If t1»d�t�1t 4 aat c�nd o�ar before t6e date soalNed!a the eo!lce�I.�nde*
<br /> at Ib o�tta s�y roq�lre i�dlste paysat U(�U ot�II w�Nnr�br tii�9�c�ulty iWwaw�t wtt6oyt t�urtYK
<br /> - _ .' �W�ay G�toke twe powa oi a4 aod�y otlw�aod1�Y�tttrd hY apP�lpWe IRw.I.eader�ll be eetitled to �
<br /> cdleet aU axper�t [�comd io porwi� tb rwdlM lro�li�d la tYb�19.i�cirdl�. 6�t�ot Uwit�i ta,
<br /> reroabb attoneY�'t�n�d coqs ottlNe aldrn.
<br /> U tYe power ot wle 1�ir�okad�Ttwbe �Wl�ecara a�odce of�hult V eae6 caoatY I�wWeb wy�rt ot t6e
<br /> Pro�rq�4loptad�ad rhall s�ll eo/ks ot aeh�ofke t�tYe���onre�iMd 6y�pltabk I�w to Horrowu a�d to!ke
<br /> ot6�r pp�w�s pro�er(bal�y�pplkaW�law.Ah��Mie Mwe nqalr�d by�le law,Tnut�e sh�q aire pntilic sodce ot
<br /> ----- -�-, ale to t6e per�ow ud W tIM■u�er prwerlb�d�!'�PIiaW�bw.Trwtae.wftbout de�aud oN Borrower��6�H sdl ti�
<br /> _._ Pra�erty�t}�Ile wctloo W!ie�yrat 6Ni�atiru�tl�e rd fM�oe a�d u�da tLe ttr�dMipa�ie1Ye�otlee ot Mit ta
<br /> Y-•� ae or iaore�rab aod W a�y ordK Tru�tee deterriw�.T�stee may postoone ale of dl or asy pucel ot tbe Praperty by
<br /> -= pnbUc u�oou�oemest�t tie dait�d plwe ot W�p�nlewiY�dulyd wle.I.adK or ia dat�e�y P�rd��
<br /> Pro�My at iuy Mle.
<br /> -_ � Upoa e+ecelpt ut p�y�et ot tMe prta bi4 Trust�e sWll deliter W the Nr�a�Trustee's deed cw�eyia�Ibe _
<br /> _- - Propaty.Tbe�ecJtds Is tre Tn�tM'r dad��e}eir t�ele evil�ace of!�e truth ot tre date�oeeb sde ti�erein.
<br /> �� Tn�be�11��ly the}noeeitdlM Mla la We todowl�aden(v to dl�e�w�s d�e ale.i�cladluQ,6at aot 16nited
<br /> �---�- - to,Tr�M�e's!w�s penNilted by�pp8c�bk I�w wd re�wa�We attomeyr'taw�i(b)to 4U w�acwyd by tbis Ssauity
<br /> -= tuerrwe.a�.a tel.Ny�caa cn tYe p�non or peno..�e�uy aaa.a a if.
<br /> �'� 20.L�eader lo Poeuwion.Upon accekradon under puagraph 19 or abe�donment of the Property. Lender(in
<br /> =--`r.;� person,by agent or by judicially appoiated receiver)�hall be entitled ta enter upon,take paa.gesaion of and manege the
<br /> Property w►d to coUxt the renu of tha Property inclwung thae part due.Any rmts coilxted by I.ender or the recdver
<br />�,�..:�.«;'� shall be eppliod flrst to p�yment of tbe costa of man�geaunt of the PropeRy end collection of ronta,including,but not
<br /> ;+�� limital to,receiver's fac.premiumr on recdver'�bonds md reuonable�ttorneya'fea�and then to the�ums cecured by
<br /> .,;;,� thisSecurityln�trument.
<br /> ;:;_,� Z1.iNooa�ey�.Upon payment of all suma tecured by thi9 3ocurity Inslrument,Lender shap request Truata to
<br /> _ rocanvey the Property�nd shall surrander this Security Inurument and ell notes evidmcing debt aecured by this Security
<br /> _--'-�� Inatrument ta Trustee.Trustee�ludl reconvey the Property without warrpnty and without chuge to the person or pereons
<br /> - kppy enthled w it.Such peraon or per�ona s1uU pay any recordation cosb.
<br /> --=-�=��;�-� 22.SabNtate Trustee.Lender,at ita option.mty from Hme to dme remove'I'ruatee and appoint a succesgor tnutee
<br /> �.�;_- .- to any Trusta appointed hercunder by ar�inatrument recorded in the county in which this Secu�ity Instrument is recorded.
<br />----: ;�.�-��- Without conveyance of the Property�the tucces�or tru�ta�hall succad to all the titk.power and dudes conferred upon
<br /> • ---- ' ' Trwta herein and by applicable law.
<br /> --•:s�
<br />-�;.:.:�.�,��i', 23.Reqnart[or Nodcd.Borrower requeats thwt copies of the notices of defiult and s�le be sent to Horroaer's
<br /> -___.___L"' �uWress which is the Property Address. �
<br /> �•���.�":� • 24.Rlders to t6i�Secur(ty Iaitrumenw If one or more riders are cxxuted by Bonower and recorded together with
<br /> '��s'��;�.�.. this Secudty Instrument,the covenants and agramenta of each such rider shall be incorporatal into and shall amend er�d
<br /> - ---- _ �upplement the covenonts and agramenta of this Security In�trument as if tbe rideKs) aere a part of this Security
<br /> .�:,:T,�=;�:`. � Imtrument[Check applicxble box(ea)] 2�Family Rkler
<br />_ _ ___�' ❑Adjwtable Rate Rider ❑Cor+dominlum Rider ❑
<br /> -�"�����T: ❑(3raduated Payment Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rida
<br />=s.{"R",�� .
<br /> M�LLr°?'�=''..�. [�Other(s) [specify] VA GUARANTEED LOAN RIDER
<br /> '-'��`-'-"r� � RIDER TO MORTGAGE/OEED OF TRUST-VA
<br /> �----�-�,`;�:=:". $Y SION[NO BELOW, Bonower accepts and agroes t e te s ond covenauts conteined in thjs Socurity
<br /> �'�_ iastrumrnt and in any r�der(s)executed by Borrower and reco with it
<br /> ....
<br /> __, �..
<br /> y��.�.___. . . .. . . (�)
<br /> t.�.�tiid��a`': COPIES OF THE NqTICE OF DEFAULT ........ .� . . ....... ..... . . . .. . . ... ........
<br /> .:.
<br /> ws�.�:..�y�,
<br /> , ;,�- 'y. ��k.: THE ADORESS OF SUCH PERSONS SET .......................................(Seal)
<br /> - •��;:�,..�• FORTH HEREIN. ..............�.................................. ---ea�ow.►
<br /> :�,:-�
<br /> • ..,•'F�' .
<br /> - -� ` - ... '' —(lqct �Now T11M LIM Fo� AeMnowM1{n�►1]
<br /> •-- .
<br /> �.,, .y.• . sr�re or• .....NEBftAS1tA................ �
<br /> .;� .-,» . ;; ;. .
<br /> �,_., : ' � HALL SS:
<br /> "��.. : . COUM'Y OF ................................
<br /> �
<br /> `-'-""`""w` ��` � I...R4��RTA.L,R€�4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�a Notary Public in and for aatd county and at�te.do he�xby certity thu
<br /> ,,_�... . . .Re�p��4.;7�MC�BR I DE................ ... A,S I NGLE,PERSON..................,personally appeared
<br /> "�=_ -.._ � before me and is(are)kno�vn or proved to me to be thc person(s)ul o�betng informed of the contents oF thc foregoing instrument�
<br /> �'� •� � have executed same.and acknowledyed snid instrument to be....��S..............Tree and voluntary act and deed and thpt
<br /> '�`;''� '�._ (ItIS�her.their)
<br /> �L_.x
<br /> _Yµ--_
<br /> —__-_"—
<br /> ,. . . ��ne.................executed said tn:tcument Por the purposes nnd usa therefn aet foctd.
<br /> '' (Be�ahe�they) ,
<br /> •,:- -�.u_ ., 27th August 91
<br /> .. , Witaess my hand and ofticial ual thts......................... .doy of......�.........................� 19......
<br /> . .. My Commisston�xpua: JULY 30. 1994 (i •�• ,�
<br /> �:i•.. . .. . 1 ,o� � /-� �� � Ic � L� �
<br /> ',,�,._� . o �l�fAR1►,Sbll M M�Ir�sk� ... . :rFci.�:'' ✓ {.:: C� C�►
<br /> ° �"" ROBEI�TA 1_REED .. .. ... .........�................
<br /> �E `�' � Mr Oo��.ExR luM 30.1991 NO PYbI6R
<br /> s. . �
<br /> ._,
<br /> � �; � Tht�tnserument was prep�red by.....,COLUMBUS.FE D�RAI..SAV I NG5 HANK ,.,...�.,.,..
<br /> �;:..��' .............. ....................
<br /> ��" � 44771
<br />